Coming of Age in Ancient Egypt


“Ankhesenamun, your highness.” The guard said with a respectful bow, a train of ladies behind him. “I apologise for the disturbance, Pharaoh has requested your presence. These women will bathe and dress you and attend to all of your needs and questions. I will wait outside your door.”

Ankhesenamun was on the balcony overlooking the Nile, reclining on silk cushions on a gilded seat depicting cranes and storks among papyrus rushes. She looked at the ladies approaching her and took note of their stiffness and nervous energy.

“What is it my great Father wants?”

All three women kneeled on the floor at her feet, heads bowed.

“My lady.” spoke the oldest woman, who could not have been older than thirty. “The great Pharaoh wishes to see you for an intimate meeting, to celebrate your coming of age, he asks that you are bathed, shaved, perfumed and dressed in a manner fit for the eyes of Pharaoh. In his own words, he wishes you to look more beautiful than he has ever seen. We have brought kohl, wigs, jewels and cloth to dress you.”

“Very well. You may proceed.”

The ladies set about undressing the young woman, unclasping the scarabs that held her linen dress together. The eldest woman unwrapped the sandals from her delicate legs as the younger girls poured warm water into a basin.

Ankhesenamun stepped into the water and lay back allowing the women to scrub her nails, comb her hair, lather her with soap and shave the soft downy hairs on her mound. She pondered to herself how cumbersome her royal attendants had become since she had turned eighteen, she was always expected to act a certain way and dress a certain way, as a woman of the royal family she had lost the freedom she enjoyed in her youth.

After her ablutions the women gently dried her with linen cloth and sat her naked onto a cushioned stool so they could begin to plait her hair.

“I desire that you dress me in my blue beaded headdress and my golden Nekhbet necklace.” said Ankhesenamun to the women as they drew kohl around her eyes. “And why does Father want to see me at such short notice? Is this a special affair? Will all the nobles and priests be present? Is my Mother attending?” she bombarded them with questions, nervous to please Pharaoh.

“No, my lady. Your Mother will not be present, your Father wishes to see you alone.”

Ankhesenamun sat in silence as the women worked on her hair and makeup, her mind racing, thinking what he could possibly want. She was sure she had not done anything mischievous and it did not sound as though she were being punished, but she could not figure out why she was being summoned on her own without her brother Smenkhare or any of her sisters.

“My lady we are finished. Please stand so we may dress you. Pharaoh has provided the clothes for you to wear today.” said the woman as she lifted a gown of a fine white silk gauze.

Ankhesenamun nodded quietly and allowed the women to drape the fine silk over her body. The silk gown was attached at the shoulders with clasps of lapis lazuli set in gold, the fine gauze fell down her breasts and covered her front but was left open with a long split at the sides, baring her bronze legs as she moved.

As the ladies brought over a looking glass she gasped. “This gown hides nothing. My breasts are clearly visible!”

“Yes, my lady. You look beautiful. It frames your body and accentuates your breasts. Pharaoh wills it. Come now, we do not wish to make him wait.”

The women went towards the door and called for the guards who promptly opened the doors and stood to attention.

Pharaoh’s vizier Ramose was outside of the door, dressed in white robes, he smiled as he saw her.

“Princess you look beautiful! Perfect, perfect! He will be most pleased this day. Come my girl. He awaits in his wing of the palace. I have been tasked with escorting you.”

Ramose gestured at the guards to follow behind as he strode off down the halls, the echo of his sandalled footsteps bouncing off floors of polished marble as they walked past painted walls of blue, red and gold.

It did not take long to arrive at the huge golden doors of the Pharaoh’s chambers with several guards posted outside. As soon as they approached the guards knocked twice at the door THUMP THUMP

and the doors were immediately opened from the inside.

“Go ahead, my child.” said Ramose with a sickly sweet smile, looking for a little too long at her breasts rather than her eyes.

Ankhesenamun looked around at the women, the guards and then Ramose, their feet firmly planted at the entrance with no sign of coming in. “Are you not coming too?”

“Just you princess.” replied Ramose. The women stood at his side bowed at the princess.

