Debt to pay : Chapter 1


This is chapter 1 of the Debt to pay story. This Chapter went much longer then I intended, I will try to scale back the next chapters. Currently I plan to add 4-5 more chapters but, it might go longer than that, depending on how much I can shorten them. Please comment and message me your thoughts.

This story is DARK. DO NOT READ, if murder and slavery is not something that you want to read about. NEVER do anything that you read about here. NEVER COPY ANYTHING THAT HAPPENS. This is meant as fiction and just a way to express a fetish, not an excuse to do anything with in. these are things that SHOULD get you thrown in a dark pit with rabid dogs, or prison, don’t do them!

Please comment and get in touch if you have any ideas that will be useful for the story. Non constructive criticism does nothing and I will just ignore that kind of thing, any ways. I don’t plan to have the next chapter of this story out any time soon, but i will be working at it. Please enjoy if this is your thing.


The names Jagger.

I am not a good man. I lost the right to call my self that ages ago, just after I met my boss, and if you think I am a bad guy, just imagine how bad he is. He runs the entire show and me? I do the work, but hey, I like my job. I worked my way up from the bottom, a few years of grunt work here and a few years of… oh, whats the mundane word for this part, I guess “managing” will do… managing one of the side operations there, this all made me very well off. My current position within ‘The Company’ doesn’t even require much effort on my part anymore, so its a very relaxed job. Doesn’t hurt that the pays great and it can be petty entertaining, too.

The Boss has got his hands in just about everything, I think he wants to look into some si-fi shit next but, that’s besides the point of my story. My boss is a very generous man, the money that he has loaned to out aspiring entrepreneurs over the years has funded some of the biggest corporate power houses out there, and these successful start ups gladly repay his loans with interest. Its when they cant or won’t pay that I get called in.

I am the head of the loan returns and repossession side of the Boss’ work. When a lone comes to my desk for investigation its my job to find out the current status of any collateral that was offered and reclaim the value of the lone. My “official” title is private investigator, and while technically true, I guess, it doesn’t do my job justice.

You know that one super massive tech company, yeah THAT tech company, Boss put up most of the money used to start it, off the books of course. That loan never had no problems and is still paying off. Hes got an eye for those things my boss, but not every loan my boss has given go as cleanly as that one. Most people who take a loan fucking suck with money and can never payback the money the Boss gave them, but that’s where I come in, to get what is owed to the Boss, with interest.

But lets get to the good part. The job I enjoyed the most was out west. Some brilliant guy showed the Boss his “get rich easy” plan and the Boss decided to give him the loan. The amount was huge and the idiot put everything up as collateral, his house, his company, the designs of his plan, his family, ya know standard stuff everyone puts up as collateral.

Well the “get rich easy” plan failed miserably and so I was sent the guy’s information. It took me a few days but, I got in touch with him regarding recovering the Bosses assets. The amount I needed to collect wasn’t that bad after everything was calculated; just all land owned by him and his immediate family, any car and goods attached to his house hold, a daughter and his life. Could have been a lot worse, all that would happen was his wife and 2 of his kids would be homeless with nothing but the clothing on their backs, one kid would serve the ‘Company’ and he would be dead, nothing big. Well the dumb ass ran.

We like it when they run. Any expense gets added to the amount that they owe. That means the tabs of any bounty hunters and computer specialists we hire to track them down ends up being charged to the runner. All of this is with interest I might add, and once it gets to my desk any thing I want for myself is also added. I make sure to make sure the boss know about all this, if he finds out I’m hiding anything, I might be getting a call my self. I haven’t looked at the going rate on bounty hunters lately but the good ones cost a lot. I almost feel bad for the families of the people who run, but I don’t. That’s the job.

Well this dumb ass was “lovingly” married with three daughters, perfect for us, terrible for them. Miriam, his wife, was a super hot Milf in her mid 30’s, who only seemed to have that motherly shape in her breasts and ass, even after giving birth to 3 kids. Men would kill for a lover with that figure, women would kill to have it. She had started dating her dumb ass husband young, like real young. He was in university almost graduated and she was most definitely was not. An early drop out of high school school, she had never worked a job in her life, excepting Dumbass to do that part for her. She was kinda stuck up over all but, to her benefit, she loved her family and would do anything for her daughters, something I used from day one.

