Divorce Lawyer Pt. 10


“I don’t know what went on between you and your mother this past weekend, but I’ve not seen her so happy in a long time,” Grant said when Penny arrived at work Monday morning.

“We had a good talk,” Penny said. “I think that it helped both of us. We understand one another like we never have before.”

“That pleases me to no end,” Grant said. “Ready to go to Phoenix tomorrow?” he asked.

“Sure,” Penny replied. “What’s happened?”

“Mrs. Walker has engaged an attorney and he wants to meet and discuss a settlement,” Grant replied.

“Already? What are you going to do?” Penny asked.

“Listen to him, then tell him how it’s going to be,” Grant said, smiling.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

“It’s like you’re never here anymore,” Amy said as she fisted Penny, whose body was arching up as she experienced an intense orgasm as Amy rocked her hand back and forth inside of her.

“God, you make me feel so good,” Penny gasped as Amy slid her hand from her pussy, then leaned over and glued her mouth to her, drinking up her flowing juices.

“I’m glad that your life is so exciting,” Amy said, crawling up her body to kiss her, letting her taste herself on her mouth and tongue. “And I’m happy whenever you’re here.”

“Me, too,” Penny sighed, kissing her. “It’s nice to know that I’ve always got you to come home to.”

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

“I can’t believe that I’m actually getting used to this,” Penny said with a laugh as their 9am flight to Phoenix took off the next morning.

“It’s amazing what you can get used to,” Grant said. “And we’ve got a new case.”

“Really? What’s it about?” Penny asked.

“Our client is Rose Gold, 48,” Grant replied in a lowered voice. “She wants to divorce her husband, Jeremy, 50, who is vehemently against it. They’ve been married for 30 years and have 2 grown children. Rose comes from old Philadelphia money and Jeremy’s a life-long law enforcement officer, third generation of his family to do so, a Pennsylvania Police Academy graduate, currently with the rank of Captain.”

“What an odd combination,” Penny observed.

“Our client is threatening to bring down the entire Philadelphia police department unless her husband agrees to a quiet divorce with an NDA to prevent him from ever speaking about it,” Grant explained.

“What’s their problem?” Penny asked.

“It seems that our client’s husband suffers from some form of erectile dysfunction,” Grant replied. “He can’t perform unless he first sees his wife having sex with another man.”

“You’re not serious?” Penny laughed.

“According to what she told me, he’s seen many doctors over the years, including psychologists and psychiatrists,” Grant continued. “There is solid documentation of a psychological disorder. There is no medical reason that he can’t function other than after watching his wife with other men.”

“And our client has gone along with this?” Penny asked.

“Apparently so,” Grant replied. “Once or twice a week, our client’s husband will come home with a fellow police officer, or more, and watch as they have sex with his wife, after which he does. This has been going on for over 20 years. Many of the officers who enjoyed our client’s favors are now very high-ranking police officials, including a couple of police commissioners. Thus, the nature of her threat to bring down the entire police department, as well as her desire to have the divorce concluded quietly.”

“What suddenly made her want a divorce after all these years?” Penny asked.

“According to our client, after a recent…session, in which she entertained three police officers simultaneously before her husband, he called her a whore while fucking her in the ass,” Grant replied. “She felt insulted because, in her words, she was only doing it for her husband. So, she wants a divorce.”

“Oh, my god!” Penny laughed. “How absurd. Can her husband prevent her from divorcing him?” she asked.

“Pennsylvania has some very interesting divorce laws,” Grant replied. “The legal grounds for a fault-based divorce are desertion for a year or more, bigamy, adultery, a jail sentence of two years or more for the conviction of any crime, indignities, which would be any continuing conduct which makes the plaintiff ‘s life unbearable, and cruel treatment which is a danger to the plaintiff ‘s life or health. The only part of that that our client could possibly claim would be the continuing conduct which makes the plaintiff ‘s life unbearable.”

“She’s been going along with it for over 20 years and suddenly it’s making her life unbearable?” Penny asked. “Surely that won’t work.”

