Breaking The Barrier Ch. 01


“What do you think about this one?” I asked Sandro as I wave a neon yellow dress in front of him.

“You could easily highlight his textbooks with that one, Renée” Cato answered appearing out of nowhere.

“Or highlight his day,” I rolled my eyes at Cato and continued, “and I am not talking to you,” I turned on my heel and looked for another dress from the rack.

Sandro, Cato, and I met when we were in college and we have been inseparable since. They witnessed how I cried when I almost had a failing grade in Biology and lend me their shoulders when I cried my heart out when my first boyfriend, Brad, broke up with me because I was unwilling to surrender my virginity to him. I was there when Sandro was almost disowned by his father for not entering Law School and when Cato was harassed by his ex-girlfriend, Abby, who desperately wanted him back. Needless to say, we are best friends and we have each other’s backs.

Currently, we are in a mall shopping for the perfect dress I could wear on my date with Leon, a physician I recently met in our friend’s birthday party. And you’ve guessed it, these two toddlers are helping me — more like disturbing me — pick a dress for my first date in two years. And yes, you’ve guessed it again, my last date was with my perverted ex, Brad.

“Why do you even have to shop for a new dress? You have lots of dress at home.” Cato put an arm on my shoulders and I looked at him with distaste. His blond hair is shriveled and his blue eyes are staring intently at me. For a second, I forgot my annoyance at him and just stared back.

Luckily for me, a sales lady went up to me and gave me the red bodycon dress that I asked for not so long ago. I looked away from him and took the dress while thanking the lady. The sales lady walked away not before giving a flirtatious smile towards Cato and the flirt smiled back seductively in return. I rolled my eyes at their flirty encounter and shrugged Cato’s arm from my shoulder.

“If you’re bored, you could go and flirt with the sales lady some more,” I inspected the dress and continued, “I didn’t ask you to come with me anyway.” I walked away and looked for a fitting room to fit my dress, leaving Cato behind.

“That’s what you’re wearing?” Sandro appeared right as I spotted a fitting room.

I looked over the dress once again, “I really like this dress,” I looked at him and continued, hesitation evident in my voice. “Do you think it’s too much?”

Sandro looked at the dress then at me, “It’s gorgeous,” he finally said, the dimple on his cheek showing as he smiled at me. I smiled back, obviously happy of his approval and went to fit the dress.

After paying for the dress, the three of us went to my apartment and hang there as usual.

We were watching The Lord of the Rings when I suddenly blurted out how nervous I am about my upcoming date with Leon. Sandro, who was sitting on my right, put an arm around me and pat my head while Cato, on my left, grabbed my hands and rubbed it affectionately.

“What are you nervous about? Your dress is very pretty,” Sandro commented while still patting my head.

“I just,” I started, afraid of admitting the truth.

“You just what?” Sandro probed. I sighed still unable to voice my feelings.

Sandro guided my head to look at him and asked, “Tell us.” His dark brown eyes are looking through my soul and I can’t help but confess.

“It’s just that Leon is a few years older than me and more experienced and I’m nervous that he’ll notice how naïve I am and then he’ll be disappointed. I mean who’s still virgin at 23?” I blurted.

Sandro put my head on his shoulder while I continued talking. “I just want this to go well ‘coz I really like him and he seems like a really nice guy and I don’t want to mess this up. Not to mention, I haven’t been on a date since that scumbag Brad.”

I closed my eyes and breathed deep. I felt Cato’s hand move from my hands to my knees rubbing it gently. At the same time, I could feel Sandro’s affectionate hands circling on my shoulders as I rest my head on his chest.

“What do you want us to do to make you feel better?” Cato asked, his hands still on my knees.

“Nothing. Just by being here and listening to me already helped a lot.” I said as I feel the sleep tugging me. I relaxed on Sandro’s arms as I let the their hands touch me and put me to slumber.

I woke up on my bed, unaware of my surroundings. I checked the time and it was 10:45 am the next day. I looked around and found a box sitting on my bedside table with a note on it.

You were sleeping so peacefully so we didn’t dare wake you up before we left. Your delivery came while you were asleep and we got it for you.

S and C

I looked at the package and wondered what could it be. I didn’t remember ordering online, except…

My eyes grew wide as I snatched the package and opened it.

Oh god! Did they open the package? Did they realize what’s inside?

I blushed intensely and put the box under my bed bedava bahis in embarrassment.

