Broken Boundaries Ch. 03-04


* Another piece of my latest novel is here! I want to thank everyone for the positive reception of a new theme for me.

This time Alain goes on a home improvement spree, inspiring the Silth girls to do the same. But all does not stay well for a long time.


03 – Pod Sweet Home

Alain whistled long at the luxurious interior of the captain’s emergency pod and the size of a large living room a few day later. He had decided to take a look in case there was something useful in there when he was near the pod bays, and even though the pod was the same model, it wasn’t made to hold several people inside like the regular crew pods. Even the officers had to share one pod between three of them. This one was made to serve at most two persons but the facilities were a lot better than what he had in his own pod. ‘Damned class difference.’ he muttered.

He stood at the centre of the pod and pondered whether or not he should. ‘Fuck, just do it.’ he said and activated the pod’s controls at the pilot’s seat next to the entrance hatch. The pod wasn’t piloted like a regular ship or shuttle but it featured small thrusters to manoeuvre it and the seat would look out directly at any target for docking.

The controls displayed a ready status and Alain buckled up, shut the warship’s bay hatch and the pod’s hatch, and released the clamps. a quick burst from the thrusters pushed him away from the bay.

He kept the bursts short as he steered the pod from close to the rear of the warship to his crew pod because he didn’t have much experience flying and took things slow in case he made a mistake.

On his way along a safe distance from the side of the Walkurea, soft static sounded from his communicator. ‘Is you in pod?’ Asitha asked.

‘Yes, it’s me.’ Alain said and hoped she understood him well enough without the help of a language device. ‘Visit me later, I’ll show you.’

‘We come later.’ Asitha said and Alain felt some excitement to have them come by again to see what he did with it.

When he was close to his crew pod he took a few deep breaths to prepare for the most difficult part. In the most delicate way he could muster, he aimed the emergency pod’s entrance towards the docking hatch of his crew pod and moved it closer slowly. He held his breath when both docking rings were just a hand’s breadth apart and hoped the moorings could withstand the shock.

The clunk at contact resonated through the pod with the minor shock at stopping. The hammer sounds from the clamps engaging followed and Alain dared to exhale. The controls were green and he stepped out of the pilot’s seat, equalised the two pod’s atmospheres, and opened the hatches of both pods.

The environmental controls of the crew pod were still green and he went out the airlock to check on the pod’s anchors.

His relief was complete when they were fine and he went underneath the emergency pod, extended the struts with the manual controls towards the Walkurea’s hull, and bolted the feet to the hull with brackets and a nail gun powerful enough to penetrated the steel plating.

He stepped back after he was done to admire the new extension to his home. ‘Home, sweeter home.’ he said, wondering if an extension larger than the original could still be called an extension.

Back inside and out of his suit, he looked over the emergency equipment and supplies and left them as they were because they weren’t in the way, and they were necessary in an emergency in any case. The kitchen corner was fully functional and when he pulled down the wall bed he laid down on his back with his arms spread to enjoy the large size and the glee at no longer sleeping in a cramped space from that moment on.

Asitha’s voice sounded from his communicator and he stood up quickly to answer her. ‘I’m here.’ he said.

‘We can come?’

‘Yes. I’ll be waiting.’ he said and looked around for anything embarrassing they might see, even though he told himself this wasn’t like his small apartment back home and he’d already acted like a fool in front of them during their first visit.


‘So much space.’ Tiness said when she entered the pod first and gazed upon the empty space at the centre.

‘My guess is they didn’t place any furniture in here to keep the space clear for multiple purposes.’ Alain said. ‘I can imagine when the crew needs to bail and end up on some planet, they need a common space for the officers to meet.’

Tiness nodded. ‘What are you going to do with it?’

‘Move in here, of course.’ he said and thought about what he could get in here. ‘I’m sure I can find a good couch and a table, and it’s trivial to set up a large screen to watch movies on. It’ll be like a real home then.’

‘So lucky.’ Asitha said and Alain thought her pout and ears turned backwards looked cute.

‘Why not see if there’s a pod on the Amaroth that you can use in the same manner? A captain’s pod as well?’

‘Yes, we should!’ Tiness said.

Asitha looked at the pleading in her expression and knew she couldn’t use regulations ünye escort as an excuse to not try the same thing with their pod. More space for themselves was something she wished for as well. ‘We’ll take a look after our next shift.’ she said and Tiness smiled. ‘We’ll eat and sleep now, then we can start early.’

