For The Whored: Beyond Ch. 52


The shrill cry of an infant jolted Elunara out of bed. She grabbed a robe as she went out of the door and put it on as she made her way to the twins’ room. Yanking open the bedroom door she was shocked to find Laithion on the floor. She rushed over and scooped the newborn into her arms. “Shh, hush now, sweetheart, I’ve got you. Mommas got you.”

Varian stepped in behind her. “What happened?”

Furious, she pushed past him and growled at a nearby guard. “WHO WAS IN HERE?”

“No one! We swear!” The guard held up his free hand. “We’ve been out here all night.”

“A newborn doesn’t just climb out of a crib!”

“Well, they didn’t come through the door.” The other guard shook his head.

“You lunkheads need to keep your fucking ears open when you’re on duty! Someone tried to snatch my children.” She turned and went back into the room. Carefully laying Laithion back in the crib, she turned for the window. Looking out at the three-story drop, she examined the window.

“Uh, Elunara.” Varian’s voice intruded on her investigation.

“What?!” She snapped at him, barely looking back.

“You’ll want to see this.”

She turned around fully. “What are you…?” She stared as Laithion pulled himself up on the side of the crib. “By Elune!” Rushing over, she barely caught Laithion as he awkwardly flapped his wings, toppling him over the side. “You’re not even a day old! What the hell?” When she looked in the other crib, Andryxia was curled up on her side. Elunara put a cautious hand in the crib and touched the newborn’s side.

Andryxia twitched and whimpered. Concerned, Elunara laid Laithion back in the crib. Gently, she turned Andryxia on her back. Andryxia blinked up at Elunara before starting to wail. Elunara scooped up her child and began to rock her gently. “No, no. No need for this fuss. Momma didn’t mean to wake you.” Laithion pulled himself up the side again. He reached out towards his sister, patting her on the head.

Varian shook his head. “How is this even possible?”

“You got me.” Elunara frowned. “I guess I should get the torture of feeding them out of the way.” She adjusted Andryxia in her arms and shifted her breast. Andryxia shook her head and shoved the breast out of her face. “Uh, that’s new.”

“Maybe she doesn’t know it’s food?” Varian stepped over to them and ran his fingers over Andryxia’s forehead.

“Hold on.” Elunara squeezed her nipple until the milk came out. “Come on, little one, we’re just trying to get you fed.” Elunara got milk on her fingers and pushed the fingers into Andryxia’s mouth. Andryxia shook her head again and began to wail.

“Didn’t Wrathion say whelps ate meat?”

“But they’re not… well, hell. I’ll try anything at this point. Get Laithion for me, will you?” She adjusted Andryxia again and tugged her robe closed. After changing a pair of diapers on wiggling infants, they tucked the infants into the double stroller. When they exited the room and the guards snapped to attention. Elunara frowned. “I’m sorry I called you both lunkheads.”

“It’s alright.” Said one.

“You were scared for your babies.” Said the other.

“We should get Emaline up too.” Varian nodded his head towards his little girl’s room.

“Of course.”

Together, the five of them made their way down to the royal kitchens. The servants brought out highchairs for the infants, and Elunara carefully placed Andryxia in one, while Varian did the same with Laithion. The servants looked perplexed.

The head of the kitchen frowned. “I thought they was born yesterday.”

“They were.” Elunara sighed.

“Then how come they sit so good now?”

“Beats the hell out of me. Bring me meat and fruits, and we’ll see what we can feed them.” Elunara rubbed her sore breast. “And some form of container for my breast milk.”

“Right away, mum.” The woman turned and began barking out orders at the kitchen staff.

Little plates of ground meats were sat out, along with some cubes of soft fruits. The twins eagerly reached for the plates of meat. Resigned, Elunara placed the plates closer to the twins. Both began grabbing handfuls of ground meat and stuffing it in their mouths.

“Mommy, why do the babies want meat?”

“Because their daddy is a dragon. Though why they act like they are seven or eight months old is beyond me. Even from the time we picked them up to now, they’re already holding themselves up too well.”

“Dragon whelps are born ready to hunt.” Everyone turned their attention to Alexstrasza. “We feed them their first meals when they hatch, then teach them to hunt their own meals shortly after. They gorge themselves at every meal until we are able to teach them restraint.”

Elunara turned back to the twins. “Human and night elf babies are helpless for the first few years of their lives. In the first year they drink milk, not moving to little mushes of food at six or seven months, and not off the breast until at LEAST a year. Most mothers give milk for up to two.”

