This is the third part of a series. While it might be enjoyable on its own, it will make much more sense if you have read the previous parts of the adventure that started on Sunday.
It was a little more difficult to get out of bed the next morning since I was so tired from the session last night. I was also a little hesitant to face reality. I couldn’t think of any particular reason things might turn bad, but the last two days had gone so well, I wondered if we could keep it going. The connection between us had grown so strong, so fast, I began to wonder how I would do when the week ended and we had to separate. When I went home to my wife and Jenny was alone with her boyfriend. I decided not to let these thoughts ruin my day. I also I realized I had to give a presentation that morning, and used that as my motivation to get out of bed and get ready.
When I came out of the room, Jenny was in the kitchen, in her robe again. She gave me the same cheerful “Good morning” she had given the day before. She noticed me looking around as I went into the kitchen, and she just smiled and said “Yes, he’s sleeping.” I nodded and walked up to her. As I looked at her, friendly smile beaming at me, all my misgivings dropped away, thoughts of work evaporated, and my spirit soared right back to the place it had been the night before. I returned her cheery smile, and stepped up to her. I reached out, untied her robe, and snapped it open. I drank in the sight of her naked body. The sun was coming in the kitchen window, illuminating her skin with a radiance that hinted of angels. I took my time, enjoying the sleek legs, the curve of her hips, the full bush between her legs, the flat but still soft abs, the perky breasts with nipples that were hardening as I stared. My gaze finally got to her eyes, and I took her head into both hands and planted a long, deep kiss. I pulled back, looked into her eyes and responded “A very good morning to you.” I then bent and planted a kiss on each nipple, and then bent further to plant one on her pussy.
“Oh my god, you are so . . .” She was searching for words, so I helped out. “Amazing. Sexy. Irresistible. Charming?”
“No, I was thinking more like annoying.” She laughed. “Ok, I’m not annoyed I’m aroused. How about ‘irrepressible’? Do you ever stop?”
“I think I could be satiated. But I’m definitely not yet.”
We went back to the mundane tasks of making breakfast, eating, and cleaning up. I really did want to get in early and prepare for the presentation, so I kept my hands off her the rest of the meal.
When I was ready, I walked out the back door to the car. Jenny accompanied me again. A grin crept over my face as we walked together, and I asked “Seeing me off with another show?” She didn’t say anything, just gave me a quick hug and kiss goodbye as I walked out the door. I got in the car and pulled out, but stopped and parked when I was next to her. I looked over at her. She was still fully covered. I waited. “I would enjoy the same send-off I got yesterday!” I called out to her through the open car window.
She still didn’t move, but I kept waiting. It would be worth it to see that vision of her naked in the morning sun again. My patience paid off. She suddenly moved into action and untied her robe, pulled it back to completely expose her body, then paused again. Her hand was resting on her belly, and she started stroking her abs slowly. I stared at her hand. I could see her eyes were on me, but my eyes didn’t leave her hand. It moved up her body to her breast, and began playing with the nipple. After a minute or so of lazy fondling, it moved to her other nipple, which received the same treatment. I turned the engine off and settled in my chair, like I was on the couch getting ready for a good movie. I reached in my pants and adjusted my growing cock in my shorts. Jenny had set down her coffee cup, continuing to fondle her breasts, but now also running a hand through her bush. We did lock eyes for a moment, but then mine were drawn back down to her pussy. Her eyes closed and she began stroking herself in earnest. I soaked it in, naked body, in the sun, bare to the world, hand pumping between her legs.
I suddenly realized I heard a car coming. Looking at the street, it was already rolling in to view, which meant the driver had a view of Jenny. I looked back at Jenny. Fortunately, she had stepped back into the house, just out of view of the street. I wasn’t sure if she had retreated in time, but the car kept going. Once it was gone, her head peeked back out. She looked at me, and then shrugged her shoulders. She stepped boldly back out. Not only outside, but two steps away from the door. Then she locked eyes with me and dropped her robe. Standing on the top step of the stoop, she brazenly looked up and down the country road and resumed stroking herself. She stared at me, challenging me to stop her. Of course I didn’t. My eyes went wide, impressed by her confidence, and then locked back on to her pussy. I could see the slick wetness almanbahis adres on her hand glistening in the sun. It wasn’t long before she had to step back and lean on the door jamb to keep herself upright, and her legs and body bucked lightly as she brought herself to orgasm.
