Chronicles of Megan Ch. 03


I hope you like the third installment in my series. If you have anything you think I can improve upon, please let me know, I appreciate your feedback and votes! Thanks, and enjoy.


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“Megan, five minutes ’til the bus leaves for town, we should get going,” Parker called out. He glanced in the bedroom mirror. His bluish-grey t-shirt fit snug against his muscular body, and matched his eyes perfectly. It created a rather striking effect when paired with his dark jeans.

“I’m coming, I’ll be there in a moment!” Megan called from the bathroom sink. She had been in there for the past hour and a half, and parker grew impatient.

“No, you’re not cumming yet, but we’ll fix that later,” he replied.

“Parker!” He heard from the bathroom. He could practically hear her blush. “You are so bad.”

“If you want to see bad, just stay in there for a little while longer. Then I’ll have to come in there and spank you for making us late.”

Parker heard shuffling behind the door. A second later it flew open.

“You wouldn’t really, would you?” She asked. Megan’s face covered itself in modesty.

Parker smiled. “I wouldn’t try me if you don’t want to find out.” He looked her up and down. She had applied a slight hint of mascara to bring out her beautiful brown eyes. He could not detect any other make-up, not that she needed it. Megan had a natural beauty to her face. Heck to her whole body.

Her brown hair flowed down over a midnight blue short-sleeve blouse. Which Megan had modestly buttoned up well past her generous, perfectly sized breasts. The same white, skin-tight khaki pants she had worn earlier covered her athletic legs and well-toned butt.

“Are you ready, finally?” Parker stressed the end of his sentence.

“Yes.” Megan smiled. She walked over and gave him a hug. Parker leaned down and kissed her on the lips. He wrapped his arms around her slender body, and pulled her in tightly to him.

“Let’s go knock’em dead, kid,” he said, and moved toward his dorm room door.

“Damn, it’s here! We’ll miss it!” Parker shouted from the door to McFly Hall. The bus was already at its stop, but luckily they did not have far to run.

Parker bolted from the door and Megan kept closely behind. They rounded the corner of the bus and hopped on in the nick of time. Parker gave the bus driver two dollars, one for each of them, and they moved to find a seat.

“I don’t see any seats, do you Parker?” Megan asked, she looked around.

“Yeah,” He pointed toward the rear of the bus. “I think I see one back there.”

They walked toward the back of the bus. “But where will you sit?” Megan asked, she assumed Parker would give her the seat.

“On the seat silly, where else?”

“But, umm… Then where will I sit, Parker?” Megan looked slightly shaken from his response.

“On my lap,” He sat down and patted his leg. “It’s a lot more comfortable than this hard chair, I assure you.” Parker grinned. He liked the vast innocence Megan had to her, it turned him on. He knew sitting on his lap would make her nervous, but he thought she could handle it.

“But, there are so many people…” Megan looked around, a few of the guys were holding in laughs at her embarrassment, which only proceeded to embarrass her even more. Her face began to turn red.

“You’re such a wimp,” Parker joked. He turned her around with his hands and pulled her at the hips. She submitted and settled into his lap, but not before turning a deeper shade of red.

Megan felt Parker apply a slight pressure to her shoulders and she fell back against his hard chest and abs. “Don’t worry,” he whispered in her ear. “I’ll never do anything to hurt you. You can trust me.” He rubbed her sensitive stomach through her blouse, she relaxed on his lap.

Megan smiled at him, and leaned her head against his shoulder. Parker made her feel as if they were the only two people in existence, the only two that mattered. “Where are we going tonight?” She asked him, she felt his hand move and rub up and down her leg.

“To my frat,” he replied. She bolted upright.

“Yo-your…frat?” She hesitantly asked. “But, you mean…”

“Do you remember the one you were at last night? The one you got crazy drunk at?”

Megan blushed. “Umm, I-I think so. Why didn’t you tell me you were a member?”

“Well, we haven’t really known each other that long. I didn’t really think to bring it up. Is it a big deal to you?” Parker wrapped his hands around her, and rubbed her arms. He breathed in with his head nestled to her hair, she smelled of roses.

“Well, umm, it’s just, I mean frat boys are-

“You’ve met the real me Megan, I swear to you. What I said before, I meant every word of it. I like you kid, and I’d like to get to know you more. You’ve trusted me so far, go with it, go with what your gut is telling you.”