Alexstrasza regarded the children still stuffing their faces. “These porno video infants are unique. How that will play out will be anyone’s guess.”

Wrathion cocked his head to the side. “Well, they are mine. As I wanted. We should all learn together. I brought Alexstrasza because I figured that as a mother, she would be the best one to consult.”

“The Ruby Dragonflight tends to all the eggs of the various flights. I will send someone to help you tend to your pair. I wanted to see them for myself.”

Tapping her fingers on the table, Elunara debated. “While I typically raise my children myself. I did have help with Darguni in his first few years. I will accept any help you give.”

“It’s the least I could do, given the circumstances.”

Andryxia began closing her eyes, even as Laithion continued to stuff his face. Andryxia curled up against the tray and dropped off to sleep. Elunara scooped her up and tucked her into the stroller. “One down, one to go.” When Laithion began squishing the meat between his fingers, not really putting any in his mouth, Elunara took the plate away and began cleaning his hands.

After everyone was fed and cleaned and the twins tucked in the stroller, Elunara eyed the dragon pair. “Can you watch the twins while Varian and I get dressed?”

“Of course.” Alexstrasza took the stroller from Elunara.

Wrathion knelt in front of his children. Laithion was drooping his head. “I am intrigued by this development. I was expecting whelps or regular children, not this combination of the two.”

“Around here, make no assumptions.” Elunara shrugged, before walking past him.


Once dressed, the family convened in the throne room. “I want to walk with my children in the sun.” Elunara put her hands on her hips. “The family got to see them yesterday, but they saw newborns, not whatever it is I have now.” She turned to Varian and reached out a hand. “Will you walk with me Sugarlove? Being out would do you some good.”

He took her hand with a nod. “You are correct, as always.”

“And who would hold MY hand?” With a smirk on his face, Wrathion held out a hand.

Emaline reached up and took his hand. “I will.”

Wrathion blinked down at the child. “Oh! How… um, sweet of you.”

Elunara smirked back. “That seems settled. Let’s walk.”


The little group made their way to the yard. Once there, Emaline let go of Wrathion’s hand and curtseyed. “Be well.” She jogged to catch up to Jerry and Louis running the kids through their drills.

Varian frowned. “Part of me wanted for her to stay at the keep today with me, but with the way I feel I don’t want to put any more undue stress and emotion on to her.”

“My love,” Elunara brushed his hair back. “You can grieve together. Don’t let her grieve alone either. We must learn when to distance ourselves, and when to ask for help to be strong. As future queen, Emaline must learn this as well.”

Varian took her hand and pressed his lips to the palm. “Wise as always.” Tugging her forward, he wrapped himself around her. “My love, I can’t do this right now. I cannot be out here with my people; I need some solitude.”

“Then take it. I’ll return to you tonight.”

“N-no. Celebrate as new parents tonight. I can function without you for a little while. I must learn to, or you’ll never have a normal family again.”

“Now who is the wise one?” She winked. “We will rebuild our routines, Sugarlove. With grief, it will continue to hurt, but we learn how to live with that grief.”

Reluctantly, he released her. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

He turned and made for the keep.

Elunara watched him go for the longest time, before arms came up around her waist. Her spine stiffened.

“It’s just me.” Wrathion whispered in her ear.

“Of course, it is.”

“Aw, don’t be like that.” He kissed her neck.

With a wince, she relaxed the tension in her body. “I’m trying not to be. But my husband just took a blow, and I want to be there for him.” She raked her fingers through her hair. “It isn’t often my little harem causes me conflict.”

“I do understand. But none of us could have known this would happen.”

She turned to him fully. “This is true.” With a sigh she rubbed her hands on the lapels of his coat. “I keep turning my hostilities on you, when all you’ve done is be kind. Flirtatious at inopportune moments, but kind.”

“From my intel, I probably should say ‘Look who’s talking’.”

Laughing she gripped the lapels of his coat and pulled him to her, smacking her lips against his. “You got me there.”

With his hands on her hips, he captured her mouth. Their lips danced back and forth teasing and nibbling playfully. “Mm, I want to drag you back to my cave.”

“Sorry, hon, but I have little ones to take care of first. Once the family is acquainted with them as they are, maybe I’ll get Susan to watch them, and we can run off for a little while.”

“I like this plan.”

Elunara took his hand and together they made their way over to the milf porno platform where Susan was painting a peaceful garden scene. Susan glanced over. “I’m surprised to see you down here. With the news coming out of the keep about Anduin, I would have expected you to stay with Varian.”