She lightly stroked herself a few more times as she came down, then bent and picked up her robe and coffee. She stood back up, and gave me a little wave.
I shook my head, and started the car. I took one last long look at her. I was just close enough to make out the trail of juice down her leg. As I began to roll out to the street, I saw another car coming. I pointed it out to Jenny. She looked over and saw it getting closer. She looked back at me, and shrugged, her robe still in her hand. My eyes went wide, and she laughed, stepping back just as the driver went by. As soon as the car was gone, she stepped back into the sunlight and blew a kiss at me. Then she turned and went back inside carrying her robe and her coffee, and I headed to work.
I sent her a message after the presentation. ‘Don’t think my presentation was very good, for some reason I was distracted.’ I didn’t hear back from her for a few hours. Then, she finally sent, ‘So sorry, I won’t let that happen again’ to which I immediately responded ‘You better.’ Again there was a delay, but after about 10 minutes I got ‘Happy to oblige. I just had another session. You are inspiring!’ I gave her back a heart and an eggplant. It was true. Fortunately we were seated at tables so no one noticed, but thoughts of her gave me a huge boner. I was rubbish at work that whole day.
When the work day finally ended and I got back to the house, Jenny was working back in her office. Yes, she was fully dressed, in casual no-nonsense work clothes. Todd was playing video games. “Is this your pre-launch routine?” I asked him as he focused on the screen. The launch was supposed to go at 2:37 am later tonight.
“No, there was a problem with the tug. We gave it a thorough check, but it busted a seal and there’s hydraulic fluid all over the place. They’re fixing it, but we decided to just go ahead and scrub. The weather looks like crap anyway, so we’re going to give the guys time to get it right.” He gunned down another wave of invading aliens. “Still pretty pissed off about it though.”
“Sorry to hear that, man. So, go for tomorrow?”
“We’ll try, but there’s a major system coming in. Weather the next few days is crap. Might get pushed to Friday night, Saturday morning.”
I thought through the logistics. “Hey, maybe Cheryl could come over and we could all go in to watch. Can you get us passes?”
He paused the game, and considered. “Yeah, I could do that. I’ll get a VIP pass for you just in case.” He smiled at me. “That’d be cool to have a group at the launch. And the after party would be a lot better with you guys there. You think you’ll be able to stay awake that late?”
I laughed. “I’m not a college kid anymore, but yes. We’ll just keep the party rolling. I’ll be exhausted and I wouldn’t want to be in charge of anything, but we’ll be awake.”
“Ok, good idea man.” He went back to blasting, but with a little less anger.
“I’m going to take a hike.” Todd nodded. I changed into shorts and a t-shirt, and headed out into the woods. I walked for almost an hour. I was in a bit of an emotional stir. I was worrying that the evolution of my intimate relationship with Jenny would impact the established relationships with Todd and Cheryl. Having everyone together in a few days would put the whole situation to the test. Anticipating that put me on edge. I thought everything I had told Jenny was true, but was it really? Could I juggle all these feelings? Plus, I was still horny from this morning. At one point, when I was deep in the woods, I stripped naked and just screamed for a bit. I felt really silly afterwards, but better. I decided I’d just be me and see what happened. What else could I do?
When I got back, Jenny and Todd were cooking dinner together and I jumped in to help. Jenny had finished her work project, Todd had gotten over his sour feeling about the launch delay, and we just enjoyed the meal together. When it was time for Todd to leave, you could tell he didn’t want to go. “Not much to do anyway.” He was unusually attached to Jenny. He normally didn’t like PDAs, but he was frequently reaching out to touch her and wrapping an arm around her.
Around 7:30, he finally headed for the door. “Is there anything to do tonight?” I asked. He answered “Oh sure, we’ll do some checkouts of the repairs, and there was some minor things for the VIPs that we didn’t get done. I won’t be totally bored. See ya.” And he left.
After a few minutes of finishing the dinner cleanup, I looked at Jenny. “What’s with him? I get that he’s bummed about the scrub, but that doesn’t explain why he was being clingy with you. I’m not criticizing being clingy, Mr. PDA over here when Cheryl is around, and obviously my hands almanbahis adres never miss an opportunity to be on you when we’re alone. But Todd isn’t normally like that.”
