From Bottom to Top


Chapter I

“Get out here you stupid cunt, I never want to see you again,” were the hateful words Nick used on her partner of two years. Nick was a short wiry dyke, late 30s with an attitude. June Kennedy, her partner (and the stupid cunt in this tale) was taller than Nick, younger, softer, and a lot more pretty. She was also quite nice, which was an asset to her career as a nurse. She was currently employed in the ER department of a large Waltham MA hospital. June had been in a two year relationship with Nicole (Nick). She had been the femme in their relationship, and definitely a bottom. The two lived together in a downtown converted warehouse apartment. June had the better job and paid most of the rent. She decided to move out when she discovered Nick had been cheating on her, again. Nick worked as a driving instructor. June always suspected Nick often seduced bi-curious 16 year old high school girls. Ironically that’s how the two first met, June had waited until nursing school to take her driver’s test. Nick was one of her first female lovers and helped her discover the joy of being the femme of a very butch dyke.

Their breakup had been in the works for a while. June had been growing up and changing. Nick had not.

“You have become too demanding June, ever since you took the ER job. Before you used to be sweet. You wore dresses and skirts all the time, now you only wear them when we go out and I have to remind you.” Nick had said to her recently.

Not true, June thought. She loved wearing dresses and did so often. She liked to surprise Nick by going commando. Nick often went around strapped. Whenever June wore a dress Nick used to slide a hand under the skirt to check if her pussy was covered. Often that would lead to an instant fucking right there and then. Going without panties usually made June sopping wet and practically dripping down her leg. When Nick took her like that she never needed any lube, no matter what size cock Nick had chosen to wear that day.

June still wore dresses, Nick just stopped checking her pussy for panties. In truth June had tired of playing the compliant femme. Maybe the responsibility that went along with her ER job was actually changing her.

June knew Nicks’ reaction would be emotional, and possibly violent. Nick’s ego was at stake; what would her other butch and stud friends think? She knew Nick wouldn’t let her leave and wanted to avoid a long drawn dispute, so she waited until Nick was at work all day and hired movers to get all her stuff out of the apartment. Only then did she inform her now former partner.

With the extra income she made working the ER, June had saved some money and was hoping to buy an apartment for Nick and her to live in. She now thanked her lucky stars that the plan had never gone forward.

There’s a shortage of ER nurses nationwide, particularly in the south where salaries are lower. June accepted a job at the Mercy hospital in Charlotte NC. To sweeten the offer the hospital paid for hotel accommodation for a month. That was a key factor in getting June to accept the job. She could get out of Waltham, MA right away with two suitcases. She had put the rest of her belongings in storage and planned to send for it when she got settled.

Charlotte has the same shortage of affordable apartments as most other major centers. June found she needed the whole month to find a place. She was lucky in finding a nice two bedroom in an older building but in a nice neighborhood. She was shown the unit by Maxine Jones the building manager, a 35 year old African American woman with very dark skin, full hips, a round belly and huge breasts. It looked like she might fit a 36 DD size bra. The apartment was more than her budget but she could safely walk from there to the hospital. She decided she wanted it as soon as she saw the building.

Maxine the building manager immediately took a liking to the young woman from Boston. She looked like a runner and her clothes were mostly from expensive activewear stores. Her face was not really pretty but was what they called in the old days – handsome, which meant not cuty-pie pretty but good looking and had character. She wore her hair short which Maxine guessed could be easier for wearing the surgical caps that are mandatory in the OR. Or maybe she was gay, Maxine thought. Maxine couldn’t tell much about her bust because she wore a tight sports bra but the building manager guessed respectable – a large B cup or small C cup.

Maxine noticed these details because she liked girls, exclusively, and had done so since college. Maxine was shorter than her new tenant but much broader and by contrast was much more voluptuous and sexy looking. Although Maxine was about 30 lbs overweight, most of it was concentrated in her large and shapely ass and in her spectacular breasts. Her looks were those of a quite attractive African American woman although her brown color was on the darker side of the spectrum. On her head was a short woolly cap of curly and kinky black hair.

