Another Welcomed Guest Ch. 14


Greek Gods


Zeus – King of the Greek gods

Hera – Queen of the Greek gods, sister, and wife of Zeus

Hades – god of the underworld, brother of Zeus

Poseidon – god of the sea, brother of Zeus

Demeter – goddess of harvest and fertility of the earth, sister of Zeus

Aphrodite – Daughter of Zeus and Dione, Goddess of love, beauty and sexuality

Artemis – Daughter of Zeus and Leto, goddess of the hunt, the moon, and chastity

Athena – Daughter of Zeus and Metis, goddess of wisdom, courage, inspiration, civilization, law and justice, strategic warfare, mathematics, strength, strategy, the arts, crafts, and skill.

Ares – Son of Zeus and Hera, god of war

Apollo – Son of Zeus and Leto – god of the sun and light, music and poetry, healing and plagues, prophecy and knowledge, order and beauty, archery and agriculture.

Dionysus – Son of Zeus and Semele – God of the vine, grape-harvest, wine-making, wine, fertility, ritual madness, religious ecstasy, theatre

Hephaestus – Son of Zeus and Hera – god of fire, metalworking, stone masonry, forges and the art of sculpture.

Hermes – Son of Zeus and Maia – Messenger of the gods, god of trade, thieves, travelers, sports, athletes, border crossings, guide to the Underworld

Eris – Daughter of Zeus and Hera, sister of Ares – minor goddess of discord and strife

Deimos – son of Ares, twin of Phobos – god of dread

Phobos – son of Ares, twin of Deimos – god of fear

Dolos – Personification of trickery, cunning deception, craftiness, treachery and guile

Apate – Counterpart of Dolos, goddess of fraud and deception.

Enyo – Daughter of Zeus and Hera, goddess of war and destruction, another sister of Ares


Ephus – the godling man with an unsual power.

Dr. Quinn Markov – human wife of Ephus


Egyptian Goddesses and wives to Ephus


Bast – Goddess of cats, protection, joy, dance, music, family, and love

Sekhmet- Goddess of fire, war, and dance

Hathor – Goddess of the sky, dance, love, beauty, joy, motherhood, foreign lands, mining, music and fertility.

Serket – Goddess of scorpions, medicine, magic, and healing venomous stings and bites

Maat – Goddess of Truth and Justice

Tefnut – Goddess of Rain, Air, Moisture, Weather, Dew, Fertility, and Water


Brothers of Bast and Sekhmet


Thoth – God of knowledge

Sobek – God of the Nile, the Army, military, fertility and of crocodiles

Anhur – God of war and the sky bearer – Full brother of Bast and Sekhmet

Horus – Ancient God of the sky and kingship

Min – God of fertility

Khonshu – God of the Moon

Apophis – God of Chaos and darkness

Shu – God of the wind and air


Ephus could only stare as Hermes kneeling before him. This was NOT what he thought was going to happen. This was almost as bad as it was with Eris, he didn’t want a slave or two.

“I have charged you to about half, I am hoping it is enough for you to slip past Ares and any other he might call up.” Ephus stated as he watched Hermes flex, feeling Hermes power start to climb far higher than it had been.

Still kneeling before Ephus he said in hushed tones, “even at this level I feel that I will be far faster. Well, than any other god, other than father and his wife Hera.”

Ephus could only shake his head, the Greek gods obviously had no bones about having children with each other. Hell that included brother and sister. Then again, there had been a few instances in the Egyptian god realm.

A movement near the Greek goddesses drew Ephus’s attention. “I know it was hard brother, though you have to admit, it was more than worth it.” Hephaestus said with a smile.

Hermes started to nod vigorously in agreement. “I hope that one day I can prove my worth to you Ephus.” Hermes still had his head down refusing to look up at Ephus.

“Hermes,” Ephus said with a sigh. “I am not in the market for slaves nor servants. You will better serve me, wait wrong word.” Ephus was silent a moment as he thought through, what to say. “I want you to help me, not serve me. It’s bad enough that I can’t convince Eris any different.”

“Unfortunately she has been a slave to her brother, longer than we wish to discuss. Thanks to him, she is one of the most distrusted goddesses in the realm. Had it not been for you, she would still continue to be.” Athena said.

Ephus turned to stare at her in disbelief, “really? Noone thought to investigate as to why she was seemingly against everyone?”