The oldest daughter was named Anabel. Definitely the sexiest of the entire family. Long legs, gorgeous face, good B cup boobs, with her skinny ass she could have been working as a model in Paris if she wasn’t so lazy. She realized early in life that men would do anything for her and so long as she kept her pussy as an unobtainable prize for them to fight over, they would keep trying to woe her in more and more elaborate ways. After high school she stopped doing anything, instead lounging at home waiting for one date or another to come and take her to the next party or event. Some how after all this, when I got to her she was still a virgin.

The middle daughter, Becky, was the opposite of her older sister. Any thing Anabel liked, Becky hated and vice versa. Becky worked very hard at everything she did and the inquiries that we sent out all came back as her being a straight A student running for student counsel president. The only things that the sisters had in common were commanding attitudes and amazing figures. She didn’t have the potential to be a model like her sister, a little shorter and with a more full figure but, Becky was no push over in the looks department. That little extra volume she had on her bones only made the curves of her body more fun to watch. She had an energy around her that led others to listen to what she said, which led to a small bonus for us.

The last daughter was Callie, an adorable student who’s body fell some where between her two sisters but was no less of a catch. Her body was soft in all the right places and tight where it counted. Her chest was smaller then that of the mother and Becky but, had already surpassed the eldest daughter by a cup size or two. Of all of them, only she seemed to be actually happy, perfectly content to receive praise and attention from those around her. She was little princess, surrounded by strong women and a doting father, her family had done a great job of creating a pure and obedient child who was a pleasure to be with. She is still my favorite now.

The day that I first approached the family was a great day for me, and the end of their comfortable little home, but it wasn’t going to happen all at once, no, I was going to let the debt pile on before I ripped them from their homes. Until the “caring” father was caught by our men I would have to stay close to his family, to make sure they didn’t run. Till then, I was going to enjoy this experience to the fullest. All expenses paid vacation on Dumbass’ dime, hell yeah!


Miriam was only concerned about 4 things; the safety of each of her 3 daughters and the whereabouts of her husband. She had just watched her eldest daughter get into the back of yet another expensive car with a group of friends heading to god know where for some sort of concert. Her other two daughters had already left for school and shouldn’t be back till the afternoon. All that was left to worry about was where was her husband. Money wasn’t tight but he hadn’t been home for days. She didn’t know what to do if he never came home and the money dried up. She didn’t know if she could find a job as a middle aged, high school drop out, who had never had a job before. All that she was good at was keeping a home in order and exercising.

It was in the midst of this worrying train of thought that she heard the door bell ring. She wasn’t expecting guests and her husband should have a key. Rushing over to the door just in case she found a injured husband there who had lost his key, she was instead greeted by two men in dark suits. The one in front was taller then her even with her standing one step above him. He smiled down at her with a door to door salesmen smile that did nothing to stop her from being very concerned. The other man was even bigger than the first man and was either incredibly grumpy or had the scariest resting face she had ever seen.

“Hello, mam” said the smaller man, his eyes showing genuine delight at their meeting “my name is Jagger and this loveable bear behind me is Kent.” With this the man reached into his jacket and pulled out a business card, presenting it to her through the screen door. “Before you close your door on the two big scary men on your front porch, let me just say that we are private investigators here about your husbands disappearance.”

Miriam, who had been slowly shutting the door on the two imposing men before her, gave a slight start before blurting out a stream of questions “What do you mean disappearance? Where is my husband? Is he safe? How do you know he is missing? What …”

“Whoa, whoa, calm down for a moment” interrupted Jagger “this is why we are here today mam. We wanted to ask you some questions about your husband, may we come in?”

Despite here better judgment, the possibility of learning where her husband had been hiding was too compelling to ignore. “Please come in, my names Miriam, can I get you anything? Water?”

“No thank you mam?”

She was surprised when the bigger man spoke up. “Excuse me but, may I use your toilet?” His voice was deep and deliberate.

“Oh, um sure, its just around the corner, first door on the left. Although it is kinda small, if you” Miriam paused, trying to find the least rude way to say that the man might be to large to comfortably sit in the tiny secondary toilet closet, “don’t fit, feel free to use the upstairs one.”

“Thank you kindly” the big man walked over to where the secondary bathroom was, took a quick look at the room and turned around to make his way upstairs.

“While your partner is upstairs, please sit in the living room” Miriam waved over at a manisa escort very clean room containing two couches, a couple of big fluffy chairs, a large TV, and a book shelf full of movies. Jagger sat in one of the big Chairs that faced the staircase, so Miriam decided to sit across from him in the other. She sat on the edge of the seat, desperate for information about her husband “So how can I help you with your investigation, Mr Jagger?”

