Autumn Interlude


This story is the sequel to the narrative of my wife Jill’s trip to Paris with my sister Kim.

Sultry August moved to a close and we successfully moved my stepdaughter Mia into her Morningside Heights apartment for her first year of grad school. During the early weeks of September we didn’t see a lot of my sister Kim, though I know that she and my wife Jill were spending time together. I knew Jill was shuttling between our bedroom and the one at the other end of the long upstairs hall where Kim stayed when visiting (it was fast becoming her room). It wasn’t clear if Mia was in on this little morsel about her mother, but given that she was in on the deeper family secret this one seemed rather pedestrian by comparison.

On the infrequent occasions when Jill had other lovers (male or female), the liaisons usually took place on neutral ground, so this arrangement took some getting used to on my part. She made a pretense of coming back to our bed before morning, not that either of us had any illusions about where she had been during the night. And I wasn’t about to admit that their trysts stirred my prurient interest.

As autumn arrived, Kim started spending more weekends at our house. She and Jill would often play tennis at our club and the three of us would enjoy a nice Saturday dinner together. Kim was able to show off her considerable culinary talents in what she called her way of working off the rent.

Unknown to me at the time was Kim’s outlook was changing. With Jill’s help, she was coming out of her shell and beginning to enjoy life with considerable zest. She seemed more relaxed, more with it, and more open. The hangups she’d developed during so many years of marriage to a repressed twerp were melting away.

One late Saturday night I stirred to find myself alone in bed. I knew Jill must be at the other end of the house where Kim’s room was situated. I shouldn’t have, but couldn’t contain my lecherous curiosity. I mean who among us can resist the temptation of seeing two sexy women making love? Well, maybe a lot of people, but I’m not one of them.

I rose and stole silently down the long hallway, past the big staircase and the small table next to the railing which used to hold a telephone back when there were such things at various places in the house. I passed what used to be the kids’ rooms on either side of the corridor, moving slowly for fear of bumping into a wall and revealing my presence. There was just enough ambient light to avoid trouble.

When I arrived at the end of the hall I noticed that Kim’s door was cracked slightly. Had Jill left it ajar on purpose, or had she been careless in her haste to get into Kim’s bed? Either way, it was easier for me. The dresser positioned just next to the doorway mostly blocked me but I could spy the bed on the far side of the room by the east window.


Sprawled on the bed was my naked wife and my naked sister. Jill lay on her back, her long firm legs spread wide while Kim, lay on her belly, her face buried in Jill’s pussy. Kim’s arms were wrapped around Jill’s thighs, holding her firmly in place while her talented tongue made Jill squirm in delight. Soft moans escaped Jill’s lips as they made love; her head jerking one way and then the other in a way I knew well. I knew Jill’s orgasm had arrived because her entire body vibrates and twitches and her right leg jerks uncontrollably.

Kim’s body looked magnificent as her lower legs pointed toward the ceiling, almost casually crossed at the ankles as though she were reading a book on a deck chair by the pool. If I didn’t retreat that instant the painful erection in my pajama pants was going to explode and I wasn’t at all sure I could maintain absolute silence when it happened.

As quietly as I could, I retreated whence I came and was soon back in my own bed, unable to restrain myself any longer. The sight of those two sexy women making sublime love on the bed was more than I could take and with visions of a taboo threesome dancing in my head, I quickly relieved my tension.

Incredibly, I awoke the next morning with an impressive erection. I reached over to the other side of the bed to find Jill gone again, though I had a shadowy recollection she had returned at some point during the night. I heard the shower going in our bathroom so she must be close by. The door was half open so I went in to brush my teeth and let Jill know I was awake. I admired her shadowy form through the frosted glass of the shower doors.

Over the sound of the water and the overhead exhaust fan, Jill called to me in her smoky, come-hither voice, “Do you want to wash my back?” It was our code for come on in and see what naughty fun we can have in the shower.

I dropped my shorts on the floor and climbed in. Jill handed me her sudsy luffa and I got behind her, washing first her back and then her wonderful ass. Then I paid particular attention to the front of her, reaching around to massage the soap into her breasts. With the other hand I pushed her button and she began to tremble, grabbing hold of towel salihli escort rack on the side wall.

