I’m not a sex goddess. In fact, before that night, I had never considered myself particularly sensual. I always liked sex, don’t get me wrong; I loved sucking and being sucked, licking and being licked, fucking and, well, you get the picture. But I had never been the “I want it anywhere, any time, any way you want it” kind of girl. I’d never felt the kind of desire that couldn’t be satisfied by a quick, or even a lingering, more pleasurable, standard fuck with a like-minded partner.
Until that night. Now, I know something about the incredible pleasure of surrendering to a man. The right man, that is. A hot, sexy, passionate man, who knows what he wants and isn’t afraid or embarrassed or tentative when he tells me he wants it; who lavishly praises and encourages and responds to me when I give it to him. Oh yes, I know all about it. Since that night.
Before that night, I was a junior partner at a boutique law firm in LA; 32 years old, career oriented, romantically inclined, but having survived a disastrous marriage (only a few short months during undergrad school, dissolving when we both realized we didn’t really like each other very much), very cautious about romantic entanglements.
I knew I wasn’t bad looking; 5’6″, about 130 lbs (depending on my level of trial stress), with straight, thick auburn hair, warm ivory skin, and eyes the color of English toffee, or so my last boyfriend had called them. He had also commented very favorably on my firm, rather full breasts (a size 34D, but hey, I can’t take credit; it’s all genetics) and well-shaped legs, while courteously failing to mention my not exactly tiny waist and somewhat flat hips. For me, though, boyfriends and relationships tended to last only a few weeks, and then died semi-painless, natural deaths (well, the relationships did, anyway). Sex was almost always good, occasionally great, but rarely fascinating enough to take much of my attention off my next trial for longer than the time it took to complete the act. True to form, it took the last boyfriend only about a month to realize that what we had wasn’t exactly the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, for either of us.
So when I met Scott at a casual party given by the firm’s newlyweds (he a slightly-more-senior partner than I; she a legal secretary at a different firm), I was intrigued, but not much more than that. At first. Scott was an engineer, a client of the new wife’s law firm, invited for business rather than social reasons, I understood. He was just turned 40, divorced 3 years, about 6’1″ with dark hair a little shorter than I preferred; broad shoulders, a powerful chest, and nicely trim at the waist. I’ll admit that my first good look at him came when I found myself rather absorbed in studying how well his charcoal dress slacks fit across his butt. I paid the price for the intensity of my scrutiny when he turned suddenly and caught me staring. He was sipping his Scotch, cool amusement lighting the green eyes that had me pinned like a butterfly about to be fastened to the display case. I managed to close my mouth, bite back the startled expletive I’d nearly uttered, and nod in rueful acknowledgement that yes, he’d caught me.
I was about to turn away when he approached me, introduced himself, and proceeded to charm me thoroughly. I had been searching for a waiter to ask for a martini; a Lemon Drop, to be precise. Scott was able to conjure one, almost from thin air, simply by turning his head and raising one hand. My drink appeared in mere moments, and again I had to acknowledge he was one up on me. Well, two up, really, but I told myself I wasn’t keeping score. We sipped, we got acquainted, and for the next 6 weeks or so, I found myself growing more attracted by the day. Scott apparently felt the same.
He was attentive without being pushy; dominant without being domineering; thoroughly competent at getting things done, a thoroughly masculine man who genuinely liked, and enjoyed, the company of women. He was easy to talk to. He was sure of himself always, and most compelling of all, he was sure of me. I don’t mean he was taking me for granted; not in the least. But he had an incredible knack for seeming to know exactly what I wanted just a fraction before I knew I wanted it, and for making sure I got it. He kissed with a thoroughness and passion suggesting depths of sensuality beyond anything I had yet experienced, and when he slid his thick, stiff cock into my wet pussy, I reached levels of pleasure I’d never felt before. He demonstrated a level of skill I hadn’t realized existed outside the pages of erotic novels, but even so, I knew he was holding something back. I didn’t know what it was, but I was growing more and more anxious to find out.
At work, I found myself daydreaming about him; a novel experience. At my desk, I would find myself remembering the previous night’s activities, and feel warm, sticky liquid seeping out between my pussy lips as my pulse accelerated. I would squeeze my thighs together and return to my research, trying in vain to banish the feel of his tongue between those lips, sliding up and down my slit before circling my hard, aching clit till I sank my fingers against his scalp and pulled him tighter to me, pressing harder, grinding my soaking Escort Bayan cunt against his avid mouth till I gasped out his name in a pulsing, spiraling orgasm. Sometimes as I remembered it, I would sneak a hand under my skirt, hidden by my desk, and spread my thighs as far as I could under the narrow-cut skirt of my suit. With one eye on the door, praying my secretary wouldn’t decide to see if I wanted anything, I would let my middle finger trace the path of his tongue till I came again, reliving that pleasure, experiencing again the sensations now indelibly etched into my brain.
