Annabelle Ch. 10


Editor’s note: thanks again to kenjisato for his sterling work. This is another episode of Annabelle’s sexy past. Enjoy!


It was the summer holidays of 2019. We had been in Oakhampton for four years. The events in Chapter 9 had happened. And there had been other little sexy episodes before this story. More of those later.

This story involves my niece, Sammy. Well, my niece in the sense she is the daughter of Nick’s brother partner’s first relationship. . So a niece a bit removed.

Nick’s brother had lived in the same part of London as us, so I had known Sammy from when she was five when Nick got together with his partner. She was always a bright and bubbly thing. Unfortunately, Nick’s brother and his partner were not a relationship made in heaven. They seemed to fuck a lot, but there didn’t seem to be any other basis to their partnership. They seemed to be rowing all the time. Ken, Nick’s brother, was incredibly jealous, and very suspicious of anything Alison, his partner, did. She, in turn, was a selfish, arrogant cow, who loved to wind Ken up, as he wasn’t the brightest bulb in the chandelier.

The outcome of this, was that Sammy spent a lot of time at our place. Partly to get out of the row, and also, neither of her parents seemed to have a lot of time for her.

As I mentioned in Chapter 1, Nick and I had not had children of our own. We both, though, took to looking after Sammy.

We made a sort of surrogate home for her. She came to us most weekends. We took her away and found lots of things for her to do. She confided in me a lot, and there were more than a few tears, as she told me about her home life. Through it all though, the kid stayed lovely and bubbly. That was some achievement, given the shit she was being put through.

The one bad thing about us moving when we did, was that Sammy was fifteen. She had not been a typical teenager at all, but I had a feeling there was something pretty big going on inside her, which she wanted to tell me, but could not. Also, we were leaving before the big exams.

I should not have worried about the exams. She was a very bright kid and she sailed through, getting all top grades. She stayed on to do A-levels, which she also excelled at. In fact, so bloody good, she got to Oxford to read history.

We invited her on holiday with us, after she finished her A-levels, and we had a great time. We laughed a lot together.

It was the first time I had seen her since we left. She had blossomed into a very nice young woman. She would never have made it as a model, but then again, ninety-nine percent of women wouldn’t. She was small at about five foot five. She was curvy with prominent hips, big tits and a bigger-than-her-build arse—well-padded, basically.

We talked as much as we ever had. She admitted she had lost her virginity just before her A-levels, a month after her eighteenth birthday, but that person was not still around. I didn’t think she said ‘person’ instead of ‘bloke’.

We kept in regular touch during her first couple of terms at Oxford. She seemed to be doing really well, and not just at her studies. She made regular reference to very close friends and a lot of fucking. And again, I was assuming blokes!

Halfway through the summer term, Sammy asked if she could stay with us for four weeks ending just before my teaching school year started again. Her relationship with her family was still not great, and I readily agreed. Nick and I were going away for the first two weeks of the holiday. So it was arranged that she would come down on the Monday after we got back on the Saturday.

Interestingly, our holiday was good in terms of the sex. Nick seemed to relax after the first couple of days and got his libido back, as well as his energy. We fucked at least once a day. It was very enjoyable. Interestingly, I didn’t raise why he couldn’t be like that at home. I just knew for whatever reason, he couldn’t maintain his urges for most of the year and I had to put up with that, if I loved him and wanted to stay with him—which, I did. So a few weeks of fucking out of fifty-two, was better than nothing. Especially, given the quality—that had not changed!

So, I was feeling very good on the Monday morning, waiting at the train station for Sammy. I saw her come out of the carriage and called her. Sammy saw me, she shrieked and ran to me.

“Oh my god, it’s great to see you!” she laughed, as she flung her arms round my neck. What came next was a real shock. The kiss of welcome she gave me, was not a peck on the cheek, but a full-open-mouth kiss on the mouth, with a quick flicker of her tongue.

I was so shocked. I went with it, returning both the mouth and tongue action. The shock was reinforced with the movement of her hands, which snaked round my arse and my pelvis towards hers. For a few seconds, we stood there saying the hello that lovers would usually say.

I was stunned, as she moved away.

Her smile was radiant. “It’s great to be back!” she said, laughing.

I smiled Bornova travesti weakly, totally thrown. “It’s great to see you,” I managed to get out.