“He has decided to have some solitude for now. While I want to be there for him in his grief, I understand the desire to be alone for a little while.”

“You know best.” Susan glanced over. “Hello, Wrathion. I don’t think we’ve formally met. Though I have heard plenty about you.”

“All good, I hope.” Wrathion took her hand and kissed the back of it.

Susan smiled serenely.

Grogek approached the base of the platform. “My love, it is good to see you out.”

Elunara released Wrathion’s hand and dropped off the platform. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she assaulted Grogek’s mouth. He gave her a growl as he returned the affection, groping her ass as he did it.

“When’s it my turn?” Jordan pouted. Giggling, she turned around and proceeded to make a meal of Jordan as he also groped her ass.

Grogek nipped at her neck and slid a hand up her shirt and teased a nipple with his fingers. Elunara gasped and Jordan pressed his advantage with his tongue.

“Ahem.” Wrathion cleared his throat.

“No getting jealous, Wrathy.” Elunara moved only her mouth to speak, then returned to groping Jordan.

“My only jealousy would be getting left out. However, I’d like to make our announcement.”

The trio paused. “What announcement?” Elunara blinked up at Wrathion. “They knew about the twins being born yesterday.”

Wrathion let out a dramatic sigh. “The wedding?”

“The– You’re serious about that?”

Grogek dropped his hands, and Jordan’s eyes went wide. “You’re getting married?” They asked in unison.

“We haven’t completely discussed it.”

“Well, of course not. There are many details to a proper wedding.”

“Wrathion…” The warning in Elunara’s voice was clear.

Grogek stepped back. “Why does he think you’re getting married?”

“Ugh. Because I swallowed him last night. I swear to Elune…”

“Oh.” Grogek blinked at Elunara’s hunched shoulders. Suddenly he barked out a laugh that startled the entire yard. “I guess you are!”

Elunara buried her face in her hands and groaned.

“Why does this upset you, darling?” Wrathion frowned down at the trio.

Elunara raked her hand through her hair. “Because I prefer declarations. I like to be in charge, I like to decide things, and you’re just making assumptions based on one little incident.”

“Little?” Wrathion’s eyebrow shot up. “I know enough about you that I know it wasn’t ‘little’.”

“He’s got a point, baby. I think you’re just upset you haven’t thought it through.” Jordan rubbed his hands on her arms.

“I think… I think I’ll give you time to think.” Wrathion scooted back. “Besides, I have things I need to do to plan. I’ll trust you to take care of the children while I’m gone.” He looked down at the babies in the stroller. Winking at Elunara, he transformed and flew off.

“That smarmy little…” Elunara clenched her hands.

Darguni made his way over with Bradley. “What is going on over here?”

Grogek gestured to Elunara. “Apparently, your mother is getting married again.”

“WHAT?” Both shrieked.

With a sigh, Elunara shook her head. “It’s complicated. However, my actions have led to Wrathion believing that.”

“But you don’t want to?” Bradley winced. “How is that going to work?”

“To be honest, it’s not that I don’t want to, it’s that I don’t know how I feel about it. Yes, I told him I wanted a relationship, but to jump straight to marriage and weddings, is a bit much, even for me.”

“What are you going to do?” This from Darguni.

She shrugged. “Hopefully he gives me some space to think about it. Meanwhile, I missed my current husbands and would like to drag them back home, thank you very much.”

Bradley rolled his eyes. “We’ll tend to the yard.” He clapped a hand on Darguni’s shoulder.

“Yeah, mom. Have fun.” Darguni laughed and shook his head.

“That’s my boys.”

“I have the twins.” Susan waved at Elunara.

“Are you certain? They aren’t normal newborns. Laithion was climbing out of the crib already.”

Susan’s eyebrow went up. “Well, I handled my trio through toddler years, I can watch a pair of dragon toddlers.”

“Sold.” Elunara grabbed her husbands’ arms. “With me, my loves.”

They took her hands into their own and together the three of them walked back to the house. Along the way she explained Varian’s decision to be alone today. “I’ll still give him the time he needs, but for now, I don’t want to smother him with my attention.”

“It’s good of you, love.”

Once inside the house, Elunara turned to Grogek. “I’ll do anything to please my husbands.”

“All four of us?”

She looked over her shoulder at Jordan. “Hush you.”

“I have things I’d rather be doing anyway.” He grinned at mobil porno her and slid his hands across her hips. One hand he slipped up her shirt, his fingers finding her nipple. His magic fingers made quick work of getting it hard.