I was caught, and I knew it. Dangerously, almost frighteningly caught in a powerful attraction I couldn’t detach myself from. Most terrifying of all, I didn’t even want to.
When he called me that afternoon to ask me to meet him at a very upscale hotel in the downtown area after work, I felt a delicious, shivering knot of anticipation begin inside me. “Don’t worry about anything,” he told me. “I have everything you need, Vanessa. Everything. Just come here and get it.”
One of Scott’s most devastating qualities is his deep, velvety smooth voice. And when he’s aroused, it goes deeper, more velvety, more hypnotic. I swear that when he said that, I broke out in a cold sweat. My toes were literally curling in my high-heeled pumps. I stared at my desk for at least 5 minutes after hanging up, unable to think, unable to move, unable to do anything except hear that unbelievably erotic voice in my head. Today, that voice was oozing heat, desire, hunger; in other words, sex.
My body was on full alert after that call, but I couldn’t get away from the office until long after dark, when the moon was high. He wasn’t in the lobby, and there was no message asking me to meet him at the bar, so I took the elevator up to the room he’d told me he had taken, trying to compose myself. I didn’t like to let him see, too easily, the effect he had on me, but some things I couldn’t help. I was already wet, my delicate silk panties nearly soaked through, and I could barely remember to breathe. As I entered the room he was sitting in an overstuffed armchair in the corner, open windows on both sides, sheer curtains billowing. He was completely in shadow, only the moonlight reflecting off of his white shirt revealing the muscled outline of his chest. I closed the door behind me and moved slowly forward, my already sensitized nerves soaring into high gear.
“Stop right there, Vanessa.” His voice was quiet, but firm in the silvery silence. I paused, a little uncertain. “Drop your briefcase there in the corner. Yes, that’s good. Now please take off your jacket.” Uncertainty coiled inside me, but finally, almost hypnotized by the smooth velvet voice, I let the jacket slide down my shoulders and tossed it over the dresser nearby. “Come here sweetheart.” Standing directly in front of his chair, I could see only that gleaming white shirt highlighting the strong angles of his face and the streaks of gray in his hair. What are we doing, I wondered, and my body temperature rose by at least 5 degrees.
“I want you to unbutton your blouse for me. Slowly. Yes, that’s it.” I almost bolted at this, nerves sizzling as I caught my breath, but he waited, unmoving, and that voice had its inevitable effect. My fingers were stiff, awkward, slipping buttons through button holes, one by one. “Now, pull it open. Slowly, sweetheart. That’s good. No, don’t take it off. Just take the ends and pull them back behind you. Tuck them into your waistband. Ah, yes. That’s gorgeous. Now come closer.”
I moved, my heart racing under the lace of my now-exposed bra, until I stood between his legs. He leaned forward in his chair and reached out, lightly skimming his fingertips up my thighs, and my vaginal muscles clenched involuntarily. When they reached the hem of my skirt he slid his fingers just under the edge, moving smoothly upward, further under my skirt. They brushed lightly, softly, in tiny circles, barely skimming the lacy tops of my stockings. Then he ran his hands upward, palms firm against my skin, teasing and caressing me while he pulled my panties down, steadying me while I stepped out of them.
“Spread your legs, darling, just a little,” he whispered, and as I did I felt cool air reaching under my skirt like another hand reaching up to my pussy. Again I sucked in my breath, my head falling back, and I felt rather than saw him smile in the darkness. I wanted his hands, and I could already imagine how it was going to feel when he brushed his thumbs across my throbbing clit. Instead, he pushed my skirt up to my waist, put his hands on my hips and pulled me forward, quickly, almost toppling me as he ran his tongue up and down my slit, tasting the wetness there, lightly growling his pleasure. I grabbed his head for balance, helplessly gasping: “Oh Scott, oh yes Scott,” as his tongue slid back and forth against my bare wet labia. Heat and a shivering kind of trembling spiraled through me. His hands squeezed my ass and pulled me even more firmly against his mouth. Shuddering, I felt his lips and tongue, licking, sucking, his teeth lightly nipping at that delicate skin. I held on tight as the climax began, shadows swirling, tight spiraling pulses of pleasure. “Yes, oh yes, ohhhhh yes,” I whimpered.