‘Great!’ Tiness said and Alain chuckled at the happy expression on her face.


Tiness looked at the map displayed on her arm screen. ‘These should be the ones for the officers.’

Asitha shone her light down the corridor and the row of access hatches to the emergency pods. ‘Might as well start at the captain’s one since that is likely the most comfortable one.’

They moved along the corridor and stopped at the hatch with the captain’s symbol on it, a circle with a single vertical line dividing it. Asitha unlocked it and they shone their lights inside. ‘This looks nice.’ said Tiness at the light grey and roomy interior and they went inside.

‘I’m definitely going to try the shower first.’ said Asitha when she looked inside the extra large shower at one side. ‘This thing is almost as big as our pod.’

Tiness chuckled and examined the contents of the compartments in the back. ‘Only a simple kitchen here. Nothing like the one in Alain’s pod.’

Asitha shone her light along the seats and table at the side. ‘Still, a lot more space than what we have now. I think we’ll take this if you agree.’

‘Definitely. I can’t wait to stretch my tail in comfort.’

Asitha shone her light around. ‘I think there’s just one problem.’


‘You can’t fly the pod.’ said Alain when he was curious to hear if the girls had found a usable pod and contacted them.

‘It has no controls like yours.’ said Asitha. ‘Looks like we stuck with our small home unless we can think how to move it.’

Alain pondered a way to move the pod and thought he remembered something that could be the solution. ‘Wait there. Maybe I know a way but I have to make sure first.’

‘Yes?’ said Asitha.


Asitha and Tiness kept themselves busy with exploring the other pods and collecting any rations that had been forgotten when the Amaroth had been abandoned. Tiness floated towards the back of the captain’s pod to look outside when Alain called in. ‘Are you still there?’

‘Yes. We still here.’ said Asitha.

‘Good. Prepare to release the pod.’

‘Release?’ asked Asitha. ‘Why?’

Tiness’s eyes grew large when she saw the cargo picker heading towards them. ‘Asitha! Look!’

Asitha floated over to the window. ‘Alain!?’

Alain chuckled. ‘Surprise!’

‘But, you not allowed on ship!’

Alain steered the vessel that was used for transporting cargo containers at space ports towards the Silth pod. ‘And I am not coming on board, am I? I just happen to give a hand to someone who does the same job I do while out here in space.’

Tiness chuckled. ‘Where you get this vessel?’

‘I thought I saw it when I went through one of the ship’s cargo bays a while ago and I was right. Luckily it was in working condition because it’d been smashed into the racks during the crash.’ He patted the console in front of him. ‘Good thing it’s a sturdy one.’

He slowed down near the pod and used the extended clamps on two arms to grip the pod’s hull. ‘I’ve got a hold of the pod, you can release it now.’

Asitha punched the manual commands on the control pad in the corridor and the clamps released their hold of the pod’s hatch and supporting struts. Tiness gave a positive signal when she saw the pod was free to go. ‘Pod is free. You can pull back.’ Asitha said.

Alain fired the thrusters of the cargo picker and pulled the pod away from its bay while Asitha and Tiness observed it from a window in the corridor. ‘Guide me at your crew pod.’ he said.

‘We going there now.’ Asitha said and hurried with Tiness to their pod.

Alain was near the pod when the girls arrived and they took positions on either side of their crew pod to keep an eye on the docking. Asitha guided him to align the hatches and activated the clamps when both pods connected. ‘Very good.’ Asitha said. ‘You can let go now.’

‘All right.’ Alain said and released the clamps from the pod, and pulled back.

Asitha and Tiness braced the new pod with several extendable struts and welded them to the hull of the Amaroth and the pod itself.

By the time they were done Alain had showed up to check on their progress. ‘How is it?’ he asked.

Asitha rolled up the hose on the welder. ‘We just finished. Pod is secure.’

‘All is good inside.’ said Tiness from inside the pod. ‘Atmosphere good and no problem with power connections.’

Alain smiled. ‘That’s good. I hope you’ll get as much enjoyment from the extra space as I will.’

Tiness looked at the comparatively spacious interior. ‘Will you have drink with us?’ she said and tensed her tail at the sudden boldness she’d never felt before.

‘If it’s okay, I’d love to.’ he said and felt as if he’d been invited şanlıurfa escort for the first time to a girl’s place and not specifically a Silth dwelling.’

‘We want to thank you for help.’ Asitha said. ‘This means much to us.’

‘Let me freshen up first.’ Alain said. ‘I’ll be back in a short while.’