Maxine had grown Ümraniye travesti up in the Enderly Park neighborhood of Charlotte and had been sexually active since reaching puberty. In her family and in her neighborhood it was hard not to be, there were too many men around and to whom bootie was bootie. Mercifully she finished high school without becoming pregnant.

Maxine had been inspired by a teacher who encouraged her to finish high school and apply to a local college. There she obtained a bachelor’s degree and certification that allowed her to teach grades 1 through 5. While at college she had been seduced by one of her teachers who found the young black girl with the big ass and huge tits irresistible. In the 11 years since she had left college Maxine had a few relationships, none very satisfactory. The problem for her was that she was an unabashed bottom who seemed to always fall for the strongest and toughest dykes. The problem with that, at least in Charlotte, was that a lot of the black dykes were almost stereotypically gangsta with the attendant fondness for drugs and weapons. That scene really wasn’t for Maxine who was a very good girl. She still attended church with her mother every few months and enjoyed it. Meeting white dykes was proving quite difficult.

June had set off Maxine’s gaydar when they first met, but she couldn’t be sure unless she outright asked her and the black woman was not that bold. June said she would take the apartment immediately after seeing it and asked Maxine if she could hold it for her.

“Sure June, I will hold this apartment for you.” Maxine said with a smile. “But I will need your first and last month’s rent within 24 hours and your references before the first day of the month when you move in.”

“Thank you Maxine, thanks so much for holding the place. It’s exactly what I want. If you keep it for me until 7pm tomorrow I’ll get you a certified check for the first month and a regular check for the deposit. Do we have a deal?” June asked and put out her arm to shake hands, `just the way white folks do’ Maxine chuckled to herself.

It was at that moment Maxine became certain June was lesbian. By lifting her arm to shake, June had let fall the opening of the sleeve of her short-sleeved shirt and revealed the fact that her underarm carried a liberal sprinkling of dark hair. `No way she’s not lesbian with those hairy armpits.’ Maxine thought.

That’s when Maxine ‘s major crush began. June was not only attractive to her, she was really exotic. She came from a different world, a different culture; she probably didn’t even eat the same food Maxine did. But she was pretty sure about a couple of things, she was unattached and she surely liked pussy.

From that moment onwards Maxine was constantly on pins and needles. She wanted June like she had never wanted anyone else; but she was Maxine and realized she didn’t have a clue on how to go about getting what she wanted. The girl was so wrapped up in her doubts and fantasies she didn’t hear June say: “is 7pm tomorrow ok with you? I’ll bring the cheques then. The references might take a bit longer. My last place was rented in my partner’s name, and um…”

“You broke up and you’re not speaking anymore,” Maxine said, finishing her sentence.

“Well, it’s something like that,” June said, chiding herself for being so obvious.

Maxine at that moment had a feeling of warmth descend on her, like when one is faced with a difficult problem, and you suddenly find the answer. Not only did June have to come back the next evening, after she moved in she’d be coming back every evening, one floor up she just down the hall. OMG, this is my lucky day! Maxine thought to herself.

“See you tomorrow at 7pm June,” Maxine said and walked her to the door.

Maxine didn’t make a very strong impression on June who had been so nervous and stressed, desperate to get the apartment, she paid attention to little else. She had certainly noticed Maxine’s breasts and she found her quite pretty and sweet. But in Massachusetts where she had lived for the past few years there was little mixing of races, at least amongst her group. And she had not, as far as she could remember, ever fantasized about or hooking up with an African American woman.

The following afternoon Maxine came home from work as soon as she could. She thought very hard about what was the best way to get June’s attention. Certainly a bottle of wine to celebrate her getting the apartment. She thought carefully about how to dress. It looked like June followed the Birkenstock and LL Bean school of fashion, which was something Maxine did not. On the other hand she really couldn’t go wrong with a ‘please fuck me look’, she thought. After a quick shower in which she did her best not to touch herself (at least too much), Maxine chose a very tight and short dress which almost looked like it had been painted on her. She also decided to go without a bra and to go commando. A dab of the most subtle perfume she had and a chilled bottle Ümraniye travestileri of Rose and she was ready.

June arrived promptly at 7 and handed over the checks as soon as she was in the door. If she noticed how Maxine was dressed she didn’t react.

