Belle Ch. 02

Cock Rub


I woke the next morning confused by everything. This room was definitely not the old motel room I had been in. The sun was shining strongly outside and everywhere seemed quiet. At home I would have been in trouble for oversleeping. At the motel the truck noise outside would have been thundering. Yesterday came back to me. The more I went over the memories of the job advertisement, talking to Mr. and Mrs. Matthews, what the job really was about, everything I had divulged/confessed, and … and everything else that happened.

It seemed impossible they had so easily accepted what I was. They had no disgust when I described what I was or when they SAW what I was. I was really naked in front of them. I smiled at that memory. They told me I was beautiful. Me. Not disgusting, not an abomination. Beautiful. And special.

I stretched my body in the comfort of the big bed under the light covers. I pushed off the covers and rolled out of bed. The room windows faced the back of the property. I felt the properties were large and I was right. A pool sparkling with reflection of the sun. A well maintained yard and plantings. Tall fences and tall shrubs surrounded it.

I turned back to the room. Would this be my room? Maybe they had a smaller one somewhere downstairs? I spotted an open door showing a bathroom. A bathroom for only this room? As I walked toward it, I passed my reflection in a mirror that showed my entire body. I never had a mirror large enough to see myself. I think to myself that these people are right. I want to believe they are right that I am beautiful. I gaze at my image: my breasts, my body shape, my … penis. The terms they used were so different.

I used the bathroom and washed a bit of the sleep from my eyes and face. A brush, toothbrush in its wrapper, and toothpaste sat on the counter top. After brushing my teeth and brushing my hair, I noticed a robe hanging from a hook on the wall behind the door.

With the robe on, I ventured out of the room. In the hallway, I could hear soft sounds from downstairs. The staircase. I padded barefoot down the stairs. The sounds became more distinct as I descended. It brought back memories of last night when they would leave to talk privately. These sounds were the same. Soft voices. Sounds of things being set on surfaces. The smell of strong, aromatic coffee said kitchen. I hadn’t seen where the kitchen or anything else was. I followed the sounds and the smell that now also mixed with prepared food.

I stood at the opening into the kitchen. There was a nook off the kitchen at the back of the house where they sat. Windows faced a smaller table for four, the sun streaming in. Both had coffee and juice. There were used plates on the kitchen counter from when they had already eaten. Mr. Matthews was sitting so he saw me first. They were both wearing light robes like the one I found and now wore.

“There she is,” he exclaimed brightly as he rose from the table and hugged me tightly. He kissed the top of my head and stroked my back outside the robe. Mrs. Matthews was there, too, ready and waiting to do the same.

She sat me at the table and quickly brought coffee, juice, and a plate of scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast. A small bowl of jam sat on the table.

“I’m sorry I slept so long,” I muttered as I looked the plate she set in front of me. “I don’t know why it happened. I was trained to get up with the sun and have everything ready for the family.”

Mrs. Matthews put her hand on mine. “Shush. Those people no longer set your rules.”

They let me eat my breakfast and gave me a second cup of coffee. They were watching me. I looked up and returned they gaze timidly. They were waiting.

“Have you decided?” The words came from both of them with equal levels of anticipation. Decided? Oh … yes … they insisted I sleep on the job decision.

I smiled at them. “I decided last night, Sir, Ma’am. Nothing has changed in my feelings.” My gaze fixed on each of them separately. “I desire to serve you.”

“Are you sure, dear?” she asked.

“Ma’am, please. It wasn’t a decision I had to think hard about.” I looked back and forth between them. “I know how to do the real job part. I will learn your favorites meals and the way you like it prepared. The other part … yes, it is all new to me. Understand, though …” I considered my words and started over. “Last night you called me an innocent. I guess I am. I think of myself now as an empty vessel. You showed me I can be a different vessel. Before … they wanted me to be a utilitarian jar crudely shaped and filled with chores and ugly feelings. You two are giving me the opportunity to be a brightly colored, pretty vase that can be filled with responsibilities and amazing new experiences.” They were watching me with surprise. “Does any of that make sense?”

She moved to me and hugged me, again. I’ve never been hugged so much in just this short time with them. “That was wonderfully expressed, dear.” She looked at her husband and back to me. Taksim travesti “We want you to forget that ugly jar and to focus on the pretty vase. We will help you fill it with wonderful, exciting experiences.” I beamed back at them.

