Drunk Suzy Strips in a Club



It was my first time visiting Africa. First, my name is Suzy Karol. I stay in Bretford, England, with my old husband, who is fifty-eight. We have produced three sons in fifteen years of marriage: Ryan, Dean, and Peter.

I was shocked to learn that Africa can be exceedingly cold like it normally is here in Europe. The day was Tuesday, 8 September. I arrived at Gaborone International Airport worn out from eight hours of flying. This was my first time being in Botswana. I was surrounded with strange but nice people. Well, not everyone was kind to me. The truth is I don’t give a damn to those who don’t care about me.

A few hours following my arrival, I began to feel bored. My husband, Ian, had not come with me as a result of his fatal illness. No—I didn’t run away from him. He was getting better now and he wished me to come on this trip without his company. “You have got not more than two weeks to go on vacation, Suzy. Following that, there are three continuous months of work with no holidays made available to you. I don’t want you to miss out because of my poor health, sweetheart.”

In England, I work in a restaurant. Workmates call me ‘Chef Suzy.’ Cooking is my field and talent. I was born inside a traditional kitchen by a woman who later died from electrocution while cooking on her stove. Ever since I was six, cooking has been my dream. I don’t think this world can be a better place if we don’t have chefs or restaurants.

Sadly, in Botswana, no one allowed me to cook. Most ingredients we use to cook in my motherland were not seeable here. The food tasted wonderful, yet it was very foreign to me. Usually, I contracted diarrhea two minutes after eating it. This made me miss home greatly, until I ran into Cara.

Cara Roberts was from the United States and gorgeous. She was slim like Naomi Campbell, with shoulder-long black hair and blue eyes. Her step was graceful like a model’s. The two of us accidentally met and ended up being best friends. My hotel room was numbered 56. Hers was 64 and two floors up from mine; her brown cat, Sammy, whom she had flown with from Washington, went missing from her suite and hid inside mine. She is the reason we became best pals.

“Are you having fun in Africa, Suzy?” She asked me one afternoon as we were lazing about in the sun. Today, it was wonderfully hot. The previous four days I had been here were cold like the North Pole.

“Nah…..it is boring. The only thing we do is sleep the entire afternoon, then shower in the evening, and go for disco at night. I want to have real fun. Do you understand what I am saying?”

She seemed more confused than I could probably tell. “What do you mean by saying ‘real fun,’ Suzy?”

“I mean getting wild. Yes: The good moms gone bad kind of fun. Aren’t you curious to try something new?”

Now we were talking. I could see her eyes shine happily while she smiled back at him. “What fun do you think we must try out, sweetie?”

“Let’s go to a strip club after tonight. We are going to dance wildly there and be the strippers too. The coming day, we will go see the animals and stuff like that.”

“Suzy, you are definitely a genius! The thing is there are no strip clubs here.”

She was right. I had heard of no strip club operating in Gaborone. These past six days, I had been deeply starved of sex. I was dying from want of it honestly; somewhere, somehow, I had to get it. “Cara, that is not erzincan escort a problem. We will visit the nightclubs and drink until we get drunk. Then we will do our shit. Does that make any sense to you?”

She nodded in agreement, smiling at me again.

That night after we had our little talk, I sweated to check all the clothes arranged inside my closet, just to determine which ones I would need for the stripping thing. I had barely brought with me any sexy pieces. Still, there ought to be something that was going to suit this event. I am aware. AIDS is the horror of this nation. People have sex anyhow, get the disease, and die in pains more frightening than what victims of popular horror movies are made to undergo. Regardless, I was not going to let fear of HIV get in my way. Cara was going to be brave too just like me, I counted on that.

From the comfort of my bed, I rang her on the telephone when it was close to midnight. She giggled and I squirmed out loudly. “Are you ready, woman, for tomorrow to come?”

“I am more than ready. You honestly don’t know how excited this is making me.”

I breathed out. “I can hardly keep my patience too, Cara. Trust me: We are going to have lots of fun.”

“Suzy, may I ask you one thing?”

