Fucked by My Brother and His Wife

Female Ejaculation

Greetings degenerates, perverts, lovers of erotica, and other assorted readers of smut and sexual encounters!

This short story is something I wrote mostly in one sitting. Several hours ago I took a break from writing something else and opened my notes to jot down some ideas, and one thing lead to another and here we are.

This story features Bridget, a twenty-five-year-old virgin and her twin brother Benjamin. Wendi is Benjamin’s twenty-six-year-old wife.

I’ve submitted this under incest (for obvious reasons) but it’s also very much a first-time story, along with some woman on woman play and a threesome.

If any of that doesn’t appeal to you, please check out some of my other stories to see if you can find one that does.

I know I’m far from the best writer on Literotica, but I am so very grateful for the community of perverts who like the same things I like, and who keep reading my stories and leaving me comments and sending me emails.

I love you all!



“Oh Wendi, what are we doing?” I whispered.

“We’re both adults Bridget.” She said, nibbling on my neck. “We like each other. We’re making each other feel good.”

“Fuck.” I moaned.

My brother’s wife licked my ear, and I felt her hand on my belly.

The heat of her palm against my skin thrilled me, and then she moved her hand lower, causing my entire body to tense up.

I spread my legs for her as her fingers brushed against my pubes and then pushed even lower, until I felt the heavenly warmth and pressure of her hand against my throbbing slit.

I moaned again and pushed myself against her exploring fingers.

“You’re not wearing any panties.” She whispered. “And you’re so wet you’re going to leave a puddle in the bed. Don’t you wear panties to bed dirty girl?”

“I…I…I was going to…I was…” I could hardly get the words out as my body convulsed with need.


I was visiting my twin brother Benjamin and his wife Wendi.

Our parents had died suddenly a few years ago as Ben was getting out of the Air Force, and I was graduating from college.

He and Wendi had just gotten married, and after we got our parents affairs in order, he and Wendi settled into a new life in the northeast corner of the country, and I stayed near home, working and pursuing an advanced degree.

Ben was going to school full time and working, and I didn’t get to see him or Wendi anywhere near as often as I wanted to. So, when he called and invited me to spend the whole month of January with them, I happily agreed.

“You never go anywhere or do anything.” Ben had said. “Come see us and we can spend some quality time together. Not these short weekend visits that go by too quick. I miss you and Wendi is dying to get to know you better.”

“Fine.” I agreed with a laugh. “But that means that I expect you both to come visit me this summer!”

“Deal!” Wendi had shouted from the background, and it was settled.

I loved my brother and we’d always gotten along, and I really liked Wendi. But we are very different. Ben’s a life of the party sort of person, and I’m happiest home alone with a book and music.

He’s also shared with me that he and Wendi are quite sexually adventurous, and I’m a twenty-five-year-old virgin who’s never had an orgasm with another person.

It’s not that I’m not interested in sex.

I’ve worn out so many vibrators in the last five years that I should be ashamed. It’s just that, despite being attracted to both men and women, I’ve never made a connection that stirred any real emotions within me.

But despite how different Wendi and Ben were from myself, we all truly loved each other, and I knew that I would enjoy my visit. I happily packed for my trip and set out to spend a month with them in the snowy northeast.

The first night there Ben prepared a huge pasta dinner, complete with homemade bread and the three of us ate and drank and laughed and talked until nearly dawn.

My second night there Benjamin was called into work, and told us he wouldn’t be home until late the next morning. Wendi took me out to dinner at one of her favorite restaurants, and then she and I came home and put a movie playing.

We shared dating stories, laughing about our various disasters with blind dates and about the different kinds of guys we’d encountered.

Despite her tendency to talk a lot, I was really enjoying spending time with her. She asked a lot of questions but had made it clear that anything I didn’t feel like answering, I didn’t have to.

Not that there were awkward silences. I discovered that if she asked a question and I didn’t supply an answer quick enough she’d ask another question or start telling a story.

After we’d opened a bottle of wine and settled in front of the television, she turned to me and resumed her quest to get to know me better.

“How’s your sex life?” she asked abruptly.

“Um. It’s not much of a thing really.” I told her awkwardly.

Less than a minute ago we’d been talking about a cliffhanger osmaniye escort on our favorite tv show.

“Come on.” She said. “You’re fucking beautiful, you’ve almost got an advanced degree, you’re about to be earning the big bucks, and you live all alone in a nice house. You should be jumping on a different cock every night.”