What was I even thinking ordering it?

When the clock struck 4, I got up from my bed and started preparing for my date. I took a bath, put on my makeup and wore the dress I bought yesterday. I looked in the mirror, put on perfume, and grabbed my bag at exactly 5:50 pm.

I arrived in the restaurant at exactly 6 pm and as expected, Leon was already there waiting for me, a huge smile crossed his face when he saw me walking up to him and he stood up to greet me.

“You look really gorgeous, Renée” Leon complimented as he pulled my chair like a gentleman.

“You look gorgeous too,” I shyly replied as I sit on my chair.

The date went surprisingly well and we had an interesting conversation about his job as a doctor and my job as a copy editor in the local publishing house. We also talked about his big family with 4 brothers and 3 sisters and shared our love of books. The night ended so well that we already planned our second date next week.

I went home merrily and slept with a huge smile.

Unfortunately, I woke up with a frown on my face as my blanket was being pulled away from me and my curtains were drawn shining me with a bright light that disturbed my peaceful sleep.

Ughh I’m gonna get my spare keys back from them!

“Rise and shine, princess!” I opened my eyes and came face to face with Cato. His face inches away and his wearing his signature cheeky grin, his eyes shining like the waves of the sea.

I moaned irritated as I turned my back on him and pulled my blanket from him.

“How’s your date?” He asked as I felt the other side of my bed shift on his weight. He was touching my hair and I felt my annoyance fading away.

“Better than expected,” I answered enjoying his hand on my hair.

“See! Nothing to be nervous about.” Cato’s voice was soft and his hands are now on my shoulder lightly massaging it.

I moaned from his ministrations and his hand slipped on my hips while the other caressed my neck and shoulder.

“You like what I’m doing?” Cato whispered on my ear and I faced him to answer. I stared at him, mesmerized, as he continues his caresses. I stared at his eyes ocean blue eyes, at his pointed nose, then at his soft pink lips.

What would it feel like to touch those lips with mine?

I almost lean in and answer my thoughts luckily, Sandro shouted that the breakfast is cooked and my mind went back from the haze. I abruptly stood up to fix myself and scold my mind for my inappropriate thought.

I’m not gonna lie that this is the first time that a thought like that about both of my best friends appeared in my hazy mind because God knows that it happens more frequently than I would hope for but it doesn’t mean that I’m gonna let those thoughts control me. They’re just thoughts, my friendship with them is a lot more important.

During the breakfast, I told them about my date and happily told them that I secured another date with Leon. They were both very happy and excited for me and assured me that they got my back whenever I need help.

The week went well despite my very tiring job and when Friday came I received a text from Leon:

Hey, gorgeous! Are we still up tomorrow?

I smiled and replied:

Of course! You better make it worthwhile 😉

I just went out from the shower when he replied:

I’ll do my best! I want to ask you about your week but the hospital is packed right now

I sat on my bed as I replied:

I guess we’ll save that conversation for tomorrow!

Our conversation closed with his last text:

See you at 5!

I placed my phone on my bedside table and my foot hit something under my bed. I picked it up and realized that it was the package I received earlier this week. I opened it and a 6-inch pink dildo stared at me.

Did Sandro and Cato know what’s inside the box? God, I hope not!

I picked up the toy and placed the box on my bedside table. I stared at it and decided whether it’s time for me to use it. I looked at the time and it’s just 7 in the evening so I decided to open my laptop and browse Literotica. I clicked on my go to story whenever I feel the need to touch myself and started reading it.

I was massaging my breasts through my shirt and was getting very turned on when I heard my front door open and my living room was filled with familiar voices. I closed my laptop and quickly hid the dildo inside its box under my bed. My bedroom door opened and Sandro entered my room.

“What are you guys doing here?” I asked my voice a little shaky.

Sandro stared at me and walked towards me. I closed my legs, my arousal evident. He sat on my bed facing me, his dark brown eyes getting darker by the second. His face came close to mine and I was so sure that he could smell my arousal.

“What were you doing?” He calmly asked. He raised his hand and touch my cheek with the back of his hand, “You’re casino siteleri flushed.”

I stared at him unable to form a coherent answer.

“Everything okay?” Cato appeared on my bedroom door.

I gathered my thoughts and stood up. “What are you guys doing here?” I asked once again, the mixed feeling of tension and arousal made my voice a pitch higher.

Cato smiled, “We brought you dinner.”

