

A/N: This is part of a longer story which does mean it is a slow burner but I hope you enjoy.


Chapter 1 – Congratulations

“I want you Noah…” Lisa leaned slightly forwards enticingly. Noah turned back to her and let his eyes run up and down her nude body. Lisa was a small, tight package. She had developed well and now, at eighteen, stood at 5’4″. Noah’s schoolmate had grown a set of B cups, and had some curve to her ass. That combined with her lithe body and pretty eyes made her attractive in Noah’s eyes.

She was funny and sweet too, beneath the hard shell she’d stuck too religiously when they were younger, all of which had pushed him over the edge when she’d finally asked him out a year ago. In the time since, they’d turned eighteen and settled into a proper relationship that he was pretty happy in. That was before the big change. The ring and the engagement. It felt like a change and he was a bit scared of it all if he were being honest, but as she stood in front of him, he couldn’t think why.

She was beautiful.

It was definitely a victory then to have her as his fiancée. To have fucked her. To have cum on her face and glasses. Something Noah could be proud of.

“Come here then.” He finally replied. Lisa approached Noah and leaned in for a kiss. He reciprocated and wrapped his arm around her waist to bring her closer. Lisa’s hard nipples pressed against Noah’s chest, and she slipped her tongue into his mouth. Noah explored her mouth but quickly slid his hands down to grope Lisa’s ass cheeks. They sat comfortably in his hands, and felt good. Noah knew that they needed to get ready and leave but he was horny and intent on fucking.


“I fucking hate her.” Savannah stared up at the ceiling as she spoke.


“I mean, it’s not just me right, she’s such a little bitch.” She added, shifting her body slightly on the large king sized bed.


“Tim, are you even listening-“

“Ahh, fuck… fuck!”

Savannah tilted her head down and, looking through her cleavage, could see Tim hunched over. Cumming into a tissue.

“Ugh, are you kidding me! You haven’t heard a fucking word I’ve said have you?” Tim had his eyes closed and his mouth open, and didn’t respond. Savannah honestly couldn’t believe this was the man she was married to. The dark-haired woman waited a moment before pushing again.

“Well?” Finally, with the secondary prompt, Tim focussed himself again and addressed Savannah.

“Something about Victoria’s daughter right?” He asked as he discarded the soiled tissue. Savannah sneered at her partner.

“Eat me out.” Tim didn’t hesitate before angling himself. The man positioned his body such that he could get his tongue as deep into Savannah’s pussy as possible.

Tim looked up to her, waiting until Savannah nodded her head before he began pleasuring her. Tim didn’t know how to use his tongue but it was long, and that meant that Savannah would still enjoy it a little when he used it on her pussy.

“She came over yesterday with the worst story I’ve ever heard. Said that she’d been assigned an escort mission and wanted some advice from Noah.” Savannah scoffed. “Advice, are you kidding me?”

She ran a slender hand through her silky hair haughtily, and cast her gaze to the door.

“That bitch is so desperate.”

“I think she just really likes Noah, honey.” Savannah snapped her head back to Tim, staring down at him angrily.

“Keep going.”

Tim leaned back down and began running his tongue against his wife’s clit. The small bud was totally hidden but Tim was attempting to coax it out.

“She’s not right for him.” Savannah returned to her thoughts. Tim paused to take a breath and tried to settle her.

“Lisa’s a sweet girl.” Savannah’s lay fully back, enjoying the feel of the pillows underneath her. The mother cast her eyes back on the door to the master bedroom.

“She’s not good enough… not for Noah.”


Lisa brushed her hair back gingerly, already fully dressed. Noah was still throwing on a red t-shirt when she asked.

“Are you coming to the lake later?”

“Yeah, of course. Everyone’s still coming, right?” He questioned back.

“I think so,” Lisa confirmed. “No emergencies have popped up or anything.”

“Then, yeah.” Noah quickly scanned the ground for his missing shoe. It seemed like in the rush of getting some private time with his fiancée, he’d misplaced it.

“Yeah.” Lisa repeated, as Noah caught her loving gaze. “I’m excited. I wonder how people will react to us.”

She laughed slightly. Noah reached under his bed and found the missing article. He returned Lisa’s laugh as he laced his shoes.

“They’ll love it. Alina especially. She’s always wanted us to get together.”