“Not really.” I blushed. “I haven’t taken a relationship that far yet.”

“Are you serious?” she whispered. “What are you saying? Are you still a virgin?”

“I guess technically I am.” I admitted.

“What do you mean technically? Are you into women?” she asked softly. “I didn’t mean to be so fucking offensive if that’s the case.”

“I’ve dated both men and women.” I smiled. “You haven’t hurt my feelings or anything. It’s just that none of the relationships have gone very far. There’s been no cock jumping. Or vagina jumping either.”

“I like girls too.” She said. “Lots. I like men of course, and your brothers cock keeps me shaking and moaning constantly, but there’s nothing in the world quite like the taste of pussy. And no one knows how to lick cunt like another woman.”

I blushed furiously, wondering what to say. Benjamin had told me about their sex life, but I hadn’t expected her to be so open about it.

“Ben told you that didn’t he?” she laughed. “I hope I didn’t just freak you the fuck out.”

“He mentioned it.” I laughed. “I just got the impression that he was telling me a secret that you wouldn’t want me to know.”

“Nah.” She said. “We’re pretty open around here. We don’t advertise it to the neighbors or anything, but sometimes we bring someone to bed with us.”

“Wow.” I said with a grin. “Well, your secret is safe with me.”

“It’s been a while since we’ve done that though.” She told me. “I think he and I are both feeing the need for some strange pussy. Me especially.”

“I get that.” I said. “At least in theory. I get pretty lonely in the middle of winter.”

“So what do you do?” she asked with a twinkle in her eye. “Masturbate? Vibrator? Porn? Go to a swinger’s club and let strangers eat your pussy until you pass out?”

“No to most of those.” I laughed. “But my vibrator is pretty good at keeping me company.”

“That’s what I thought it might be.” She said with a grin. “That explains why you used the word technically to describe your virginity. I guess a vibrating cock doesn’t count as a sex partner, but it can get the job done fuck-wise.”

“Mine has never let me down.” I agreed. “Unless it runs out of batteries.”

“So, if you’re technically a virgin,” she asked, “what exactly have you done?”

“I’ve been kissed a lot,” I said softly, “but not much more than that.”

“How do you stop at kissing?” she asked, her eyes wide.

We were facing each other on the couch, the movie long forgotten.

“Well, I finish by myself if it’s intense enough.” I answered in a whisper. “But it’s been a long time since I’ve had that sort of make out session with anyone.”

She broke into a wide grin.

“That’s what I do every time Ben works late.” She told me. “Finish by myself. I love sex of course, and don’t need to masturbate, but it’s something I enjoy enough to make time for. I’d be doing it right now if we weren’t sitting here talking.”

“Don’t let me stop you.” I said with a giggle. “Go upstairs and do whatever you need to. I’ll just turn up the movie if you get too loud.”

“Oh, you’d have to. I’m a screamer.” She laughed. “But it would ruin the movie for you. My moans tend to make people too horny to concentrate. At least that’s what my college roommate used to tell me. Usually right before she’d crawl into the top bunk with me.”

“I can lock myself in my room and put on my headphones if that will make you feel safer.” I laughed.

“Fuck that.” She said. “I like an audience. Crawl right up beside me on the bed and watch me cum. Besides making someone horny makes me horny. If knowing that hearing me moan was getting to you that would really get me off.”

“How often do you do it?” I asked. “By yourself? If you don’t mind me asking that is.”

“You can ask me anything.” She replied. “Just about every few days. Sometimes less depending on how busy I am, and definitely more when Ben is away for work. Sometimes a few times every day.”

“Since it’s all I do I sometimes wonder if I do it too much.” I said. “It’s good to know that I’m not abnormal.”

“You shouldn’t call yourself normal based on me.” She giggled. “My sexual appetites are definitely not normal. But I wouldn’t worry about it. It’s not fun being normal anyway. Why don’t you find yourself someone to do it with?”

“Someone to masturbate with?” I asked.

“Well sure, if that’s what you want.” She told me. “Someone to sit and watch you while you tease yourself to orgasm, and then you can watch them do the same. Just don’t be surprised if somewhere along the way you decide to stop watching and start participating.”

“I’ve thought about it a lot.” I admitted. “Someone palandöken escort to watch me. But I have so many things I want to try that they all get jumbled together so it’s hard for me to know what I really want.”