He held me steady as the spasms receded, and again I felt him smiling in the darkness. “You’re so easy for me,” he murmured. “I love that about you.” I was concentrating on breathing, giggling softly, but shaky, and he was well aware of it. “Come here sweetheart,” he told me, pulling me onto his lap, facing him, with one knee on either arm of the chair. My skirt was still gathered at my waist, and he ran his hands over my lacy bra.
“Pull the straps down,” he said softly, his voice going even deeper in that way it did when he was deeply aroused, and I slid the lace over my shoulders, without pulling the cups down. “Now lift your breasts out of the cups for me. Oh yes. God, you are so beautiful. Now pull the straps back up.” I froze, uncertain what he meant. “Do it. Yes, Vanessa, pull the straps up like this, just leave your breasts exposed to me, like this. Yes, just like that. Now lean forward, baby, and put your hands under this one and feed it into my mouth.” I leaned toward him just enough to feel his lips close around the tight, tingling nipple, and I moaned softly. “Mmmm, yes sweetheart, but more, give me more of it.” I leaned closer, pulling his head toward me and pressing my aching breast to his eager, seeking mouth.
He licked my breasts, then sucked them, gently at first, then harder, licking again, making them really wet. He leaned back, eyes fastened to my wet, gleaming breasts, shiny with moisture from his mouth, and he teased the stiffened tips with his fingers, pulling them, pinching them, swirling circles through the liquid as it dried.
I moaned, a small, high-pitched sound of pleasure. He laughed softly and pulled me close again, mouth open, voraciously devouring my breasts, hot and greedy. “More,” he demanded roughly, pulling me harder toward him. I offered the other breast eagerly to his hot, wet mouth and he took it deep into his mouth, sucking it, pulling the nipple erect, and biting it softly.
My legs were spread wide with my pussy fully exposed just over his lap, so close his cock could have slipped right inside me if he hadn’t been dressed, and so wet that hot juice had dripped onto the front of his pants right over the big, hard bulge outlined there. I was frantic to touch him, so I opened his shirt and slid my palms over the smooth muscle and crisp hair of his chest. His body was so hot, so hard, and his heart was racing … just like mine. Somehow, that sent my courage soaring. Reaching between us, I teased and pinched his nipples, and he gave a muffled groan around my tits. I slid my hands down, massaging that hard cock through his pants. He let go of my tits and threw his head back, breathing hard, and then urged me off him as he stood up.
“Sit down here, in the chair,” he ordered, stripping off his clothes. He paced back and forth as the clothes came off, mentally working through a complex puzzle. His body was illuminated now by the moonlight, and his fully erect penis was swaying as he paced. I couldn’t take my eyes off it and I gripped the arms of the chair to keep from reaching for it.
“Spread your legs for me,” he directed. The puzzle had clearly been solved. “Put one leg over each arm of the chair. Oh yes, baby, that’s lovely. I want to lick you again, right there,” and he knelt before me and pressed his tongue flat and hard right onto my clit. He rotated it in a circle, just once, before leaning back slightly. I had never felt so exposed, sitting there, spread open in what I imagined was the most wanton, lascivious pose imaginable. And I had never felt so turned on.
“You’re so wet there, Vanessa…so hot,” he whispered, his mouth mere inches from where I was dripping honey. Then he reached for my hand and moved it down, placing it against my pussy. “Touch it,” he said to me. “Right there baby. Touch that hot pussy for me. Feel it. Play with it. My god,” he breathed as I moved my fingers, wetting them in the hot liquid seeping out, and then moving them in little circles over my clit. “That’s so good.” His voice trailed off, as his attention was fully captured by the way my hand was moving. I felt powerful, sensual, aroused, knowing I was pleasing this incredibly sexy lover.
Suddenly he covered my hand with his own and pushed my two middle fingers inside me. I gasped at the shock, the fleeting pain, the impossible soaring pleasure as two of his fingers entered me at the same time, moving my own fingers, stretching me to an almost impossible degree as he pushed slowly but steadily deeper, filling me, stroking me in a rhythm I could never have resisted. That rhythm was building, rising inside me, hot and electric, and I was starting to push against his hand, demanding more, when without warning he pulled the fingers out, all of them. I cried out, frustrated, disappointed, but he leaned forward and kissed me hard, on the mouth, as he pulled my hips forward, sliding them right to the edge of the chair.
Then I felt his cock slide inside me. He penetrated me with strong, firm, sure, pressure, and I was so slick and wet he slid in fast. “Ahhh,” I sighed, “Scott, fuck me, yes, fuck me,” and he was growling, down low in his throat, his lips on mine. “There, baby. There, take it, take it all. Wrap those long legs around me and cum, cum for me, right now, do it, do it on my cock, god yes, Vanessa, cum all over my cock.” As he commanded, my pussy clenched, in helplessly, tight spasms, and the orgasm washed over me like a rush of adrenaline, shooting stars and brilliant neon colors swirling behind my eyes. It crashed around me and I heard his voice, crooning satisfaction, “Yes, darling, yes, god yes that’s so good,” and pure joy flooded through me.