Confused and nervous she turned around and stepped into the room, knowing better than to keep Pharaoh waiting. The doors quickly closed behind her with a loud thud. The princess walked forward, feeling self conscious. She looked around the room, eyes searching ataşehir escort for Pharaoh. He was sat in the centre of an enormous room on a bed of silks and cushions, surrounded by statues of himself and paintings of himself in battle decorating the walls. Pharaoh Amenhotep looked as noble as ever, even when reclining he had presence, the way he carried himself made all around him tremble, he knew that he was a living god and made no efforts to hide it. He watched her crossing the room towards him. There were a few guards stood in the corners of the room, trying to be as still as possible, blending in with the statues.

“Welcome, welcome, my beautiful daughter, Ankhesenamun.” boomed Pharaoh as he stood, his hands raised up to embrace her.

Ankhesenamun blushed and bowed her head as he took her into his arms. “Hello Father. I hope you are well. I hope my visage pleases my King, my Lord, my God, my Sun in the sky.”

Pharaoh released her from his arms and cupped her face gently. “I suppose, sweet daughter, you are wondering why you have come here.” He looked at her warmly. “You must know, as I have told you many stories in your girlhood, about our duty, about our royal blood, about our place among the Gods.”

“Yes, Father.”

He stood in front of her as he continued, “To be Pharaoh is a great burden, to be the morning and the evening star, to build heaven on earth, to rule with both force and mercy. In my blood is the blood of the Gods. No others can claim this. We rule the greatest empire the world has ever seen and my greatest burden is to keep balance, keep our empire strong for thousands of years and to carry on our royal line.

No mortal can undertake this task, daughter. No common man could sit upon this throne. We are better and wiser than all others in this world. You and I are the same, we have noble blood, and to dilute this blood is a grave injustice, and a threat to the future of our great nation. As you know I take many wives and concubines from other countries, some for pleasure, some for politics, and some as a mere distraction from my duty, but this is not love. True love can only be between equals. Do you understand?”

“I think so Father.” she replied.

“A person can never love that which is beneath them. Whether that is by education, by understanding, by beauty, or by birth. True love must be between those that are equals, mentally, spiritually, physically and emotionally. Which brings me to you…”

He looked at her more intently than before, she could feel his gaze burning into her and it felt different, this was not the gaze of the Father she had known since birth, the Father who had raised her and told her stories before bed, but at the same time it was. Pharaoh looked at her with the deep love of a Father, but now his gaze was also that of desire. The same look men had given her before, men at court, guards who had stolen glances, even similar to the gaze of same age cousins and childhood playmates. It made her feel warm and confused.

“Your Mother tells me how accomplished you are, you are excelling in your teachings, you are a model student, you are dutiful to the Gods, you are kind to all around you, and you are a perfect daughter to me. You make me proud every day Ankhesenamun. You are blossoming into a beautiful intelligent young woman. It has not gone unnoticed.” He eyed her carefully, trying to discern her feelings.

“Thank you for your praise Father, great Pharaoh. I try so hard to please you, to uphold your name, to do my duty and to improve myself. To follow the example you set for me.” she smiled up at him. “I love you, Father.”

“Sit down beside me, my love, my beautiful Ankhesenamun.” He lowered himself onto the white silks, pulling her down with him and cradling her to his bare chest. She leaned into him, feeling the warmth radiating from him and basking in the attention of the Pharaoh. It was such an honour to please him, the walking God.

“As your Lord, your Father, your God, your Sun in the sky, it is my duty to initiate you into womanhood. Amun Ra lives through me, and through me you must worship him, the Great Father. Think of Isis and Osiris, brother and sister, and how they birthed Horus, noble, mighty, strong Horus. Blood unions birth the mightiest most noble children, and with me this is what you must do.” He whispered in her ear as he held her close, feeling her heat, hearing her soft breath, he desired her and his manhood began to stir at the thought of his beautiful virgin daughter.

“What do you mean Father?” asked Ankhesenamun, hotly aware of his hands on her shoulders, his voice in her ear, his strong arms around her making her feel safe, but also warm and tingly.

“In our society it is normal for women to take a man to bed, it is expected of them even to take a stranger to bed at least once in their life, in the name of Isis. For a princess this is not so. You are far too precious to allow a stranger to know you, your blood too pure. You are unspoiled and we cannot risk avcılar escort you falling into the hands of someone undeserving.