“Uh okay,” I released a deep breath. “Let’s go,” I said as I walk towards the door.

I thought that I was finally safe until Sandro stood up accidentally kicked the box under my bed. My breath was caught as he took the box. I was about to retrieve the box from him when Cato asked, “Was that the package we received?” He closed the door and walked over to us.

“Uh yeah,” I answered hesitantly and tried to take the box from Sandro. He turned his back from me facing Cato.

“What’s inside?” I took a big step and tried to take the box away from them.

“It’s not important. Give it to me now.”

“Hmm I think it is important,” Sandro looked at me with playful glint on his eyes. “What do you think, Cato?” Cato smiled playfully at him and took the box from Sandro.

“No, it’s not! Please give it back to me now!” I ran towards Cato but before I was able to reach him, he opened it and took out the toy. I gasped and tried to wrestle him.

Sandro wrapped an arm around me and pulled me away from Cato. “It’s okay, baby. You don’t have to be shy about it,” Sandro whispered on my ear, his hands gently rubbing my waist and hips.

I stared at Sandro, his face inches away from mine and his eyes are full of desire. I could slowly feel my arousal coming back. “Why did you order a dildo, sweetheart?” I looked at him unsure of what to say.

“Come, let’s take a seat first.” Sandro led me to my bed and I sat between them, Cato on my right and Sandro on left.

I stared at my hands, my embarrassment getting the best of me. I can feel all my blood rush to my face.

Sandro put an arm around my waist and kissed my shoulder. “It’s okay, you can tell us. We’re friends after all.”

I looked at Sandro and back to my hands then finally answered, “I just thought that it’s much better if I break my hymen so that no one won’t know that I’m a 23-year old virgin,” I whispered.

“Did the bastard ask you for sex already?” Cato asked a hint of anger evident in his voice.

I looked at him and answered, “No! It’s not about Leon! It’s about me not having a confidence because I’m so afraid to break this fucking hymen! I was so afraid that it would hurt so I tried my best to wait for the best time but it became so late that it just led me to become a 23-year old virgin and it hindered me from dating anyone because I’m so insecured of the fact that I have no experience.”

I bowed my head and sighed.

Great! Now they think I’m a fucking loser.

Sandro raised my chin to face him. “Do you want us to help you break it?” I looked at him, surprised by his question. His eyes are full of desire and hunger and I can’t help but stare at it.

Mesmerized by his deep brown eyes, we stared at each other and even though a voice in my head told me not to do so, I nod my head in agreement, sealing my fate. Sandro placed a light kiss on my lips. He looked at my eyes and smiled then kissed me again, this time with hunger and desire. I kissed him back, my mouth opening for his invasion. I have been kissed before but never like this, with so much hunger and ferocity.

Sandro’s tongue explored my mouth as I felt Cato suck my neck. I pulled away to catch my breath only to be hungrily kissed by Cato. I felt a hand reached under my shirt and touch my stomach. I felt a hand on my thighs and felt another set of hands raise my shirt. Cato broke our kiss to lift my shirt over my head and remove it. He looked at my bare breasts in awe and I felt myself wanting to cover it but Sandro’s hands reached from my back and cupped both of my breasts, massaging them. I closed my eyes and rest my head on Sandro’s chest, moaning when I felt him pinch my nipples.

Sandro continued playing with my breasts while sucking on my neck and shoulders. Cato, on the other hand, removed my shorts leaving me in just my underwear. Sandro lifted my head and kissed me passionately.

“Oh god!” I raised my hips when I felt a flick on my panty-covered clit. I heard Sandro groaned before resuming our kiss. Cato traced a line my thighs before stopping as he reached my core. I moaned and gyrate my hips begging Cato to touch me there again.

Sandro broke our kiss and chuckled, “You like it when Cato touch your pussy?” I blushed at his words but nodded nonetheless. “Then tell him,” he urged.

I looked at Cato and said the words I never thought would come out of my mouth, “Please touch me again, Cato.”

“Here?” Cato smiled as he rubbed my thighs.

I whimpered in frustration and Sandro pinched my nipples before saying, “Tell him where you wanna be bahis siteleri touched, baby.”

I looked at Cato unable to say the words.

“Say it, baby. Or you’ll never feel how good it feels to be touched in your pussy.”

“Please,” I begged still unable to say the dirty word. Cato removed my underwear and pushed my legs until my heels touch my butt.