Megan thought for a moment, she looked into his eyes, then out the window. I always istanbul escort thought frat boys just wanted sex? But that is not Parker, is it? Ohh, god, I wish Jenny was here. Thoughts of Jenny brought back a flood of bad memories. No, I don’t wish Jenny was here. She is the jerk. If she can’t forgive me, then maybe I don’t want to be her roommate. I’m with Parker tonight, and I do trust him.

Megan looked back to Parker, she smiled. She’s wrong about me too, I can be like her if I want to, if that is what Parker likes. She leaned down and kissed him on the lips. Megan knew the surrounding college students were watching and she felt the blood rush to her skin.

Hands on her hips forced her to turn and she submitted, Megan moved to straddle Parker’s lap. Her breathing increased, and her heart pounded. Every instinct told her to stop, but she refused to give in. If she stopped, that would mean Jenny won; Megan was too stubborn to let her sassy slut of a roommate win.

The bus came to a screeching halt, and Parker gently pushed her away with his hands. “Slow down there gorgeous, this is our stop. Let’s save some for the party.”

Megan turned a deep crimson red. She looked around, the guys surrounding them were all staring at her with smirks. She quickly got off of Parker and followed him to the exit.

*  *  *

The vibrations of the music shook through Megan’s body, and the beat shot through her ears. Why did I come? She asked herself. She held a death grip on parker’s hand and followed him into the party. I don’t know, maybe I can’t be like Jenny. I don’t know if I can do this without her.

Her thoughts flew back to the fight Jenny and her had earlier that day. No, Jenny IS wrong. She doesn’t know me. I can be as sexy as her, I can do the things she does to guys. If I can be the way I was last night, I will prove her wrong.

She tapped parker on the shoulder. “Parker!” She yelled over the music, he leaned over to hear her better. “Can I have punch, please?” He smiled, and motioned for her to follow.

“Here!” He said, he dipped a red cup into a large plastic tub of punch, or rather gallons of vodka mixed with enough red sweetener to dilute the taste. One red cup easily had four or five shots of vodka in it.

“Thank you,” She smiled nervously and took the cup in both hands. Together, her little hands could not wrap around the entire girth of the big, red cup. If I drink some punch, I know I’ll turn into her again. Megan came to think of the alcoholically induced person she became while on punch as a different individual altogether. She remembered absolutely nothing from the times she was intoxicated, and the stories Parker, Jenny, and Max had told her seemed as if they spoke of someone else entirely.

She took her first sip.

Within the next fifteen minutes, Megan had drunk almost half of the big cup. The outlines of things began to blur, and a heavy buzz set in to Megan’s head. She smiled and looked around the room. They were in a long but rather skinny rectangular room. The door stood to one far side, while Megan and Parker stood on the other, in the kitchen next to the alcohol.

A mixture on rap, rock and techno music had been playing, and the middle of the room was filled with a pool of moving people either trying to dance or grind against one another.

Megan moved behind parker, who had turned to talk to a few of his frat buddies. She took a long swig of her sweet red drink. Her eyes moved up and down his body. Mmm, she thought. The alcohol had taken its effect. Parker, you are so hot.

“I like,” she said, and reached out with her free hand and grabbed Parker’s butt. He jumped, and turned to face her.

A sly grin formed on his face. “Meggy?” He asked. “Have you been drinking your punch?”

She looked into his eyes with the most innocent look she could muster. “uh huh,” she nodded.

Parker put his arm around her shoulder and brought her into the conversation with his friends. “Guys, this is Megan. Megan, this is brad.” He pointed to the tall, slim guy with short, blond hair. “And this is Mike.” He motioned to the other frat brother with medium length brown hair and very captivating eyes. Mike looked about a half foot shorter than Brad, but he was still taller than Megan. They both looked well built. Megan wondered if the frat required each brother to work out in order to stay a member.

Megan took another drink, and she felt the alcohol kick up a notch.

“Ohh, Parky are these your friends?” She looked them up and down, she emphasized her stares. “I like them.” Brad and Mike looked at each other and grinned. Megan put her arm around Parker. She took another big drink out of her cup.

“You might want to slow down there kid, it hasn’t even been a half hour.” Parker said to Megan, who grew looser with every swig.

“Aww, but Parky, I promise you will like me even more when I finish my cup.” She moved her hand down and grabbed his butt again. escort bayan

Megan was on the border of safety and the point of no return. She still knew everything she did, though she could barely control it. She had a decision to make, should she continue and see where the alcohol took her, or should she stay back, and try to regain control.

