A Surprising Day


This is a continuation from A special lunch as Jenny continues through the rest of her day. It starts once she gets back home.


Jenny got home and reflected on what Rachael and Paul had done to her. When Rachael told her that they worked together to tease her Jenny had stormed out of the restaurant. She would never have agreed to wearing the vibrator if she had known. While she was upset she also found she was aroused at the same time. Her panties were moist with her juices and her nipples were still hard. As she thought about it she found that while it wasn’t something she would have done she did enjoy it. She had to admit to herself that the orgasm was good and heightened by Rachael’s revelation.

Jenny’s phone chimed and she saw it was from Paul, “Are you mad?”

“Yes.” she replied. Then after a moment typed, “but not as mad as I was. It was exciting too. Did she really suggest it to you?”

“Yes, she did. I had asked her how to excite you while I was gone on my trip. I had heard about remote control vibes and when she said you would like a vibe I mentioned them. She said it would be fun to have me teasing you while she had lunch with you.”

“Where did you get it?”

“The sex shop over on 6th street. Are we good? I’m sorry I upset you.”

Jenny was starting to have an idea of how she was going to get even with Rachael. “It is OK. We will talk tonight. I really am enjoying it sweetie.”

The vibrator started to buzz again and she knew she was going to have a fun afternoon. She went and found the instruction book that came with the vibrator and thumbed through it until she found what she was looking for. She texted Rachael, “Sorry I split like that. It was just a shock and I was a bit embarrassed. That and I felt betrayed that the two of you were talking about my sex life.”

“I didn’t think about it from your point of view and I’m sorry. I wasn’t going to tell you but just let you struggle and squirm. Seeing elazığ escort you trying to hide it was so sexy and then I just got caught up in it. Next thing I knew I told you and you stormed out.”

Jenny asked, “You still free this afternoon?”

“Yeah. Why, do you still want to go shopping?”

“I have one thing I have to do first but yeah. Meet you in an hour at the boutique in the mall.”

Jenny went by the sex shop and bought another of the same vibrator Paul had given her. Taking it out she set it for the same signal as hers as well as its own signal too. She was going to get her revenge on Rachael. See how she liked squirming and being teased. The vibrator buzzed again as if on cue and she jumped as the one in her hand did too. With a smile, she knew this was going to be fun. She got to the boutique and met up with Rachael. Let’s go to the bathroom and then we can start shopping. Once they were in the restroom Jenny looked around to make sure they were alone then said, “I’m still upset about earlier.”

“What can I do to make it up to you?”

Hiding her smile Jenny said, “Wear this.” Pulling out the vibrator from her purse. “Then we will both be in the same boat.” Rachael stared at it for a minute not sure what to do or say. Jenny suddenly thought she knew what her friend was thinking. “It isn’t mine. I bought you one. I still have mine in.”

Rachael took it and went into one of the stalls. A minute later she came back out. They both felt the vibrators start up again. “Does Paul know?”

“Not unless you told him while you were in there. I will tell him tonight. It is my payback to him for what you guys did to me. Now let’s go shopping.”

As they walked out of the bathroom the vibrators started to buzz and Rachael almost missed her next step. Jenny helped steady her and said, “The first few are a bit of a shock, but you will get used to it. Besides, that was a low one. Just wait until he cranks it up to the escort elazığ higher settings.” After a couple of seconds, it stopped again.

Rachael looked at Jenny, “He cranks it up?”

“Yeah I synched yours to mine so as Paul teases me he teases you.”

Jenny smiled and they started back to the department store. There vibrators buzzed on for about ten seconds then off for thirty then back on for ten more seconds. Each time buzzing just a bit harder. Jenny and Rachael started looking at dresses as the buzzing hit its highest level. Jenny closed her eyes and rode out the last cycle almost panting with desire. As she opened her eyes she looked over the rack and saw Rachael’s nipples were hard and poking through her blouse. Rachael held up a dress and then another. Jenny thought she was trying to hide her excitement. Grabbing a couple of dresses she liked she walked around the rack and asked, “Are you ready to try some on?”

“Yes. How about you?”

The next buzzing was softer but lasted longer. She leaned close and whispered, “Are you wet yet?”

“No, but I will be soon.”

“I am, but I was teased earlier too.”

They walked over to the fitting rooms and the vibrations got longer and softer. While it didn’t make it worse for either girl they stayed as horny as they had been. After trying the dresses, they decided they didn’t like them and headed out. The vibrators had been silent for about two minutes and both girls were just waiting for them to start back up.

As they started heading to the next shop their vibrators started up again slowly building in intensity as they walked. It grew and stayed on. Rachael could feel herself getting wet now. She looked over at Jenny and saw that she was struggling with the growing pleasure as she was almost panting and Rachael knew it wasn’t from the walk. As they walked over to the rack the vibrations stopped again. She saw Jenny smile with relief as she started looking through elazığ escort bayan the dresses. They each started looking and Rachael leaned over saying, “I’m wet now.”

“I almost came again. I hope it doesn’t start too soon or I will.” As if on cue the vibrators started up on low again. Jenny let out a low moan of pleasure and grabbed two dresses. “I’m going to the dressing room.” With a shuffle, she went into the back and into one of the dressing rooms. As the door closed she saw Rachael go into another. Jenny started gasping her breasts heaving as she came hard. She felt the vibrator slow down. With a wicked grin it she decided it was time to get her revenge on Rachael. Pulling the remote out of her purse Jenny turned it on. She didn’t know what would happen if both remotes were giving it input. With a quick twist she cranked it up for about ten seconds then turned it back down to nothing. A second later her vibrator started up again and she felt the next wave of pleasure start. After a few seconds it faded back away and Jenny turned up the remote so Rachael wouldn’t get any rest.

Rachael felt the rise and was starting to breath heavily then it went back down. Almost immediately it went back up more quickly. With a gasp she felt herself getting wetter. Then it stopped again only to start up at a slow buzz. It kept up this buzz and Rachael was getting hornier and hornier. Then the buzz stopped. Rachael felt the disappointment then the vibrator started up again. Only it was higher. With a shudder she came hard. As she panted trying to catch her breath after it stopped the slow buzz returned and she collapsed in the chair as it drove her over the edge again. She heard Jenny’s moan through the thin wall and knew her friend was enjoying it as much as she was. The buzzing stopped and she got a text from Jenny saying, “Paul said he is done for now.”

After trying on the dress she had and composing herself she walked out. Jenny was there waiting and said, “I found one I like how about you?”

Holding up her dress she said she had. The two of them paid for their dresses and headed out. The wet panties rubbing them and reminding how great the shopping trip had been. They were going to have to do this again some time soon.

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