Bugaboo 01


Bugaboo 01

Hi, I’m Burt and all I’m going to admit to is the undeniable, which is I’ve been called Bugaboo like forever because for some reason, my female classmates decided that Bugaboo suited me way back in the day. I mean, my story is that it’s because of my big round brown eyes, but I think they had other reasons, like how I asked to try out for the cheer team rather than the football team. And don’t go reading too much into that. I never asked to be fitted for a skirt and a sweater. I mean, teams of all sorts need some kind of assistants and all I wanted to do was to take good care of their Athletic cheer shoes, that’s all.

And by the way, I got the job and received my fair share of extra credit for it. I mean, I also received my fair share of ribbing too from everyone else, but hey, their cheer shoes were cleaner than clean and by another way, hey, I had more girls visiting me at home than anyone else, so.

Oh, and by the way, for all those jocks back in the day who liked to make fun of me because the girls had to come over to my house because I couldn’t carry two duffle bags of shoes, well, hah, the joke was on them, right? By the way quarterback Bruce, not only did I hand wash your girlfriend’s bra a few times, well, if you liked that landing strip, send me an overdue tip, gearhead! Wait, helmet head, right? Wait, a lot of guys are helmet heads, so hah, Bruce the jock!

Anyways, that was back in the day, but you know those school nicknames, right? They have a tendency to hang around and all, so hey, call me Bugaboo and ignore it if the first thing I check out is the condition of your shoes. But flip me a tip if I take of them for you, alright?

So, now that I have you thinking about my big round brown eyes, where shall we go next, huh? I’m not into it, but if you’re into spanking, you could probably hold me across your lap for a long time without any discomfort, but that’s just as a note for my body weight. I’m not into that. Um, I’ve been out as a CD for a long time and I appreciate the few who have found a way to deal with that. Ah, I paint model cars, finger nails and toe nails, but painting a garage or a shed wouldn’t go so well, I suppose. I’m known as the queer one for sure, but not sissy queer. I mean, I’m just not into frilly and puffy dresses either. But I would entertain going out on a date as long as the expectations are fully understood and under control. I mean, I haven’t yet, so that’s what you might expect from my side when you expect the date to end as a good date.

Um, let’s see, I think it’s ridiculous how many T-Girls and Tranny’s on Chang claim to be a flirt, but not a tease because to me those two things are basically one in same, so I will flirt and teasing goes right along with that, so sue me for being honest, I guess. I do, wow, I do have a thing about dipping my fingertips into someone’s waistband if there is enough privacy to go that far, but I swear I don’t do it on purpose. It’s just a thing and it seems to just come naturally, but no one has swatted my hand away yet.

Other than that, the most I have done was once this past summer when I engaged in a wrestling match with Chip one day over who actually gamed better that day. And I’m not even sure how we started, but it didn’t take very long for me to realize that many wrestling moves must have ripped straight out of the Karma Sutra book. I mean, I’m not calling Chip out or anything, but Chip basically sexed me up that day. Or Chip actually sexed himself up that day. Either way, page six of the Karma Sutra book is probably amazing when the two people are naked, but I’m not on that life path right now to figure that out. Although, if you have a Karma Sutra page six story of your own to share erzurum escort with me, um, I’ll clean your girlfriend’s shoes for free and we’ll call it a tie, so don’t be shy about finding me on Chang and dropping me a message or something.

Anyways, that’s enough about me and that’s enough about how I’m not calling Chip out for dry fucking the hell out of me, which he clearly did. My story actually starts out with my other friend Kevin, who I can’t exactly call my back up out loud or in public, but I know that Kevin keeps one eye open for me when we’re in the same place and all, so.

Now here’s the thing about all that. Hmm, Kevin is Jelena’s step brother and I had promised Jelena that I would pick her a certain designer nail polish kit the next time I was out at the Hillsdale Mall, which I did earlier that Saturday, so when I texted her, she texted me back and said that she was working overtime and asked if Kevin could stop by, which I had no problem with.

The only problem was that, well, I have a Bugaboo 1.0 for the crew to keep things level and I have a much different Bugaboo 2.0 for when I hang out (OMG, please don’t judge me) at the Lava Java Shop. I mean, my choices are limited, right? I mean, it’s house parties, backyard BBQ’s, the River Park and the Lava Java Shop. I mean, toss another idea at me and I promise that I will check it out, alright?

Anyways, I didn’t have a problem with Kevin seeing me in my upgrades, but everything is awkward and nervous the first time, right? Oh, so you don’t totally agree with that? Hah! Then you’re not a CD (I say non offensively).

“How’s the ice tea, Kevin?”

