Freeuse Sister, Rihanna Ch. 01


“In Your name we pray, Amen,” said Rihanna.

“Amen,” everyone followed. Jack, whose face was under his sister’s ass muffled an ‘amen’ too.

The family sat with the their legs folded on the floor, using cushions under their butts for comfort. Except Rihanna, who used her brother Jack’s face as her cushion.

Rihanna’s butt has been an object of wonder for quite a while. It was just too big for her body – even bigger than her own mother’s. Ever since she became 18, all the fat in her body stored up in her thighs and her butt cheeks. Once this was noticed by others, it became very popular. People requested Rihanna to use their faces as her seat – in uni, in buses, in church, and even at home.

“All right,” she said, preparing to get up. “That was a good time of prayer.” She lifted her ass from her brother’s face.

“Not yet!” said Jack, pulling her back down.

Rihanna looked down to him. “Come onnn, I’m hungry! It’s time for dinner!”

“Just five more minutes!” he begged. He held his sister down with both hands.

Rihanna giggled. “You like this, huh?” She shook her butt around, teasing her brother. “You really like being my seat, don’t you?”

“Yes! It’s so great!” he exclaimed.

“Well, I’m hungry, and I want food,” she said.

“Just ten more minutes!” he asked, rubbing her thighs.

“Eww! Get your hands off me! And how did five become ten?”

“Please? It feels so good. And you don’t even have to get up and move.”

Rihanna pouted, looking for a compromise. “Ugh, fine. Only five more minutes.”

Jack cheered.

Rihanna tuzla escort sat her brother’s face again, wiggling her butt and grinding her pussy on his chin. She had stopped wearing pants permanently because of the number of people who wanted her to sit on them. She was always bottomless wherever she went. This was more convenient as she never had to keep removing her bottom wear all the time for others. Her brother rubbed her thighs again, and she swatted his hands away. She crossed her arms.

“You’re not allowed to touch me.”

“Okay, okay,” he said.

“If you’re sorry, you can eat my ass for an extra five minutes,” she said.

“Yes!” he cheered. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” He reached for his sister’s butt cheeks, and pulled them apart.

“Oooh,” Rihanna said, feeling her brother’s tongue penetrate her hole. “I said…” Her eyes went up in pleasure. “No… touching…”

Jack ignored her, and continued to lick her asshole.

Rihanna let him continue, and leaned back, closing her eyes. She moaned lightly. His tongue felt so good.

“Hey, what’s taking so long?” Rihanna’s father called from the dining room. “What are you two doing?”

“We’re praying!” Rihanna said.

Her father was satisfied with that. “Just come quickly! Dinner’s ready!”

“Okay, dad!” she replied.

Her brother licked her asshole more deeply, spreading her cheeks apart a little more.

“Hey!” she hissed. “I said no touching!”

“Mmf mmf!” Jack tried to speak, his tongue still penetrating his sister’s anus.

Rihanna üçyol escort rolled her eyes, and got up, turning around.

“Hey! What the fuck?” Jack asked.

“Time’s up, dumbass. Get up,” she said, wiping his saliva off her asshole with her palms.

“Come on, you didn’t even give me the full ten minutes!” he complained, sitting up.

“I don’t care, I’m hungry,” she said, standing up and walking towards the dining table. “Hurry up!”

Jack got up dejected.

“Uh… you have a little something on your…” Rihanna said, pointing at her chin.

Jack rolled his eyes, and rubbed his chin. “Better?”

“Yeah,” she said.

She left her brother to wipe his saliva off his face from all the rimming nd entered the dining room. “Mm, something smells nice.”

“Ah, there she is,” Rihanna’s mother said, placing a plate of chicken curry on the table.

“I’m starving!” said Rihanna, taking a seat. Rihanna’s parents sat down at the table as well.

“Where’s Jack?” her mother asked.

“Coming,” said Jack from the back. He stood next to his sister and pulled out his cock, which was hard from all the rimming.

“Okay, Rihanna, say grace, please,” her mother said.

Rihanna smiled, and got off her chair. She bent down on her knees in front of her brother’s dick and started to suck it. She then folded her hands and started to muffle a prayer, and her brother guided his cock around her mouth. Saliva drooled down from Rihanna’s lips, but she earnestly prayed with her eyes closed and hands joined together. ulus escort Her parents and her brother too, closed their eyes in prayer.

“In… *gag* Your name we… *cough* pray,” said Rihanna, wrapping her lips around the cock. She took a huge gasp of breath, panting. “Amen.” She then kissed Jack’s cock, got up on her feet and sat on her seat again.

“Amen,” everyone replied.

Rihanna took a spoonful of chicken curry, and put it in her mouth.

“This is good, mom,” Rihanna said.

“Thank you, sweetheart,” her mother replied.

“Hey,” Jack whispered to his sister, his hard cock out in the open.


“How about a little extra prayer after dinner?”

Rihanna chuckled. “You’re lucky if I don’t beat you up for making me do extra prayer.”

Jack grinned. “I’m gonna pray real good tonight.”

Rihanna blushed and went back to eating her chicken. Jack started to jerk himself off as they all ate.

“Jack, start eating!” his father said.

“Just a second… I’m just getting to my hungry state… and…”

Jack moaned as he started to cum all over Rihanna’s food. He made sure the whole plate was decorated with his semen.

“Aww, thanks!” Rihanna said to him. “Now I can have dessert and the main course together.” She scraped the cum off her food with her spoon, and ate it.

“Rihanna, that’s so disrespectful,” her mother said. “Clean up your brother.”

“Fine,” she said. She got on her knees in front of her brother, and put his cock back in her mouth. Jack pushed her head back, forcing her to deepthroat his entire shaft. She revolved her tongue all around his dick, cleaning up any semen that was left on his skin. She then released from him, kissed his cock twice, and sat up on her chair again.

“Good girl,” Jack said, patting her head.

“Yeah, yeah,” Rihanna replied in disgust. “Now let me eat my food.”

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