“Just Jagger will do fine for now. May I say that this is a lovely home. Ill tell you want I know but before that, I was hoping to ask you some questions about your husband, is that OK?”

“Sure anything” said Miriam quickly, eliciting a small smile from the investigator.

“Thank you for your cooperation Miriam, that will make this whole process go much smoother. To start are you aware of your husband’s job?”

“Sure, he’s the CEO of his own manufacturing company.”

“Great. Next question. Are you aware that his company went bankrupt 5 years ago?”

“What?! No that doesn’t make any sense. He goes to work every day. I was in his building just a few weeks ago. Every thing was fine!”

“Yes, 5 years ago he got in contact with someone powerful and they gave him a very significant very secret loan to keep his company afloat. We know that he got a call from this benefactor last week and after that he never came home. Do you have any idea where he might have gone?”

As Jagger had spoken, the woman had sunken deeper and deeper into the chair that she was sitting in. The situation that Jagger was speaking about made no sense. If his words were true her husband had abandoned her and their children, her world was crumbling around her. Nothing made sense and she began retreating into her own mind, she didn’t even hear the upstairs toilet flush.

“I don’t know where would he go? Why would he go? He wouldn’t, no, NO! He wouldn’t do that!” coming back to her senses, denial pored out of her mouth, “MY husband is a good man! He wouldn’t leave us! And how do YOU know that this call that he got last week was about a ‘secret’ loan that only you say actually happened!”

“Oh, that easy, I made the call, and I know that it concerned your husband’s debt to my boss,” a cold chill washed over Miriam, stopping her in place as the smiling man continued to speak, “I forgot to mention this but I work for the man who gave your husband the loan, I’m here it ensure it is collected. Ah perfect timing as always, Kent, if you would?”

Those last words confused Miriam for only a moment before a large cloth covered hand enveloped her face. She could smell something on the cloth, as the world around her began to darken around her. The last thing that she heard was Jagger chastising the bigger man for not having went before they left.


The room around Jagger had been shifted so that one of the chairs was now sitting right in front of the TV. In it sat Miriam, her body striped of all clothing, her naked body was bound to the chair, a bag covering her head and her mouth was gagged to keep here quite when she returned to consciousness.

She was on display for the two men, unable to move or speak. With that first task of restrain the mother of three complete, Jagger had sent Kent off to set up the secure connection to their man on the other side of the city, while he took some time to examine the collateral.

The naked woman in front of Jagger was a little older then he would have liked but, she was still a sight to behold. Before he had thrown the bag over her face, Jagger couldn’t find any blemishes hidden by makeup on her face and her hair still had a nice volume without losing shine. Her breasts were big and round with out sagging or losing elasticity. She didn’t have any stretch marks in the places women which had given birth normally had, instead she had somehow managed to keep her skin smooth and elastic. Her crotch was surprisingly kept trim and a quick glance over at the medical records one of the Boss’s agents had procured confirmed that she had never had any invasive surgery and was currently only on minimal birth control.

All in all, Miriam would be able to pay off a decent chunk of the debt with her body. If it wasn’t for the growing debt her husband had left her, Jagger might have just taken the mother and let the children go. Originally she wasn’t even going to be claimed as collateral, but when her husband ran, the entire family was forfeit.

If she was lucky and her dumb ass of a husband was actually stupid and got captured quickly, nothing too terrible would happen to the women of the family. However if he was smart, if he could avoid the bounty hunters for too long, the debt hanging over the family would fall onto their heads as a guillotine, literally. Even a year with out securing the runner would lead to at least one death among them, most likely Miriam considering she had the least to give. Well, it was all up to Jagger in the end.


Nothing felt right as Miriam started to wake up. Her mind was dull, nothing like waking up with a hang over, it felt like pulling a foot out of knee high mud. For reasons she couldn’t fathom, it seemed that she had fallen asleep sitting up right in a chair. When she opened her eyes the world was still dark, had she slept till night time? No, her cloudy mind starting to comprehend the world around her, she just had something over her face, she must have had a head ache and the sun had been too bright. As nice as it was to sleep it was time to wake up, time to move my arm.

She was confused when she realized her arm wasn’t moving, actually it felt like there might even be something keeping her arm down, maybe a rope?