“Hence her threats to expose everyone,” Grant said. “She’s got the weaker legal case, but the better power case. Her husband definitely has the stronger legal case. If a plaintiff seeks a divorce by consent, or without consent, the defendant may prevent the divorce from being granted by proving that the parties have not lived separate turhal escort and apart for at least one year or that the marriage is not irretrievably broken. His contention will most likely be that he’s perfectly happy in his marriage and that he’s happy to have it continue in its present form. If a divorce is sought on fault grounds, and the defendant proves that the plaintiff is not innocent or injured, or that the facts claimed by the plaintiff are not true, a divorce may not be granted.”

“Well, clearly our client isn’t innocent or injured,” Penny said. “How can we possibly win?”

“By making the powers that be lean on him, if only to protect themselves,” Grant replied. “Since it’s most likely an open secret what’s going on, our client’s husband has no fear of embarrassment if things get exposed, and our client is angry enough that she’s willing to suffer the embarrassment. She is insulated and protected by her family’s money.”

“Wow!” Penny said, shaking her head.

“Just something to look forward to,” Grant said, sitting back and closing his eyes, not opening them again until the announcement came that they were descending to land at the Phoenix airport.

Don was there to greet them himself when they exited the arrivals hall, leading them to his white Rolls Royce Phantom limousine.

“I was going to invite you to stay at my home, but Betsy has been on the warpath ever since she got served the papers,” Don explained, “though she’s been quiet the past couple of days, which is never a good sign. I’m sure that she’s got something planned.”

“Don’t worry about it,” Grant assured him. “But let me ask you once again, are you willing to threaten her with criminal charges that could land her in jail? You can’t make the threat unless you’re willing to back it up and see it through.”

“If I have to, yes,” Don said with a big sigh. “But she’ll never let that happen. She’ll take the crumbs that I’m willing to throw her rather than go to jail. Would she go to jail?” he asked.

“I think that it would be highly likely,” Grant replied.

“Well, you just do what you have to do,” Don said. “I just want to keep my dealerships. I don’t care about the rest.”

The limousine pulled to a stop at The Canyon Suites at The Phoenician, where Don informed him that he had arranged for them to have the same suite. He promised to send the car for them in a couple of hours, enough time for them to have some lunch. The meeting was scheduled for 2pm.

“It will save time if we just order from the room service menu,” Grant said when they were ensconced in their suite. “Just order for both of us.”

Penny enjoyed the look on Grant’s face when the lunch arrived in 20 minutes, Maine lobster quesadillas with Oaxaca and pepper jack cheese, poblano pepper, fresh corn pico de gallo, and cilantro lime crema, Sonoran chili hummus with charred citrus, seasonal crudité, and pita bread, Pacific prawn cocktail with red horseradish and a citrus and herb salad, and an avocado chicken Caesar salad with gem lettuce, brioche croutons, creamy garlic dressing, and parmesan cheese.

“I’m hungry,” Penny explained, twisting the top off one of the bottles of San Pellegrino sparkling water that she had ordered.

They had just finished eating and were making sure that they had everything when the front desk called to tell them that their limousine had arrived. Don seemed nervous, and after a relatively short ride, they entered a glass office building and were escorted to the offices of Randy G Mills, Esq., where they got their first look at Mrs. Walker, a short woman, 5’2″ tall, with short black hair and steely grey eyes. She was wearing a black skirt that came down to just above her knees and a tight black blouse that emphasized her smaller breasts. Everyone introduced, they were led to a room with a conference table where they sat, declining anything to drink when it was offered.

“My client is willing to consent to a no-contest divorce,” Mr. Mills began. “Here is her settlement proffer, sharing the community property equally,” he added, sliding a folder of papers across the table to Grant, who took his time looking through them.

“Other than the dealerships, my client will agree to the division of community assets,” Grant said, smiling.

“But 30 of those dealerships were established after the marriage,” Mr. Mills pointed out. “The pre-nuptial agreement clearly states that any assets accumulated after the commencement of the marriage will be treated as community property.”

“Those dealerships were merely extensions of existing dealerships which were owned by Mr. Walker before the marriage took place,” Grant said, still smiling. “They are not community property.”

“I don’t think that the Court will see things in that light,” Mr. Mills said.

“I disagree,” Grant replied. “The incorporation papers for each of the 30 dealerships established after the marriage specifically state that they are extensions of one of the 20 original tuşba escort dealerships.”

“That will never stand up in court,” Mr. Mills said.

“I disagree,” Grant said, still smiling. “In fact, if this does go to court, I think that the Court will find that Mrs. Walker has attempted to engage in perpetrating a fraud, which is a class 2 felony, punishable by anywhere from 3 to 121/2 years in prison.”