He wrapped his arms around me and held me close against him. I could feel his heart still pounding, steady and hard, his muscles rigid against me. When sanity returned I put my hands on his shoulders and kissed his neck. “Scott, oh my god, that was so good, so god-damned fucking GOOD,” and he laughed again, low and quiet.
“Baby, I love it when you talk nasty to me. But did you think we were finished, then?” and he pulled me back and looked directly into my eyes, smiling darkly, dangerously. “Oh no. No, love, there’s more. So much more.”
His lips teased the corners of my mouth. Gently he bit my lower lip, sharp little nips, then laved those places with his tongue. My over-stimulated senses were calming, soothed by his touch and the feel of his mouth against me. His hands stroked me, gently — then more firmly as I leaned toward him, anticipating where his mouth would land next and moving to meet it. He pulled away, smiling, but I managed to capture his mouth with mine, intimate, hot, wet lips brushing against hot, wet lips. He refused to deepen the kiss, but I wanted his tongue in my mouth, and despite his coyness, I knew exactly what to do to get it.
I pulled back, just a little, enticing him; I traced the outline of his lips with the tip of my tongue, leaving a wet trail around his mouth. He opened his lips just slightly, and instantly I slipped the tip of my tongue inside, then withdrew it almost as quickly. I felt his breath on my face as he exhaled slowly, steadily, strongly aroused but still in control. I smiled, enjoying my power.
His lips parted again, more this time, and obeying the silent invitation I thrust my tongue hard inside, circling just once inside his mouth. When I pulled back he leaned toward me, searching, and I met him fully, hands behind his head, tongue thrusting deep, stroking his tongue and the roof of his mouth. When I slowly pulled my tongue back, his followed…just as I wanted.
The tip of his tongue slid between my lips and I sucked it, gently, pulling it in more deeply. He moaned, deep in the back of his throat, but then shifted somehow so he was over me, looming above me, and I reached up for him. He dominated me, commanded me, controlled me, and I reveled in it. He took my mouth, devouring it, and then suddenly he pulled away and I felt his hands twist in my hair, pulling it back, hard, my head forced backwards as he feverishly dragged his mouth and tongue down my neck, then further down.
Suddenly he stood, pulling me to my feet, and led me to the bed. “Here, Vanessa, I want you here. Lie down for me. Ahhh, yes, beautiful, you’re so fucking beautiful. Spread your legs for me baby, I want to see you. I want to see that hot pussy. Yes, I want to see right there, right there where my cock was just a little while ago.” I shivered, hearing the hunger in his voice, feeling his eyes burning my delicate tissues where he gazed so intently; then he rose. “Close your eyes for me sweetheart. Yes, that’s perfect,” and I heard footsteps moving away and then returning. “Now hold out your hands.” As I did I felt the rough brush of cloth, and I giggled as I realized he was tying my wrists with the belt from one of the hotel bathrobes. “Ah, you like that, don’t you, my little slut,” and I heard the amused pleasure in his voice. “Yes, you do. I know it, Vanessa. I know you love it. My hot little slut.”
He finished tying my hands over my head, leaving room for me to move, but not enough to allow me to escape. “Would you like to know what I’m going to do next?” I was trembling now, almost shivering, uncertain just how far he’d go. His smile was mysterious, controlled, and far from reassuring. “I’m going to fuck you.” He whispered the words, deceptively soft, but direct, uncompromising. “I’m going to put my big, hard cock right inside you, right here,” and he thrust two fingers inside me, swift, deep and hard, and I was so wet they slid in like a hot knife through butter. I gasped at the intensity of the pleasure, my back arching off the bed. “Yes, and then I’m going to move it in, and out, and in again, just like this,” letting his fingers demonstrate that delicious motion. “And I’m going to keep doing it, just like that, till you come again, like the screaming little slut I’ve seen tonight. And then,” and he pulled his fingers out, slowly, leaving juice dripping out of my hot hole and trailing his fingertips down, following that trail, “then I’m going to turn you over and take you, right here.” He slid his middle finger inside my tight little ass hole, and I nearly shrieked out loud. “Your ass is mine, baby. It’s all mine, and I want it, and I’ll fucking take what I want, and I’ll make you cum like that. You know it, don’t you baby.” Just hearing those words, those nasty erotic words, and I wanted it so bad I couldn’t speak, but my breathless whimpering moans must have given him the answer he wanted.