Maxine said to her, “June I thought we might toast getting your apartment. I know you don’t move in for another few days but I have a bottle of wine chilling. Won’t you join me for a drink?”

Unfortunately for Maxine, June was so wrapped up in her own problems that she barely noticed Maxine. Because she was so worried about getting a reference. Only a half an hour earlier she had phoned Nick to ask her for help.

“You ungrateful cunt,” Nick shouted at her. “You left me having to pay the rent on my own and I can’t afford it. I’m going to be evicted and it’s your fault. I’m going to sue, just watch me.” She said and hung up.

Now she had no reference, and she might be sued. She wanted to get out before Maxine asked about the reference. Joining her in a bottle of wine was only going to make things more awkward. `I have to get out of here, ‘ she thought.

“I’m sorry Maxine I have to go,” she said, easing towards the door. “Thanks for the offer, I have to run. I’ll try to get that reference for you as soon as I can,” she said and disappeared down the hallway.

`Fuck! That went really well!’ Maxine said to herself as soon as June had

gone. “She didn’t even look at my tits? Maybe she doesn’t like tits!’ She

thought. `Ungrateful bitch, couldn’t even stay a few minutes.’

Maxine quickly took back that thought. She was a fundamentally kind person and always tried to find the best in people. She knew that under normal circumstances even a straight woman would not have ignored her invitation. So there must be another reason, she thought, something that is stressing her out. Could it be the references? Maxine knew how much June wanted the apartment and it seemed out of character for her to run like that. `Yes, the references, that had to be it.’

After some reflection she composed a text to June which said: `please come by tomorrow. I really need to have your references. I’ll expect you at 7.’

After June had left Maxine’s apartment and returned to her hotel she settled down a bit.

`I’ve been such a dummy. I’ve been looking at the trees so hard you’ve ignored the forest! The only person who really cares about the fucking reference is the building manager, Maxine! And you blew her off. Idiot!’ And then she suddenly remembered how the woman was dressed. Pretty hot. `Probably has a date tonight with some big black stud, and now she’s pissed off. Way to go June! She said to herself.’

June was in the middle of beating herself up when Maxine’s text arrived. It didn’t improve her mood or relieve her anxiety. She texted back: OK

Afterwards June calmed down. She realized she couldn’t do anything about the reference. She was simply going to have to offer to show her employment contract, which is really all she had. She would then throw herself at Maxine’s mercy.

The following day Maxine decided she would try again. Was it even possible to be more obvious? If the `take me out and fuck me – approach’ didn’t work, she had only one option left: the `fuck me right here and now – look’. She could lie in front of the door with her legs spread, but that was a bit too obvious, she thought.

She remembered she had once bought the most amazingly revealing baby doll negligee. It was in red which was her favorite color and which looked very hot against her dark brown skin. Its best feature was a sash-like strip of the fabric which cupped her large breasts and draped around her neck giving each of her boobs much needed support. The hem fell halfway between her knees and her pussy. The filmy material was very nearly transparent and best of all was some filigree stitching on the front and back that barely hid her privates. Which is why the set did not include sheer panties, they weren’t necessary. Maxine got aroused and wet just thinking about how she should look in the negligee.

The following evening at 7, June approached Maxine’s as if she were going to her execution. She rang the buzzer and the door opened and there was Maxine wearing a filmy negligee that left absolutely nothing to the imagination. Not her beautiful brown skinned breasts with their dark chocolate colored nipples nor her plump pussy covered with short black kinky hair which trailed up towards her navel.

Come in June, and please sit down, she motioned to a three seat modern sofa. She sat next to her, close enough their thighs were touching.

“June, I hope you haven’t been too stressed by the reference request. I’m really sorry to hassle you and I can assure you It’s really not necessary. I can see that you are stable, you have a good job and they like you at the hospital. Most of all I can see you are a really good person, that is so obvious.” She said with a smile that lit up her face, showing very Travesti ümraniye white teeth against dark pink lips.

“Oh my God, thank you Maxine, I really want this apartment and I was so worried.”

June spontaneously threw her arms around Maxine and hugged her. Maxine hugged her back and then held her at arm’s length and regarded her with shining dark brown eyes. “I have a question for you June, it’s an important one.”

