Down the Rabbit Hole Pt. 03



I would like to state that this piece of writing is a work of fiction, all characters within are of age and consent with the plot and bear no resemblance to anyone I know.

The story is a work in progress and will feature a variety of different niches as both it and the characters within evolve.

It is worth noting that this instalment will contain and feature more exploration of faecal matter, Coprophilia being the sexual arousal of poop!

If that is something that you do not wish to read about, Skip the 4th segment.


Kate had just arrived home for the weekend, her driver James once again had delivered her safely to her home out in the countryside. She watched him drive away and the rear lights disappearing from her view before turning to go to her front door. She recalled the email alerts she had received earlier that told her that parcels were delivered to her safe location, she walked over to the wooden bench and lifted the seat to see the packages there. She let herself into her house and went back out to retrieve the packages, she was curious to see what her daughter Jess had ordered. She had made 2 trips to the bench and after placing the parcels on the table inside, she locked the front door and kicked off her heels.

“God that feels better!” She said aloud to herself, she rubbed each foot through the nylon tights that she was wearing.

Making her way into the kitchen to pour herself a glass of red wine, her weekly ritual upon returning home from her work in London. Although she did enjoy staying at the hotel, home was home and she loved coming back to her own bed. The way she looked at it was that she had two personas, her professional work self in the big city living in a hotel being surrounded by the finer things and service. Then there was her personal self, her private life in her own escape to the country where she had a lovely home and more important, her privacy!

Her smart phone lit up and vibrated, she picked it up and saw that she had received a message from her daughter Jess. She read the message and her brow creased, a wave of sadness coursed through her body as the message had informed her that Jess would not be able to come home that weekend due to an emergency at work and she had to cover the weekend. She typed a response, basically telling Jess not to worry and that the packages had arrived. She finished her message by telling Jess that she loved her and for her to call her anytime. She placed the phone down on the countertop and drank some wine.

She was disappointed but was glad that Jess applied herself to her craft, hopefully it will be noticed and she can advance in her job, or at least get some more time off. They could always make up for lost time together on their next weekend together, no pressure and no stress. She drained her glass and poured another, took a sip and closed her eyes as she ran her free hand over her breasts and squeezed each one in turn. She had been horny all week but had refrained from the temptation of self pleasure, each day had brought new challenges to her but she was adamant to abstain because she wanted to save herself for her daughter.

A flash of lights sweeping over the window and the sound of crunching gravel brought her back to her senses, she walked to the window and peered out. Had she forgotten something in the company car? She wondered. Making her way to the front door, she turned on the outdoor lights and opened the door. A huge smile happened upon her face, although it wasn’t Jess but her son Jack walking towards her with a big smile on his face and arms spread wide.

“Jackie!” She said loudly and opened her own arms wide just before they embraced each other.

“Mummy Dearest!” he replied in her ear as she squeezed the life out of him. His hands rubbing her back intermittently, she liked the fact that his hands were making contact with the top of her buttocks. She didn’t feel shame, especially on how many boundaries she had crossed with Jess over the past few weeks.

“It is so lovely to see you, you should have called and let me know you were coming!”

“What, and ruin the surprise?”

She looked at him and then gave him a big fat kiss on his lips, he didn’t pull away because they often kissed like that, it was a family thing. However, it took on a new meaning for Kate as she was having more than just maternal feelings for her children. She felt some relief too, what if both her and Jess were in the middle of fucking each other and then Jack turned up unannounced. She smiled at Jack and ushered him into the house.

“So, what do I owe this pleasure?” she asked.

“Well, I was in the area and thought to drop in and say hello.” He beamed at her, then followed her into the kitchen. He set his rucksack on the counter and watched her glide around the kitchen, she had taken a glass out for him and filled it with wine.

“Oh, so just an afterthought then?” She grinned at him as she held the glass up to his face.

“Ouch! That hurt!” He took the glass and drank mezitli escort from it.

“But I thought that I was the most important woman in your life? Worthy of more than just a fleeting visit because you happened to be in the area!” She mocked him and burst into laughter.

