New Thrill Addison Paige was a good student and seemed like a sweet girl, and Paige’s parents had the same opinion of Hanna. The parents never dreamed their girls covered for each other during their after-school sexcapades.
Hanna and Paige thought it funny that their parents believed their lies. Getting away with their tricks was all part of the game.
But high school was almost over, and graduation was fast approaching. They both had decided to go to the same college and live on campus. Their parents were happy knowing their daughters would be together at the same college, encouraging them to spend even more time with each other.
Hanna and Paige thought it was hilarious that they were so clueless.
The girls looked forward to being out on their own and wouldn’t have to sneak around to escape their nagging mothers. And they were getting horny just thinking of all the new sexual thrills and conquests they would have and the new guys they’d meet, college guys. Kinky college guys.
Not so exciting was the huge college debt they knew they would have. They also knew that living in a dorm would still have restrictions, and they were unlikely to be assigned to the same dorm room. If they wanted to be free together, they’d have to lease an apartment.
They needed more money.
Hanna got a part-time job, but it was minimum wage, and the hours were short.
“Paige, look at this shit check. I worked my butt off this week, and all I got to show for it was 100 dollars after taxes.”
“At least you have a job, Hanna. The first thing a potential employer asks me is if I plan to go to college, and they blow me off as soon as they find out I’m only going to work the summer.”
“There’s no fucking way we’ll save up any money, Paige.”
“No shit, Hanna. I’m getting pretty desperate as well. Don’t take this wrong, but since I’m 18, I even thought about applying to one of those gentleman’s clubs in town.”
“Get out, Paige.” But Hanna was looking her up and down as she said it. “You know, Paige. You have the body for it with those big boobs of yours, and you would certainly make a lot more than me at it.”
“So, you wouldn’t think it would be wrong of me if I applied?”
“Fuck no. It might be your best chance to earn some serious cash. But how would you keep it secret from your parents? Word gets around. From what I know about your mom, she’d kick you to the curb in a heartbeat.”
“Fuck them. I’m moving out anyway.” Paige looked determined.
“Yeah, but that would screw up what’s left of your relationship with your parents. They sometimes give you a little extra money, which will surely end. It just seems like there has to be a better way.” Hanna said as she paused for a minute, trying to think of a way to tactfully lead into her next suggestion. “Paige, since you brought up the idea of selling your body for guys to ogle at, it brings me to something I’ve been thinking about for a while. This minimum-wage job I have is hard work for shit money. So, I’ve been trying to think of ways to make more money without working so hard.”
“Get to your point, Hanna.”
“Well… you know Judy, the druggy, who graduated last year.”
“Yeah, I know, Judy. I heard that skank is a hooker!”
“Yeah, I heard that rumor too. I met up with Judy and talked to her about it. I told her I was concerned about this rumor I was hearing. She’s a whore, all right. But guess what? She’s making a fucking ton of money to support that stupid habit of hers. She showed me a stack of bills this big, all hundreds.” Hanna said as she held her fingers an inch apart.”
Paige was left speechless.
Hanna went on with the argument. “Besides… what’s the big difference between fucking some stranger for money and fucking some of the guys at school that we barely know? You were thinking of getting naked in front of a bunch of strange guys in a public place. The whole world would know about it in no time, including your folks. I was only thinking about getting naked for one guy at a time. Like we do now when we screw a guy. Our parents would never catch on. They haven’t yet, have they? And getting paid to be laid is the kind of work I think I would enjoy.”
“Paid to be laid, that rhymes.”
“Fuck, nothing gets by you. Be serious, Paige. We could cover for each other and keep it from our parents just like we do now. And we’d make a lot more almanbahis money than the strippers do. They have to tip everybody out, and they don’t end up with as much as you’d think at the end of the night. That’s what Judy said, and she should know. She has a $200-a-day habit and must go where the money is.”
Paige wasn’t all that difficult to persuade. A smile twitched at the corners of her pretty lips.
“Having sex with older men with lots of money in their pockets could have possibilities. I’ve read that older guys don’t come as fast and are more willing to go down on a girl. And it would be a real rush to fuck a total stranger you just met. Get paid to be laid. Talk about a new thrill!”
Paige giggled, then forced herself to turn practical. “OK, you’ve already been thinking a lot about this. Have you thought about how we hook up with potential customers?”
“The customers are called johns. Completing a hookup is called turning a trick. And yes, I have some ideas about finding guys willing to pay for what we’ve been giving away for free. It’s all over the internet.” Hanna said. “It looks like girls our age advertise an hour of their time for two hundred roses and deliver full service. My take on that is, for two hundred bucks, they’ll fuck the guy. In one hour, they make more than I make in a week, and all they had to do was lie on their backs and spread their legs.”
“I’ve heard of those sites too. Hanna, I’ve also heard several guys joke about one-hundred and two-hundred-dollar whores.” Paige wavered for a minute at the thought of being called a whore. “Hanna, I am not sure I like the Idea of being considered a whore or a prostitute, for that matter.”