Adrenalin shot through Miriam, clearing away the fog, as she remembered the two men who had entered her house. She had to run, she had to scream, she needed to escape. But nothing happened. Straining against the ropes tying her arms down was starting to hurt and now she could feel the ropes around her legs, binding her to the chair. She couldn’t escape, so she doubled her effort in screaming for a neighbor, her hopes dashed when only muffled sounds reached her ears.

She was gagged! To make matters worse she could now feel the fabric of the chair that kept her from running, everywhere she shouldn’t. Bare skin rubbed on soft fabric all along her back and legs. Who ever the men were, she was now naked, tied down to a chair exposed before them.

“AH! Your up, and faster then normal, I might add.” The voice of the smiling man came from shockingly close to Miriam, what was he doing behind her, where was she? “Kent, its only been 20 minutes, I don’t think you used enough, this is what happens when you forget to use the bathroom before you go.”

“Sorry boss.”

“It’s fine this time, but what if next time someone wakes before we have them tied down, just be more careful.” the voice was moving around to the front of Miriam now, causing her to panic and struggle with the ropes that bound her. She wasn’t making any progress on escaping and she could feel her breasts swaying with the effort. She heard an amused chuckle before the voice continued.

“Now Miriam, I’m going to remove the hood now, you are going to stay quite and we are going to talk. If you do anything I don’t like, you will feel pain. If you really piss me off, your children are going to feel even worse pain when they get home. Little Callie normally gets home first, right?” these last words held more threat then anything Miriam had ever heard in her life. A cold sweat washed over Miriam, as she began to cry.

“Nod your head if you understand.” commanded the voice of Miriam’s captor, prompting her to use as much strength as she could to show her agreement.


Light suddenly blinded Miriam briefly, she squinted to block out the light and clear some of the tears from her eyes. She was seated directly in front of Jagger, who was now sitting in one of her other chairs. He was still smiling at her and his eyes gave her the impression of a beast eying a slab of meat. Behind him was the 75 inch living room TV, outlining him in blue light, the only other thing on the screen were words ‘no signal’.

“Lets begin again,” Jagger had waited until Miriam had stopped blinking from the light, her eyes starring at him with terror. “I will ask you questions, you will answer promptly. Make no mistake, I have been doing this for years and you will not escape what is coming, I do not care who you are, you can not bribe me and we own the cops. Talk or things will only get worse.

“You look like you are still confused, I’ll explain it for you. Like I said your husband owes my boss a lot of money. They made a deal 5 years ago that almost saved your husband’s company. At the time your husband didn’t have anything that he could use a collateral. His company was failing and your house was about to be repossessed by the bank. So he offered you and your kids to the Boss. That’s right, your beloved husband sold you to keep his company afloat.

“Well as much as he tried, his company failed again. Last week I called your husband to collect what he owed. Normally we have to make an example of people who fail to pay back the boss by killing them and take their families to become our new product but he had actually managed to save a nice sum of money, even with his failing company. It was enough to free you and two of your girls of his debt, there was no getting out of your husband’s fate but you would have been spared.

“Well he took exception to that, started to argue with me about how I should just take all of your girls and leave him alive. I haven’t heard from him since. So ill ask my question from earlier, do you know where your husband would run?”

Miriam had been struggling to completely grasp his words, but his question was again filled with such threat that she replied as fast as she could, new tears starting to well up and fill her eyes.


Jagger couldn’t resist looking down at the woman’s swaying breasts as she violently shook her head no, a few tears dripping down onto her marvelous mounds. This action along and just how utterly powerless the bound, naked woman before his eyes was, made his pants tighten in anticipation. It was a shame that she didn’t have any clues to where her husband was but, that just meant that this woman and her family belonged to him. She was no longer anything more then a slave, waiting the day her husband was captured and his final judgment fell upon her.

“Well that’s too bad, for you mostly, me it doesn’t effect too much. If you had some idea about him, we could have saved a lot of time. As per the agreement made by your husband, you now belong to my boss, as such you now belong to me. I run this part of the Boss’s business, and he doesn’t care how I do things, hell, I can throw you escort manisa into a pit with a hungry bear just to see how you die and I will be thanked for my effort. All of you is now mine. You are now a slave.”

Jagger glanced down at his watch, five past 10, a little early for the show, but might as well start now. “Miriam, in a moment I am going to show you something that should make it very clear what your situation is.