“Aww Mother, You are the most important Lady in my life!” He put his glass down and wrapped his arms around her waist with his hands resting again on the top of her buttocks, he pulled her close and hugged tightly.

Kate was taken aback, almost as though a switch had been triggered in her body as the feeling of arousal coursed through her. She noticed the placement of his hands, although she was sure that it was innocent on his behalf. She however, wished they were lower down and gripping her ass cheeks firmly and pulling them apart. Her mind went a step further, wishing Jess was kneeling behind her with her face fully implanted between her cheeks and her tongue probing her anus. She sighed and softly moaned at the thought.

“You ok?” She looked up at her son, she had been away with the fairies.

“Oh!” she paused, feeling her cheeks blushing. “I am ok, just having a moment! Probably my old age! Hormones!” she added. She wanted to moan like a whore more like, she mused to herself.

“Don’t be silly, you are not old!” He smiled at her. “Look at you, you are a Goddess!”

“Oh stop it!” Shit hit him on the chest. “No, don’t stop!” She beamed back at him, his hands still in situ. She gently rubbed her groin from left to right, trying to be as subtle as she could and could feel his grip tighten.

“I am not joking though!” He added quickly.

“I know! Who could refuse my fat arse and saggy tits eh?” She laughed and pulled away from him. She enjoyed winding him up.

“You don’t have either of those!”

“Oh really, been checking me out have you?”

“! I was just…”

“Just checking me out? I know.” She smiled and gave him a wink, motioning him to follow her into the living room. “Come, I need to sit down.”

He was lost for words, picking up his glass from the counter and followed her to the living room. “I was going to say that I have always thought that you looked amazing, that’s all.”

“Thank you darling, that really means a lot to me. I am so proud of both my beautiful children, you both make me feel so good and that all my hard work has paid off.”

“Have you spoken to Jess? How is she?”

“She is ok, she has to work this weekend though, which scuppered our plans.” She must have pulled a face when saying that.

“Are you ok?”

“Yes I am ok, was just expecting her this weekend but she had to cancel on me,”

“Oh, sorry to hear that!” He smiled at her. “Well, you have me as a consolation prize!”

“Darling, you will never be a consolation prize to me!” She put her hand on his knee and gently patted it.

“Thank you Mother!” He placed his hand on hers and squeezed it, she clasped it and squeezed back. “What did you have planned?”

If only he knew she thought to herself, then the relief that he didn’t hit her. She looked at him differently than she normally would, it didn’t help that she was extremely horny and needed that sweet release. Could she allow that line to be crossed with her son, her mind was racing at the thought but after her trysts with Jess, she would entertain the idea.

“How long are you stopping for?” she asked, wanting to take her mind off things by changing the topic.

“Well, I was just going to stay for an hour or so but since you plied me with wine, do you mind if I stay the night at least?”

“Not at all!” she smiled again. “I will just need to make up your bed and get you some towels”

“Don’t trouble yourself, a blanket will be fine!”

“No! I will make up your bed for you!” her tone was stern and matter of fact. He made no further argument.

“Tell you what, I will go do that now and get changed into something more comfortable.”

“Would you like my help?”

“No I am good, just relax!” She stood up and stretched her arms to her sides as her chest pushed outwards making her blouse tighten. She lent down and kissed him on the cheek and brushed her hand through his hair before messing it up.

“Hey!” He pulled his head away and laughed, He watched her leave the room, he let out a brief sigh. Something was different with her he thought, he also noticed his semi hard penis struggling with the confines of his boxer shorts. He moved it about and found a comfortable position, running his hands through his hair to put it back to its normal state.

He had had a crush on his mother for a long time, he remembered the first time he had felt arousal and hid away in his bedroom playing with himself for hours on end. Reflecting back, he had discovered her underwear drawer, even sometimes found her used underwear. Many times he had pleasured himself on them or whilst sniffing at them. Always feeling guilty afterwards because unlike his friends, he struggled to find a girlfriend and midyat escort despite having the internet at his disposal, it was one step closer to the real thing for him. He even hunted for any of his sister’s clothing too.

