It seems funny now but at the time I was just confusing. I thought something as simple as a massage could cause so much angst, and yet so much pleasure.
I had been thinking of getting a massage all month. Work had been exceedingly stressful and I knew my shoulders and neck was just one big knot. I found myself not even being able to relax at night when going to sleep. My shoulders would be hunched up around my neck and no matter how I tossed and turned the tension never seemed to let go. I would wake only partially rested, still feeling the tension of the previous day right between my shoulder blades. Yes, a massage was just what the doctor would have ordered if I had consulted one.
So, I did what I thought would be the most logical thing, got online and began researching massage therapists in my area. The internet is a wonderful thing, but sometimes the results from a search are overwhelming. These seemed to be a glut of massage parlors in our town, and each one promised tranquility and serenity and most featured “Lovely Asian Girls”.
Well, I don’t consider myself naïve, and I know most of those places are what people commonly call “rub-n-tug” parlors. In other words, you get a mediocre massage followed by a negotiated “happy ending” for an extra fee. Since I was interested in the real deal, in terms of massage that is, I turned to a site featuring all male massage providers. I wanted someone who had experience and looked strong enough to deliver the kind of deep tissue work my knots needed.
I browsed through dozens of listening, many of which were obviously selling the stunning looks of the masseur rather than the quality of the service. That eventually brought me to a nice looking guy with a beard smiling next to a massage table. He was dressed in a white t-shirt and loose fitting white shorts and his hand was resting on the table. He was relaxed in the kind of casual pose that exudes self-confidence and there was that smile.
After reading through his credentials and experience, he was well trained and had been doing this for years, I found reviews of his service. Almost all were 4 or 5 stars and the reviewers were very complimentary of his ability to get their tension out with his strength and skills. It was a snap decision, but Matt, as he was named on the site, looked like just the guy to make me relax.
I texted him, since the ad said that was the quickest way to get a response. I suppose if he was in a session the message would not disturb his work and afterward he could return my text. It took about an hour for him to text me back and soon I had set up an appointment for the following afternoon. My muscles were already anticipating the experience.
By Saturday afternoon I was absolutely ready to feel Matt’s strong hands work all the tension from my neck and shoulders His studio was located at the back of a small strip center, just a door with the word “Studio” on it. I was about 5 minutes early and entered the door to the reception area, actually a very small anti-room with a couple of chairs and a small table with a few Health and Fitness magazines on it. There was no receptionist, just a door bell on the wall next to the interior door. Not knowing what to do next, I just pressed the button and hear a gentle chime somewhere behind the wall.
In a few seconds, the door opened and Matt and I were face to face. His pictures didn’t do him justice. He was about an inch taller than me and filled out his white T-shit with broad shoulders and a chest that looked like he had just worked out.
“You must be Kurt,” his voice resonated in his large frame.
“I must.” I said with a chuckle.
“You are right on time.” He ushered me through the door and motioned to a room off the small hallway.
“If you will go in here, undress to your comfort level, I’ll be with you in a moment. There are hangers on the door for your clothes. Just lie face down on the table. You can cover yourself with a towel if you wish, but I think you will find things go much smoother without it.”
As I walked into the room he turned to give me privacy as I undressed. As he left I couldn’t help looking at his broad shoulders and well proportioned legs, clearly visible beneath the abbreviated gym shorts he was wearing. I found myself still staring at the spot where his buttocks would have been had he not closed the door.
In just a few seconds I took off all my clothes, hung them up, folded my socks and briefs and laid them atop my boots in the corner. Then I climbed onto the table and nestled my face in the round cushion the extended beyond the edge of the padded table. As I let out a long deep breath I heard a light knock at the door.
“You ready?”
“Very,” I signed, already arap porno letting the tension flow out of me.
I heard him enter and close the door. He was busying himself preparing as he asked me a few questions.
“So are there any physical problems I need to know about, health issues, sore spots?”