“The fate of you and your daughters is now in my hands, I will decide everything. Be an obedient slave and things will be good for you. If not well, this presentation is a cautionary tale that will show you what happens if you run, what your life is now and how much power I have over your fate.”

With that Jagger stood up and walked up to the chair that held Miriam, putting his face as close to hers as he could with out actually touching her.

“Now Miriam, you must not look away from the screen. If you do, I will punish you. Never forget what you see here might happen to you. Kent please contact our VIP members and tell them that show time has been moved up and if they want to watch the event live, they have about 10 minutes before the show begins.”

With this Jagger pulled out his phone “Larry? Are you set up? Good. We are good to go on this end, lets start the pre-show. Yeah stay on the line and I will tell you when to proceed to the next stage, like we planed. Start sending us the feed.”


The TV in front of Miriam was suddenly filled with the face of a man that she had never meet. He had a very forgettable face except for his eyes, which were cold. Dark and cold. As if they didn’t feel anything at all.

“Look Miriam, that’s Larry, wave at the camera Larry.” Came the much too cheerful voice of Jagger from right behind Miriam. He had moved directly behind her and began to lean on her chair so that she could now feel his breath on her neck.

The man behind the camera brought up his hand for only a brief moment before it went straight down.

“Thank you Larry. Now Larry here is the host of the show, he will run things with out my help once the real show starts, and till then I will direct him on what to do. Show us what you prepared for today’s show Larry.”

For a brief moment the screen became blurred before refocusing on an object that Miriam had only seen on TV. It was a gun, a very large gun, maybe 3 feet long, set up on the length of a table, with little legs bracing it in in front and some sand bags under the back. Black metal met polished wood and from a large scope on top protruded a few wires running off the screen.

“That really is a beautiful sniper rifle isn’t it Miriam and it looks like its already set up. Do you want to know what it is looking at, Kent, please switch to camera 2.”

Once again the screen blinked for a moment before refocusing on something. The image became that of a girl sitting at a school desk, staring intently at a piece of paper and chewing on the end of a pen. Right in the middle of her head was a red dot.

Miriam was now screaming through her gag. That was her girl. Her second child, Becky! These men had a gun aimed at her child. They were going to kill her while she sat in class. She started to strain against the ropes that bound her, until a hand suddenly clamped around her neck, slowly squeezing.

“Now now now, lets have none of that, Miriam. As long as you do EXACTLY what I fucking tell you, your girls are safe. Now will you calm down or will I have to let Larry do what he wants to do to your girl, and don’t think for a second that we care about the cops. We can shoot her in front of everyone in that room and make them all think she was a terrorist.”

Miriam tensed up as fast as she could. This man was serious. Miriam realized that to him she and her children were no longer people, to him they were disposable toys. There would be no bargaining, no escape. She was powerless.

“Good girl.” his hand released Miriam’s neck, instead moving down to grope one of her breasts. “We have people watching all of your children actually.”

Jagger reached down and pulled out his phone. “Callie is over in the high school gym right now, jogging around the track, not noticing all the boys in her class getting hard as her boobs bounce and sexy Anabel lied to you when she said there was a concert. She is actually going to party with some other girls on a yacht with men three times her age, she’s quite the slutty little gold digger. Once we begin to collect a debt, we make sure to keep tabs on any collateral that has been offered. Also every day that your husband is missing, the debt only began to grow larger.”

Miriam was shutting down mentally. She was bound to a chair, her beautiful daughters could be killed at any moment and she completely naked being groped by her tormenter. Was there any point in resisting? Maybe, once she got her girls together, they could some how give these people the slip, maybe move somewhere? Mexico? Austria? Hell Russia might be far enough away from this man to keep them safe.

“Miriam, remember never look away. Larry you may begin.”

Suddenly the picture shifted again. Now there was only a logo on the screen with a count down right below it. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. 0. A brief flash of darkness, then Larry filled the screen again. Now however he wore a charismatic smile and his entire face seemed more animate. Everything but his eyes, those remained cold and dead.

“Welcome viewers to this exclusive event.” even Larry’s voice seemed to liven up as he began to talk to the viewers behind the camera. “We here at DPS productions are proud to announce that we are broad casting this to 40 countries around the world today, a new record, glad to add you to the list Turkmenistan. For our new viewers, please remember that all models used our shows are real and if you have any requests for future content please contact your local Mr. Johnson. Who knows where we found those bastards but you all have one.”