I may take you to wife to continue our noble family line, or you may marry later a man from foreign lands or from a noble Egyptian house, but to make sure you know love, to make sure you are opened by one that is deserving, it must be me, your loving Father. As your Pharaoh, your God, your Father, as Amun Ra I will show you what to do, I will show you love and pleasure.” he breathed in her ear as he held her closer still, holding her tightly with one arm and using the other to snake over her breasts, rolling her nipples around in his fingers as a gasp escaped her lips.

“Father, it feels strange, I feel warm. What are you doing to me?” she moaned as she felt her Father touching her in unfamiliar ways.

“Allow me to show you, my love, my beautiful girl. Let me show you how much I adore you, let me pleasure you, as you have pleased me, your Father. Let me show you how you have made my heart swell with pride. Just relax, allow yourself to feel everything.” he gushed as he groaned with desire, his cock now throbbing under his shendyt, making a tent out of the linen cloth.

He rolled over and positioned himself on top of her, he lifted up the silk gauze of her dress exposing her bare mound and her pert breasts. Pharaoh hungrily took a nipple into his mouth, groaning as he licked her hard little nipple, swirling his tongue over the aureola, while fondling the other breast with his fingers.

“Ohhh, mmmmm, yes, Father. Don’t stop” Ankhesenamun sighed and moaned lustily as her Father ran his hands all over her. The thought of the guards seeing her being deflowered was all but forgotten.

Pharaoh’s cock was so swollen it was almost painful, he needed release already. His beautiful girl inciting feelings in him he had not had in a long time, not since he was a young inexperienced teenager. His harem of two thousand paled in comparison to his sweet inexperienced daughter, they were just cheap distractions compared to this delicate Egyptian lotus, he was so ready to make her bloom for him, he wanted her belly to swell with life from his seed. He could have buried himself to the hilt then and there but he so desperately wanted to make it good for his daughter, to pleasure her as she deserved to be pleasured and to open her gently as a Father should.

“How does it feel, my love, my darling daughter?” he whispered in her ear.

“It feels good Father, it feels so good, I never want this to end, I’ve never felt this way before. I’ve never felt this good. I want more. I want more. Please give me more.” she moaned, responding to him now, feeling more womanly, feeling more bold, he was no longer just her Father, just Pharaoh, nor was he her God, he was her equal, and she wanted him.

“Gods, what you do to me, you have made me swell daughter. Feel it. Feel how good you make me feel. Feel my manhood.”

She brought her hands to his shendyt and felt his hardness under the smooth cloth, she rubbed it through the fabric, acting instinctively, causing her Father to moan with pleasure.

“It’s so big Father, do I please you so much?” she giggled.

“So so much. More than anyone else ever has.”

“What about all the others?” she whispered

“Oh sweet daughter, don’t you realise you’re the only one I’ve ever truly wanted.” he whispered into her ear with honeyed words. “My love, my equal. I’m going to plant my seed in your belly, I want to be deep within you, that is the only way I shall feel complete. Touch me. Touch me as a woman touches a man. I am your man, my love. Stroke it. Stroke it for me.”

Ankhesenamun rubbed his cock up and down, feeling it hard and heavy in her hands, it radiated heat and it was throbbing. The more she touched it the more she wanted it, her centre was hot and slick, she could feel wetness on the sheets, her own sex throbbing with desire. She grasped his cock and rubbed it against her slit, coating it with her juices.

“Unngh.” groaned Pharaoh. “Gods, that feels good. You must stop my darling, you’ll bring my seed forth too soon.”

He held her face in his hand, grabbing her jaw, he looked down at her, her beautiful dark complexion, her full lips, her delicate nose, her beautiful bright eyes burning into him, looking hungrily at him. She was the most perfect creature he had ever beheld. He bent down and kissed her lips, feeling her soft full lips cushioning his, she kissed him back clumsily but enthusiastically, like one stranded in the desert when water finally passes their lips, she slurped on his tongue as he slipped it into her mouth. He pressed the length of his body against her, feeling her breasts on his chest and pressing his cock against her mound. She began to grind on his cock, trying to stimulate herself and rub her newfound clitoris against him.

“I can’t believe I created something as beautiful as you.” he gushed into her ear. “Even the Gods could not create something ataşehir escort bayan so perfect.”

“Together we too can create perfection, Father.” she said, gasping for breath. “I was meant for you. I was made for you.”

“Yes, yes, yes. Made by me. Made for me.” he muttered.