I spoke thorough the hole in the pad as I faced the floor, “not health issues, just a bit overweight and so tense I feel like I have rocks in my shoulders.”
“Well I can’t do anything about the weight, but I can remove the weight you are carrying in these.” His palms gently pressed on my shoulders. I felt the warmth and strength of his big hands as he felt around gently for the knots that were bothering me.
As he did I noticed he had removed his shoes. I could see his feet through the hole in the headrest. And his muscular hairy legs were a pleasant sight.
“Well, you just relax and let me take care of everything. I think I can find all the problem areas.”
I heard him pump some massage oil into his palms and the sound of him rubbing them together to warm the oil before gently placing his hands back on my shoulders. The he slowly began moving then in matching circles moving outward until he was rubbing across both shoulder blades and my upper arms.
Once again I let out a sigh.
“That’s good, exhale and let all that tension flow out”, he said. His deep voice almost hypnotic as he worked my shoulders gradually increasing the pressure and focusing on the knots he found. His hands were amazing, and his intuition was perfect at discovering the exact points where the tension was balled up in my muscles.
He moved to the center of my back and stepped to one side of the table. As he worked his way down my spine he would pause and press firmly on the knots he found, encouraging me to exhale as he did. I actually felt some of the knots just collapse under his pressure. It was intense but so nice to have his strong hands releasing the tension.
I hadn’t noticed it before, but there was soft new-age music playing in the room. As he worked my back the ambient tones helped emphasize the mood and I was soon adrift in pleasurable sensations.
When he reached the top of my buttocks, his hands moved from one cheek to the other, kneading them like dough and making the muscles of my butt release the tension that had built up. It felt wonderful and incredibly erotic at the same time.
“Is this good for you, Kurt?” he asked.
I just mumbled something affirmative and got lost in his strong hands on my ass.
He concentrated on one cheek using both hands to knead and stroke the skin. I was enjoying the feeling as his fingers drifted to the crack of my ass with each stroke. His fingers dug in and massaged my ass cheek occasionally brushing against my balls. Then he moved to the other side of the table, never loosing contact with my body. As he moved around the head of the table, he leaned over me and rubbed his arms along my back all the way down to my butt. As he did I felt the warmth of his skin and the hairs on his chest brush my back. He had removed his shirt sometime during the massage and I hadn’t noticed.
The warmth of his body and the contact with his broad hairy chest gave me a momentary shiver. Not from cold, but from raw unadulterated sensuality. I let out an involuntary moan as he pulled back and moved to the other side of the table.
Soon he was massaging the other ass cheek like the first but this time he stood closer to the table. His fingers were deliberately moving up and down my ass crack with each stroke and I moved my ass up to meet each one. That’s when something warm and heavy brushed my arm. As he bent over the table I distinctly felt his balls rub against my forearm. As he move further down the side of the massage table they were soon resting in my upturned palm. I didn’t know whether to respond to them or not, until his rigid shaft pressed into my side. My fingers caressed his big balls almost as a reflex.
By now my cock was erect and pressing upward between the table and my stomach. As my hips involuntarily move up and down to meet his slippery finders, my cock was rubbing up and down the sheets beneath me. I was moaning with each stroke and starting to breathe a bit faster.
Sensing my arousal his hands moved off my ass and onto my legs. My breathing returned to normal but my cock remained erect and pressed up onto my abdomen.
Now, he applied more oil to his palms and started at my ankles working carefully and expertly up my calves. There he applied some well placed pressure and found even more knots.
“Is that too hard?” he asked.
“Oh no,” I moaned, “feels good.”
In just bedava porno a few minutes he had loosened my calves and was moving up my thighs. He spread my legs as he pressed into the muscles of my thighs. His hands rubbed around the thigh moving from front to back and working upward. With each stroke he spread my legs a little more.