All the way home, she chatted brightly about how well university was going and how much she was looking forward to spending time with me. I noticed there was no mention of Nick. I assumed she thought he would be out at work most of the time, which was true.

We got back at lunchtime, so I prepared some lunch while she went upstairs to put her stuff away. We continued to talk over lunch. We got on to the subject of her love life towards the end.

“From what you’ve been saying,” I said, “it sounds like you’ve not exactly been celibate at Oxford.”

“You could say that.” She smiled.

“Anybody regular?” I asked.

“No,” she said. “A lot of one or two-night flings.”

“I hope you’ve been careful,” I said, looking at her.

She smiled back at me, this time with a glint in her eye. “Don’t worry Aunty,” she said, stressing the last word. “There’s no way I would get pregnant or an STD from my sex life. I’ve never heard of another woman getting a woman up the spout or VD.”

It was said very casually, and it took me a moment to grasp what she’d said. My face registered shock, which she saw, but I quickly put a neutral face on.”

“Oh, I see.” I said, rather lamely.

“You didn’t know?” she asked, quietly.

I thought about it before I answered. And I realised I did know. Or, at least, there was something big in her life. I had worked this out when she was fifteen and this was clearly it.

“I’d guessed you were struggling with something when we left. This was it?”

“Yes,” she said. “I’ve known I was more attracted to women since I was twelve. Seeing yours and my mum’s hairy pussy, confirmed it.”

This time, I could not keep the shock out of my voice. “Bloody hell!” I didn’t realise you had seen me.”

“Just once when I came into bathroom when you had not locked the door after you had had a shower. You looked, fucking well, gorgeous!”

I went red with embarrassment. I could not actually remember the moment.

“And the same with your mum?”

“More or less. It was when she was getting dressed.”

“So it’s mature women you are into, especially?”

“Oh yes!” she said, quietly. “They have more experience, and their bodies are more natural.”

With that, she stared intently at me, her eyes moving slowly from my face down to my tits and then down to my waist. The look left nothing to be worked out.

I became flustered. As you know, I was no stranger to lesbian sex. I had indulged over the last couple of years, and a lot when I was younger. This was different, though. Although Sammy wasn’t my biological niece, it still felt very weird. I just sat there saying nothing.

“It’s very hot out there,” Sammy said, finally. “Why don’t we get into our bikinis, and soak up some sun?”

This was about as far away from being the same as I could think of. This was a straight temptation to both of us. But when I looked into her eyes, the desire was clear; I knew if something didn’t happen today, it would very soon. And if it was going to happen, better to do it sooner.

“Okay,” I said, quietly.

“I will go and get changed and meet you outside.”

Sammy was radiant, as she went upstairs. I followed her slowly, and closed my bedroom door. In a bit of a trance, I got naked.

I looked at myself in my full-length mirror. I was definitely curvy and mature, with more flesh on me than the magazines would want. My tits were big and soft. They definitely sagged. My bum was bigger and not pear-shaped anymore. And the hairs under my arms and on my legs, would be definitely frowned on by the fashion magazines. As would my huge bush. Hairs stood out at all angles, out from the bikini bottoms I slipped on. The top just contained my huge tits.

“Oh well,” I thought. “It was good while it lasted. Sammy won’t want to touch me when she sees what I’m like with no clothes on.”

So with a tinge of disappointment, I headed downstairs.

“Oh my fucking christ!” Sammy said, when she saw me. “You are so fucking lovely and sexy, Aunty. My perfect mature lover.”

I had my speech ready about how other people would see this as wrong. I was ready to say as much, as we might have wanted to do this; I didn’t think it was sensible. I had all the words on the tip of my tongue! But, my bikini bottoms were transparent with my wetness!

So when she wrapped her arms around me again, I melted into her—all my protests were well gone. Her hands were stroking and caressing in a very sensual way, up and down my back, over my arse and along the sides of my tits.

“God, I want to fuck you, even more than I thought I did,” she breathed, and clamped her mouth on mine, while she hefted my tits in her hands.

She was a great kisser. She was very gentle and skilled using her lips and tongue, to both cause a reaction and to react to my responses. I loved those who knew how Bornova travestileri to kiss properly. It really turned me on because of its sensuality, as well as its randiness. Nick had always been an excellent smoocher.

“God, you’re good at that!” I sighed, when we broke for air.

“Just imagine what that will feel like somewhere else!” she giggled, running a fingertip over where my cunt lips were buried under my jungle.