“You have to understand, it wasn’t a sudden change. Every time someone tried to get close to ask her, she seemed to get worse.” Artemis said.

Ephus could only shake his head. Were none of them able to feel the energy like he did? Ephus’s mouth dropped open tercan escort as he realized that he perhaps had another power that none of them did. Shaking his head he thought they either didn’t have it or plain just ignored it.

Looking at the four before him he decided to call Thoth. Less than a moment later there was a whoosh as a powerful male appeared before Ephus. The four that were there gasp as the Ibis masked, with a sun disk on the mask, Egyptian god popped in holding a papyrus scroll and reed pens.

Thoth looked at the scroll nodding then bowed slightly to Ephus. “I take it you have need of my vast knowledge?” Thoth said somewhat snidely. “I am not in a habit of sharing with deities of other realms.” Sniffing the air Thoth smiled big. “Brother, you seem to be as bad as brother Min, are you trying to collect more wives?”

Ephus, could only shake his head at the large smile that Thoth had on his face.

His eyebrows raised Ephus said, “as you remember I didn’t try with any of your sisters. It just seemed to happen,” Ephus ended with an even larger smiling Thoth, who was shaking his head no.

“Brother I know better, I know of the four powers that you have that help you. The very strong attraction of the opposite sex being the first. The second and by no means the weakest is you ability to repower god kind. The third you seem to have discovered recently, detecting the amount of power that a god has. Well that, plus seeming to know quickly how best to get around it.”

Ephus’s eyes got big as he started to open his mouth then snapped it shut. No use in asking questions that, would make him appear to not know. “You said four? I take it you aren’t allowed to tell me about it, some ancient prophecy.”

Thoth’s eyes went wide as he stared opened mouthed at Ephus. “I have not sensed this power within you. Can you see the future?”

This time it was Ephus who was surprised. “No Thoth, though this is about the only thing I can see as to why you wouldn’t tell me.”

A very large smile lit up Thoth’s face as he said, “you still posses knowledge that I can not see, amazing. Now you had a question for me?”

Ephus nodded as he thought of how to pose the question. “You said that I had an ability to detect the amount of power a god has. Is there no one who can detect whether or not a god is completely evil, or being influenced?”

Thoth’s forehead furrowed for a few moments before he smile widely. “What you speak of brother, I have heard of though, I have never seen the knowledge of it actually being true. As I stated before, when it comes to you, I can not see what you are doing. You dear brother are a refreshing change.”

Again, Ephus was a little surprised, at least he can’t spy on me Ephus thought with a small chuckle. Thanking Thoth and the Greek goddesses along with Hephaestus, he nodded as they started to wink out. Turning he saw his human wife Quinn standing in the doorway.

“I hope that this means that you will be home for awhile?” She asked.

“Perhaps though, with Ares I wouldn’t bet on that. The bastard seems to fixated on destroying me. I mean really, he’s already called out five older gods and goddesses, no telling what’s next.” Ephus replied.

Quinn thought about it for a few moment before she whispered in Ephus’s ear. Ephus’s eyes went large then a slow smile came to his lips as he nodded his agreement.


Enyo appeared a few hundred yards from Ephus and Quinn’s home. Reaching out she was surprised when she felt not a few but the power of thirteen gods and goddesses around the domicile. Then her eyes went even wider when she also felt a queen goddesses’ power.

Enyo shook her head she scoffed, this human no wait, godling, was obviously afraid. A wicked smile came to her lips, well she and her brother would soon cure him of that.

Hmmmm, how to lure this weakling out though? Sitting she started to go through as many plans as she could. She’d thought of asking her brother then made a disgusted sound. He was a great warrior though planning? HA! that he’d never be good at, he got drunk on war far too fast.

She thought of taking the godling’s human wife and child again, then shook her head. Her war happy brother had already ruined that idea. Plus from what she’d seen, this was no simple human woman.

There had to be something that she could do to… of course! An even more wicked, evil smile lit up her face as she nodded then vanished.

Enyo appeared not far from her brother’s new hiding place. Again, an evil smile caressed her features as she spied the female that was watching everything that was going on near the cave.

A few moments later Enyo nodded as she appeared behind the female. The only sound was a small scream then the area they had been in was vacant.

Ares, was feeling a lot more confident, now that his war sister had appeared. Then she had left to help devise a plan that they would win with. He wasn’t about to admit it, his sister was termal escort by far, a much better planner.