I felt the table creak a bit and I realized he had climbed onto it between my outstretched legs. His hands moved together up the thighs and onto my buttocks, pressing them forward and apart and them moving back. It was a gentle rocking motion as he pressed forward into me and the pulled back. With each stroke, his fingers ran between my thighs and my torso, stroking around my balls and then up my ass. My body responded by arching my ass upward to meet his motions.
After about three or four of the long strokes he pushed further beneath me and ran his fingers over my hard cock. Then he gently moved my dick beneath me and pointed it downward between my legs. Now with each stroke his finger ran the length of it before sliding up my ass and lingering at my hole. I felt his oily finger circle it and press in slightly before moving on. My ass responded by moving to meet his fingers and quivering as he teased my hole.
Finally he pulled his hands back to my thighs and the slid them forward all the way up my buttocks to my back and laid the full length of his body atop me. I felt his large frame press into me, his hands extending to mine and taking then in a firm grip, his legs aligning with mine and his very formidable cock slide right between my legs and nudge my balls. Then he exhaled one long breath and almost involuntarily so did I.
He whispered into my ear, “feeling good so far?”
I whimpered what I hoped he would interpret as a “yes”.
We lay like that for a few minutes breathing together and experiencing the full contact of our bodies. Then he kissed my neck and slowly pulled himself back to a kneeling position between my legs. His hands left me as he climbed down and he spoke quietly, “roll over on your back and move down a little”.
I did, sliding down the table a little so my head was no longer on the pad. He came around the table and removed it and as he did I got a good look at him. My erect cock must have twitched as I took in his big frame and lightly fur covered muscles, and that smile.
Looking down at me he said, “Now, just close your eyes and enjoy.
Reluctantly, I did as he continued. First he placed his hands on my chest, and waited for my breathing to slow into a steady pace. Then he began working on my pecks, gradually kneading and stroking them as his hands traveled to my sides and back to my pecks. I felt his thumbs deliberately graze my nipples with each pass, and it added to the already aroused state I was in. I was awash in pleasurable sensations as he moved to my abdomen. Leaning over me I felt his hard cock slide past my cheek, and his balls rest against me. His hand gently kneaded the abdomen, with much lighter pressure than before and I turned to face his stiff member that was lying against my cheek.
My breath must have felt warm on it to him, and I knew he felt my lips as the parted and my tongue lapped at the wrinkled skin of his sizable balls. He adjusted himself to allow me easier access, and soon I was sucking first one and then the other into my mouth.
By now he was on the table again, his knees straddling my head as he moved down toward my erect cock. I felt the consuming warmth of his mouth as he sucked my dick into his beautiful lips, and I too no time in returning the favor. His stiff dick was not too long but very big in girth. Still I managed to take it fully into my mouth and nurse it as he sucked mine.
My hands moved to his tight muscled ass and pulled him into my mouth, swallowing his fat cock as deep as I could. I loved the feeling of his balls on my face and the warm musk of then in my nose. My fingers grasped his ass and caressed the tight muscles. My fingers explored his crack and found his moist, tight hole.
He was busy sucking my throbbing dick, his talented hands massaging my balls and exploring the crack of my ass. I was lost in the erotic intensity of the moment, thinking of nothing but devouring his thick cock and taking in the scent of his manhood.
As I felt it leave my lips I feel sure I pouted. But I let my breathing return to normal as he moved off the table.
“You know the massage ended ten minutes ago?”
“This part is about just you and me.”
His strong hands grasped my legs and pulled me further down the table until my butt was aligned with the edge. His fingers were moist with something much more slippery cüce porno than the oil as they began massaging my asshole in earnest.
“This is lube,” he said. “I guess you know what that’s for?”
My voice was filled with lust as I replied, “hell yes!”
I looked down and watched him work on my ass. I held my legs up and spread them wide in anticipation as I saw him rip a condom packet open with his teeth. He rolled the sheath on his thick cock and coated it with more lube all the while rubbing and exploring my hole.