A sly look spread across her face, and she grinned. “Well, we did have sex when he woke up this afternoon. As soon as I heard him stirring, I basically jumped him. Unusual for us, but he didn’t object.” She had a sparkle in her eye, obviously happy about the sex, but also was challenging me. Was I going to get jealous of her having sex with another man?
No, I was not. A smile spread on my face from ear to ear. “So for those scoring at home, one orgasm while I watched from the car, another later that morning alone in your office, and a third riding Todd’s dick.” Her eyes bugged, but her smile widened. “If I can be so bold as to state it so plainly.” She laughed and I kept going. “So, no, I’m not going to be stupid and get jealous or mad at you for having sex with the guy you should be having sex with. In fact, go ahead. Tell me the story. Relive the glory of your sexual conquest in detail.”
Her mouth opened and she rocked back a bit. “Really? I’m not one of those tell my girlfriends every detail women. But ok, I am kind of excited about it, and sharing actually sounds good.”
She settled down next to me on the bench at the table. “So, I was in my office, watching the clock. As horny as you made me this morning,” she put one hand on my arm and winked at me, “I had pretty much made up my mind that I needed to jump Todd. Like I said, we’re usually just a weekends couple so I wasn’t sure he would go for it. I actually went into the bedroom about 10 minutes before he normally wakes up so that I wouldn’t miss it. While I waited, I got naked.”
“Holy crap, you really were in need, weren’t you? And you started fondling yourself again.”
“Well, yes. But it definitely wasn’t going to be enough, it was just a little warm up. I was just about to wake him up, when he rolled over on his back. He wasn’t really awake, but I decided it was close enough. I pulled the sheet back, and he was in his boxers and shirt. Yeah, he sleeps like you do. Anyway,” she hesitated, but then plunged on “he had morning wood.”
“Good for you.”
“I know, right? Not even sure what I would have done if he didn’t, I’ve never really had to deal with a limp dick before.” She laughed. “Anyway, I don’t normally do this , but I just went right down on him. Sucking him, I mean.” She blushed, you could tell she really didn’t talk about this sort of thing often. “Normally I would have probably worried about disturbing his sleep or something, but after the last few days, I just went for it. Not that I pretended it was you, but I just thought about how we’d been so uninhibited, and focused on that feeling.” She actually paused and kissed me on the cheek, then went back to her story.
“I”m not really sure when he woke up, because he was responding and making noises before he said anything. There was a ‘Jesus’ from him at some point. Anyway, when I was sure he was awake, I looked up and said ‘Good morning’. He didn’t say anything. Then I climbed up and slid my pussy on his cock.” She giggled, and bit her lip. She looked me in the eye, then got up and straddled me. “I rode him for a good five minutes. I don’t think his body was really awake, and I took advantage.”
As she was talking, she was rocking her hips, thrusting into me. She stood up and turned around, sitting back down in my lap facing away from me. “Then I rode him reverse cow-girl. He was really starting to groan at this point.” I followed her obvious lead and let my own moans out. My cock had grown hard from her story and her hip-action. I let me hands wander down to hold her hips, guiding her thrusts so her ass was sliding along the bulge in my pants. “At this point, I could tell he was ready to explode. Todd doesn’t normally cum when I’m on top. I’d already cum, so I flipped off him and landed next to him on my back, legs spread.” Jenny stood up in front of me. “I gave him one of these,” she did the come hither finger gesture, “and he pounced on me. Really pounded the shit out of me. So, it was actually two orgasms with Todd, making it four orgasms today.” She caressed my cheek, and leaned in to whisper in my ear. “So far.”
She turned back into the kitchen to get herself a glass of wine. I let out a long slow breath, trying to get blood back into my brain. This was a very convoluted situation. Her story with accompanying re-enactment was so hot, but the reality that she was talking about her boyfriend, a friend of mine, couldn’t be ignored. The same guy who was only 10 minutes down the road. I was too muddled to sort it out.
Jenny had her wine glass, and was leaning against the counter. “So, we having sex or what? I know your body’s ready. I’m actually a little surprised you’ve let either one of us keep our clothes on.”
I tried to come up with an explanation, and settled on just being straight with her. “Yeah, obviously your story-telling skills almanbahis adres and your re-enactment certainly pegged the hot meter.” I paused for a while, struggling to find words. Most of my thinking was still controlled by my penis, not leaving me a lot of brain power for articulate words.
