They both worked for a large company with offices all over the world. They met during business trips to various offices, since their primary locations were thousands of miles apart. Will was a flirt and a charmer, but too humble to appreciate the sparks he ignited in his female co-workers. If Lynn hadn’t made the first move, it would never have happened. She was glad she made that move and felt fairly certain that it had been good for him too. A brief fling on a business trip and that was the end of it. Or so she thought. Their paths were to cross again, as she knew they would, but she assumed that it was one more notch on his bedpost and he had moved on.
This time, Lynn found herself in his town. Gentleman that he was, Will was there when she arrived, picking her up at the airport as he had done before.. Greeting her with a beaming smile and a hug he was genuinely pleased to see her. She knew he would be, but was trying to gauge just how pleased he was. He didn’t let on that there was anything other than a fond friendship. She knew he wouldn’t.
The flirting began almost immediately, but it remained relatively tame. Lynn tried not to let her disappointment show and would have done nothing to jeopardize their friendship or mutual respect for each other, but she wanted him with such hunger she could taste him. She and Will had kept in touch between business trips with email and instant messaging. They remained flirtatious, but she knew he had other women in his life to fill his needs.
The second night she was there, Will invited her out for dinner. A usual practice among colleagues and she expected to find their numerous co-workers sharing the table. But when she got there, he was already there and alone. They discussed work, life, books, etc, as usual, but finally the subject of sex emerged. She realized that he was still interested. Her whole body flushed at the thought and she was sure that he would misconstrue her heat as embarrassment and therefore, disinterest.
She had to let him know, so she told him flat out; “If there is any chance at all, that you still like what you see, I want you to know that I am up for anything,” raising her eyebrow on the word anything.
His standard reply, “hmmmm, okay,” left her feeling just as vulnerable as ever.
They said no more on the subject, and went back to talking about work. He had plans for the evening so they said goodbye after dinner with the ubiquitous assertion that they would see each other at work the next day.
She went back to the hotel, disappointed, but convinced that she had pegged him all along. Sitting at her desk, surfing the net, filling her needs through a fantasy world that she had become all too familiar with, she was greeted with an IM asking her what she was doing. She lied and said, reading email. He wanted to know if she had plans for the next night. istanbul escort It was a Friday. She admitted that she didn’t, noting that she was planning on a day trip Saturday to visit friends in a nearby city that was an hour’s drive away. Her heart leapt at the thought of what a Friday night might mean, but she tried not to get her hopes up. When Will told her that he was hoping they could get together, she asked what he meant by “get together.” His only response was, you know, get together. She decided to risk it.
The next day when Lynn dressed for work, she did so with the intention of being prepared for that anything that she had promised him. She showed up looking as professional as always and made it through the day all the while feeling the passion of possibility rising in her. She and Will never let on that they had plans. Other co-workers asked her what she was doing and she threw off their invitations for a night out by saying that she had to get up early for her trip the next day. In a quiet moment, Will asked her what her room number was at the hotel. She gladly gave it to him, wishing she had brought an extra key for him. Once again she chastised herself for getting her hopes up. She was an attractive woman, but career driven and with a habit of pushing men aside, so her sex life was less than it could have been.
She hadn’t been at the hotel more than 10 minutes when he came to the door. His soft knocks did not make her aware of how anxious Will was that she wouldn’t be as pleased with him as she was during their last encounter. The idea of men having that kind of fragility never occurred to her, and he knew it. She let him in and Will was surprised to see she was still wearing her work suit. It was grey and fit her curves well. He found it very appealing to see a woman looking professional and yet somehow sexy at the same time. He commented that he thought she might have changed into something a little slinkier for him, as she had the last time they were alone together in a hotel room.
She laughed, relieved that it wasn’t all in her head and said; “okay, then I’ll change.”
Turning her back to him she removed the dove grey jacket and leaned to put it over the back of a chair. He eyed the curve of her ass appreciatively as he watched her, remembering how firm it had felt in his hands. His loins were already stirring in anticipation. She was wearing a salmon coloured blouse under the jacket. The collar and cuffs had been visible all day, but now he noticed that they were darker then the rest of the blouse which seemed much more sheer. He didn’t notice just how sheer until she stood up and turned towards him to reveal that it was completely see-through. It was also very tightly fitted and she was not wearing a bra. Her breasts were larger than he generally liked, but they were very perky for their size (and her escort bayan age) and they strained at the blouse as though they might force themselves through the fabric on their own. The colour of the blouse showed off her tanned, olive-toned skin. He could see her nipples hardening in anticipation. He watched her heavy breathing swelling her chest. Her breasts strained the buttons of her blouse until they seemed ready to pop off.