“Look, Paige, they are just words. I don’t like being thought of as a whore, either. But if we each turned a couple tricks a week over the summer, we could have ten to fifteen thousand dollars in cash before college started. We could also pick up a good part-time income while in school, and we’d be able to graduate debt-free. Not too many nice girls can say that.”
Hanna and Paige turned on Hanna’s laptop. After looking at various Internet listings, they had a good idea of what to do. They also saw a couple of listings for two-girl specials.
That gave Paige an idea. “The first trick’s going to be scary. How do we handle it if the guy is a total whack-job? To me, the two-girl listings look like the safest way to get started. We can learn together and look out for each other simultaneously.”
“It would be kind of like when we did Bill together.” Hanna giggled. “He was like putty in our hands. That was a wild fuck. I remember competing to see which of us would make him get off. I didn’t even mind the little bit of girl-on-girl action we had going on. I could see why the guys are attracted to those big boobs of yours.” Hanna said as she groped one of Paige’s boobs.
“He may have been attracted to my boobs initially, but your tight little pussy made him come.”
“Oh, I remember that so well. Paige had us side by side, on our hands and knees, doing us doggy style. He would fuck one of us for a short time and then the other. Back and forth, back and forth. Then after about the fourth round, I squeezed down hard on his dick, taking him over the edge. He let out a loud moan and pulled my hips back against him. He kept ramming his dick deep as he shot his hot load.”
“OK, Hanna, let’s start by placing an ad for a two-girl special and see how many hits we get. We won’t be graduating from school for a couple of months, so we’ll have to be picky about the times we can meet these guys. It’ll have to be after school but not too late, or our parents will get suspicious. If this works out, we can also do it over the summer after we graduate.”
“Sounds like a plan. How much should we ask? I’m thinking two hundred at first. That’s the going rate for a 19-year-old we saw a listing for, so we should get some fast action for two. As we learn the business, we can ask for more.”
Paige agreed. They put together an online ad. Some of the escorts gave out email addresses. But most of them left a phone number, with some ads saying no texts and others saying texts preferred. “Texts only is the best way to go,” Paige said. “We’d be able to screen requests without a lot of chitchat from time-wasters and lonely hearts.”
Paige pointed out that Judy didn’t use her real name when almanbahis giriş working. “She calls herself Snow, which probably has something to do with drugs.”
“Duh, you think Paige?”
“Don’t make fun of me. I bet most of these girls use fake names. It might also help keep any guys we know from learning what we’re doing in case they look at any of these sites. So what should our names be? I always dreamed that if I ever had a baby girl, I would want to name her Val.” Paige said. “I think I want to use that name.”
“I’ll be Addison,” Hanna said.
“Addison and Val, it is.”
So they placed an ad and included a couple of selfies with their heads cut off, similar to other listings they saw.
Within minutes of placing the ad, they received their first response, some guy wanting a late-night appointment. After a couple of hours, they’d received several more responses. Most were requesting evening or late at night, and a couple of requests were for mid-day before school let out. One pervert wanted to know if they’d do all the guys at a bachelor party.
“For $200? What the fuck is he smoking?” Hanna shouted. Now they both worried a bit.
Finally, they received a request for 4:00 pm at the Payten Inn. Paige knew where it was, and they’d be able to do that right after school and still be home before their parents got suspicious.
Hanna and Paige looked at each other.
They both took deep breaths. They agreed this was the one.
“What now, Paige?”
“Val! Don’t forget to call me Val. As for what now, I guess I start calling you Addison, make sure I have clean underwear on, and stuff our purses full of condoms.”
“I’ve always got that covered, P– I mean Val. You never know when you might meet a hot guy here at school, so I’m all stocked up on rubbers.”
“Me too, so I guess we’re ready to roll… Addison. Let’s text him back and go for it. Oh, by the way, we’ll need to know his room number.”
They exchanged a couple more texts verifying the time and place. Leaving right from school, they arrived at the Payten Inn parking lot twenty minutes before their appointment.
“We can’t go in this early, Paige. Let’s wait here until five.”
“Val! Don’t forget. I’m Val now. Oh God, I’ve got so many butterflies in my stomach that I’ve got to pee.”
“Chill… Val. We’ve both fucked plenty of guys before; this will be a piece of cake. He’ll be a little older, that’s all.”
“Yeah, but we know nothing about him. How old is he? Is he fat, skinny, tall, short, cute, or ugly? We don’t even know his real name! Right now, all we know is that in less than 30 minutes, we’ll be naked and fucking some strange guy in room 232 that we’ve never met before!”
“Let’s stream some chill mix music, and maybe that will help us relax.”
They listened to music for a few minutes. Five till came faster than they thought it would, and they got out of their car. As they neared the entrance, several other people were walking in too.