“Today’s broadcast is a special request of Mistress V, who payed several hundred million and four granddaughters to use a couple of our most sought after products today. If you haven’t already had a chance to taste them you can blame Mistress V for taking that chance away.”

Larry was making jokes, jokes about a grandmother selling her granddaughters as slaves! This all must be a dream, a nightmare. “Lets give a quick nod to Mistress V for today’s show, your kin is always appreciated. Now let me introduce you to today’s co-hostess and entertainment, miss Victoria Hill.”

The view switched to a woman kneeling on the ground, her back straight with her hands resting on her thighs. The only things that she wore was a collar around her thin neck, a tight corset around her belly and stockings that went all the way up to her thighs, everything black. Her hair was blond and cut to reach her shoulders. She was gorgeous and Miriam couldn’t help but think that the woman looked familiar. On both sides of her were boxes that, Miriam thought, didn’t bode well.

“Welcome to all of you Masters and Mistresses out there in the world, as well as any slave lucky enough to be allowed to watch my last act. Like my final master said, my name is Victoria Hill, you might recognize me actually, I used to appear on TV all the time, and my family owned a massive hotel empire or maybe you just watched my sex tape you naughty people.” The woman on the floor said all this with an almost deranged smile on her face.

Victoria Hill! It had taken a moment to recognize the woman, she was a bit older then the last time Miriam had seen her on TV, and her body was more filled out, but there she was. Victoria used to be all over the news. Flouting her money for the world to see. What was she doing on the floor next to the man that had a gun aimed at one of Miriam’s girls. And more concerning what was all that “final” talk about.

“For the first part of today’s show, my mother will take center stage. She is currently in position above a school filled with innocent children,” with a wink towards the camera she added “and some not so innocent. Lets look over at her now.”

The view shifted to a different camera, showing another naked woman. This one was much older, her breasts larger and sagging under their own mass. She was bound to an X, legs collapsed below her and arms being stretched by her own weight, only the shackles that kept her secured to the wooden X kept her upright. Miriam couldn’t see the new woman’s face, graying hair obscured her features, but she seemed to be asleep or unconscious.

“Look at my poor, pathetic mother, she couldn’t even last the night up there, how sad.” Victoria’s face now filling half of the screen, showing no remorse for the battered shape of her mother, only her deranged smile. “Don’t worry, we will wake her up soon. I have a question for you all, do you see that little box below her pussy?”

Miriam had missed the box before the naked slave had pointed it out. It wasn’t small or large, nor catchy or broken. It was just a box. It didn’t seem that interesting, why was attention being drawn to it?

“Mistress V, we have done everything we could to prepare the scenario that you requested, and, if you will accept the words of a nothing slave, I think we did a good job. In that box is a machine that will extend its robot arms into mother’s pussy and ass and begun to sexually abuse her.” Victoria had begun to bite her lower lip as she talked, one slim hand reaching slowly for her own crotch, the other beginning to play with her breasts. “The toys that will enter her will also release a specialty drug, produced exclusively by DPS chemistry.

“With one dose, this drug produces a power amount of desire in the victim, that makes sex feel so much better and pain turns into even more pleasure. Per Mistress V’s request, mother will be injected with 60 times that dosage, one new dose every minute for an hour. We don’t know when she will die, but if she stays strapped into the device, I promise you that she will die cumming.

“But, that’s only half of the performance.” Victoria was now quivering, fingers moving in and out of her pussy in a desperate action, white liquid dripping out of her nipples as she squeezed her breasts hard. “While my mother is suffering orgasm after orgasm, Master Larry here will be playing his own game with her. Master Larry has brought with him a very special weapon with him, I will let him explain what it is, cuz I don’t know how to.”

“Good job, little snuff puppet,” the camera swung back to Larry for a moment before he grabbed it and pointed it at his gun “this is the newest product of DPS manufacturing, the G5-M11 sniper. Sleek and elegant, we promise that this gun out preforms every other gun in its class. It can even be modded to use every bullet on the market, and that includes 50 caliber and 2mm. Why you would want to shoot a Kolibri bullet out of a sniper rifle, I don’t know, manisa escort bayan but you can if you want. The metal is a new alloy created only last month and the stock is made of mahogany fitted with the best recoil suppressant money can buy. Now lets move on to the bullets.