Will groaned in appreciation and he felt his member swell in proportion.
“You’ve been wearing that all day?” he asked.
“Yes,” she said. “I wore it just for you. Its been making me crazy all day thinking that I was two buttons away from exposing myself to you.”
He stepped towards her putting his arm around her waist and reaching for the top button her blouse.
“I wish I had known,” he said.
“What, and make us both crazy?” she laughed.
As he unbuttoned her blouse and his nimble fingers found their way to her breasts (oh those nimble fingers), she grabbed his other hand and slid it up the back of her thigh.
“There’s more,” she said.
His hand went under her skirt to reveal that she wasn’t wearing panties either. The weather was warm enough that she had bare legs, but he hadn’t anticipated the bare ass.
“Oh my god,” was all he could say.
He had a sudden vision of her standing against his desk, as she often did when talking to him. She would lean her ass half seated on his desk and spread her legs tightening the skirt across her thighs. She usually talked with her arms crossed and he had eyed her legs thinking if the skirt only slid up a couple of inches he could have seen the colour of her panties. He was excited to think how much more of an eyeful than panties he would have had that day.
He buried his head in her neck, pulled her closer to him and grabbed the ass that was every bit as firm as he remembered. One hand gently caressing her firm supple breast, bringing the nipple to its hardness, making her catch her breath and the other squeezing the round of her ass. Just as before, she was all his.
Will had her blouse completely undone and was hiking her skirt up to her waist when Lynn stopped him. Pushing him back a little, she undid the zipper to her skirt and let it fall to the ground. She refastened one button on her blouse, to give her breasts a little more support (she wasn’t as young as she used to be) and crawled back onto the bed.
He came towards her with an obvious appreciation for her naked body and she said; “No, not with that many clothes on.” She knew he would hesitate. He wasn’t confident with his body. They had only ever had sex in the dark. It was still light in the room. She turned the lights down over the bed, but not off and waited.
He started to undo his shirt, but she could see he wasn’t comfortable escort istanbul standing in front of her undressing.
“Come here and let me help,” she said.
Leaving him to the shirt, she went straight for his trousers, undoing the clasp and pulling the zipper down, she slid her hand inside. She felt the once familiar cock, rock hard and ready for anything. She slid everything off just as he removed his shirt. He caught himself, sitting on the bed to kick of his loafers and finish removing the rest of his clothes. Once fully unclothed he rolled over and held her. Moaning into her neck, she felt him running those incredibly nimble hands all over her.
She had almost forgotten how good he was with his hands, almost, but not completely. After all, it’s what she had been looking for. He caressed her breasts. Leaning over her and taking one in his mouth, he felt between her thighs and once again expressed appreciation for already wet pussy. She arched back and squirmed in ecstasy over the passion running through her body. He made her feel like a horny little 16 teen year old and she had been living with the memory of that for months. The anticipation she had built up was not to be disappointed, as she had feared it might. He was everything she remembered and more. His fingers alone brought her to climax, more than once, before she pulled him on top of her and guided him inside her.
She had been caressing his member and it was as hard as it would get. A little pre cum and her incredibly wet pussy made the glide inside easy. He began to thrust, but she stopped him. She knew enough about men (mostly by memory) to know that a little frustration only enhanced the experience.
“Don’t move until I say its okay, okay?” she told him.
“Mmmm, okay,” was all he could answer having given way to the sensations that were now engulfing him.
Holding his ass in her hands, she rocked under him, forcing his thrusts for him. Every time he began to thrust on instinct, she would remind him, “not yet,” in a breathless voice in his ear. Will groaned, but he would stop. She was making herself come using his body the way she would her own hand. As much as he resisted, by the third time he moved, he couldn’t take it anymore.
“Please,” he begged, “please let me.”
Lynn knew that she had him where he should be. “Okay,” she breathed in his ear. He bore down on her and holding her face close to his, thrust with her rhythm until they both exploded in an orgasm that made him cry out. Spent, he held her tight and rolled on his side. Locked in their embrace they stayed touching each other in the afterglow.
On Monday, Will and Lynn were as professional with each other as always. It struck her at one moment that they had never even kissed each other, but she would never get the sensation of the incredible sex out of her head. For that she would be grateful and willing anytime he wanted it. For his part, he noticed she was wearing the same suit. This time the collar and cuffs of the blouse were dark blue. He felt the familiar stir in his trousers as he imagined that colour against her skin.