At that moment I remembered the story Jill heard from Kim, about my sister watching me in the shower with a girlfriend those many years ago and I began to fantasize that Kim was now just outside the bathroom, wearing nothing but a t-shirt, watching Jill and me make love. The delicious thought caused an amazing resurrection of my cock.

Jill reached back to stroke me and moaned, “Give it to me.”

I positioned myself directly behind her and she instinctively arched her back, raising her buttocks to give me easier access to that most special place between her legs. As much as I enjoyed my summertime romps with Lena, nothing could compare to being inside my sexy wife. Despite the fact that I had just gotten off a scant few hours before, I was still raring to go for Jill. It was almost as if she had discovered a secret fountain of youth that gave me powers I haven’t had in fifteen years.

While I began to pump in and out of Jill, I stole a glance over my shoulder to see if I could spy Kim spying on us. It was a ridiculous notion, I know, but it heightened my arousal considerably. Through the distortions of the glass, I convinced myself that there was someone there, mostly obscured by the door jamb, but nevertheless sneaking peaks.

Jill dropped her head, resting it against the tiled wall as she came. That was all it took as I let out a long, lewd groan and emptied myself into her. As I did so my only conscious thought was, if only Kim could see us now!

We were drying off and otherwise preparing to get on with our day when Jill asked, “Did you enjoy the show last night?”

I’m sure my face flushed, certain as I was that my nocturnal reconnaissance mission had been undetected by the subjects. “How did you know?”

“I didn’t,” she replied saucily. “I just knew you would try at some point and I took a chance. Don’t worry, I don’t mind.” I smiled in embarrassed relief. Jill sure is a good sport about my predilections. “You probably wished you could have joined in.”

“Who wouldn’t?” I asked.

“True,” she replied. “Do you ever fantasize about being with Kim?”

Never one to keep secrets from my highly-sexed wife, I said, “Sometimes.”

“That would be interesting,” she said with a cryptic smile. “You should think about doing it.”

“Oh, I’m definitely thinking about it!”

In October, with the fall colors appearing on the big oaks in our yard, Jill planned to go to New York for a week while Mia was on fall break. Though I miss my wife when she’s gone, it would be a chance to get some work done and do some chores around the house. Jill always appreciates how tidy the place is when she gets back.

I dropped Jill at the train station and was home with most of the morning still in front of me. It seemed like a good day to straighten my study and then do some work in the yard when it warmed up after lunch. My evening plans included some Chinese take-out and a movie.

I was raking leaves away from the front of the house when Kim pulled into the driveway, giving me a wave and a winning smile. I was surprised to see her since Jill was out of town and I figured that was the chief reason she came over to the house these days. She pulled a small overnight bag out of the trunk of her car and walked over to where I was working. The bag seemed to mean she wasn’t just dropping by to borrow a rake.

“Jill left for the city this morning.”

“I know,” Kim replied. “Did she not tell you I planned to be here this weekend? She said it was okay.”

I recovered quickly. “Sure, absolutely.”

Kim finds our big comfortable house and its amenities a mini-resort, so while I was disappointed that my evening plans were a little scrambled, I was nonetheless delighted to see her. I noticed, too, that the earlier awkwardness between us after the Paris trip was gone. It seemed we were all used to the new arrangement.

By mid-afternoon I had all the yard work I could stand and retreated to my study to read. It was a warm day, so I indulged by having one of the windows open, which brought in the fresh autumn air. I was laying on the small couch near my bookcase reading the Kenyon Review when Kim appeared at the door, asking if she could interrupt me.

“Sure,” I said, sitting up a bit warily, wondering if this was going to be a heavy discussion. She wore faded jeans and a black turtleneck that accentuated her great figure. It’s a look guaranteed to get my attention, though I certainly didn’t want to let on.

Sitting down at the chair in front of my desk, she leaned back casually. With most of her outfits it’s difficult to see that Kim, even with a rather slim figure, has an impressive bust line. She’s not out of proportion, but as a breast man I couldn’t help but approve.

“I was thinking chicken marsala with linguini for dinner,” she said with a smile that revealed her adorable dimples.

“One of my favorites,” I replied. “Thanks!”

“Oh,” samsun escort she said with a casual wave, “it’s no trouble at all. I just hope you don’t mind me staying here so much.”