His biggest surprise was when he discovered that Jess was also in the same predicament as he was, both being virgins until late in their teens and that they ended up having the same idea. He couldn’t remember who suggested it first but they both agreed with ease whilst video calling each other in Uni, they had dared each other and the next thing, they were masturbating to each other. Although they had never physically performed any sexual act with each other, they did however have a much better relationship afterwards. However, he now had a girlfriend and his sex life had improved a lot but being his first, he had nothing to compare it too.

“All sorted!” Kate said as she entered the room. “You alright dear, you have a glazed look in your eyes?”

“Oh, I was just thinking to myself that’s all!”

“Just going to grab another bottle, you can tell me all about it when I get back.” She smiled at him and disappeared, she reappeared moments later with the wine and held it to him ready to fill his glass.

“Thank you.” He said as she finished pouring.

“You are most welcome.” She perched herself on the sofa and topped her own glass before sitting back and turning herself to face her son.

Kate had changed into an oversized T-shirt, that was all she was now wearing and she made sure to push it down in her lap to protect her modesty. She had made up his bed in her work wear and it resulted in her being soaked with sweat. Her panties were soaked too with her arousal and thought to quickly pleasure herself but refrained because Jack was downstairs waiting on her return. She now became conscious about whether or not he could smell it on her, shifting in her seat again. Putting the thought to the back of her mind because there were no indications that something was untoward coming from Jack, he just sat there enjoying his wine.

“What are your plans for tomorrow?” He asked her.

“Well, I had planned on spending the day with Jess. You know, the girly pampering kind of day out getting our nails done, maybe a massage perhaps.” She ran her finger around the rim of her glass, thoughts of what could have been filled her mind. “Why?” she added.

“Well, seeing that your plans for today have gone awry.” He placed his hand on her thigh. “Why don’t you let me take you out for a nice pub lunch, we can walk over as it will be a lovely weekend according to the weather report.”

“Oh that will be lovely Jack!” She placed her hand on his, he ever so gently squeezed her thigh. “A date with my boy!”

“A consolation prize!” It was a little dig at her, made in jest though.

“Oi you!” She lent forward and poked at his chest with both hands, and she began tickling him.

“I’m just kidding!” He laughed and began tickling her back, their tussle was brief but they both enjoyed it.

They laughed together as they sat back on the sofa, taking to their glasses again. Unbeknownst to Kate, her T-shirt had ridden up her thighs and she was now exposed.. Her Hair covered Vulva was on display and it hadn’t dawned on her yet that Jack could see it, he tried his best to avert his eyes but couldn’t resist.

“You know mother, it is a great look! ” His eyes looking directly at hers, he winked.

“What do you mean?” She pulled a face at him.

“Keeping things natural, it is a rarity with most women these days!”

“What the devil are you on about?” She was confused but it was only when she saw his eyes lower that she followed their direction, her heart sank.

“Oh gosh, look at the state of me!” She quickly shifted and made her appearance suitable again. “Oh Jack, I am so sorry!”

“Don’t be! It isn’t everyday that a son gets to see his mothers vagi..”

“Stop making fun out of it, it is embarrassing!” She hit him on his arm and smiled. Many emotions came over her, she was genuinely embarrassed but she liked the fact that he had seen her.

“Ok, ok!” he chuckled. “Hairy fannies are awesome though!”

Kate blushed and buried her face in her glass and drained its contents, she set the glass back down and looked at him.

“Right young man! Your mother needs her bed.”

“Oh ok, I will just grab a snack and watch telly for a bit before I turn in.” He smiled at her and stood up, offered his hands and she pulled herself up to her feet.

“Looking forward to our date tomorrow!”

“Date? Okay.” He paused. “A date it shall be then!” He put his arms around her waist again, pulling her body into his and gave her a firm hug.

She reciprocated and again pressed herself into his body, willing his hands to lower further on to her buttocks. It had worked and she could feel his fingers gently rubbing them, her breathing quickened as she savoured the moment. It felt as though several minutes had passed but the encounter was milas escort brief, he had kissed her on both cheeks and then finally on her lips. It was a nice touch.

“Good night darling!” She said as their embrace ended.