“Find someone you trust.” she said, “When you get horny take off your clothes and get on the bed with them, and just do whatever feels right in the moment. Sooner or later, you’ll have tried everything you can think of, and lots that you haven’t even imagined yet.”

“The way I’ve been feeling lately I’d be naked with someone every night.” I laughed.

“Well, you’d certainly get a chance to try all the things you’ve been fantasizing about, wouldn’t you?” she laughed.

“You’ve got a point there.” I said. “I wish I was a bit more like you.”

“How so?” she asked.

“I just wish that…hell I don’t know.” I said. “I just wish that when I was horny I was bold enough to do something about it.”

“Are you horny right now Bridget?” she asked.

I was suddenly aware of how hot I felt, and how suddenly sensitive and wet my pussy felt.

This conversation had been arousing, and it had been more than forty-eight hours since my last orgasm. Not only was I horny, but I wondered if she could hear my thudding heart.

“Yeah.” I said, my voice shaking. “I guess I am.”

“So let’s do something about it.” She said with a grin.

I stared into her eyes, unsure that I had heard her right.

“Wha…what…what?” I stuttered.

“Can I kiss you?” she asked.

“What?” I asked again, sounding stupid to my own ears.

“I’m serious.” She said. “You’re very pretty. I’d really like to kiss you. We both like girls. We’re both horny, and arousal makes every kiss even better. And we’re all alone so there won’t be any interruptions.”

“It would be weird.” I said. “Wouldn’t it really mess things up with you and Benjamin?”

“Not a bit.” She said. “Ben and I have an understanding. Besides he knows how pretty I think you are. And he told me all about his crush on you. He wouldn’t mind. It would turn him on if we kissed each other.”

“I…I…I don’t know what to say.” I said softly, my mind reeling.

I lost track of where I was for a moment, thinking of how often I’d moaned Ben’s name in the middle of a sweaty masturbation session as I felt an orgasm welling up inside me.

“You don’t have to say anything.” She said. “We all like what we like and we should embrace those things and chase them and experience them instead of being embarrassed by them.”

She reached out and took my hand in hers, and I suddenly realized how sweaty my hands were.

“As long as no one is getting hurt,” she continued, “there’s nothing wrong with sharing pleasure with someone.”

I felt my face flush, and I had a sudden vivid memory of crying out Ben’s name while grinding on my buzzing vibrator just a few hours before leaving for the airport to fly up here.

But those thoughts were suddenly interrupted by Wendi’s fingers brushing lightly against my cheek.

I looked up into her eyes, and then our lips pressed together, and she moved her body against mine and I sank back on the couch as we stretched out together.

With my eyes closed I let her kiss me, soft and slow and easy. Her fingers moved to my neck and I realized that one of my hands was on her hip and the other had circled her body and was on her back.

Our lips moved together and I felt the warmth of my arousal course through me as I tried to decide whether I was responding more to the heat of her body, or the feel of her hot lips against my own.

Or was it both of those things plus the knowledge that my own brother’s wife was the one passionately kissing me?

Music swelled from the tv screen as the romantic comedy that had been playing wrapped up, but it might as well have been playing to an empty room.

Wendi and I were focused almost entirely on each other, and somewhere in the back of my mind I wondered how long we’d been kissing if the movie was over.

We didn’t move, except for the gentle pressure of our lips sliding against one another’s mouths, as we continued the most romantic kiss of my life, all through the end of the movie, the credits, and then through the dark screen after the movie ended.

Eventually the tv screen went blank as the tv turned off, assuming that whoever was watching was asleep.

As the room was plunged into darkness the intensity of our kiss suddenly changed.

Wendi pushed her tongue into my mouth, and I shuddered and groaned beneath her. I pushed my hips against hers and felt her push back as we each acknowledged the growing need within us.

Our tongues probed into our open mouths, causing each of us to moan softly.

Her lips tasted like strawberries and she smelled like vanilla, and when she moved her mouth to my neck I forgot about Benjamin and grabbed fistfuls of her hair and groaned loudly in the dark room.

She pulled me as she moved back to her side of the couch, and then I palu escort was on top of her and she wrapped her legs around me.

Even through her jeans and my pants I could feel the heat from between her legs, and I wanted more than anything to put my hand on one of her breasts.