“Not in the least,” I replied honestly. “It’s great to have you around.”

We didn’t often speak to each other in that fashion. Our relationship has always been good, but we’re not the type of siblings to be outwardly endearing.

After a pause, Kim rose and said, “Well, I’m going to do some yoga.”

“Have fun,” I replied absently, returning to my reading.

About a half hour later I was in the kitchen getting something to drink when I happened to glance in the direction of the sun porch. I could see Kim going through her practice, dressed only in a sports bra and yoga pants. A little pang of guilt stabbed at me while I watched her graceful movements, but it was soothed by the lubricant of my arousal. Kim is hot! My friends in school said so, often to my embarrassment, and I couldn’t help but agree. I didn’t linger, fearful of her catching me ogling her, so I retreated back to my study.

Kim cooked a lovely meal that evening and I volunteered to take care of the dishes while she went up to her room. After I finished, I planned to relax in the hot tub, which is just a few steps from the kitchen door. It was shaping up to be a clear but chilly evening; the setting sun splashed fall colors all over the yard.

I waited until after darkness fell, then armed with a towel and a glass of wine, I padded out to the deck and turned on the jets. I was dressed only in my blue swim trunks and glides.

Enclosed on three sides by lattice-work fencing and thick vines to provide additional privacy, our hot-tub sits on a small tract of patio between the house and the pool. Since becoming empty nesters, Jill and I have had some sexy experiences in that tub.

I eased down into the water, relishing the sensation of the heat on my muscles and joints. I murmured my customary observation, ‘You ain’t gettin’ any younger, pal,’ then took a sip of wine and thought, Now this is living! Little time had passed when I heard Kim’s voice call out from an upstairs window.

“Thanks for inviting me!” she said in jest.

“Like you need an invitation?” I retorted.

“I’ll be down in a minute!”

“Bring another glass,” I called back, directing her to the open bottle of wine on the kitchen table.

Kim soon arrived wearing a terry cloth bathrobe, her hair tied up in a fetching bun. The thought passed through my mind that she might be naked under there, but she dropped her robe to reveal a flattering red one piece with a halter top. She dipped a toe into the water and then eased herself down opposite me.

“Ummmm,” she moaned with satisfaction. “This is nice.” She reached over to take a sip of the wine she had poured for herself.

I found the sight of Kim sitting there arousing, bubbling water lapping at her delicate shoulders. Perhaps in other circumstances I might have felt tremendous guilt over it, but given what has occurred in my life since marrying Jill, it’s hard to work up any moral outrage where consenting adults are concerned. There is no way I would put the moves on Kim without an express invitation, and she probably knew it. Yet here she was, just a scant couple of feet away, looking sexy in a swimsuit.

For a short time we talked about various pedestrian things like work and family, but there were moments when things started to move incrementally toward the taboo. Veiled references to Jill and me and the things we got up to in the privacy of our bedroom were unmistakable.

“Are you naked under there?” Kim asked abruptly with a wicked grin.

“No!” I replied, perhaps a little too indignantly.

I let my lower body float close to the surface of the water, but only long enough to prove my claim. On the other hand, it was also proof that I was sporting a semi-erection and Kim smiled at the sight of it.

“Well,” she said, “I’m going to get naked.” And she shed her suit, but in such a way that I was unable to glimpse her feminine charms. Once she finished and had her wine glass back in hand, she looked over and asked, “How about you, Den?”

“Okay,” I replied in faux resignation. “If you insist.” In a few seconds I was naked, too, starting to clue in on what Kim might have in mind for our evening.

“See, isn’t that better? Besides, I know it’s not the first time you’ve been naked in here.”

“Oh yeah? Jill tell you about some incidents?”

“Jill tells me everything,” she replied, looking at me through the steam with half-closed eyelids. “And I hear it’s not the first time you’ve seen me naked.”

There it was, the first substantive reference to what had been going on between my wife and sister. Then Kim surprised me by moving over to my side of the tub and planting her small but sexy butt on the seat next to mine, and she never spilled a drop from her glass. Her lovely porcelain skin glistened in the semi-darkness.

“Should we be doing this?” I asked, sancaktepe escort putting up a halfhearted show of restraint.

“Probably not,” Kim replied, “but let’s do it anyway.” Taking another sip of wine with her left hand as a bit of misdirect, at the same time her right hand found its way to my cock. “Wooohooo,” she cooed softly.