Although there was no point to it, Alain knocked on the outer airlock door of the Silth pod before Tiness gestured she’d open the hatch from inside. He went in, waited for the atmosphere cycle, and stepped with slight hesitation and hot feeling into Silth territory. ‘I kind of feel we do something historical here but we can’t let anyone know.’ he said after he took off his helmet.

Tiness chuckled. ‘Maybe we’ll be famous when we’re old and our worlds are truly at peace.’

He reached into his pack and pulled out several small containers and a bottle of greenish liquor popular in the tropics. ‘I brought some snacks and something else to try, to celebrate both our expanded homes.’

‘Thank you!’ said Tiness and took them from him. ‘We prepared a few things but they’re probably too bland compared to what you’re used to.’

Alain hung his suit in a free locker. ‘Don’t worry about that. I’m still curious to find out what kinds of food you eat.’

He followed Tiness through the regular crew pod and into the new one where Asitha set the table at the side with plates of snacks, bottles, and cups. She smiled at him. ‘Have a seat.’

The plates were filled with bland coloured and smelling cubes. Most were greyish-brown with a shredded meat structure, others had darker red and green splotches. Tiness brought napkins and she and Asitha sat down and poured drinks. Asitha leaned a little forward. ‘It’s not much but it’s the best we can offer as thanks for helping us get this pod.’

He gazed at both girls and was happy to have made contact with the Silth. ‘It was my pleasure to help out and I’m glad both you and me have increased our comfort on this wreckage floating in space.’ he said and lifted his cup. ‘Let’s forget about what’s out there for a while and celebrate what we gained today.’

‘Agreed!’ said Tiness and drank.

Asitha pointed at the plates. ‘These and these are products made from fish and other sea creatures, and these are from various animals that are our main food source. If there’s nothing you like I won’t blame you.’ she chuckled. ‘Especially after we tasted your food.’

Alain chuckled. ‘I can’t diss it before I try it.’ he said and took one of the cubes that had two grey-brown layers, smelled it, then put it in his mouth.

Asitha and Tiness watched him chew slowly. He nodded. ‘It reminds me of what’s called tuna flavoured in my world. The taste is faint but it’s there so it’s not bad.’

The girls’ ears sagged slightly in relief. ‘I’m glad you didn’t start with finding it disgusting.’ Tiness said.

He chuckled again. ‘There’s still a chance I will spit like a volcano and keel over from the taste of the others, so keep the bottles open so I can flush away the taste.’

Tiness giggled. ‘Lucky we have enough to drink then.’

After having tasted everything, Alain pondered ways to improve the taste of the Silth food. ‘You just heat it straight from the container?’

Tiness nodded. ‘Not much else we can do with it.’

‘Mind if I take a few with me to try things? I’ll bring some of the food I have so you can try that.’

Tiness’s ears pricked up. ‘sure! We’d love to try out more human food.’

Alain chuckled. ‘All right.’ he said and chewed on a pork-chicken flavoured cube. ‘I’m going to take one of the cooking units from a nearby mess hall and install it in my pod so I can cook the supplies that were left. How about coming over later when I’ve settled in?’

Tiness looked at Asitha. ‘We’d like that.’ Asitha said. ‘Maybe we can install some of the equipment from the Amaroth in here and do the same.’

‘Oh, then we can exchange meals.’ said Alain. ‘There’s a thing we call spaghetti and it’s a great base for a fulfilling meal.’


Alain went back to his pod after all three of them had had their fill of drinking and snacking with a large bag of various Silth food. He through about what he could do with it and when his mind turned to salads he pondered reviving one or two of the local greenhouses to both get a natural quality from the air purifier, and to grow fresh vegetables. The greenhouses were mostly automated and that gave him enough confidence to be able to do it. He resolved to look into it right after installing the cooker in his pod.


Tiness sighed with flattened ears and leaned back in the soft fabric of the curved couch Alain had confiscated from an officer’s suite. He had invited the girls over to see what he’d done to the pod and try out his cooking, and what he’d done with the Silth food. ‘What’s wrong?’ he asked as he brought out snacks.

‘We can’t install a cooker in our pod.’ said Asitha. ‘The equipment in the central mess hall isn’t modular so ürgüp escort we can’t take a unit out.’

‘Hmm, no other places to find them?’

Asitha shook her head. ‘There’s only the single mess hall on the ship.’

‘And our equipment isn’t compatible with your power sources so it’s no use installing one from the Walkurea.’