“What fraud?” Mr. Mills asked, Betsy Walker sitting stone-faced.

“We will contend that your client has engaged in a conspiracy to acquire my clients’ businesses,” Grant replied. “Since attempting to gain illegal control of an enterprise falls under the RICO act, which is a class 3 felony, that could result in an additional 2 to 83/4 years imprisonment.”

“How do you propose to prove such a preposterous claim?” Mr. Mills asked. “My client would be perfectly within her rights to sue your client for slander for making such fallacious claims.”

“Only if they were fallacious, Mr. Mills,” Grant said, still smiling. “May I ask your client a question?” he asked.

“If you like, but I reserve the right to have her refuse to answer,” Mr. Mills replied.

“Mrs. Walker, are you familiar with Roscoe Simmons?” Grant asked.

“I might have heard that name before,” Mrs. Walker replied, some color coming into her cheeks.

“For your information, Mr. Mills, Roscoe Simmons is the top salesman at the Santa Fe dealership,” Grant said.

“Your point?” Mr. Mills asked.

“Mrs. Walker, is it not true that you have been having a sexual relationship with Mr. Roscoe Simmons for the past 18 months?” Grant asked, her face paling as Mr. Mills jumped to his feet.

“That’s enough,” he shouted. “How dare you impugn my client’s character by making such an outrageous accusation?”

“Mrs. Walker?” Grant asked, still smiling.

“Don’t answer,” Mr. Mills said, resuming his seat. “This is preposterous.”

“In fact, Mrs. Walker, you have been having sexual relationships with 10 of the top salesmen in 10 different dealerships for the last couple of years,” Grant said. “In the course of those relationships, you have promised the sales manager’s job to each of them, ‘when you have control of the dealerships’,” Grant read from his legal pad. “Oddly enough, each of these dealerships are extensions of the original 20.”

“You’d better be able to prove such slanderous allegations,” Mr. Mills said.

“I assure you that I can,” Grant said, “and will, in an open court. I’m sure any reasonable jury of your peers would be able to easily see the attempted fraud, with respect to getting around the pre-nuptial agreement, and the RICO racketeering, in that you have entered into a conspiracy with multiple parties to gain illegal control of those dealerships by committing a fraud, Mrs. Walker.”

“What is your proof?” Mr. Mills asked, clearly rattled when he saw the look on Mrs. Walker’s face.

“This is a video-taped interview with one of the ten men that Mrs. Walker was having a sexual relationship with, one of her co-conspirators,” Grant said, holding up a memory stick. “His face and voice have been disguised to protect his identity for the moment, but I have the original should it be necessary to enter it into evidence in a trial, for which he would be subpoenaed to testify under oath. He emphatically states that the relationship was initiated by Mrs. Walker, describes in painful detail the nature of their sexual relationship, and states that he was promised the sales manager’s job when she took control of the dealership. Would you like to see it now or wait until we go to court?” Grant asked. “I might add that I have similar video-taped interviews with the other nine men involved. They were all asked the same questions and they all responded consistently with one another, down to the details of their sexual relationship, the form it took, and what they did. They’re quite graphic.”

“A moment to confer with my client,” Mr. Mills requested.

“Of course,” Grant said, getting to his feet, his smile still on his face. “We’ll wait outside. You might want to watch this,” he said, sliding the memory stick across the table.

Returning to the room 20 minutes later, they saw that Mrs. Walker was ashen-faced and Mr. Mills’ face was flushed, his forehead beaded with sweat.

“What do you propose?” Mr. Mills asked.

“Here’s how it’s going to be,” Don said, slapping the table. “You get to keep your clothes and jewelry and I’ll even let you have half of the money in the bank accounts. The house I’ll sell and you can have half of that. But I keep my dealerships. You know why I’m being so god-damned generous? I’m giving you that money, paying you that money for all of the times that you sucked my cock and let me fuck you in the ass, just like my salesmen that you tried to suborn. Every time you look at that money or spend it, you’ll know that you got it by being a fucking whore,” he shouted, everyone sitting in stunned silence.

“I’d say tüyap escort that this meeting is concluded,” Grant said mildly, getting to his feet. “We can meet tomorrow morning at 10:00 to sign the papers. That will give me time to file them with the Maricopa County Courthouse before we leave. Or would you prefer to take this to court?”