“Yeah… together.” Lisa sighed her words dreamily, and though Noah wasn’t looking, he could tell that she was staring at him again. They’d kept their relationship pretty private for the last year and only their parents really had some inkling based on how kağızman escort often they were at each other’s houses. Tonight would be the first night they officially told people and it was going to be a big announcement with the engagement.

“You’re too cute, Lisa.”


“Honey, have you seen my coat?” Tim asked as he wandered into the master bedroom. He wasn’t looking up, as he was fiddling with his cloak. Savannah pulled away from the dresser mirror and quickly looked around the room.

“It’s not here, did you check by the boiler?”

Tim didn’t respond but Savannah knew that he was heading there. She sighed as he left the room. Savannah really didn’t know what Tim was thinking sometimes. He was so childish and would miss or forget the most simple of things. The woman sighed before returning to her position in front of the mirror and checking her makeup again.

“God, I’m hot.” Savannah took in her pretty face. She had large, pale blue eyes, a slim nose, and plump lips. Her hair was shorter than when she was young but it maintained its silky feel and the deep dark shade looked as great as always. Savannah was aware that her face had matured but it had changed for the better. She was prettier than she had ever been and wasn’t ashamed to say it.

Her body had altered too. As a teen, Savannah had a decent shape. She had large breasts but carried them oddly, and without confidence. She had a flat stomach which was great but it was heavily muscled from all the track running, and she had a small curve to her ass which looked okay. But as she grew older, had Noah, and began to look after herself more, Savannah’s body became insane.

The pale-eyed woman stood to look at herself fully, turning to either side, to fully appreciate her luscious figure.

Her already large breasts grew to massive F cups, yet still defied gravity despite all the odds and hung as they’d done in her twenties. Her stomach lost its overly muscled look after retiring from running and Savannah simply maintained the perfect flatness she liked. Finally, her lower half filled out and, as Savannah took to regular gym sessions and squats, the dark haired beauty crafted a thick, juicy ass that stuck out almost obscenely from her slim frame.

Savannah didn’t think it was egotistical to say that she was basically the ideal woman. She’d never seen anyone in recent years that she thought looked anywhere near as attractive as her. It was almost unfair really, when Savannah thought about it, that all those other girls younger than her couldn’t even compare to her perfect body.

“Savannah, it’s not here!” She sighed heavily and stopped admiring her shape, sparing one last look at her dress.

“I’m coming.”

Savannah slipped on her black earrings, grabbed her black clutch and went off to help her hopeless husband.


Noah sighed to himself as he showered. The hot water warmed his tight muscles and relaxed him. He’d always found he could think best in the shower. It was without distractions and despite the watery fog, his mind remained clear. Having already washed up, Noah was just letting his body soak, and his thoughts wander. The young man felt his lips widen into a smirk as he remembered Lisa’s actions before she left.

The blonde had always thought his schoolmate liked him a little, but it was a surprise the extent her feelings went. Lisa had been asking him to hang out more and more and then finally asked him out when they finished their exams. Noah wasn’t sure if he felt the same way but he’d accepted and he had fun with Lisa on their first date the way they always did. After that, well he was caught up in the whirlwind of it all. Noah opened his eyes and glanced down at his soft dick.

The sex didn’t hurt either.

Noah smirked to himself. The day so far had been pretty great, excluding the limitation of his time with Lisa, and the lake was only going to be better. If he could sneak away, he’d fuck Lisa again and quench his unfinished hunger. The idea of doing so while hiding from their families sounded pretty exciting. As Noah ended his thought, he felt his cock twitch lightly and he knew that he needed to leave the relaxing shower now if he wanted to make it to the party in time. Noah quickly stepped out and towelled dry before choosing his clothes. A pair of black jeans, with a dark shirt, and grey boots. He fixed his hair and left his headband in the drawer.


“Noah, baby…?” Savannah bit her lip as she reached the door to his room. She was in her tight dress and wanted to get Noah’s opinion before they left. He would definitely appreciate her display, and imagining all the scenarios that could play out made Savannah warm. “Come on, we’re going to be late.”

The mature mom smoothed her dress as she waited for a reply. She was eager to see his reaction. Savannah stood for a full four seconds until she decided it was acceptable to walk in. After all, something could be wrong, if he hadn’t replied to her yet. She had to maraş escort enter to make sure he was safe.