She put her chalice to her lips and downed the rest of the sacred liquid.

“Whoa there kid, you already know I like you. There’s nothing left to prove.” Parker said.

Megan moved in front of parker. “Hey, Dark?” She asked.

“Oh so you are back to using my nickname, are you? This can’t be good.”

“Shh.” She reached behind his neck and pulled him into a kiss. While there lips were locked, she tossed her cup and slipped the top two buttons she had done through the button holes. Her ample cleavage poured from her shirt, and the collar met with a V below the curves to her breasts. The edges to the cups to her lacey blue bra could be seen.

She released him. “I want more.” Megan said.

“Oh, I can give you more, babe.” Dark winked.

“No, more punch sexy.” Megan grinned. She grasped his hand and drug him over to the punch bowl. A young guy stood in front of the punch bowl, he put his hand out. Megan looked up to Dark.

“He’s one of our pledges,” Parker answered her unspoken question. “He’s here to keep order at the punch bowl, he’ll give you punch. Where’s your cup?”

She looked around for her cup, Oh no, I threw it away! Megan thought. Well, I could ask Dark for another cup, I know he will give me one, but… Her eyes moved to the pledges other hand. It was filled with a new bag of empty red cups.

“I seemed to have lost my cup,” Megan said to the pledge.

His eyes looked her up and down, they paused at her distracting cleavage. Megan could tell her appearance made him nervous. “Can I borrow one of yours, I would really like to swallow some of your juice.” She gave an innocent look to the boy and licked her lips.

“I-I can o-only give out one to a p-person,” the pledge barely spit out. “Those are the-the rules.”

Megan smiled. “Pwitty pwease?” She batted her eyes and walked toward him.

“Uhh…umm…” He looked to Dark, but got no response.

Megan slid her hands onto his hips and pressed her crotch against his “I even said please.” She looked into his eyes. Her hands wrapped around his body and slid down over his ass. She felt his dick harden in his pants. Megan gave a playful gasp. “Do you have something else for me?” She asked with a smile.

The pledge dropped the cups. “Ohh thank you!” Megan said, and reached down to take a cup. Her head purposefully came within inches of his crotch.

She took a step back. “Can I have some punch, please mister?” Megan asked, and handed the boy her cup.

He looked to Dark, then took the cup and filled it to the brim. He tried his best to steady his shaky hand. “Thank you.” Megan took the cup and drank three big gulps. “You are such a sweetie,” she said, and leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. God, why haven’t I done this earlier? He didn’t even stand a chance, Megan grinned. Like putty in my fingers. And all because I’m fucking hot.

She faced Dark. “Your turn.” Megan moved against his hard body and kissed him. Their tongues intertwined, Megan moaned. They began to explore the other’s moist oral cavity with their tongues.

They broke. “Let’s dance handsome,” Megan said. She took a giant gulp of her punch and set the almost empty cup on the counter next to the punch bowl. She dragged parker by the hand out to the dance floor.

Megan immediately picked up the beat to the music and swiveled her hips. Her whole body began to respond to the intense rhythm. With a glance over her shoulder she grinned a sly smile at Dark. She wiggled her wonderfully toned butt to the beat of the music and backed up against his body.

Dark danced back, and they found a rhythm together. He ground against her hips and she leaned against his hard body. Dark took in a deep breath of her scented hair. His hands brushed up and down her waist and onto her hips. He circled one around front onto her lower stomach and the other around back to the cheek of her ass. He strongly gripped her ass and sensually rubbed down her stomach and above her pubic mound. Megan moaned.

The beat of the music increased and so did her movements. Oh god! She thought. I’m so hot.

She chuckled to herself. I am aren’t I?

Megan turned around and grabbed Dark by the neck. She pulled him in to a kiss. She felt Dark’s soft lips press against hers and progress perfectly to the movement of her own. “Mmmph,” she moaned. She felt his warm, moist tongue press against her lips and she hungrily accepted it. Her own tongue greeted his and they danced between mouths to the point where time stood still. No music played, and no other body filled the room except their own. All that mattered was their interlocked bodies escort istanbul and mouths.

Dark slid his hands down Megan’s back and over her butt. He squeezed the cheeks of her ass and lifted her into the air. Megan gasped and broke their kiss. She formed a wicked smile and wrapped her legs around his waist.

She dove into his neck and kissed her way around to his ear.