“Today’s bullets are special.” Larry held up a strange bullet up to the camera, it almost looked like it was made of glass. “In side of these bullets is a little camera. Once fired, these little guys will record everything that they see. After we get footage processed, you will be able to watch as they rip apart flesh in slow motion. I cant wait to see it my self, how about you puppet?”

Victoria was now cross eyed, the eventual climax of her masturbation drawing nearer, and fluids flowed from her pussy. “I, ha, wo- wo- would, ha, LOVE, ah, to seeEEEEEE!” Larry’s puppet collapsed in on herself when a power orgasm ripped though her slim body. The woman had finished masturbating to the idea of her mother’s death.

Miriam was shocked when a foot suddenly swung into the panting woman’s gut. “Speak properly when addressing the camera, slut!” Larry had kicked the slave, there had been no provocation, no warning, just a swift kick all because a few words didn’t come out clearly. What hell was Miriam being thrust into?

Victoria was now up on her knees again, smile even more deranged than before, eyes staring at her tormentor with lust. She was loving it! “YES, Master! Please forgive this snuff slave. Please allow me to explain the game to our honored guests, to make up for my mistake.”

She must have received conformation because terrifying words began to roll out of her mouth. “While my mom is having the most powerful orgasms of her life, Master Larry will be in position behind his gun. Every 5 minutes he will be shooting my mother some where on her body. Remember, please, that with the drug in her system, all pain is turned into even more pleasure. While this is happening I will be worshiping master’s other weapon. When I make him start to choke me with his cum, he will fire a final shot into my mother’s head.

“That’s it! How many bullets will enter my mother’s body? What will actually killer, the bullet or the drug? How long will it take me to please my master? We have sent you all information on how to send out bets. Who ever comes the closest gets to pick a prize! We have a fine ***********ion for the winner to choose from today, just remember you can only pick one prize. We have cash, plenty of toys from the tech department, or the special prize, that I think is the best prize.”

Victoria reached into the box and pulled out a baby. “This little bundle of joy is my 3rd daughter.” she then reached into the other box, “This one is my mother’s 5th daughter. Neither has been named yet and and they were born on the same day. To make things even sweeter for the winner they are also sisters! That’s right, the same man fucked both me and my mother to produce these almost twin sisters that are also a niece/ aunt combo. That means that my own daughter is also the sister of my mom’s daughter, as such I gave birth to my own sister. How taboo is that. Win today’s game and you win the last two girls of the Hill family.”

Breeding, slavery, incest, torture, murder; it was all a game to these people. Everything blurred around Miriam as the show continued, sound and vision mixing together as her brain fought to make sense of every thing that she was watching. She watched as a woman bound to an X above her daughter’s school was violated, forced to take dose after dose of a drug that provided her with immense pleasure. She watched as someone she had seen on TV countless times kneel under a table in order to willingly deep throat the man that would kill her mother.

This! This is what was going to happen to me and my daughters? Why? What had we ever done to deserve this? It was her husband! This was his fault! FUCK YOU! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO US?!

It was the first shot that brought Miriam out of her thoughts again. She hadn’t heard it, she had barely noticed the man pull the trigger, but she saw what it did. There in the older woman’s shoulder appeared a little red dot, that much too quickly began pour out blood. This was too much for Miriam, she had never seen pain, she had never seen death. She didn’t even notice what had happened until Jagger spoke into her ear again.

“Ha! This is all it took for you to piss your self. Don’t worry so much, this happened because the Hills ran. So long as you and yours don’t I can safely promise that your girls will survive longer then they did. Now keep watching.”

Miriam continued watching for another 17 minutes, 17 minutes of Victoria bobbing up and down, chocking on Larry’s cock. 17 minutes of Victoria playing with her self while her mother got pumped with more drugs. Three more holes appeared in different parts of the older woman’s body, electing looks of pleasure and pitchers liquid flowing down the toy that raped her. Only then, at the end of this time, did she watch Larry start to convulse and Victoria shove his dick as far down her through as she could, drinking the cum that was now shooting into her gut. Then, one last hole appeared in the older woman, right between her eyes. She was dead.

Everything was calm for a moment. Larry was coming down off of his high, and Victoria was gasping for air under the table below him. Then Larry stood up, he reached under the table and grabbed the blond by the hair, dragging her back to the spot she had started from. Victoria, still struggling to catch her breath, resumed her original position.