“Well,” I said a little embarrassed at being discovered, “can you blame me?”

“Of course not,” she said, setting her glass on the deck. “Ever since Jill told me about her and Luke, I’ve been thinking about you.”


“Uh huh. And it makes me hot.”

“Wow!” I gasped.


“Yeah, I’d say so.”

“Shut up and kiss me.”

And with that Kim planted her mouth on mine. I’m surprised I didn’t come on the spot. With my eyes closed I could see white flashes of light. Her warm, moist tongue immediately found its way to mine. The girl did not waste time!

This was insane, but there was no way I could put a stop to it even if I wanted to. Then she swung around and sat on my lap, facing me as she straddled my waist, her tongue continuing to explore the inside of my mouth like it had a mind of its own. My erection pressed against her mound and I could feel the thick covering of hair that I had only caught a glimpse of the night I watched her making love to my wife. I alternated licking one nipple and then the other while she threw her head back and wrapped her arms around my head.

“Yes,” she said, encouraging me. “That’s good. That’s so good!”

I wrapped my arms firmly around Kim’s small waist and rose up, turning to set her gently on the edge of the tub. Gazing into her warm brown eyes, I think we both realized the import of what we were doing, but we were so drawn to one another we could not help but continue.

I kissed my way down the front of her body and reached the heavenly intersection of her legs to enthusiastically work my tongue around and into her pussy. Kim leaned back on her hands and rested her legs on my shoulders, lost in ecstasy. The sound of her moaning increased; the kind of positive feedback I just love! I wondered what Jill would think if she could see us now.

It seemed unwise to leave Kim out of the water too long on a cool night while she was soaking wet, but she wasn’t ready to fall back in just yet and I was delighted when my tongue made her come.

Having lost herself in pleasure, she slid back into my waiting arms and showered me with passionate kisses. Grabbing my hard cock she growled, “Don’t you dare come yet. I’m not finished with you!” Her stern words made us both laugh. It was gratifying that neither of us was taking this momentous change in our relationship too seriously. “Let’s go upstairs,” she said breathlessly.

Our swimsuits, the wine, the tub, everything but our towels was forgotten in our haste to get in the house and at each other. If there was ever a moment when either of us would put the breaks on this forbidden encounter, it would be in that space between the backdoor and whatever bedroom we landed in.

Kim walked past the kitchen table while holding her towel in front of her with one hand. I’m not sure why she felt the need to cover herself when I was the only other one in the house, but it was probably just mindless habit. I did enjoy the view of her firm little butt as we made our way up the stairs, Kim leading me by the hand to the world that awaited us.

As we arrived at the second floor landing I pondered which direction she might choose. Would she go for her room, where she and Jill frolic? Or would she opt to give our marital bed a try, a kinky innovation that might make even Jill a little jealous? Without hesitation she opted for her room and down the hall we went. Once inside she closed the door, dropped her towel on the floor, and embraced me.

Pulling my towel off, she dropped to her knees and expertly took my hardness into her eager mouth. I was barely able to keep standing. While most of me was inside Kim’s warm, wet mouth, she reached up with both hands and untied her hair, letting it fall as it may, disheveled and sexy. Then she returned to cupping my balls and stroking the part of my shaft that wasn’t in her mouth. It was heaven!

I was trying mightily to obey her command to not come, but it was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. Fortunately Kim intuited the nearness of my climax and stopped. Rising, she wrapped her arms around my waist and placed her lips close to mine. “Make love to me,” she whispered in a pleading rasp. “Make love to me.”

We climbed onto the bed and positioned ourselves, Kim choosing to lay on her back for this first taboo encounter. I lay between her legs. This was it! For a brief moment I thought perhaps I should give her one last chance to back away from the flame, but she reached down and guided my aching cock into her molten pussy and just like that we were lovers (or siblings with benefits as Mia calls her mom and uncle).

Kim’s eyes rolled backward and her eyelids twitched as the pleasure of our forbidden coupling washed over her. It was a surreal moment as I looked down at her lovely face and realized that we had joined a select group that included Jill and her brother. I wondered if Jill had hoped for something like this to happen between Kim and me. Kim seemed to want it as much as I did.

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