“The ice tea is perfect, Bugaboo. Um, are you going to a Rave party or something tonight? That’s a lot of skin, fishnets and socks, not that I’m complaining or trying to sound rude.”

“Well, here’s the thing, Kevin, I’m going to go up to the Lava Java Shop tonight for about an hour, but I’m ahead of dressing schedule, so I won’t be wearing these shorts when I go. They are easy to change seeing how they are over the top of everything else. And I respect you, Kevin, so if there is disapproval in your voice, just say so.”

“Oh, this doesn’t seem to be the first time you’re dressed this way, so I suppose you know what you’re doing and what you can get away with. Um, well, um, um, does Jelena pay you for this stuff, Bugaboo?”

“Hmm, Jelena has her ways about her, so, more ice?”

Clink, clink, clink.

“Alright, straight up, Bugaboo, did you fuck Chip while I wasn’t around?”

“Oh, oh, Kevin, um no Kevin, I did not fuck Chip. I mean, we wrestled to finish a book report one day and we wrestled pretty closely, but I assure you Kevin, I did not fuck Chip and anyone else for that matter.”

Oh, so now you’re saying that guys know how to give the “look” without saying a word because they know there is another answer then? Well, I call foul for guys taking a page from the girl’s handbook!

“Fine, Kevin, there may have been a game day that caused an argument and there may have been a rush to complete a book report on the Karma Sutra book and Chip most definitely dry fucked me hard while he wrestled with his portion of the book report, but I promise you, we were both dressed in shorts and there was no, um, very little skin contact, so.”

“Did you clamp your both of your legs around him while you two wrestled to complete the book report on time, Bugaboo?”

“Well, I was losing and all, but just for a few minutes. I mean, it finally flashed in my eyes that I was being, um, um.”

“Dry fucked!”

“Well, it’s better than the other way at least, right Kevin?”

“Just don’t tell Jelena that I liked to hear your story. I esat escort should take the nail polish kit and go then.”

“Or, or, or, you should at least explain half of what you meant by that statement, Kevin? I mean, you just wanted to hear me tell a story then?”

“So, so what if I like certain things? What? Do you think that my one eye on you is always higher up than the waistline! I mean, do I need to explain that too?”

Well, hells bells, right? Um, stumped is the word I think I was looking for. Or stunned, either way.

“Um, um, um, um, um.”

“So, Bugaboo, am I leaving now with Jelena’s nail polish kit or are you going to pour me another ice and straddle my lap and tell the other chapters of the story? Mm-mmm?”

“(Gulp), um.”

Clung, clung, clung, clink, clink, clink.

“Oh, um, you mean like once upon a time in chapter one, there was a shorter friend and a taller friend and their game days evolved into something more questionable over the summer months before the taller friend went away to college? A story like that, Kevin?”

“Ha, ha, hump, grind, hump, adjust, ha, ha, ha.”

“I mean, once upon an early summer, the shorter friend and the taller friend started to scoot closer to each on the couch as each game day came and went and then one day, there was this weird eye gaze lock between the shorter friend and the taller friend and then the shorter friend asked the taller friend if he would like to play the next game day with the true Bugaboo and then the taller friend gulped big time and the then the game days were never the same. The end.”

“Ha, ha, push, push, hump, ha, end of chapter one, right Bugaboo, thrust, huff, ga, ga, ga.”

“Well, once upon the 4th of July holiday weekend, there was that was that summer school book report due from the Karma Sutra book and that led to a very questionable wrestling match, but there were no naked bodies, as I said before, Kevin.”

“Ga, ga, goo, goo, ha, ha, pump, pump, thrust, finish chapter two, Bugaboo, ga, ga, ha, ha, ha.”

“Fine, once upon the end of chapter two, hmm,”

“Ha, ha, ha, ooh, grind, grind, wiggle, ooh, ooh, goo, goo, goo, ow, ow, ow.”

“Ugh, once upon the ending of a secret chapter two, the taller friend basically dry fucked the hell out of the shorter friend while wearing our shorts, but it was an amazing thing to be engaged with and that’s when the shorter friend leg locked the taller friend and tried to fully participate in the wrestling match, but it was shortly after that when the shorter friend realized that, OMG, we’re having sex and released his leg lock, but the shorter friend will admit the leg clamp release was slow.”

“Ooh, ooh, oh, oh, ow, ow, push down, push down ooh, wiggle, wiggle, ha, ha, ha, ga, ga, ga.”

“Well, chapter three clearly starts out by asking the audience if they need to excuse themselves to the bathroom??????”

“I’ll stop, I’ll stop, ooh, ooh, I’ll stop, just keep going, it’s a tie anyways, so, ha, ha, ha.”