Addison grabbed Val’s arm to slow Val down. “Let these other people go ahead of us. The clerks will be busy with them first, and we can pass by without them checking us out. Also, don’t look lost or suspicious. The room is on the second floor, so head directly for the elevator.”
As Addison directed, they slowed down and walked behind a young couple with two little kids and a solo female. The couple and their kids were all wearing overpriced but cheap-looking T-shirts. The type you buy at the theme parks, and definitely out-of-towners on vacation. They Locals never wear that crap.
The lone female was in her late 30s. She had red hair with matching ruby-red shoes. Either she’d dyed the hair to match the shoes or the shoes to match her hair. It was a detail two 18-year-old girls couldn’t help but notice.
Oddly, she wore a raincoat even though there wasn’t a cloud in the sky.
The couple went straight to the front desk. The counter person looked up at the girls but had to turn his attention back to the young family. Val and Addison didn’t see the elevator at once since it had wood paneling on the door to match the walls. It was also partially obscured by several plants.
The lady in the raincoat was also taking the elevator, and she must have been a regular because she went right to it. There was an elderly gentleman already there waiting. He’d previously pressed almanbahis giriş the elevator call button, and the door should open soon.
When the elevator door opened, the redhead and the man immediately entered. Val hung back a little, but Addison gave her a little push in the back. They both got in, as Addison didn’t want to call attention to themselves by hanging around in the lobby too long.
“What floor would you like?” asked the man.
They had hoped they would be the only ones going to floor two. But no such luck. The light-up buttons indicated two and four were already selected.
“Two,” Addison said.
The man held the door when the elevator stopped on the second floor. It appeared he was the one going to the fourth floor, and it was the girls and the redhead going to two. As the girls were last in, they had to exit first, and the lady followed.
Two halls led out from the elevator lobby. The signs said rooms 200 to 219 were to the left, and 220 to 240 were to the right.
The girls hoped the lady would go left. But again, no such luck as she followed them down the hall to the right.
The girls walked briskly, not saying a word. The redheaded lady must have been walking more slowly than they had since the sounds of her footsteps were getting more distant. But they were too frightened to turn around and check.
When they reached room 232, Addison nudged Val to keep going. But Val didn’t understand the memo and stopped abruptly, causing Addison to run into her. So much for trying to be inconspicuous, Addison thought to herself. They could see the lady in the raincoat still walking their way out of the corner of their eyes.
“Well, we’ll look stupid as fuck if we keep standing here.” Addison took a deep breath and rapped on the door lightly. They could hear footsteps approaching.
By this time, the lady had reached the door directly across from them. She politely smiled before turning to knock on the door she was at.
Just then, a forty-something male dressed in jeans and a polo shirt opened the door to room 232. “Addison and Val, I assume?” They nodded, and he whisked them inside as the other woman stood smiling at the other door. When he closed the door, the redhead in a raincoat was the furthest thing from their minds.
There was a small table just inside the room. On it were two one-hundred-dollar bills, and neither knew if they should pick up the money or wait until later.
The stranger shut the door behind them. Their hearts were pounding loudly and fast. Val and Addison both jumped a little when they heard the unmistakable sound of the door getting locked and the deadbolt engaged.
What if this old creep was a rapist or a murderer? Well, the rapist part they would have a hard time complaining about since they more or less came here to fuck him, but what if he turned violent?
However, his voice was perfectly calm. “Hello, my name is Rob.” He reached out to shake their hands.
Oh, how romantic, they thought, first a handshake and then a fuck. Then again, this was a business transaction. Why not a handshake?
There was a short silence. Addison, being a little more outgoing, decided to speak first. “You have the two of us for an hour. How do you want to begin?” She picked up the bills and whisked them into her purse.
Rob could hardly believe his luck. In front of him were two hot young babes dressed in tight-fitting Daisy Dukes and high-cut cropped tops that showed plenty of skin. He would have willingly paid more than $200 for a one-on-one with either, and here he had both for $200 total.
Was this ‘Too-good-to-be-true’ an undercover setup? Maybe he should take it slow and see if they got naked before he asked for sex. After all, there was no law against nude modeling, and he didn’t think female undercover agents would agree to strip.
“Why don’t you two show me what you got?” Rob took a seat on the couch. A large and growing bulge was visible in the crotch of his jeans. He spread his legs wide and began to rub his hard-on through the denim as he fantasized about ramming his cock into the fuck boxes of these two hot babes.
Val and Addison looked at each other, not sure what he meant.
Val may have been blond, but she was the first to pick up on the request. “You want us to do a little striptease for you?”
“Yeah, that’s the idea,” Rob said, continuing to massage his crotch. The girls started to remove their clothes. Neither had ever given a strip show for a guy before. So they weren’t sure how to begin or what to do. Horny guys their age usually had their hands all over them and their hands in the girl’s pants right away.