Then his hands grasped my thighs and pushed them forward. I felt the head of his cock against my asshole and then he slowly eased it into me. There was no resistance as it pushed past my sphincter where he stopped while my asshole adjusted to the width of his dick. I know I was moaning but I have no idea if I actually spoke.
“Is that pressure deep enough for you?” He was grinning with that smile again.
“Not deep enough,” I replied. “Fuck me!”
He chuckled and thrust his fat dick into my ass. The feeling was amazing being filled with his hot cock!
I swear I could feel the veins of his hard shaft as it slid in and out of my ass. The pressure inside me felt good as the head of his cock nudged my prostate on each thrust.
“Oh fuck that is good.”
He growled back, “damn right, you got a nice tight asshole.”
It didn’t feel tight to me, it felt full and good, so good that my cock wasn’t even part of the equation. I know I was stroking it, but for now, it was only semi-hard. Everything was about my ass, and it was great!
His thrusts got faster, and I could hear him moaning as he fucked me. I knew he was getting close to ejaculation and I wanted it to last forever.
Then he pulled his cock from my hole, and stripped the condom off. In two steps he was at the side of the table his throbbing cock pointing at my face.
“You want it?”
I opened my mouth in response.
He stroked his cock a few more times and then held it firm pointing it at my mouth. His head went back and he grimaced then moaned. Suddenly, hot cum shot from his dick into my mouth and across my face. I greedily sucked his spewing cock into my mouth as spurt after spurt of his warm cum filled me.
The taste was electrifying. I savored it before swallowing all I could. My tongue swirling around the throbbing head, getting all I could.
“Oh damn”, he said as he collapsed over me, my mouth still firmly clamped on his dick. We lay there panting together, still buzzing with the erotic energy.
I didn’t want to let it go, but eventually he pulled it from my hungry lips.
“Looks like you are still loaded”, he said looking down at my hard cock clasped firmly in my fist.
“Guess I am,” I said, “I was so concentrated on your beautiful dick I forgot myself.”
“Well, that won’t do.”
Smiling he moved back to the end of the table. He leaned down and put his hot tongue against my balls, slowly licking upward to my shaft. As his tongue reached the head he lapped the precum that was flowing out the slit.
“Mmmm, tasty!”
Then he took my cock in his mouth and began giving me the kind of blow job you only see in porn. He was amazing! Taking my dick deep into his throat and squeezing it with swallowing motions.
I thrashed on the table as he kept sucking my cock, while his hand massaged my balls.
“Fuck I am gonna cum,” I growled.
“Good,” he mumbled, “That was the idea.”
Then he went back down on my shaft and I felt the sensation building deep inside me. I felt a pulsing beneath my balls as my ass clenched. I thrust up into his mouth and felt my cock throb as cum rushed through it.
“Fuck yes!” I shouted.
My dick shot wave after wave of cum into his hot mouth and he didn’t miss a drop. He stopped sucking and waited for my cock the stop throbbing, before he let it go. Then he leaned over and pulled me up toward him.
Our mouths met in a deep kiss, our tongues sharing the cum still in his mouth. His beard rubbed against my face as he held me close to him. Eventually, our lips parted.
“That was wonderful,” I said breathlessly.
“Yes it was”, Matt’s deep voice replied.
He turned away to get a towel and I took in his full naked body. He was wonderful to look at, especially that broad back and tight furry ass. He handed me a towel and then showed me out of the room to a shower across the hall.
As I washed the oil and sweat and cum from my body I knew I would be back. In fact I think a regular appointment with Matt was exactly what I would need. And that is where the angst came in. Sexually, I was always the dominant partner. I identified as a Top and had never really explored being in the receiving end.
Looking back, I have come to grips with it and realized that everyone needs a little attention now and then. My visits with Matt made me not only more relaxed, but much better sexually because now I understood what the view was like from the bottom.