He licked her nipples again, sucked them. “Our children will suckle from these beautiful breasts. Such perfect breasts. Perfect breasts for giving milk.”

He kissed his way down her chest towards her stomach. “And this belly, this belly perfect for growing life.”

She giggled. “That tickles.” her laugh sounded like the ringing of a bell.

Her Father continued to kiss a path lower and lower until he reached her mound. He breathed in her scent. He could almost taste her. He placed a chaste kiss on her mound, breathed out and kissed lower down her legs, towards her feet as she squealed.

“Does it tickle here?” He chuckled as she squirmed beneath him

“Yes, yes, please stop! I can’t kick the Pharaoh!” she laughed as she wriggled beneath him, he smiled down at her.

“Where do you want me to kiss you, sweet daughter?” He stopped and kneeled before her, almost as though he was worshipping her, that he Pharaoh was no longer Pharaoh, not ruler or God or Father, but simply a man in awe of a woman, a beautiful loving young woman who was worthy of being worshipped, a delicate flower, a treasure.

“My place…” she blushed and whispered.

“What place?” he smirked at her innocence.

“My slit.” she asserted, thrusting it outwards as an invitation, a promise, a plea.

He looked down at her legs spread, her pink slit glistening invitingly. His girl looked so grown up, so beautiful, so perfect. Any man would be envious of him, she was not just uncommonly beautiful for her age, but uncommonly beautiful for any woman, and as Pharaoh he had seen scores of beautiful women. He had worried that she would try to resist, she would not understand, or she would not enjoy it. He had so desperately wanted her to enjoy it. Her Mother had said she did not think she was ready, she was inexperienced in such things, but in his heart he had always wanted her, had always loved her most, he needed to make her his own.

She looked up at his strong bare chest, his dark skin, his bright eyes, her eyes. She smiled as she thought how alike they were, how connected they were and would be. She was proud to pleasure Pharaoh, she was pleased to be loved by Pharaoh, he chose her. She always wondered if she was his favourite child, they had always gotten along with such ease. A pang of jealousy struck as she thought he might choose one of her sisters too, but she swallowed it down as it was not her right to choose what Pharaoh does or does not do. A voice in her head wondered if he loved her Mother more than he loved her.

Amenhotep lowered his mouth to her slit and breathed softly, teasing her, he kissed her thighs, he grabbed her ass, he bit her skin hard, then gently kissed it. He ran his tongue over her outer lips, avoiding her wet centre, purposefully teasing her. He continued to kiss her thighs and squeeze her ass, scratching her lightly with his nails, causing electric shocks to course through her body and goosebumps to rise.

Her breath quickened as she felt him teasing her, working his magic on her inexperienced body. Her whole labia was swollen, her clit was throbbing, her pussy was leaking sweet sticky cum, lubricating her and spilling onto the sheets around her. She moaned louder and louder causing the guards to feel a stirring in their loins as they tried to keep their eyes staring straight ahead. She thrust her hips upwards, she begged him to take her.

“Father, please. I must feel you within me. I can’t take it anymore. I need you. I need you now. Gods, I have to feel you in me, please.” she whined as she writhed around.

He thrust his tongue deep into her hole.

“OHHHHHHHHH YESSSSSS FATHER, UUUUUNGHH.” she screamed as she felt him penetrate her for the first time.

He wriggled his tongue around, tasting her sweet virginal juices coating his tongue, he lapped up her nectar greedily.

Ankhesenamun thrust her pussy onto his tongue, fucking his face in earnest, lost to pleasure.

Several of the guards stationed outside looked at each other and blushed, then looked down and the floor and tried not to listen.

Amenhotep was so proud of his daughter, she was being opened and she was enjoying it so much, he could taste her pleasure, it only caused him to desire her even more, caused him to love her even more. He was certain he would sire an heir by her. His cock was leaking onto the sheets, his precum had dripped all the way down his shaft and onto his balls. He flicked his tongue over her clit, causing her to scream again. Pharaoh raised himself up, shed his shendyt and grabbed hold of his shaft, pumping it up and down a few times.

Ankhesenamun looked up at him, taking in the glory of his thick dark cock, she wanted nothing more than to be filled by him.

“Alright my daughter, do you want it in you?”

“Yes Father, more than anything.”

“This may hurt my love, as it is your first, but fear not, the pain subsides into pleasure. Okay?”

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