Alain sat down on one end of the couch. ‘No other equipment to cook with?’

‘No. Not even the portables that squads use out in the field.’

Alain sipped his drink in thought. ‘Guess you’ll just have to use the kitchen here.’

The girls turned their heads towards him at once. ‘Here!?’

He cocked his head. ‘Why not? I have no problems with you coming over and I wanted to invite you more often anyway.’ he said and grinned a little. ‘If you, in exchange, leave some for me then I’d be fine with it.’

Tiness laughed out loud. ‘You really are not the kind of human I expected you to be.’

He smiled proudly. ‘Good, because I don’t like to be what’s usually expected.’

Asitha giggled. ‘Then we’ll take you up on your offer. Just don’t complain that our cooking’s bad.’

He stuck out his hand. ‘Deal. I won’t complain, I’ll only voice opinions and suggestions.’

Asitha shook his hand and he realised it was the first time they actually touched each other. He liked the softness of the thin layer of fur of her hand. ‘For now I’ll present you with a few ideas for Silth food. I’ll start on it after a drink though, I just hooked up the screen and set up the sound system.’

‘Screen and sound system?’ asked Tiness.

Alain fished a remote from the side pocket of the couch and pushed the power button. A large screen rolled down close to the opposite wall and a media menu appeared. He selected a classic movie and it began. ‘I love good movies so when I noticed this screen and a projector lying in a storage closet I just had to take it with me. The sound system I built from spare parts.’ He retracted the screen, began playing his music collection on random, and finished his drink. ‘I’ll begin cooking. I feel hunger coming up.’

Tiness sat up straight. ‘Can I watch? I’d like to see what you’re doing with our food.’

‘Sure. Give me a hand at the same time.’

She moved up next to him in the kitchen, then looked at her hands. ‘Oh, is it okay though? Our hands are covered in fur, unlike yours.’

He looked at the slender fingers and her hands that had fur on top but none on the inside. ‘Do you usually do anything before you prepare food?’

She looked at him. ‘We brush our hands or rub them with water if we have no brush.’

‘No problem then.’

‘You’re not disgusted by hair in your food?’

He chuckled. ‘Of course I don’t like hair in my food, don’t you?’


‘Then I won’t have to worry if what you do before preparing food prevents what you don’t like yourself, right?’

‘Right!’ she said and rinsed her hands thoroughly under the kitchen faucet.

Alain noticed her large and fluffy tail swaying and smiled. “Cute.” he thought, and wondered what it felt like before he turned his attention back to the counter and the containers of Silth and human food he had chosen for the meal.

He looked back towards Asitha. ‘Asitha, if you like to, have a look through my media collection. I don’t have any Silth media but maybe there’s something you like.’

She turned towards him. ‘Then I will. The kitchen’s too small for the three of us to cook anyway.’ she said and took the remote from the armrest.

Sounds of various movie scenes and rattling and clicking from the kitchen filled the pod and it reminded Alain of his young years at his home when his parents cooked together and he searched for something to watch while they’d eat. He chuckled and Tiness looked up puzzled from dicing the fish and meat. ‘Did I do something wrong?’

He gave her a warm smile. ‘No, it’s just that this reminds me of when I was young and I never imagined I would relive these moments in my own home. Yet here it happened and even in the company of two Silth.’

She chuckled. ‘It must be very weird for you.’

He mixed spices and herbs in a small bowl. ‘It’s very comforting, actually, and it doesn’t matter whether you’re Silth or human, I can say for certain it’s fun to have you two over.’

Tiness smiled. ‘It is fun indeed to spend some time together, although it’s still a little strange to be with a human.’ She looked up at him at once. ‘I don’t mean it in a bad way, it’s just that we’re not used to meeting other species.’

Alain chuckled. ‘I know what you mean. I read that your society is pretty closed and most of your kind never met an alien. Humans mingle much easier in that regard.’

She nodded. ‘I’m sure we’ll adjust quickly around you. You’re really nice.’

He chuckled. ‘Thanks.’ he said and looked at Asitha’s concentration as she went over the media list with the help of the translation tablet. ‘I think Asitha is well on her way to get used to human things.’

Tiness giggled. ‘Seems so.’


Asitha looked at all the food placed on the low table before her. ‘This all looks very good.’ she said and sniffed the air. ‘And it smells great.’

Alain smiled. ‘Dig in then, Tiness had to suffer enough just watching the food and not tasting it.’

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