Sandro pinched my nipples hard. I gasped as I felt a gush of liquid flow from my core.

“Come on, baby. Ask Cato to touch your pussy. We know how bad you want his fingers to make you feel good.” My breathing was hitched and my body felt hot all over because of Sandro’s hands and his dirty words.

Cato was kissing the inside of my thighs when I looked at him. Our eyes locked as he bit and sucked the area between my thigh and groin.

Desperate to clench my need, I closed my eyes and said the words. “Cato, please touch my pussy.” My eyes opened when I felt that no one moved despite saying the words. I looked at Cato and saw him smiling slyly at me.

“What? I already said it,” I asked confused.

“I want your eyes open when you say it. So do it again while looking right at me.”

I took a deep breath and looked Cato in the eyes. “Please touch me, Cato. Please touch my pussy!” Cato’s eyes never left mine as he ran his finger on my core before flicking my clitoris.

“Ugh! Oh god! Please more!” Cato rubbed my core touching my clit while Sandro sucked and bite my nipples. I felt like my orgasm looming as they continue their ministrations.

My eyes flew open when I felt a finger on my opening. They must’ve felt me tensed and Sandro stopped playing with my breasts and kissed me. “It’s okay, baby. We need to stretch you a little before your toy fit your tight cunt. Cato will stretch your sweet cunt with his fingers before we use your little toy to break your hymen.” I nodded my head in agreement as I felt my groin involuntarily clench upon hearing Sandro’s lewd description of my vagina.

I squirmed when Cato inserted his finger inside me. He slowly pull it out then put it back in and after a couple of these, I felt myself relaxing. He inserted another finger and drive it in and out my core in a faster speed. Sandro left my breasts to pour his attention on my clitoris. He pinched and flicked it while Cato was driving his fingers inside me. I felt my orgasm loom once again and my moans are becoming louder. A few thrusts after, I arched my back as I finally reached my peak.

I closed my eyes in ecstasy and I felt a familiar lips touch mine. “You’re gorgeous when you come.” I opened my eyes and looked at a pair of twinkling blue eyes. Cato continued kissing me when I felt my legs being raised. I looked down and saw Sandro, his face between my legs as he placed them on his shoulders.

I propped up my body and leaned on my elbows. “What are you doing?” I asked Sandro incredulously. He smirked at me then replied, “I’m gonna eat your wet cunt.” My eyes grew wider and I felt my blood rush on my face. And before I can resist, I felt his tongue lap on my core and I can’t help but moan.

“You taste so sweet, baby.” I felt him suck my clitoris before running his tongue along my lips. My moans were muffled as Cato plunged his tongue inside my mouth, exploring my mouth and sucking my tongue. My breathing hitched as I try to reach another orgasm but before I can achieve it, Sandro stopped.

I raised my head to look at him in disbelief. He placed my legs down and smiled at me. “I think it’s time, baby.” He raised his hand showing me my dildo and reminding me the reason why we’re here. My heart beat faster on my chest. This is it.

Cato placed a light kiss on my lips. “We can always stop if you want.”

I looked at the both of them and I realized that I never wanted to do anything more than let these men break my hymen and drive me to another ecstasy. With this thought, I nodded my head and said, “I’m ready.” They both smiled at me and I braised myself from the impending pain.

Cato kissed my mouth once again while massaging my breasts as I felt the toy enter me. Sandro pushed the toy up to my hymen before stopping then pulling it back out. He did it a couple of times before driving it and finally breaking my hymen. I gasped at the pain and broke my kiss with Cato.

“Are you okay?” Cato looked at me with concern. “How are you feeling, sweetheart?” Sandro followed.

“I’m fine,” I assured the both of them.

“Do you still want to continue?” I looked at Sandro and smiled. “Please continue. I trust you guys.”

They both smiled at me. Cato continued playing with my breasts while placing soft kisses on my chest and shoulders.

I felt the toy moving inside me, slowly at first and then picking up speed. Soon, I was panting and moaning while Sandro drive the dildo in and out of me.

“Faster please. Sandro, please faster.” I arched my back and thrust my hips wanting more and Sandro did not disappoint me. He thrusted the dildo faster and I could feel myself falling off the edge again.

“You want more, baby? You want me to pound your pussy faster?”

I can’t help but moan louder because of his words. “Ughh it feels so good. Please don’t stop.” I can’t stop my body from moving nor my mouth to stop moaning and talking.

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