“Mm, and what do you two have in mind?”

Grogek and Jordan shared a few facial cues, and then nodded at each other. Jordan dislodged his hand as Grogek grabbed a lever on the couch. When it popped flat, they grabbed her and shoved her at the bed it became. She bounced with a giggle. Grogek knelt on the bed on one side and Jordan on the other. While Grogek tugged her shirt up, freeing her breasts, Jordan shoved her skirt up to her waist.

“Seeing you in a skirt is doing something to me.” Jordan had to admit.

“Me as well.” Grogek nodded. “Perhaps you can wear them more often.”

“I’ll consider it.” She giggled at the pair.

Grogek brushed the back of his hand across her chest. Leaning down, he took a nipple in his mouth. On the other side of her, Jordan did the same. Groaning, Elunara put her hands on both of their heads. Both men ran their free hand through those soft hairs of her pussy. Together, they pressed a finger up into her. In sync, they began to pump in and out of that tight space. Finding that inner spot that drove her the wildest, they stroked it while sucking on and manipulating her nipples. In and out they pumped until both added a second finger. She groaned and bucked against their fingers. Grinning at one another, Grogek and Jordan pressed their pinkie fingers into her asshole together. Gasping, she arched her back.

Moving upwards, Jordan brushed his lips across hers, before dipping his tongue in her mouth, never breaking rhythm with his fingers. When he moved back, Grogek repeated the process. Her whole body spasmed under them as they took their turns going for her mouth and sucking on her nipples. They pounded their fingers in and out of that clamping heat.

They tugged their fingers free and Grogek wrapped his arm around her waist, rolling her over on her side. She shivered as he slipped his hard dick into her soaking wet pussy. Jordan reached for one of the drawers and snagged her supply of lube. Rubbing it all over his dick, he got soaked before putting it back in its place. He pressed his lubed-up dick into her asshole. With a groan she leaned her head back against Jordan, and he and Grogek held her leg up. Syncing up in their usual way, they began to pound in and out of her. Grogek wrapped a hand around her neck and pulled her mouth to his. Jordan reached around her body and teased and tormented her nipples. Elunara clamped down on the both of them. Jordan gave into the torment first, followed by Grogek.

Elunara gasped when Grogek released her mouth. “Mm, I’d say you two missed me.”

“Always, my love.” Grogek gently caressed her breast.

“It is quite lonely without you, baby.” Jordan snuggled up to her back, his hands resting lightly on her belly.

“Well, hopefully I can return to my schedule soon. I will be there for Varian as he grieves, but I can’t spend all of my time with him, and he knows this.”

“But to lose his son…” Grogek began.

“Anduin didn’t die. He is whole and well in another location. He will return in time, and on that day we will all rejoice. Meanwhile, we must be there for our king, as his loyal subjects and as his family.” She sat up. “Speaking of family, I need my babies. As odd as they are.”

“Other than half dragon, what’s so odd about them?”

“You’ll see.”


Back at the yard, Elunara wandered up to Susan who had Laithion in her lap. “How’d things go, Suzy Q?”

“Andryxia is still asleep, but Laithion woke up and kept climbing out, so I picked him up. He seems content to watch the soldiers train.” She smiled and rubbed a hand over his dark hair. “Keeps whacking me in the face with his wings though.”

“How does a newborn climb?” Jordan blinked at Elunara.

“A little too well, actually.” Elunara plucked Andryxia up out of the stroller and cuddled the child to her. Andryxia whined for a moment before snuggling down into Elunara’s arms. “Just like when they were in my belly. Laithion was fighting to get out, and Andryxia was constantly sleeping.”

“Amazing how they developed personalities so obvious so early.”

A dark shadow passed over them. Looking up, Elunara rolled her eyes at the dragon. “Speaking of personalities.”

Wrathion landed beside her and transformed back into his human form. “Ah! There is my little family! I hope I didn’t keep you waiting too long for me!” He brushed his lips against Elunara’s.

Smirking, she returned the affection. “I kept occupied.”

“I have prepared my cave for our newest editions. Whenever we decide to take them for a visit.” He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

“Hm. Yes, well, I will have to check out your modifications another time. Right now, they need diaper changes and food.”

“Diaper? Well, I know nothing about that.”

“Guess who’s gonna learn.” She grabbed his jacket arm.

“Oh, but–“

Elunara shook her head. “You wanted children. You expected whelps, I expected something else. You wanted to be a father; you’re going to be a father.” She gestured to the yard. “Even the mighty Grogek was not afraid of a diaper change.”

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