“But . . .”
“Well, the reality is, you’re talking about Todd. He is a friend of mine, he is your boyfriend, and he was just right here, about 20 minutes ago.” I paused, buying time to process my thoughts and sort through my feelings a bit. She started to speak, but I held up my hand. I stood up and walked over to her, holding her hands. “All that stuff I’ve said before is still true. I can love my wife and still appreciate you, respect you, be your friend and enjoy your body. I can still respect Todd, look him in the eye next time I see him, and support your relationship with him.” I sat down on a stool next to her so I could look her in the eye without straining her neck. “But you’ve taken all that to the extreme right now, and it’s a lot to process. It’s nice to say all those things, but we’re really putting it into practice, and it’s not as easy as all that.”
I walked over to the fridge and got my self a glass of water. “What do you say we just chill for a little bit. Hang out just as friends. No deep psycho probing, no baring of souls. Just friends hanging out.” I knew where they kept the Gatorade powder and made myself a glass. “Ok? How bout we play cards? Actually play cards.”
She still hadn’t moved off her spot next to the counter. “Ok. But just so you know, I’m in this sort of hippie love state. I swear I can think of,” she paused and counted to herself, “seven other people including you and Cheryl, that I could happily invite over for a party and I’d have sex with them all. I know that would never really happen, but that’s my mindset and I’ve never felt anything like it. Wait, that’s not entirely true. I’ve caught hints of this feeling before, but I am squarely in it and I just want to enjoy it without questioning it too much.” She drifted off into her own thoughts for a moment. “No, eight!” She laughed, and looked over at me. “I forgot to count Todd.”
She was too beautiful. Not physically. Ok, yes, physically too, but more importantly, spiritually or something. She truly seemed to have reached a place of complete openness. An ability to love without envy or any of the normal petty hang-ups. It was an impressive thing to witness.
I closed the small distance between us and kissed her deeply. Her mouth, tongue and body melted into me. I pulled back, eyes closed. After a moment of savoring the feeling, I opened them. She was looking at me, not demanding, just still in the state of appreciating me, and being open to sharing anything with me. “Wow.” I said. She raised an eyebrow in question. “It’s just . . .” I let out a breath. I swear I’m normally an intelligent, articulate man.
“Jenny, this thing you’ve got going on, this state of mind you just described, could be most impressive personal achievement I’ve ever seen. At least from a personal growth standpoint. Usually we’re all so busy working on tasks, work stuff, building up our homes, taking amazing vacations, that we forget about developing ourselves. You not only took the time to work on yourself, you’ve made a remarkable step forward. It’s not only impressive,” I slipped my left hand around her ass, and my right hand around her breast. I played with the nipple, then slid my hand up her neck and held her for another deep kiss. She responded to every move, enjoying my gestures without demanding anything more. “It’s damn sexy.”
I pulled back. “I still need a bit of time to get my shit together though. Mentally.” I grimaced an apology at her.
“Ok.” She took her wine glass and wandered off, setting up the table for a game of cards.
We did as I suggested, just playing rummy and making small talk. She talked about her work, and I talked about mine. We wove in some laughs about life, and a little reminiscing about times we shared. We’d been enjoying the easy camaraderie when the back door burst open.
Todd came striding into the room. “Forgot my badge,” he barked out as he walked in the room. His eyes quickly took in room, the cards, Jenny’s water, my Gatorade. We were sitting across from each other at the table, in the middle of casual conversation about growing broccoli. Todd gave a quick smile and headed back to the bedroom.
Jenny looked at me. She bugged her eyes and then forced the conversation back to gardening. Yeah, I know. Any other night and this would have been a very difficult scene. I picked up the conversation by sharing my struggles with worms getting to my fresh grown food before I could pick it.
“All right, I’m off again,” Todd said as he strode back through the room. He stopped, walked back to Jenny and gave her a kiss. “See ya babe.”
“Don’t get too bored. Hey, you going to be able to get home early? If it’s early enough I’ll just stay up and make it worth your while when you get back!” Jenny winked at me and then turned a beaming smile toward her boyfriend as Todd turned back around. He looked at me, and then at Jenny. “Um, maybe. I’ll let you know in a couple hours. Gotta go.”