The night didn’t end there. I carried on fucking those two Australian teenagers all through that night. All three of us were crazed with lust for each other, unable to stop grabbing at tits, legs, cocks, hair, pussies, asses. Whatever we could hold, or lick or suck, or fuck we did until we were completely drained and the sunlight was creeping under the doorframe.
I can’t really remember exactly what happened. I certainly lost count of the number of times I came. But luckily I’d brought a camera so was able to get a few pics of the debauchery. They’re souvenirs that I’ll treasure all my life. There’s one I took while standing up of both girls sucking my cock, another of Kallie’s mouth wide open above where my cock is thrusting in and out of Becca’s juicy pussy, and a beautiful one of Becca intently tonguing my cum out of her friend’s used pussy and asshole.
At one point I put the camera on auto, where it takes a pic every five seconds and positioned it at the end of the bed while I placed the two girls on top of each other, and stuck my cock first in Kallie’s pussy, held it for five seconds, then put it in her ass, held it for five seconds, and moved down to do the same. The pics came out perfectly, showing my enormous-looking prick in each of the four holes in order.
They’re all amazing pictures, and whenever I look at them I get instantly hard just remembering that night. What’s really incredible about them is the contrast between Bayan Escort Gaziantep the unbelievably filthy acts we performed on each other, and the sweet, blissed-out expressions on both the girls faces. Ok, on some of them they look like demented sex demons, their faces contorted by a moment of particularly intense desire, but on some of them they’re different.
For example, there’s one that Becca took, while she was straddling my cock, facing away from me. I can’t remember it happening and I never even saw it, but it shows my cock embedded in her enflamed cunt, from which juices are spraying out, and landing on Kallie who is lying on the floor beneath us, her shoulders on the floor and her hips raised, so both her open holes are right next to where Becca is riding up and down on me. You can clearly see the blonde girl’s cum gushing out of her enflamed pussy into her friend’s open, stretched, waiting asshole. Looking further down her dripping body, you finally see her face. It’s so pretty. Her eyes are closed, a half-smile is playing across her lips, and her gorgeous brown hair is strewn artfully across her forehead. If you took away the rest of the picture and just showed her headshot, she could easily be posing in some fashion magazine!
It’s my favourite picture of all and I spend many hours looking at it these days.
I have many hours on my own now. As you can imagine my trip to Thailand didn’t end happily.
I left the girl’s after just a couple of hours sleep. They’d both wanted me to stay, telling me I didn’t have to go back to Louise, that I could stay longer and carry on fucking them, that we could all travel together round South East Asia. It was tempting but I wanted to get back to Louise. It had been the fuck of a lifetime, but despite it all I was still in love with Louise. I didn’t want to ruin it with her.
I rode slowly back along that bumpy road, handed in my bike, went for a quick swim in the sea and then headed to the hut ready to make my apologies to my girlfriend for why I’d not been back that night.
The hut was empty.
Louise had left.
She’d left a note: “Why couldn’t you have been better, Nick? It was so easy not to have gone with them.. Have a good life. Lou.”
I sat on the bed trying to work it out. How had she known where I’d gone and what I’d done?
Finally I decided it could only be the woman at reception who’d rented us the motorbikes. I went and asked her and she confirmed that Louise had asked her if she knew where I’d gone and she’d told Louise that I’d left with the two Australian girls. Louise must have put two and one together and made a threesome. Correctly as it turned out.
I figured I still had a chance of proving to her that she was wrong, that it had all been innocent. I ran to the port, hoping to catch her, but her ferry had left an hour earlier. I packed rapidly, got the next ferry and then a flight up to Bangkok, where I searched in vain through all the hotels, restaurants, and bars we’d been in at the start of our trip. She wasn’t answering her phone or responding to any e-mails.
In fact I never heard from Louise again. I still think it’s odd that she’s so certain she knew what I did. Maybe she doesn’t know exactly. If she still reads Literotica she will now, and I hope reading this story doesn’t upset her at all.
If I’m honest I’ve still not fully recovered from the relationship. I had something really good with her, and I screwed it up.
I’ve not been able to start another relationship since. I’ve seen a couple of people through Literotica, and am hoping one or two might lead somewhere. But deep down I’m still missing Louise.
I guess the only other loose end to tie up is Kallie and Becca. I’m still in touch with them. They’re both back in Australia and e-mail me occasionally to tell me what they’ve been trying out on their boyfriends and each other.
They’re promising me they’ll be visiting the UK later in the year with their boyfriends and they’ve suggested that if I’ve got someone to bring along we should all meet up for a six-way orgy. Which sounds like a lot of fun. If I do manage to find someone to take, and it does happen I’ll be sure to post the story up here.
For now though it’s time for some alone time with my cock. I’ve got a picture next to my computer of my cock erupting with cum just above Becca’s and Kallie’s open, eager mouths, and it’s demanding my attention.