His eyes went wide when Enyo appeared with a struggling female. An evil smile came to his lips as he nodded his agreement.

“It’s about time things started to go my, uh… our way,” Ares said.

Enyo looked at Ares hard a moment then also nodded. “Good, remember I am in this with you now, just don’t forget it!”

Ares slightly bowed to his sister, one of the only deities that he’d actually do this to. “How could I forget one of the only other gods that loves war as much as I do.”

Enyo smirked a moment then pointed to the struggling female. “I thought that a little gift, plus a possible incentive to get that obviously afraid godling out of hiding.”

Ares was nodding then warned, “you need to know. Though I have the Caspian God Killer, the godling has managed to obtain the Eternal Nile Serpent. Though he isn’t quite to my level, he is still more than capable with it.”

“Hmph, not sure I have ever heard you give an opponent praise.” Enyo reached out her hand inches from Ares. Her hand glowed a moment as she passed it over Ares, Finally she dropped her hand nodding her head. ” Well, I feel nothing wrong with you.”

“Sister” Ares started, “this is the first time I have had an opponent survive a battle with me. Not only once but three times! Though I hate to admit it, I look forward to meeting him in battle again.”

Enyo was nodding her head seeming to be in deep thought. Suddenly Enyo drew back her fist punching Ares in the gut as hard as she could. A look of astonishment covered Ares face as he flew into the wall of the cave, then several feet into said wall.

With a roaring growl Ares came flying out of the hole that his body had made only to stop. Enyo had her hand in front of her, “you are a great warrior, though you always act too fast. I am here to make sure WE win.”

A look of supreme surprise appeared on Ares face as he stood there in thought. “That may be true sister, though in the past it has always served me well.” This last part Ares stated with a snide smirk on his face.

This time it was Enyo who growled as her eyes flashed, bringing her fist up again. “Tell me, have you ever been against anyone besides father and Ephus, that has beaten you multiple times?” When Ares shook his head Enyo continued, “that should have made this click in your brain.”

Ares could only look at her for a few moments with Enyo shaking her head sighing. Suddenly, as if a switch had been flipped, Ares eyes got wide.

“Father! That old bastard has been helping him. One can only assume that, mother has a hand in this as well.” Ares looked at the wall as he started to go through all that had happened. “I swear, I can also detect my other sisters in on this. So, I see, I am lucky that I have gotten this far, thank you sister.

Enyo let out the breath she’d been holding. “Good, knowing what you were doing wrong is the first step to complete victory.” Enyo reached down smacking the female across the room, bringing a smile to Ares. “Give it up bitch, you got away once, not again, not while I am here. Let the godling come I doubt he’ll leave here alive.”

An almost hysterical laugh could be heard from the female who was against the far wall.

“Still the warmonger bitch that you have always been. I am surprised that you are still alive. Have no fear go against Ephus? I am sure that he will remedy that.” The female said as she continued to laugh even harder.

A growl of rising anger issued from Enyo’s throat as she smashed her fist into the female’s face. This only seemed to make the female laugh harder. Looking at Ares she asked, “has she lost her reason? She should be groveling before me, yet she laughs at the both of us.”

“You obviously don’t know who or WHAT you are going against. I know I have seen him do things that no god has ever been able to do.” The female started to laugh harder, “go against him, I am sure he will beat you as Ares.”

This in turn caused a deep growl from Ares as he punched the female in a series of rapid fire hits.

“Ah! finally quiet, I was getting tired of her damn mouth. HA! I am the god of war I can not be defeated.” Ares stated his chest swelling.

Enyo could only shake her head, “face it brother you have been, three times! Plus the fact that he took your tongue.” Ares turned his smoldering gaze upon her. “Don’t give me that glare, you want to beat him? You listen to me. Now with father powered almost all the way, mother also, we are going to have to be far more devious about this.”

“What? You think we should bring Dolos and Apate back into this? Ares asked.

“Those two? I think not they tried and failed, no I think e need a damn good battle field strategy. I’ll make a plan then you can execute it, fair enough?” Enyo said as she look at Ares an evil smile forming on his face.

“I think I would like that. Having the godling’s body battered and broken at my feet would be so satisfying.” tirebolu escort Ares replied.


Ephus was still thinking about what Quinn had whispered to him. Was it even possible to fool Ares like that?