I groaned and kissed her back. “We’re hidden in this garden,” I said quietly, “why don’t we get comfy?” I moved towards two sun loungers.

Sammy reached for a tube of sunblock. “Can I put some of this on you?”

“Yes, please,” I responded eagerly, and lay down on my front.

I felt her knees either side of my hips and she started on my neck and shoulders rubbing the oil in. The movements were about as slow and sensual as you could get.

‘No messing around now,’ I thought. ‘She really does want to fuck me! and I want to fuck her!’

Her fingers were now under my arms, rubbing oil into my hairy armpits. She had let out a little groan, when she felt the hair. From under my arms, she was onto my back, moving down to the strap of my bikini top. I wondered what she would do. She just did it. Without asking or warning, she undid the tie and gently pulled it out from under me. Then, her fingers were on the side of each of my breasts.

“Oooh!” I breathed, feeling my legs open a little.

She suddenly turned round, and worked on my feet, ankles, then legs. Again, when she reached my arse, the bottoms came off unceremoniously and she stroked my bum cheeks, until my legs were wide.

“Oh fuck!” I groaned as a finger slid down over my arse crack into my pussy, and slid inside my hole. I couldn’t remember being fingerfucked from this angle before. What it meant, was her fingers were naturally curling up to my G-spot.

“Jesus!” I suddenly cried out, as she stroked the spot. “Do that, and I will come like shit!” I said, moving my cunt in time with her fingers.

“What, like this, you mean?” and her fingers pressed my spot and my clit together.

“Ohhh shit!” I shouted, and my body spasmed in pleasure.

We stayed in position, while I calmed down. Then she lifted herself off, and I rolled over.

“Very nice,” I said, smiling at her. “Thank you.”

“Any time!” she said back.

“Oh, I will hold you to that, a fucking lot over the next few weeks,” I said, grinning.

“Good job. I’m a fucking nympho when I fancy somebody, aren’t I?” she laughed, taking her bikini off as she spoke. She was basically a smaller and younger version of me—extra pounds on her tits and bum, and very curvy and very hairy.

“You’re lovely!” I said, reaching a hand out to run my fingers through her bush. It was very wet with drops of her cum, glistening on the hair.

“That’s nice!” she said, with a little shiver.

“Sit on my face and I’ll show you something even better.”

She almost jumped on me, and I had to put my hands on the floor to balance. “Hey slow down!” I laughed.

“I can’t fucking wait!” she moaned, and pulled my head gently but firmly, up into her wet hot, hairy, and smelly twat.

Her bush was made up of long, straight fine hair, which surrounded my face, as my tongue found her fat, thick outer lips. I went very slowly and carefully. stroking and licking while a fingertip teased her cunt opening.

“Shit, that’s good!” she moaned, arching her back and grasping her own nipples.

Both my hands were on her arse now, as I began sucking her lips and rubbing my nose on her pelvic bone.

“Jesus Christ!” she gasped, while her one hand was down looking for her clit. Before she could find it, my lips had closed over her very solid, extended bump.

“Oh hell, please don’t stop!”

I had no intention of stopping, of course. My right hand came back to play in her cunt, with three fingers thrusting quickly in and out.

“Oh, oh, oh!” she shouted, her back arching again, and a jet of cum shot out around my fingers. I pulled my mouth down to cover her hole, and swallowed greedily.

The climax left Sammy breathing hard, bent over her hands, on her knees. “You— have— done— that— before—!” she gasped.

“Was it okay?” I grinned up at her.

“Oh, yes,” she said, smiling herself.

“But I think you should do it again… and again… and again!”

To emphasise her point, she gently lifted my head up and rubbed her pussy over my face.

When we stood up, we came together straight away, our bodies folding into each other—tits and bushes in contact. The kiss was just as sensual as our first one, but more intimate, and less overtly sexual.


“What time is it?” I asked, running my fingers up through her long auburn hair.

“Half past three,” she said, fondling my bum again.

“Nick gets back about eight, and I need an hour to prepare tea. So we could stay out here in the sun?” I asked the last bit as a question, looking into her eyes.

“Or, what?” Travesti bornnova she said, a look of strong lust on her face. Her right hand had come off my arse and was cupping my cunt.

“We could go to bed and fuck each other’s brains out for a few hours!”