“Go ahead, sweetie.”

“Don’t you feel pity for your poor husband? You might end up cheating on him, you know?”

“He has cheated on me many times than I can count. I feel I am going to revenge all that shit he made me eat these gone years.”

“The poor thing! I am in the same shoes as you. My husband has cheated numerous times too. It is now my turn to play his cards. Suzy, we must make merry like the world is ending tomorrow night!”

“Exactly!” Having said this, we burst into uncontrollable laughter.

“Goodnight, Suzy.”

“Night-night, Cara.”

“Sweet dreams.”

“Sweet dreams to you also, dear.” The call was terminated. I lodged the receiver down and lolled quietly on my bed. Time had to fly now…………

Six o’clock struck. I was now preparing to go out with Cara. The truth was I had been making myself ready since the early two hours or so. I put on heavy make-up, collected my hair front-style, and fixed in my earrings and bracelets. Yes. The weather was chilly thus far. I had worn my mini skirt already and nothing was going to have me change it.

“How do I look?” I asked Cara inside my living room. She surveyed me and hit my ass hard. We both laughed hard.

“You look fuckable, baby.”

“Fuckable, baby? I was expecting to hear, ‘You look sexy, mom.’ You look fuckable too, my babe.” We roared into laughter another time.

Dunce was the name of the nightclub we set off to. It looked modern from corner to corner. Everyone present here was dressed stylishly. I was glad I had chosen to wear my small skirt in the first place. It was what nearly every woman was putting on. As for my jewelry—it need not have been this expensive. My rings and bracelets and necklaces were attracting so much attention already and I did not like the feel of it.

“Cara, don’t you feel I must take off my jewelry. Roughly everyone is staring at it. Does it look that expensive?”

She ran an eye at me from my head down to my toe. “You look rich, Suzy. That is why everyone is staring at your jewelry like that.”

At least they were staring at my jewelry—not me. If the majority of eyes had been on me, I would have begun to suspect I escort erzincan was not dressed properly. It would feel like I was naked or something close to it. “Cara, what must I do now? I am ill at ease, you know.”

She laughed lightly. “Just be yourself. They will get used to it and stop staring.”

I breathed out and stayed calm. I hoped her advice would work out fine. She was right! An hour afterwards, everyone had quit making sheep’s eyes at my jewelry. I felt like a star—one who had suddenly shot her way to fame and then faded from the spotlight quickly. Maybe I was that star tonight.

The music was loud and addictive. Not rock per say. It was something similar to…..jazz or pop. I was not sure. There were quaking thuds and bangs, then smacks and clacks. The crowd pressed tighter. Sweat spread throughout the dance hall. Men were paired with women. Single moms like Cara and me hugged each other and then broke free repeatedly.

“What music is this?” I asked the DJ once I had shifted closer to the stage. Cara stood besides me, shaking her ass left, then right—jigging her breasts up, then down.

“Setswana pop; this is our pop here, ma’am. Do you like it?”

I nodded……..Oh? No wonder it sounded like English pop. I liked it truthfully. It made my head swell big and vibrate, then reverberate, then burst, and………I was dancing, forward, then backwards—north, then south. The DJ continually nodded his head at me. There was a big smile gracing his face. He offered me a bottle of Vodka from his bar. I took it gladly and drank it bit by bit while dancing.

“Would you like me to join you in your dance?” The DJ asked me curiously, winking his left eye at me. He was dressed in plain blue jeans that had slits on the thighs. His black sports jacket had the buttons worked loose to uncover the white shirt he was wearing beneath it. His leather shoes were pitch-black, just like his eyes and hair.

I glanced at Cara. She winked at me in harmony. I took that for a, “Yes, dance with him, dear.”

“I have no problem with that, Mister DJ.”

He was up on his feet in no time. He stretched out his hand to me, and I laid hold of it gently. Before we begun dancing, I unpinned my jacket and threw it on his table. I remained in a snug-fitting bra-like top that uncovered my breasts partly. Yes. The stripping had only just begun, and so had the wild dancing too.