“Hmmm, unfortunately, chapter four does not include any sentence about anyone being a “boyfriend” or a “girlfriend” if that’s what you want to hear, but the taller friend kept coming back around for more game days and the taller friend always did his best to start an argument about who played better in the hopes of wrestling it out again, so.”

“OMG, OMG, arms, legs, lips, ha, kiss me, kiss my neck, kiss me, ha, ha, ha, ooh, oh no, oh no, ooh, keep going, Bugaboo, keep going, ooh, grind me back, ooh.”

“Sorry to disappoint Kevin, but chapter five never came to be before the taller friend went off to the dorms at college, but chapter five did have a lot promise, I suppose.”

“Ooh, esenler escort open book, open book, Karma Sutra book, ooh, ooh, promise, promise, oh, oh, ooh, can we drop your shorts zipper, ooh, open chapter, open book, oh, la, la, la.”

“Relax and calm down, Kevin. I think we both got scared about what might happen in chapter five. I mean, I think he thought how he might feel if I dropped my shorts and I kept getting this vision in my head of me on my back, I mean with the shorter friend on his back and with the taller friend towering over the short friend while beating his chest with his fists and claiming a fem boy victory, so chapter five was never to be. Well, I mean the chapter had a few opening sentences and all, but it is and will always be the chapter that never was.”

“Ha, ha, ha, open zippers, open zippers, shorts pushed open, goo, goo, goo, panties peeks, ha, ha, ha, no, no, don’t get up from my lap, I’m under control, Bugaboo, I’m under control, ug, ug, ooh.”

“Well, I buy and wear nice stuff, so of course there were a few times where my shorts were pushed opened a little, but just enough for a little peeking, mind you, Kevin. And I’m only rising off of your lap to drop these shorts. I mean, isn’t that what you just asked for, Kevin?”

“Ooh, Bugaboo, peeking undies, ooh, ooh, ga, ow, ow, OMG, OMG, OMG, undies, belly, undies, belly, OMG, fishnet pantyhose, ow, ow, ow, goo, ha, ha, ha, ahh, that’s your seat, Bugaboo.”

“You know, Kevin, if you were to grip me and stand up, well, I would go anywhere you went, that’s all.”

“Ooh, ooh, we can’t tell Jelena, OMG, you’re on my chest, ooh, ooh, OMG, I could so fuck you like this, Bugaboo, ooh, oh, oh, step, step, bounce, bounce, poke, poke, poke, ooh, don’t tell Jelena, um, um, um, oh no, oh no, oh no, ahh, ahh, ahh, damn it, ahh.”

“Well, I guess chapter six starts out with me being dry fucked again then, huh Kevin?”

“Oh, OMG, I need to, OMG.”

“LOL, it’s fine, Kevin. I mean, you made it to my bedroom before that happened, so just release me down on the bed, mwah, Kevin.”

“Huff, puff, whew, huff, puff, puff, whizz, whizz, whizz, ooh, oh, no tell Jelena, whew, huff, ugh.”

“Mwah, close your eyes Kevin, but don’t roll over! Ah, geez, get out of those shorts, they’re freaking soaked! Oh, boxers too! I mean, I know pretty well what’s in there, so.”

Well, damn, sex is messy! But I cheated and saved myself an entire wash cycle by rinsing his shorts and boxers out (ewe) in the laundry tub before tossing them in the dryer. But, um, well, I can say that I’ve had a naked man in my bed, but I probably won’t say that I cleaned him up a little with a warm wash cloth. Especially since all that did was to bring that damn back to life! Oh, and I’m definitely not saying that the damn thing hypnotized me into practicing my pucker lips on it, even though Kevin managed to keep reminding me of that. But, well, like they say, guys tune out after their second nut, so hey, I’ve had a naked man napping in my bed and no more than that and that’s my story.

And my proof of my story was me, OMG, sitting on my couch in just my undies and trashed fishnet pantyhose waiting for the dryer to buzz. Oh, sorry, my proof was when Jelena started to text me from her work.

“Kev stop by for polish kit?”

“Yep, OK, bye, ah, OK, bye, now.”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa.”

“He was sleepy. He naps.”


“I told him a bedtime story, that’s all.”

“WHAT? U still fresh meat?”

“Grade A prime rump.”

“LOL, that’s what Chip said about U.”

“Kev better than Chip, I mean, Chip who?”


“Pre-Paid Mall Gift Card at office 4 U now.”

“Oh, OK, but we talk later. I mean, dry, right?”

“LOL, best dry rub rump roast in town, still.”

“LOL, that’s what Ray says about you.”

“What you say, Jelena?”

“LOL, U B my meal ticket, with the fine little dry roast.”

I mean, it’s important to end things on a good note, right?

End Bugaboo 01

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