Black New World Ch. 13 – Day 99


Chapter 13: Day 99 — the second consultation

It’s been a couple of days since I was together with Khalon. I’m still just as confused about what had happened. I have given him a blowjob twice now. I can’t really explain my feelings. I don’t understand why it turned me on that much. On the one hand it feels degrading to be submissive like that, but one the other hand it had also felt amazing. Ashamed of my actions and feelings, I have been trying to deny it. I both feel angry at him for “using” me like that, but at the same time, I can’t stop thinking about him. And each time I see him in the hallway or common kitchen, my heart stops for a second, and I always blush. I purposely try to avoid him, and at the same time, I hope to randomly run into him. My feelings are a tangled mess that I cannot decipher. And to make it even worse, today is the day of my second consultation at the doctor. I’m extremely nervous and mad about how he treated me last time. But I can’t skip it because I cannot believe that my strange feelings and the change of my body are normal.

I grab my jacket and rush quickly through the building to my car. I turn on the radio, but the news-debate doesn’t soothe my nerves at all. A deep voice speaks slightly agitated:

“Our proposal of regulations is meant to protect all white men and women. It’s important for me to emphasize this matter. The virus has been especially vile for the white population, and with these proposed laws, we seek a way to protect our fellow citizen.”

“In what world is prohibition against driving, jobs and housing protection! These laws only seek to discriminate and create A and B citizens!” An angry and upset voice almost yells.

“After everything you have been through, I understand that this might seem upsetting at the first glance. But we make laws from rational decisions, not emotional! And these laws are clearly a protection.”

I quickly turn off the radio again as the discussion increases my anxiety.

“Jules Delaney,” the doctor announces. I walk through the crowded waiting room and into the doctor’s office.

“So, how have you been since our last talk?” He asks. It the same guy as last time. He wears glasses and have short curly hair and a short but thick beard.

“I don’t feel better at all. My body is still weak, my muscles are sore, and it’s like my body is still changing,” I speak rapidly while I look down at the table. Strangely, I feel ashamed, like I’m confessing my sins to a priest.

“Really? At first glance you look healthy, I must say… But I’ll do another routine check-up on you. Please take of your cloths.” He orders. I instantly feel insecure and nervous about showing my body once again to this stranger. I slowly take of my hoodie, shoes, then my sweatpants, socks.

“Please continue, quickly,” he says, staring at me impatiently. I then pull my t-shirt above my head. My body begins to tremble as he observes me. Finally, I turn my back to him and drop my briefs.

“Good,” he says. “Now turn around.” I follow his instructions and spin around, naked in front of him. To my horror, my nipples look erected and pointy, and the same goes for my cock. It half-erected, and I can feel the blood pump violently through out my body. The humiliation makes my face red. He just scan me with his brown eyes, and grabs a measurement tape. He walk up close to me.

“Lift your arms.” He then scroll Kurtköy travesti the cold tape around my torso and nipples. They throb from the coldness and erect even further.

“35,5 inches (90cm),” he says into his recorder. I swallow a lump. What does this mean? Have they grown?

He just slide the tape down to my waist.

“Waist, 26 inches (66 cm).”

I totally feel like an animal up for inspections. He grabs my ass and runs his fingertips over my skin, before he rolls the tape around my hips. I shiver and shake in a combination of fear and excitement.

“Hips, 41 inches (104 cm).”

I close my eyes in shame when he measures my cock.

“Penis, 1,8 inches (4,5 cm).” I almost jump in surprise when he suddenly grabs my balls and squeezes them gently.

“Testicles, small, tight, soft,” he speaks into the recorder. He then looks at his computer screen.

“You have gained a bit of fat in certain areas,” he concludes.

“It’s nothing to be afraid or ashamed of,” he looks at me with a bit of empathy for the first this.

“But… but..” I stutter. “I can’t be normal.”

“It’s not out of the ordinary. Don’t worry.”

“But I often get dizzy when…” I stop myself. I’m too shameful to tell that it often happens when I think of Khalon.