But I didn’t want to ruin whatever this was, so I didn’t, as we continued to kiss hungrily and to moan and pant. I pressed down against her, a thrill going through me as she flexed her thighs against me and pushed up at me.

More time passed, and she broke our kiss and put her mouth against my ear.

“Bedtime?” she whispered.

I nodded dumbly, unsure whether she was making an announcement or issuing an invitation.

She pushed against me, and I sat up, and she stood and leaned over me for another kiss, this one soft and gentle and almost sisterly, until she pushed her tongue against mine and I felt a warm exchange of saliva from her mouth to mine.

She kissed my forehead, and then turned and headed for the stairs, leaving me sitting in the dark room wondering what she wanted me to do.


She didn’t come back down, and after several minutes I went to my room, angry at myself for not having the courage to knock on her bedroom door yet scared that she had changed her mind and now felt that I’d crossed some sort of line.

I got into bed and tried to sleep, but my body was on edge from all the kissing.

After a while, alone in the dark room, I slid my panties off and cupped my pussy, feeling the warm heat of my wet slit against the palm of my hand as I stared at the ceiling wishing I knew what to do.

And wishing I was brave enough to do it.


I was startled out of a fitful sleep as I felt the bed shift.

My first thought was that Benjamin was home and upset about what Wendi and I had done, but before I could even get my thoughts together I felt the blanket being pulled back as someone got into the bed with me.

I smelled the vanilla of Wendi’s perfume and felt her tongue licking against my mouth as she pressed against me while pulling the covers up over both of us.

Even in the dark I could tell she was naked, and a surge of lust moved through my body that was so powerful that it made my entire cunt throb with needful lust.

“Oh Wendi, what are we doing?” I whispered.

“We’re both adults Bridget.” She said, nibbling on my neck. “We like each other. We’re making each other feel good.”

“Fuck.” I moaned.

My brother’s wife licked my ear, and I felt her hand on my belly.

The heat of her palm against my skin thrilled me, and then she moved her hand lower, causing my entire body to tense up.

I spread my legs for her as her fingers brushed against my pubes and then pushed even lower, until I felt the heavenly warmth and pressure of her hand against my throbbing slit.

I moaned again and pushed myself against her exploring fingers.

“You’re not wearing any panties.” She whispered. “And you’re so wet you’re going to leave a puddle in the bed. Don’t you wear panties to bed dirty girl?”

“I…I…I was going to…I was…” I could hardly get the words out as my body convulsed with need.

Not that it mattered.

I didn’t have a good reason for not wearing panties, except I’d gone to bed horny and had fallen asleep with my hand against my vulva.

“Were you touching yourself Bridget?” she asked her breath hot against my ear.

“I…I was…I…yeah…” I stuttered, unable to lie.

Her fingers started exploring, moving through the tuft of pubic hair between my legs and touching me in places that no one had touched before.

“Did you make yourself cum?” Wendi asked softly.

“N…n…n…no…no.” I stuttered the words out.

“Why not?” she asked, licking my neck.

“I…I…I didn’t think I could do it quietly.” I confessed. “I was…I was afraid you’d hear me moan.”

She used her other hand to push my pajama top up to my neck, and suddenly feeling the heat of her body so close to my breasts made my nipples ache.

“You didn’t want me to know how horny you were?” she asked, sucking on a spot along my collarbone.

“I…I wasn’t sure.” I admitted.

“I was listening.” She told me. “In fact, I was laying naked on top of our bed with my legs spread waiting for you Bridget.”

“Holy fuck.” I whispered.

Her fingers were dancing over my cunt lips, touching hard enough to drive me crazy but not with enough pressure to relieve any of the arousal that was growing within me.

She dipped her head under the covers and took one of my nipples into her mouth.

“GAWDFUCK!” I cried out, my body twisting with need.

Her wet tongue licked my nipple until it had grown so stiff that it almost hurt. And then she held it between her teeth while she flicked it with her tongue, and the need in my body made me dizzy and hot.

She moved up and licked my neck again, using her fingers to spread my cunt lips apart as she gently rubbed one of her fingers up and down my gash.

“You’re so fucking wet.” She whispered as she licked my ear.

I rolled my hips and shuddered.

“Kiss me, Wendi.” I begged in a shaky whisper. “Kiss me again please.”

She put her mouth to mine and I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her tight, feeling her tongue push into my mouth.

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