“Okay,” he said. “Can you start working for us immediately?”

“Yes, Sir! Please!”

We talked for an hour or more. She would help me gain familiarity with the house, what needed to be done, and where everything I would need could be found. That would come with time. They would ease me into everything. It was a big house, I thought. I insisted I would call them ‘Sir’ and ‘Ma’am’. They relented. The room I woke in would be mine but they clarified that I would likely sleep in their bed more than that one. That brought a smile and nervousness. They really did desire me. They assured me everything would take time, especially the sex. That warm flush kept flashing through me. I could feel my nipples harden against the robe material, my penis move, and a funny feeling in my vagina. They called it excitement, arousal, and it felt wonderful.

They took me on a quick tour of the house. We remained in robes. It felt funny but they were extremely comfortable about their bodies. We stepped into every room with short discussion. There was even a workout room behind the garage. It explained how they kept so fit at 40. I was half their age and not as strong. We even went outside to the pool. She took off her robe and mine, then turned us in a circle to show how private the yard was. She said she used the pool naked. And still naked, she walked me further into the yard. I was nervous, very nervous, but I saw she was right. The yard was private.

As we walked back toward him, Sir exclaimed, “Wow. Two of the sexiest women on earth live with me.” I glowed under their constant reminders of being beautiful and sexy.

She and I remained naked. It was going to take some getting used to. Back in my new bedroom, they went through all my clothes, the few I had. All of them went into the give away pile.

Ma’am and Sir sat on my bed. I stood before them still naked with the realization that I had no clothes left. “We need to take her shopping for clothes and stuff, Charles.”

He nodded without taking his eyes off me. His eyes roamed over my nakedness boldly. His intentional, appreciative gaze caused me to blush but also reinforced that he liked my body. “Yes, we do. But, I like seeing her naked.”

She chuckled. “Of course you do and I don’t blame you.” She rose and came behind me, her nakedness pressing against my naked back. She cupped my breasts. “I know you love these beauties,” she said to her husband. I watched him nod and smile. She reached down to grasp my penis. It swell at her touch. “What about her cock? You like it, too?”

“I do,” he said.

She chuckled as she stroked it. It grew quickly. Oh that felt good, even if it was still embarrassing for it to be by her in front of him as she casual presented me to him. “Charles, I never thought of you as a cock kind of guy.”

“Me, either. But hers …”

“Think you’ll want to suck it, Charles?” She was tempting him. I suddenly saw it. She was using me to tempt and arouse her husband. “I know I am going to enjoy sucking her cock. You, too?”

He nodded. He raised his eyes away from my penis being stroked hard by his wife. His eyes stopped at my breasts and erect nipples before looking at each of us in turn. “Yes, isn’t that strange? But, yes, because it is hers and not a man. Yes, I do want to suck this beautiful woman’s cock.”

She led me to the bed. “We haven’t seen your pussy, yet,” she gasped with arousal.

I lay back and opened my legs. They raised my knees and spread them out. I felt fully exposed. It felt lewd and wrong but also excited and right. They both settled between my legs. I raised my head to gaze down at them. I blushed red. Past my breasts and hard penis, both heads were only a foot from my exposed vagina. Fingers began touching. My clitoris. A large finger probed inside.

“Feel her hyman?” she asked. Not me. Her husband. They were inspecting me, exploring my different body, my special body, my beautiful body. “That’s yours to break, Charles. Imagine, my love, a virgin to open for our and her pleasure.”

My head had fallen back to the bed. It was embarrassing enough to hear what they said so casually about me than to actually watch them. I felt lips and a tongue at my vagina. I looked and it was Sir. I gasped and moaned. Ma’am leaned to the side and watched from inches away. His lips left my vagina but not my body. I sucked in a deep breath with expectation, anticipation. He kissed and licked the base of my penis. He licked higher. I didn’t think it could become so hard. My penis throbbed, pulsed. I moaned loudly as lips came to the head and into his mouth. They shifted and Ma’am was next to him, too. One licked my penis shaft as the other sucked the head. They changed back and forth. Oooooo … I’ve never felt anything like this.