Ephus started to concentrate to see if he could actually do what Quinn had suggested. Well, he started to when he felt a tug at his mind. It felt a lot like Eris though something was wrong.

Reaching out he felt for her, he could barely feel her how was that possible? Even Zeus mostly powered up couldn’t achieve that.

{So, the bastard coward has finally noticed that his little slave is missing.} Came the thoughts of a powerful female. {I suggest that if still want her, you come and get her, if you dare.}

{Hmmm, so Ares is hiding behind the skirts of another goddess, so befitting for the dunce of war.} Ephus replied. A smile broke across his mouth as he felt genuine heated anger.

{How dare you! Ares is the greatest warrior, come for your toy I will meet you. You’re not even a full god how disgusting!} Came Enyo’s thoughts.

An even larger smile lit up Ephus’s face, oh! So I hit a nerve with that. {I will come though you call me a coward when Ares hides behind other deities. It’s too bad that I didn’t take his tongue permanently.}

Ephus could almost laugh as the anger grew three times larger, then just as suddenly it was calm and contained. {You will pay for that insult, I will end you long before you can insult him more.}

Ephus broke the connection then he was in thought, the way the goddess had contained her anger so quickly. He nodded his head, this was no push over, though she was quick to anger, she also contained it very well. This was going to take some planning. It was obviously a trap of some sort.

He could now feel Eris completely. Unbeknownst to the female or Eris, Ephus had been slowly raising her power, He could already feel that she was almost strong enough to escape. The problem was would she notice before it was to late to do so?

Then there was the fact that he couldn’t tell her in her mind, he could feel the female ‘listening’. No he had to be as underhanded as his opponents, nodding he was sure that Ares was nearby as well.

Ephus was about to leave when Bast appeared. Ephus sighed at the look on her face, damn it! How in the hell had she found out?

“This isn’t going far to make us better friends Thoth!” Ephus said to the air. This was followed by several whooshes of power Thoth appearing followed closely by Hathor, Sekhmet, Serket, Matt and Tefnut each with a look of concern on their faces.

Tears appeared in all six of the goddesses eyes. “We can not lose you husband,” Hathor said almost in a whisper. “We all want another child,” here she walked to Serket, “some us are actually ready.”

Here Serket’s young face flared red as she barely looked at Ephus, nodding yes slowly.

Ephus had to do a double take, “you really feel that you are ready for this? I told you before, I never wanted to force you.”

“Husband,” Serket said in a low whisper. “I have enjoyed my time with you, though lately I have started to feel more. I will never get to experience this love making if you are destroyed. Please return, teach me.”

“I have no plans of dying, believe me I have a plan. If I am right you might even have another ally, I just hope I am right.” Ephus said as he kissed each of his wives.

“Rules or not, if that bitch touches you, I will rip her throat out!” Sekhmet growlingly threatened. “We all finally have someone worthy of ALL of us, if you are harmed I will declare war on that realm. I will destroy…”

“NO! Not the entire realm, this is just Ares and those that are helping him. Who are you talking about?” Ephus asked seeing Sekhmet far madder than he’d ever seen her. “

“That Hellenes bitch, Enyo, their goddess of war. I have faced her before, though formable, she is defeat able. Husband let me at her, I will destroy her to the point she can never return.” Sekhmet growled.

“I can’t allow you to do that Sekhmet, follow the rules. Ares has almost hung his self it won’t take much now to have him locked away.” Ephus replied.

Ephus, was surprised at the amount of venom that Serket was spewing. “You hate her that much?” He asked.

“Up until now no, though if she so much as touches you, I fear that even you could not stop me from rending her to pieces. Especially with me at my full power, I do not doubt her destruction,” Sekhmet spat out.

Ephus sighed realizing that she was being perfectly honest. “As far as I know none of you can declare war on them unless I do. I am really not leaning in that direction.”

“Good, I am not sure if you could survive long enough to actually do that.” Came a deep voice behind Ephus, A voice that had all of the others in the room staring at someone behind Ephus.

Ephus turned, slightly angry, his expression changing as soon as he saw Poseidon, standing beside Zeus. Behind them also stood their brother and sister, Hades with a crooked smile and Demeter.

“What, you thought that we wouldn’t want in on a damn good fight? Come on man, it’s been too damn long, I need a good fight, stirs up the blood.” Hades said his smile growing larger.

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