“Noah, I’m coming in.” Savannah was ready to catch a half dressed Noah but instead entered an empty room. Her eyes scanned across the slightly messy room before settling on the vacant bed. The distinct smell of cum lingered in the air. “Noah’s already gone, Tim, hurry up.”


Tim slowed his pace as they approached the lake front property. He glanced down at his clothes and wiped some loose fibres off. After all, he needed to look his best for tonight. Tim strolled slowly through the large blue metal gates that were wedged open. The size wasn’t particularly useful at stopping trouble but their presence acted as a deterrent. Not many places had such domineering walls.

Tim focussed his mind, feeling himself getting distracted again. The speech. He needed to focus on his speech. Tim wondered what he’d say. He wanted to be casual, and make his point off the cuff, but as the time neared, he thought that he would have appreciated some notes or guidelines. The inner lawn was large and subtly decorated with flower arrangements and large oak trees. The front door of the house seemed to be crafted of oak too. Tim shook his head. The speech.

The doorbell rang and Tim was by how quickly the door swung open. He lost his train of thought totally when he was suddenly face to face with Derek. The stern man was uncharacteristically bright and smiled at Tim while offering his hand.

“Timooo, it’s a pleasure to see you againnn.”

“Derek, good to see you too.” Tim shook the man’s hand and smiled back widely. Derek laughed and then his eyes shifted to Tim’s left.

“We’ve been waiting for you to arrive. Al wanted to discuss some very important things with you.” Derek did not look back at Tim as he spoke and Tim, unsure how to react, decided a simple nod would do. Suddenly, Derek’s gaze snapped back and the older man leaned in to Tim. His eyes steeled seriously.

“He wants to know if you can beat him at drinking a bottle down!” Tim recoiled at Derek’s loudness and took a step back as the grey-haired old man burst out with laughter.

“Ah, well, thank you for letting me know, Derek. I’ll make sure to speak to Albert soon.” Derek’s gaze softened and a goofy smile appeared on his face. And then, just as quickly as he’d answered the door, Derek spun around and vanished into the large house. Tim looked down at his hand, finally free of the man’s grip, and then smirked. The old man was finally learning to relax.

“He’s drunk.” Tim realised abruptly that Savannah was to his left, when she spoke up. “Really drunk.”

“Yeah,” Tim agreed, looking at Savannah, “Isn’t it awesome?”


Savannah pulled the door shut behind her and immediately began to scout the room out for her friends. Tim was still grinning over his interactions with Derek and it brought out a frown in the dark-haired woman. She honestly thought her husband was blind. Tim hadn’t put any effort into his own outfit, with his chunky shirt and disproportionately small coat, for such a big occasion, and didn’t even make any comments about Savannah’s stunning get up.

Then, when they had been at the door, Derek was so obviously intoxicated. His face was a bright red, he stank and he was only half dressed. There was even a bottle half tucked in his pocket. Yet, Tim hadn’t noticed anything. The moron hadn’t even realised that the old man was staring perversely at his wife’s tits. No, Derek was gaping blatantly, running his eyes hungrily over Savannah’s tight form and voluptuous curves, and Tim didn’t even notice.

So, Savannah was determined to move away from him as soon as she could.

“Go find your friends, I’ve got to speak to Kendra.”

“Okay, I’ll message you.” With that reply, Tim vanished into the crowd, and Savannah found herself free. She smiled, pulling out her phone and typing out a quick text.

Are you at the party yet?

Savannah slipped her phone away and headed towards the nearest drink, which was available at a small side table located in the corner of the room. She grabbed a glass of wine and leaned herself against the wall. Savannah’s pale eyes scanned the room and quickly discerned that she knew no one in this particular crowd.

That made sense, it was the first room and likely filled with those who weren’t really all that close to the main invitees. Her phone buzzed inside Savannah’s black clutch and she quickly finished the rest of the glass before looking at the response.

Yes, babe. Me and Tom got here a few minutes ago. Are you here? X

Yeah. Tim’s gone to speak to Albert. Where are you?

I’m by the pool. Just come through the front room and then you’ll see it. It’s impossible to miss me x

Savannah smirked lightly, the stern expression on her face finally lifting. She glanced down at her own outfit and laughed inwardly.


“Hey, motherfucker! About time you got here!” Bruce shouted loudly the instant Noah entered kahta escort the room.

“Ah, Noah, how you doing man?” Felix added as the duo approached the entrant.

“Hey guys, yeah, I got held up at home.” Noah explained. He was hoping to get a few drinks into his system before he was caught by his friends.