My mouth Taksim travestileri opened wide as the sensations crested within me. At first, no sound came out, no breathing. I was frozen in the moment, in that powerful sensation welling up inside me. Then, “OH … OH … Ohhhhh … yeeessssss … YESSSSSSS!” exploded from my mouth. I thought my head might explode as the sensation became so intense. My penis did, though. It somehow swelled and stiffened even more, it pulsed, and my body flinched as my penis erupted. Ma’am was sucking me at the moment but Sir’s lips were on the shaft.

I gasped for breath even after it was over. I turned my head when I could finally move just that much. They were kneeling next to me. He had shed his robe, too. All three of us were naked. “What …?” but the words weren’t there for me to complete the question.

They both beamed. “How was it?” they seemed to ask in unison.

“I thought my body was about to come apart,” I confessed. “Is that sex?”

They chuckled, “Only one form of it,” she said. “There is much more. And you are so lucky.”

I raised up onto my elbows. She was lightly stroking my softening penis as he stroked up the inside of my thigh and touching the vagina at the top. “Lucky? Why?” I asked.

“Because, girl,” he answered, “you can experience climaxing from your cock and orgasms from your pussy.”

Then, they were talking about me again without talking to me. “Charles, you know what we have to try sometime. We need to make her climax and orgasm at the same moment. Does it work that way?” He just shrugged but I could see he was thinking about it, maybe already thinking about how to do it.

I showered and they did the same. The difference was that when we met downstairs after, I was the only one still naked. That would be the way I would remain for the weekend. Monday was when I would get new clothes. It did feel awkward. It felt awkward while I scrounged through the kitchen to make a lunch while Sir watched from the little table. He was using his laptop to catch up on emails, he said, but he watched me, too.

After lunch we sat and talked. Mostly, we talked about me. They knew a lot more about me than I was learning about them. But that was okay because, in my mind, they were in charge and I served to their wishes.

“Do you like your name?” Sir asked bluntly.

The whole tenor suddenly changed. I wondered why he was asking but I promised myself I would always be honest with them and serve them perfectly. This already felt like a perfect opportunity for me. I didn’t understand why I felt that way so soon. They were confident and commanding but kind and caring, too. I just responded to them and they heaped reinforcement on me.

“No, Sir. I hate my name. I was disgusting to them so they thought of the person they disliked the most, Mother’s mother, and gave me that name,” I confided.

“I don’t like it either,” he replied. “For the same reasons. You are special and beautiful and you shouldn’t be reminded of those years.”

“Is there a name you would like, instead?” Ma’am asked. I didn’t. I never thought about it. “How about ‘Belle’,” she asked. “Remember Belle from Beauty and the Beast?”

“Honey, she wasn’t allow TV or movies,” Sir reminded her.

“Damn, those people!” she angrily cried out. “We’ll stream some movies to catch you up on your lost youth. Anyway, Belle was a beautiful young woman who had to live with a beast, hence the name of the movie. But, after putting up with the beast for some period of time, she came to care for him and see a different side of him. When she professed her love, the beast turned into a handsome man of wealth. It’s kind of corny but it is meant for children.” She looked at Sir and he nodded. “Does Belle sound like you a name you would like?”

“YES,” I happily exclaimed. “Belle. I love it. I love it because it is a name you like and you want me to have it. And I love it because it means beautiful and you both keep telling me I am but I think it will take me time to believe that I am.”

“It’s settled, then. Belle. I saw your birth certificate in your case. You are 18 years old so you can request your name be changed,” he said.

“Sir … Ma’am … if I can change my name … can I also take your name?” I asked nervously.

“That’s a big change,” Ma’am said. “Why do you want to do that?”

“Similar reasons. My last name is theirs. But, also, I want to be yours. I want to serve you and have your rules and … and just BE yours. I want to be yours for anything you want. Please? Please?”

They looked stunned but I kept my eyes pleading. Something inside me had changed as if a switch had move to a new position to send new signals to change my life. It felt like my entire life shifted to what they could offer me. I wanted it. I wanted it all.

They didn’t say, no. They only convinced me to wait. Let this all evolve before making such a change.

Later, I was searching for things to do for them. Some magazines were out Travesti taksim of place in the family room where Sir was partially watching a ball game on the TV while doing something on his computer.

“Belle?” Oh, I loved the sound of that. “We can’t introduce you to fucking … hmmmm … actually we could but … but there are other forms of sex, right?”

“Oh, yes, Sir. Besides fucking, there is sucking and touching and kissing, right Sir?”