The DJ placed his hands on my waist as we begun moving slowly. More than once, his hands would proceed to brush my hips. I noticed him get an instant erection the moment this happened. He pulled me closer to himself, and as my chest came into collision with his, he stretched his hand further down and hit my ass. Ouch! That hurt in some way. He licked his lips and slapped again and again.

“What is your name?” He asked me as loudly as he could.

“I am Suzy Karol. I come from England.”

He smiled at me happily. “That is the best news of the night, Suzy.”

I smiled back. He was starting to flatter me and succeeding to do that. “I am flattered by that, DJ.”

“So…..are you alone at your suite? I expect you to be staying in one. Isn’t that it, cute momma?”

How did he know I am a ‘momma’? I could be forty-three but barren. Regardless, I laughed merrily. “You are correct, Mister DJ. I will be taking you there with me at the end of this night if you wish me to. What do you say?”

“It will be my pleasure. If you had not asked erzincan escort bayan this of me, I would have been the first one to ask you about it.”

“Wow! I gotta feeling……that tonight is gonna be a good night. Can you please play this track for me, DJ? I want to strip….right here while you see and enjoy yourself.”

He nodded his head straight away. “No problem. I will do as you ask, ma’am.”

“Before you do that, please tell me your name. I told you mine.”

“Goitsemodimo Khumoetsile. You can call me Leo. It is my nickname and simple than my actual name.”

God-send-I-more Come-oh-steal? His name was difficult to pronounce or to even write down. I was not going to ask for it another time. Leo sounded straightforward to me. “Okay, Leo. Now put for me the song that I want to strip to. It is sung by The Black Eyed Peas.”

“Yeah; I know that, ma’am.”

I was fast becoming something else. It was like someone quite different from me had suddenly sneaked into my body and taken possession of me. I loved this feeling. It was alien, yet exciting. I wanted to feel this special way for the rest of the coming night.

I shook myself this way and that other. My legs were starting to feel tired already. I was not going to give up anytime soon. The night was still young. I was aware of this: Leo and I would close it by spanking each other inside my hotel suite. Before that took place, I had to enjoy myself till the last point.

He slapped my bum, over and again. I smiled at him. He smiled back and caressed my thighs with his hands. Yes. I was starting to feel wet inside my pussy. I was even prepared to have sex with him now. I had to be patient though. We had the entire night ahead of us.

“Would you mind if I stripped to my underwear?” I questioned him, tilting myself against him. He grabbed my butt with both hands and squeezed it as hard as he could.

“Do it, baby. I want to see what you are putting inside that skirt.”

Damn! His pinch on my buttocks got me more wet; the desire to screw him kept on tormenting me.

I searched about for Cara. She had just made out with this giant dude who was holding her ass firmly while they danced. I smiled the instant she noticed me. She smiled back and then blew a kiss at me. I blinked one eye in return. The two were enjoying themselves. Lucky them!

“Do you have a knife with you?” I asked Leo. He seemed a bit shaken.

“A knife? What for, baby?”

“Just give it to me if you have any. I am not going to stab you, I promise you. I am a big harmless girl.”

He removed it from his jeans’ hind pocket and handed it over to me. I laid hold of it gently.

“Thanks, my sweet boy.”

Having gripped the knife, I used it in cutting my mini skirt so that I didn’t have to take it off by pulling it down. I sliced it until a long slit had been made. Then I unwrapped it away from me and threw it straight on his table. Here I stood in my G-string. The crowd beneath me watched in thrill and excitement. I went on dancing and gave no damn about how some people were starting to boo me up.

“What of my breasts? Can I strip them naked too?”

Leo appeared more excited this time. “Yes, sugar. Do exactly that. It would be my pleasure to see the actual stuff that you are made of.”

I used the knife once more in cutting my top before finally tossing it away. Cara was stripping too before her man like I was doing. A group of watchful guys beneath clapped at me enthusiastically. Some ladies begun stripping too.

I laughed hard to myself. It seemed everyone was going mad just like me and Cara. Before we realized it, a sex orgy was spread everywhere.

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