“Night!” He smiled at her and began clearing their glasses, and she left the room.

Jack placed the glasses in the sink and let out a sigh, he reached down with his right hand and felt his erect penis pressing against his jeans. He manipulated it into a more comfortable position, rubbing his hand along the length of the bulge. He felt very conflicted because his mother was being very tactile with him, it was different from how it had always been and felt that it was more sexual. The brief sight of his mothers exposed vagina was playing repeatedly through his mind, but it was more than that because even her demeanour was different from normal. He felt as though she was willing him to do something but he didn’t know what it was.

Making himself a slice of toast with marmalade spread lightly over it, he took a bottle of sparkling water from the fridge and made his way up to his bedroom. After he finished his light snack, he stripped down to his shorts and laid on the bed. He fired up his tablet and went to his favourite porn site, clicked in the search bar and typed in mature up skirt and hit enter. His screen instantly filled up with a vast selection of videos, he began to peruse through them all as he stroked himself through his shorts.

Selecting a video at random, he pulled his erect penis out of his shorts and began stroking it slowly. He was above average in size, just shy of 7 inches in length with a girth of approximately 6 and a half inches and he kept his man garden trimmed neatly. His girlfriend preferred him to keep it short because she didn’t like the thought of choking on a pubic hair whenever she went down on him.

“Oh God!” He muttered to himself, closing his eyes and visualising his mother as he hastened his stroking action.

His senses were being flooded by all the little aspects of his mother, he knew he could smell her but hadn’t commented because he felt it would cross a line and upset her. Masturbating at the thought of her was totally different in his mind, similar to when he masturbated at his sister. Now he was thinking about them both, he was close to completion.

Pausing briefly, he closed the browser and opened up his photo library and searched a while, slowly maintaining his erection. Finding the image he wanted, it was a picture of his mothers face with a sepia filter added to it. She was smiling and had her hair down, her big eyes looking directly at him as he placed the tablet down on the bed and moved to kneel over it. His pace quickened significantly and he pointed the head of his cock at the screen, breathing hard as he brought his climax on.

A few grunts later, his hips spasming as he shot his load onto his mothers smiling face. There was a lot of cum and it kept coming, he slowly squeezed it out of his penis and finally moved to the side and sat down. Picking up his tablet to inspect his deed, he marvelled at the amount of his load and knew it was more than usual than when he would cum on his girlfriend’s face.

Cleaning up his mess, he took a shower before climbing into bed and switching on the TV. He found a programme about life working on board a yacht and pretty soon he was out of it.


Kate had gone to her bedroom, she was glad that Jack had appeared and turned her soon to be miserable weekend into something more fun. She felt guilty about indirectly flirting with him but after her sexual awakening, she couldn’t help being sexual about most things. She had even been flirting with her secretary, or at least she was a lot nicer to her and always made sure to show her gratitude and tell her what a great colleague she was.

Making her way into her bathroom, she pulled her t-shirt up enough to expose her vagina and looked at herself in the mirror. It did look nice and she agreed that hairy fannies were awesome. She laughed to herself at Jack’s choice of words. Sitting herself on the toilet, she began to pee and as she did, she gently rubbed her clitoris as her flow increased. She had felt his bulge pressing into her belly, his hands on her bum even though not enough but still enough to take pleasure from.

She knew that she was not the same woman as she was before, her relationship with Jess was amazing and was now curious about Jack and where that could lead. Then it dawned on her, what if she could have both of her children in her bed pleasuring her and each other? She contemplated for a while, her fingers rubbing her clitoris faster and harder. She wondered what it would feel like taking his penis into her mouth as Jess licked her arsehole, pushing her tongue in deep. She wondered what he would think about their toilet play, would he pee over body and vice versa.

The thoughts were enough to bring her over the edge and she came hard and fast, her legs were shaking and her breathing was laboured. She felt euphoric, a week’s worth of holding on finally released. Pulling the t-shirt and throwing it on the laundry bin before tearing about 6 sheets of toilet paper and patting herself dry. She stood up and started her bedtime routine, soon after she was out for the count naked in her bed.

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