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

“You enjoyed that, didn’t you?” Penny asked as she slowly slid her pussy up and down on her father’s cock when they got back to their suite, his hands filled with her breasts.

“It’s my favorite part of the game,” Grant admitted, delighting in the magic that her pussy was doing to his cock. “When I see nothing but despair and hopelessness on their faces when they realize that they’ve lost, that’s the part I like the most.”

“That’s sick,” Penny said, “but not quite as sick as the fact that I actually came while you were doing it.”

“You are definitely my daughter,” Grant laughed, rolling her over onto her back, his cock never leaving her pussy, and beginning to fuck her hard.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

“Amy, sometimes I almost freak out when I realize how great my life is,” Penny said from between Amy’s thighs, smiling at the sight of her delicate pink inner lips pouting apart beneath her fat clit, leaning forward to stab her tongue into her.

“I should be the one jumping up and down for joy,” Amy said. “I get to eat your pussy all the time.”

“You should have seen Grant,” Penny said, reversing herself, leaning over to suck on one of Amy’s hard, thick cherry nipples. “I actually came when he was destroying their case.”

“I usually cum when I see your father,” Amy laughed. “It’s not fair that any one man should be so fucking gorgeous and cool at the same time. And speaking of which, when am I going to get some appreciation from him?”

“Why are you asking me?” Penny asked. “Ask him.”

“This new case, is it the loser that it looks like?” Amy asked.

“It all depends on how much effective pressure the people who stand to lose the most can put on our client’s husband,” Penny answered. “We have no case. Seriously. Our client has willingly fucked at least a couple of thousand guys in the past 20 years, all just to turn her husband on enough to fuck her, according to her. I can’t wait to see how Grant pulls a rabbit out of his hat on this one.”

“I wonder if I’ll be able to say that one day, that I’ve fucked a couple of thousand guys,” Amy mused, then laughed. “Wouldn’t that be something?”

“I’d call that one hell of a good life,” Penny said, laughing. “Come with me to Nassau this weekend?”

“Sure,” Amy agreed. “You going to invite Bill?”

“Not unless you want me to,” Penny replied. “I don’t mind having you all to myself.”

“How do you always say just the right thing?” Amy asked, kissing her hard.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

“Looks like we’re going to Philadelphia Thursday,” Grant said. “The good news is, we should be able to come back that night, not have to stay over.”

“And here I thought that you liked being stuck with me in a hotel room,” Penny said, sighing. “By the way, Amy is dying for another fuck. Why don’t you stop by on your way home? I’ll give you space or join in, however you’d like.”

“The things that I do to keep the peace in this office,” Grant said, shaking his head, though he had an ear-to-ear smile on his face.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

“He said that he knew that you’d be here as soon as he left,” Amy said when Penny entered her bedroom, smiling when she saw her sprawled on the bed, cum leaking from her pussy.

“You can’t say that he’s not thoughtful,” Penny said as she crawled onto the bed between her spread thighs and glued her mouth to her cum-filled pussy. “Let’s go out to dinner, see if we can’t get lucky, too.”

“When it rains, it pours,” Amy said, laughing. “Sure. Some more cock would be nice.”

They decided to go to The Breakers, just a five-minute drive, and opted for the Seafood Bar where they ordered stone crab claws, oysters on the half shell, shrimp cocktail, jumbo lump crab cakes, tuna tartare tostada with avocado, coconut shrimp with sweet chili aioli, a Caesar salad, and a bottle of the Russian River Valley’s Rochioli sauvignon blanc.

“I just love seeing the fish swimming right underneath the dishes,” Penny said, as they had opted to sit at the bar instead of a table. The top of the bar was the top of a 50′ long aquarium which was filled with colorful reef fish.

“What is this world coming to?” Amy asked as they finished, having forced themselves to share a dessert of the Ultimate Baked Brownie Sundae with vanilla Swiss almond ice cream and crème anglaise. “Not one guy tried to hit on us. Are we losing our touch?”

“I guess that we’re just going to have to settle for each other,” Penny said, smiling.

“Well, that doesn’t suck,” Amy said, laughing.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

“I can’t believe this,” Penny said as she buckled herself into her seat the next morning for the 7am flight to Philadelphia, having received a late phone call from her father that they were going.

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