“Hrm… Let me check your balance… Stand on your right leg, then bend over while you stretch your left leg behind you and your arms in front of you.

I do as he commands even though it feels even more humiliating. The muscles of my buttock flex as I bend over. Of the corner of my eyes, I can see how he observes me with a strange smile. His face quickly turns neutral as he noticed that I’m watching him.

“Good job. Now the other leg.”

Again, I bend over. My cock and nipples are still erected for some reason. As I stand naked in front of him and follow his instructions, the feeling of being slutty emerges in my stomach and makes my cock jerk a little.

“Hold the position,” he commands. He gets up and stands close to me. He touches my flexed butt-cheek and slowly moves his hand over my body. I repress a moan as it tingles. He mumbles something I can’t hear and taps my ass.

“You have a healthy and strong body. You have nothing to worry about.” I gasp when I hear his words. Healthy?!

“You should be happy that you body is handling the virus this well. You’re in a process of restitution,” he continues.

“But doctor, I don’t understand. My skin feels so fragile and painful all the time, and my muscles get sore really easily.”

“I’ll check you pain levels then.” He grabs a strange stick which resemblance a long ruler.

“My pain levels?” I ask nervously.

“Nothing dangerous… I’ll tap you lightly with this ruler, and then you’ll have to tell me how painful it feels on a scale from 1 to 10.” I look horrified at him.

“In that way I’ll be able to compare you pain levels with the database. Don’t worry… You ready?”

I nod. He then begins to tap my legs lightly with the wooden ruler. It doesn’t hurt at all, and I feel a bit stupid. Is this really supposed to be a scientific examination, I wonder. He suddenly slaps me harder.

“Remember to evaluate all the time,” he commands.

“3,” I reply irritated by his slap. He then moves the ruler up to my thigh, still slapping me all the time.

“5… 6…” I says as the pain intensifies. Kurtköy travestileri My skin tingles and turns red. Is he really using the same amount of force? He then begins to slap my ass.

“6… 7…” I whimper. It feels awfully humiliating standing like this. But somehow the pain from my ass ignites an exciting feeling in my stomach.

“Please, doctor. Is this really necessary?” I whine.

“You are doing good. Keep it up.” He moves it in between my legs.

“8…” I moan. It suddenly lightly hits my balls, and I cry out.

“10…” I tremble from the pain.

“Interesting,” he just says. “Well done. Now your upper body.” The sudden relief turns into an anticipating fear. He begins with my back. For some reason, he puts his other hand on my ass while he slaps the ruler over my back.

“5… 5…” I repeat as it slides and taps my back. Meanwhile, he gently caresses my pink ass. His comfort suddenly turns me on, against my will. I moan softly. He grabs my ass close to my butt-crack, and his fingers slide in between my cheeks.

“Doc, please,” I moan.

“Almost there,” he just says. He then begins with the front of my body, tapping my stomach.

“5…” As he moves the ruler up to my torso, the pain intensifies.

“6… 8…” It moves across my chest and finally hits my nipples.

“10!” I moan in pain. The sensation shoots through all of my body. He stops tapping as I whine loudly. The feeling still jolts from my nipples and through all of my limps. But the pain quickly turns into a tingling arousal.

“You definitely have an increased sensitivity.” He then places both of his big hands above my chest and breasts.

“What are you doing?” I moan. He then softly and gently slides his fingers around both of my nipples. I moan. But this time not in pain, but in pleasure. It tingles with an exciting feeling.

“Just relax,” he says. The pain and humiliation turn into a joyful excitement that I have never experienced before. The blood pump into my tiny, hard cock. I slowly let go of my thoughts as my body surrenders to his will. A strange orgasm is slowly building up inside of me.

“How does it feel?” He almost whispers in me ear. His deep voices makes my body shiver in excitement. Baffled I moan: “It feels so good…”

He then grabs my ass again and gently spanks it so my flesh wobble and shake. His other hand is still caressing my nipples. His hand is so big that he can reach both of them with his thumb and his little finger.