I let out a little grunt. A long middle finger was gently wiggling inside me. We stood there for a while, with just the wiggling digit. Only when Sammy sensed I was beginning the path to orgasm, did she slip her finger out and wipe it dry on my back.

“Your place, or mine?”

“Yours. I wouldn’t get our bed changed quickly enough.”

As we walked hand-in-hand to the bedroom, I asked, “Did you expect to seduce me so quickly?”

“No way,” she said, firmly. “I had no idea you were into women. I was planning on it taking, at least a fortnight.”

“I’m glad, it didn’t.” I let go of her hand, and slipping my arm around her waist, I pulled her in for a kiss. This one was very sexy. We were tongue-wrestling with some venom. And both our fannies ended up with fingers in them. And before we knew it, we were on the floor outside my bedroom in a sixty-nine. I was on the bottom, but fortunately, because of money spent on the carpet, it was a deep, soft pile.

There was no slow sensual buildup for this one. We wanted each other, and quickly. We literally devoured each other, opening our mouths wide, to get as much cunt in it, as we could. We slathered over hair and pussy; nibbling, and biting, and sucking. Not much tongue action at all. This really was pussy eating.

We came, rubbing each other’s clit hard. My face was deluged in a bucket of cum. When Sam turned round to kiss me, our faces slid against each other’s, hers was just as wet as mine.

“You randy old cow!” she panted.

“You dirty young slapper!” I rejoined, pinching her arse.

“I want a shower before we go to bed,” I said. “I want you to wash the sunblock off me.”

“If it didn’t taste so foul, I would lick it off you!” Sammy said, hugging me.

“You’ll have to do with washing it off, then—every inch.” I leered at her.

She was as good as my word. With liberal squirts of shower gel, she rubbed down every single bit of me. Needless to say, she spent a lot of time on my tits, and even longer, making sure the inside of my pussy was clean. She told me she had to check this out more intimately. This time, her tongue did all the work; all over, and inside, as far as she could get.

I was writhing and breathing hard, close to cumming, but held myself off and lifted her to her feet. “Your turn!” I croaked, and gave her body the same treatment.

And she stopped me, just before she came. “Bedroom,” she moaned, urgently.

We dried quickly, and were on her bed in a flash. Again it was a sixty-nine, and again, it was hard and fast. This time, fingers and tongues played their part.

We were both a bit shagged by then, so we held each other close, as we calmed down and then talked.

“Can I ask you something personal?” Sammy said, kissing my left nipple.

“Of course,” I responded, slipping my hand between us, to caress her bush.

“Will you tell Nick that we fucked this afternoon?”

I didn’t pause before replying, “No. We don’t have an open relationship like that.”

“So, you’ve cheated on him?” Sammy said quietly, stroking my cunt lips very gently.

“Technically, but as the sex we had on holiday was the first in three months, and nothing for the two months before, then we don’t exactly have a active sex life.”

Sammy’s face showed her concern, and she hugged me tight. “Oh I’m sorry Aunty, that must be really hard.”

“Especially as I still love the socks off him, and I think he does me. It’s just that physically, things haven’t worked for years, and I am still a randy cow, who needs to be fucked.” As I spoke, I moved my finger up an inch, and Sammy gasped.

“Do you want to be fucked now?” she asked, kissing me.

“Oh, very much!” I said, pushing her on to her back, and kissing her hard.

“Let’s see what we can do,” she said, smiling and wriggled out from under me. She rummaged in her case, and held up a harness and three cocks. “Take your pick!” she said, and brought them for my inspection. They were all the same design, with veins and ridges to give pleasure, and a big cock head.

“This one,” I said, choosing the middle size of the three.

“My eight-inch beauty, with four inches for me,” she grinned, and slipped the harness on. “Help me put this in, please,” she sighed.

I slipped the end through the hole in the harness, and then into her hole. She groaned from my slow sliding and twisting, until it settled inside. I pulled the strap tightening the hole, to hold the cock in place.

Before she could pull back, though, I slipped my mouth over the top of the cock. Closing my mouth tight, I pushed and pulled the silicon, until her hips were bucking in response and she was telling me what a good cocksucker I was.

When I relented, I fell back, spreading my legs wide, and bending my knees to my chest, in open invitation. “Fuck the shit out of me!” I pleaded.

Kneeling between my legs, she took a knee in each hand, and used her pelvic bone to position her cock at my hole. She paused, and then flexed her hips, pushing my knees back another few inches.

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