“Exactly. You are so sexy and seeing you moving around the room naked …”

“Oh, I am sorry, Sir. Should I leave the room?”

“No … I … I didn’t mean …” but he saw the smile on my face. “You little tease. You sure got me there.”

I smiled at him and sat next to him on the large sofa. He stroked up my thigh to my soft shaft. His touch caused it to stir, though. I sighed at the touch. “Sir,” got out with the next sigh, “would you like me to … suck your cock?”

“You used that word.”

“Yes, Sir,” as I sighed as he continued his light touch to my cock. “I should comply to the way you two do things.” I shifted and his fingers fell from my cock. I have noticed he has a hard time not looking at me naked. That pleases me. It makes me believe I really am beautiful and sexy. “May I suck you cock, Sir. I think I need to learn.”

“Yes, Belle. Practice makes perfect, right?” I didn’t answer. I was already loosening his belt. He assisted in lowering his short.

I settle in to lick and suck his cock the way they had done to me when it felt like I might explode and my cock did. I was lying next to him, my head in his lap sucking the head and stroking the rest of his shaft when Ma’am entered the room.

“Well, I see you are doing a little training, huh?” she said with a giggle.

“Hmmmm … I think she is going to become very good. Maybe not as good as you, though.”

“You sweet talker, you,” she laughed.

“Speaking of training, though. I’ve been thinking we can’t get into fucking with her until she is seen by the doctor. I’m sure he’ll get us in quick, but … you know … I’ve been thinking of me fucking her. What about her fucking me? With her having a cock, she needs to know that, too.”

They were talking like it was a private conversation with me not lying right there with my mouth on his cock.

“I like that for sure. If we think that way, there is a lot we can do with her. Now, I have some ideas, too.”

Ma’am stroked my hair when she got up to leave. What a strange feeling but I was sure to get used to it. I was sucking her husband’s cock and she simply, casually instructed me to swallow all his cum. Within only 24 hours I had experienced all this and was sucking his cock to swallow his cum as instructed. My whole being, mind and body, had changed somehow. And, it felt natural and right. It felt like what I was intended to be all along. I just needed these to people to take me into their lives. If I hadn’t seen that ad … I pushed that away because I did see it and here I am. Happy. Content. Naked. Sucking a big black cock.

“Belle?” Ma’am called out. I walked quickly from my room to the master bedroom. It was nearly the time I thought we would be going to bed. She was sucking and stroking Sir’s cock. It was very hard and very big. It was shiny from her sucking. “I want to try something with the three of us together.” I smiled and walked to their bed expectantly. She began choreographing us all. I lay on my back, she crawled over me so her pussy was directly above my head. I flinched when I unexpectedly felt her lips on my cock. At about the same time, Sir knelt behind her spread legs and I had a very close view of his cock entering her pussy. On some impulse, I raised my head to lick her clit and where his cock entered her pussy. It was obscene. It was so exciting. While I looked and licked, she was sucking my cock into her mouth. Then it felt very tight and different. The only thing it could be was her taking my cock into her throat. Ohhh … what a feeling.

He fucked her and fucked her as she sucked me more and harder. I saw his cock coated with her juice when he pulled back and disappear into her as he thrust. All three of us were moaning and groaning. It was crazy and exciting. We were all pleasing and being pleased.

I came, first. I knew I would despite trying not to, but she kept sucking me and I didn’t go soft. I heard her cry out and felt her orgasm as I licked them. Then, again on impulse, I clamped my lips on her clit. She cried out even louder and sagged on me. Lastly, I heard him grunt and thrust mightily, smacking into her pussy as he groaned and grunted. I could swear I saw his cock pulse.

When he pulled out of her, I saw cum appear at her open pussy. For a moment, I only looked. Then, I stretched my tongue out to lick the cum off the lips. She moaned so I did it again. She sat up so her pussy was over my mouth. I opened my mouth to suck at her pussy hole and press my tongue inside. The taste was interesting. Earlier I had swallowed Sir’s cum. This was slightly different. It had to be from her orgasmic juice. How was my brain processing sex so soon? I smiled as I continued licking her pussy. I wrapped my hands around her thighs to hold her on my mouth. I wasn’t done. I like this. I want to be theirs. I will be theirs. I will do anything to be theirs.

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