Dark walked to an open space on the wall and pushed her up against it. A moan escaped his lips from her sensual kisses. He felt her tongue swivel around his ear and his body shuddered from excitement. His dick stiffened in his pants.

Lust and passion flooded through his mind. “My god, who the hell are you?” He called to Megan. “And where did you fucking learn how to do this?”

Megan took a break from her craze and grinned at Dark. “I’m me baby, Megan. And you can learn a lot from slutty roommates who fuck and suck almost every night.”

Dark chuckled. He kissed her on the lips. “Roommate makes sense,” he said in between kisses. “But you are definitely not Megan. I’ve met that shy, innocent girl. You babe are someone else altogether. You’re much more of a… kinky, intense, Megan.”

Megan grinned. “Kinky, Intense, Megan…I like it. Call me KIM then sexy.” She kissed him again, and swiveled her tongue through his mouth. “Now let’s go find a room, cause I want you to fuck my brains out.” Megan met his lips again and thrust her tongue into his mouth.

“Mmmhh,” Dark moaned. “Oh god, you are so fucking hot when you are like this.” He set her on the ground. “Follow me… Kim.” Dark grabbed Kim’s hand and led her out of the room and up a set of stairs.

When they reached the top of the stairs Kim reached out and grabbed Dark’s ass with both hands. He jumped

“Jeez,” Dark said and turned around. “Wait till we get a room babe!” He grinned at her.

“Then hurry up and find us a fucking room…Babe!” Kim said. She jumped up and wrapper her legs around his waist and her arms around his shoulders. She buried her tongue in his mouth.

Dark’s hands resumed their placement on her ass, and he backed into a room he knew would be vacant. The room was dark and he stumbled, by memory, over to the bed and dropped Kim onto it. They both breathed heavily, and starred blindly at one another in the bleak darkness.

Dark heard clothed drop to the floor and he began to take off his shirt, but something stopped him. He heard a voice in his mind, it was Megan’s.

“Umm…did we…have sex?” He knew the question would come in the morning.

Dark pulled his shirt back down. “Megan, or Kim, whoever you are…wait,” he said. He heard a sigh.

“What,” she said, her tone short.

“You’re drunk,” He began.

“Yeah,” she cut in. “don’t give me that bull shit, sexy. Megan wants this as much as I do. She just can’t admit it. She’s crazy about you, about your hard body, and she’s even had a fantasy or two about how long and hard your cock must be. Don’t let her innocent personality fool you. She wanted me to come out tonight. And she wants you to ride your little fuck buddy into tomorrow, yeah me. Now get your clothes off and get over here.”

Dark grinned. “Yes ma’am, and what will I say tomorrow?” He asked, he took off his shirt.

“Whatever you want handsome, it’s not like I’m going to let her remember this. She’s had too much alcohol anyway.” Kim got up and moved over to where Dark stood.

Dark felt Kim’s hands slid across his ribs and around to his back. The soft, warm flesh of her tits pressed against his lower chest, and he felt her hard nipples poke into his muscles. He rubbed his hands down her sides and around her back. He slowly massaged his way down the muscles of her back. She moaned at his masseuse-like touch and kissed his cut chest.

Dark’s hands enveloped the toned cheeks of Kim’s panty clad ass. He massaged her ass and enjoyed the incredible feel of her butt.

Kim caressed her fingertips down Dark’s back and roughly grabbed his ass through his jeans. “These just won’t do,” she said, and reached around to take them off. With a few flicks of her fingers, his jeans fell to the ground, and Kim moved against Dark again.

His cock pressed into her stomach. “Mmm, is that a flashlight, or are you just happy to see me baby?” Kim asked.

“Wanna find out?” Dark asked, he slapped both cheeks of her ass.

“Ughhh! Though you’d never ask,” She said, and dropped to her knees.

Dark felt hands on the waist of his boxers, and they were instantly stripped to the ground. Her touch ran around his calves and made their way up his legs and around his thighs. She playfully kissed his inner thighs before she moved level with his long, hard cock.

“Ohh god Dark, you look so fucking amazing,” she said, her eyes focused on his above average length. Kim wrapped one hand around the base of his penis. Her hand could not even fit around his girth. She stroked him and massaged his balls with her other hand.

She moaned. “That’s it, I can’t take it anymore,” Kim cried. She stuffed Darks cock into her mouth as far as it would go. She coughed when his dick bottomed out in the back of her mouth about half way down his length.

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