“Well, everyone I hope you all enjoyed my mother’s death. If you give us just a moment we will have the results of today game.” There was a brief pause until Victoria was handed a sheet of paper. “The total is in and it looks like mother survived for 23 minutes and 56 seconds, having been injected 23 times and shot four, before the final one killed her. I hope you all bet that I could make master cum with in 20 minutes, you all should all know I am just that good at giving head.” There was pride in her voice, pride at having given the man who killed her mother a good blow job.

“And now to announce the winner, BETTING that it would take 24 minutes and 15 seconds and that I would beat the drug, our winner for the day, Master U from eastern Europe! Please contact Mr. Johnson about receiving your prize.

“Remember if you want my sisters, they can be trained in any way you want. Might I subject letting them be trained together as sister and only taking them in when they are ripe and horny little sluts. Since they are from me and my mother you know they will be hot as fuck and unless you request otherwise, when you collect them, they will still be virgins.”

Victoria was now smiling at the camera again. “Well we are going to rap up today’s show, and since slave hostesses don’t survive the show, it is time to bid you all farewell. Thank you all for the last few years and if you want to buy any of my films, including this one you know who to call. Bye bye now.”

That was the last thing that Victoria said before a hole appeared in her head. She died, smiling like a deranged idiot, seeking to please people that only wanted to watch her die. With her death the screen returned to the DPS logo with the words ‘thank you for watching, the date of our next show will be sent to you in 2 weeks time.


Jagger was pleased with how the show had went. The Hill women had been losing their novelty and would probably have appeared on the show soon anyways. Thanks to Mistresses V’s impatience, the Company had secured 4 new, trained products and gotten rid of old product at a huge profit. It was a good day and it was still only around 11:00. Now back to the toy in front of him.

He walked over to the TV and turned it off. Sitting back in the chair in front of Miriam, Jagger stared at her. She was a mess, lose strands of hair crossing randomly across her face and her eyes were now very blood shot. She was barely moving now and it seemed like she barely noticed that he was sitting before her. She was clearly broken.

“Miriam!” Jagger had to snap twice before the naked woman’s eyes focused on him. “Answer me quickly. Do you understand your new position in life?”

The woman nodded.

“Do you understand that you are now a slave?

Again she nodded.

“If we release you from that chain will you try to run away?”

This time it was a shake of the head.

“Do you understand what will happen if you run, or if any of your daughters try to escape us?”

Another nod.

“Do you think that you could escape us?”

Her eyes were twitching, she clearly wanted to believe that she could escape, but all to quickly she shook her head in defeat.

“Last question for now; will you obediently do what ever I say from now on?”

For a quick a flicker of rebellion shown in her eyes, going out quickly as a new reality sunk in. She nodded her head, admitting that she was no longer something greater then a slave.

“Good girl,” again using the degrading word towards the 30 something year old woman with 3 daughters “Hear some orders now. When you are released from that chair do not move or speak. From now on you will refer to me as master unless we are in front of your daughters or and outsider. Obey everything that I tell you and the fate of you and your daughters will be much happier.”

Jagger looked over towards his assistant, “Kent. Untie the bitch, lets see what happens.”

The giant of a man walked behind the woman in the chair. After only a moment Miriam was freed for the rope and gag that had bound her but, she did not move. The words of Jagger now keeping her in place even better then the rope did. Jagger couldn’t help but smile.

“Slave, get on your hands and knees and give me a blow job. Stick your ass out and crawl over to me, you are allowed to speak if it is to acknowledge a command.”

“Yes, m.. master.” Miriam had to force the title out of her mouth, squeaking out the word as her through tightened to try to stop the alien word.

She slid off the chair, onto her hands and knees, not daring to look up. She had to force herself to move towards her unwanted master, hands and knees moved in an uncoordinated effort to reach him. Jagger happily watched her ass sway towards him, his enjoyment translating into lust and she knelt before him. She stopped for a moment, waiting for something, realizing quickly what she had to do.

Slowly her hands reached out and unzipped his pants. She had to reach in to release his cock from the confines of his underwear. The woman stared at the foreign dick, now just inches away from her face. The only one she had ever seen was her husbands, and the idea of serving it was repulsive, emotions clear for the world to see. “Get too it, or do I have to get Callie?”

Jagger watched as Miriam closed her eyes before starting to lick her master’s dick. As waves of pleasure began to wash over Jagger, his thoughts drifted to the other girls in the family, and how much fun it would be when they all served him.

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