As he lightly spanks my ass a second time, while he taps my nipples, my cock jerks and spasms uncontrollably. It shoots a thin load of cum in front of me. It keeps jerking and dripping with cum as a strange orgasm washes over my body. I moan excitedly in pleasure.

“Good job,” I can hear him say through my dazed mind. He stops his moving hands and pats my back instead.

“Your skin is in a state of super sensitivity. It’s nothing dangerous… As you just experienced, it can actually lead to great pleasure instead of pain. So don’t worry.”

“But… But why?” I ask stuttering.

“It’s a completely normal phenomenon. Nothing serious or dangerous at all…”

“But just in case, I should check up on your health data. You know, blood levels, heart rate, vitamins and so on.”

“We have gotten this new bio-chip that does everything automatically. It’s a great technology. Travesti kurtköy In that way, we don’t have to take blood samples and so on. No needles for example. Everything is done automatically without any pain. You just have to sign here.” He takes a paper out from a drawer. I’m completely confused. He has spoken so fast. Nothing serious… I just came in the weirdest orgasm… Bio-chip? Heart rate? Vitamins? What is he talking about?

“I don’t understand, doctor?” I nervously say, still all naked.

“Well, don’t worry,” he smiles at me. “This is pure formalities. Again, this is routine. This is the best way to help you. In this way, we can monitor your health data perfectly and give you the best service.”

“Sure… I guess,” I don’t know what to do, but I take the pen that he points at me.

“I need some professional help. My situation is too fucked up,” I think to myself.

“But how can it be routine if its an all new technology,” I wonder as I nervously sign the paper. I’m still too dizzy from the orgasm to read any of the words.

“Good choice,” he says, smiling. He then picks up a strange machine from another drawer.

“Please lay on your stomach at the examination table.”

The table feels cold against my naked skin as I follow his instruction. I’m too out of it to question him, even though this situation was not what I was expecting at all. The tip of the machine looks a bit like a gun, but the handle of it has a fairly big screen with a lot of numbers and graphs. A scent of alcohol spreads in the room as he sterilizes the skin around my left hip with a wet and cold cloth.

“You will feel a light prick.” His words make me quiver in fear. What is he about to do with that thing?

He puts the head of the machine against my skin, just below my left hip. He then presses a button, and a sharp pain cuts through my skin. It feels like a razor blade slicing my skin. I cry in shock, but then the pain quickly fades away. Fearful, I look down at my hips. I almost expect to see blood, but there is nothing to see at all.

“What happened?!” I ask.

“You have a chip right there, just below the upper layer of your skin,” he explains. I instantly regret my decision. What the hell did I just do?! Did he just shoot a bio-chip into my ass?!

“You can put on your cloths now,” he just calmly says and spanks my ass. I’m speechless, but I do as he says.

He observes me as I put on my cloth and then says: “I’ll have my secretary book another time for you. Let’s say in a couple of weeks. We’ll then discuss the results of your bio-data. In the meantime, don’t worry at all. You are a healthy and… to be honest, a lucky individual compared to others.”

I nod a little bit calmer than before. As I’m heading towards the door, I suddenly remember my worries about all the strange emotions that I have had lately. The uncontrollable sexual fantasies and the strange exciting feelings about Khalon.

“Uhm.. Doctor, one last thing,” I say just before I reach the door.

“Yes?!” He looks at me impatiently with a raised eyebrow.

“I have had some strange, unwanted emotions lately,” I shamefully admit.

“Emotions!?” He laughs. “Well, sorry… Good or bad emotions? How does they make you feel?”

“Uhm…” I ponder, a bit embarrassed by his laughter. I haven’t thought about it like that.

“Good… I guess, mostly.”

“Good for you then! Look, whitey. I’m having a waiting room full a sick patients, deadly sick… I don’t have time for good emotions right now,” he says carelessly but with a smile on his lips.

“See you in two weeks!”

Completely embarrassed and ashamed of myself, I hurry out of the door.

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