“Held up doing what?” Denki walked over, probably from the noise Bruce had made, holding a glass of champagne in his hands.

“Just cleaning up my room really.” Noah elaborated before angling his body towards the drinks table. “Is that champagne?” Denki stepped back, opening up the tight circle that had formed around Noah.

“Yes, you should get a glass before it’s all gone.”

Noah nodded and quickly took the opportunity to move away from the crowd. Picking up an extra glass Noah figured he’d drink faster to make up for lost time. He knocked one back and reached for a third glass before leaning up against the wall. It wasn’t long before Noah found his eyes fixated on someone.

His mom, Savannah. Noah could see her through the glass door pane. She was surrounded by her usual group of attractive friends and Noah found himself staring. Savannah was mostly hidden, but her silky dark hair was easily recognisable despite the crowd in-between them.

Savannah was speaking to Weston’s mom, Nina, along with Victoria Petrov, Lisa’s mom. From his angle Noah could see that Victoria had opted for a black sundress, loose flowing but tastefully short. The light beamed through the thin fabric and showed off the lithe frame underneath it. Noah honestly thought it was a shame that Mrs. P wasn’t more risque with her dress sense. Ever since he had hit puberty, the young blonde had known that Victoria was pretty but he had a hunch about her body that he wouldn’t mind confirming. A more daring outfit here would have helped with that for sure. Weston’s mom was still wrapped up, with a grey summer dress, and the permanent scowl on her face was out in full force.

Savannah was the prettiest of them all though. She had large, doe eyes, a pointed nose, and plump lips that were coated in purple lipstick. She had luscious dark hair that contrasted her incredibly fair skin, which looked almost angelic, while her pale irises complimented her skin tone. Weston’s mom seemed to be mid rant and moved for emphasis, revealing all of Savannah behind her. And Savannah was dressed to kill.

Noah’s mom was wearing a tight, dark purple dress. It had a low, scooped neckline that showed off a large amount of her delicious cleavage, while maintaining decency. The taut material clung to Savannah’s curvy body, stretching obscenely at her massive breasts, cinching around her small waist and then flaring again to accommodate her wide hips and rounded ass. The fabric ran down some of her thigh before it stopped, highlighting Savannah’s ass even further. Her slim legs ran long and smooth down to her feet. Those were encased in black strappy heels that were a few inches high.

The added height lifted Noah’s mom a few inches and she was closer to his length now. The young teen could feel his body reacting and lifted his eyes from Savannah’s figure to stop himself. Noah’s gaze landed on her face and he allowed himself one more moment to appreciate Savannah’s pretty face.

“Noah! Hey, you’re here!” A familiar voice called out to him and the young man found himself forced away from the sexy view, back to his gaggle of friends. His fiancée. Lisa, gripped Noah by the arm and dragged him quickly back to the group. With the light music playing in the house as the only cover, the Petrov heir began the conversation.

“So,” She looked at Noah for a second, a warm smile on her face, “Noah and I have an announcement to make.”


Savannah had to admit, Kendra was brave. The blonde woman who had called her over to the pool was wearing a tiny black bikini that poorly constrained her large breasts and ass. And paired it only with a silky sarong and small sandals.

To say that she was exposing a bit too much skin at the home was understating it.

It was funny all the same, especially when Kendra’s husband Tom approached her. The poor man was obviously not on Kendra’s level and had meekly tried to pull her away from the pool. The droplets of water falling over Kendra’s skin sexily were too much even for him. But Kendra had refused, she just about put her sarong back on and sent Tom away, murmuring to Savannah about how frustrating her husband could be. Even now, Kendra was openly talking to Nina about Tom’s lack of enthusiasm in bed, though her conversation seemed to spark something in Nina who was showing her agitation with her husband, Phil.

“Savannah, what do you think?”

“Well, I mean, Tom was always a little plain, wasn’t he?”

“Yeah, but he used to be much more open when we were alone.”

“Maybe you should talk to him?” Victoria offered.

“Maybe? I don’t know, he’s become so much more reserved. He never tries to be spontaneous with me, and I’m…” Kendra looked around and then stepped closer. “My pussy is on fire all the time.”

The last, whispered line was a surprise for the group, who collectively recoiled. Savannah held back a smirk, as she received confirmation that Kendra was being extra showy because of the lack of attention she was getting.

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