“Please ask me anything,” June said.

“You’re from New England aren’t you?”

“Yes, Massachusetts.” She said, “my question is, how do you guys flirt up there? Because whatever we do down here doesn’t seem to be working for me.”

June’s jaw dropped and she was suddenly at a loss for words. It was as if someone had removed a blindfold

“I, I didn’t know,” June stuttered

“Or maybe you just don’t find me attractive. I can live with that June,” Maxine said.

The two would later joke about what happened next. June would never understand what propelled her to launch herself onto Maxine, climb onto her much bigger figure and begin kissing the black woman.

“I think you are so beautiful,” June said in between taking breaths to kiss and bury her tongue in Maxine’s mouth. Her negligee had slid up so that the bigger woman was now completely naked to her armpits. June grabbed hold of huge fleshy morsels of her breasts. Maxine feverishly fumbled with the opening of June’s shorts, she had been imagining, dreaming and making herself cum about what this girl had in her shorts and there was no way she was going to be delayed or denied. Finally the shorts and panties came off and she was able to comb her fingers through June’s lush silky pubic hair.

“Please June,” Maxine begged. “I need to taste you, I need you now! Sit on my face, please.”

“Your bed has to be more comfortable, Maxine,” June said, stood up, took off her shirt and removed what flimsy portion of Maxine’s negligee remained.

This way, the big black woman said and she led the much thinner white woman into her bedroom, and onto the bed. There she lay on her back spread eagle, her big breasts lying flat on her chest, and her legs open to reveal her bright pink gash with its frame of smoky coloured labia and crown of kinky black hair.

June climbed up and knelt on top of Maxine, her backside aimed at her black face. She grabbed fistfulls of breast for leverage and thrust her wet pussy at Maxine’s mouth, who began frantically licking and sucking her pussy, clit and back hole. June loved being on top and having the feeling of control. With Nick she had done a greater share of the pussy licking. Nick always preferred to use her fingers or a cock. June found herself pushing back hard, testing how much pressure this woman could take and trying to smother her with her cunt.

Maxine was in heaven! This was her first taste of white pussy and if they were all like this she was completely hooked. She loved the way June was using her roughly. She was giving her the right amount of pressure she needed, without being mean. Being a bottom, Maxine was accustomed to being used roughly. June seemed to sense that and further endeared her to the black woman.

Maxine knew how to get her warm slippery tongue into those places it would have the most effect. She thrust it into June’s wet vagina, tried to penetrate her back hole and deftly manipulated her sensitive clitoris, beginning lightly and finishing by sucking it in and out as if it were a little penis.

June experienced one orgasm after another, each building up more pressure until she achieved release, only to start again up that climb, and then down the other side.

Finally when she couldn’t stand any more she slid off Maxine’s body, and lay beside her, their naked bodies sweat mingling. June pulled Maxine’s head towards her, kissed her on the lips and said: “hi you!”

“Hi yourself,” Maxine replied.

“I consider myself flirted,” she said with a laugh.

“God, I wanted to do that from the first minute I met you.”

“How did you know I would be into that, Maxine.” June asked.

The black woman answered by reaching over and tugging a bit of June’s underarm hair.

“Uh oh, busted I guess.” June replied and said, “now my beautiful dusky princess, it’s time for me to take care of your needs. What’s your pleasure?”

Maxine could think of a few things she wanted. She loved being fucked by extremely large dildos, in her cunt and in her ass, preferably while being tied up. She also liked watersports. But she judged it was too early in their relationship to go down that path. `Oh God I hope this actually is a relationship, `she thought.

“Can you use your fingers? Fuck me with your fingers June.”

“Alright, skootch up the bed so I can get comfortable,” June said and she lay down between the black woman’s open legs.

She began by running her fingers all around Maxine’s pussy which she opened as wide as she could. She explored every ridge, every fold and crevice, every wrinkle and every hole. She breathed in the musty smell of arousal and used her finger to spread the milky colored discharge that seeped out of her vagina. God she loved pussies and to her there was no greater thrill than exploring a new one like this. Maxine sensed she was being worshiped and held back her need for release.

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