A New Way of Seeing Things Pt. 03 Ch. 29


Standard disclaimers.

This is a story about sexual exploration and, open relationships. Open relationships can and do happily exist; but they are not for everyone. If you do not believe it is at all possible for open relationships to exist without damage to any and all involved parties, please do yourself a favor and don’t waste your time reading this.


Also, this story takes place in a world where STDs don’t exist and only babies planned for and wanted do—in other words, a fantasy world. Any resemblance to real-life people is purely coincidental.


If my mother could see me now, Gwen mused as she sat poolside waiting for the second of five courses the chef was preparing. This was wealth and power of the highest order, the things Irene Curran had always respected most. Of course, she would not be so impressed that her daughter was sitting in the middle of it wearing nothing but a robe, or why she was even sitting there in the first place…

“So, how’d it go?” Tim asked once they had finished carefully reassuring each other that their marriage was still strong after the massages they had received.

Gwen recounted her day, including in her details how revealing her clothes had become during the photo sessions but leaving out how thrilling the exposure had been.

“So I guess it wasn’t too much of a leap to take ’em off then, huh?”

“Oh, well, I didn’t have to, at least not today. It sounds like I’ll have to tomorrow, though…”

Gwen sensed his mild disappointment at the news, something the Lady decided was just some sort of justification for her own perversion. “Oh. He give you any details about tomorrow, other than that, I mean?”

“Not really, just that I wouldn’t need to try anything on tonight…” Gwen felt a need to change the subject and keep her imagination at bay. “And how did your day go? How was the fishing? Was your guide nice?”

“The fishing was great! Vince—real good guy, by the way—made it sound like this little overgrown pond on the way over, but it was a small lake, and nobody but us on it! Caught a bunch and one of them’s getting delivered to the house after it’s stuffed and mounted. Holy shit Gwen, this bass was huge! I almost felt bad about keeping him but Vince said the pond’s overstocked and good to get some of the bigger guys outta there. He also said Mrs. Danning will take care of the taxidermy, her treat.”

“That’s very nice of her.” The skirmish over what wall at home his trophy would occupy could be fought later, Gwen decided. “Does he, umm, know why you’re here?”

“You mean why you’re here? I don’t think so…if he does he didn’t let on. He was really quiet until he figured out he didn’t have to kiss my ass. Once he found out I worked for a living and could bait my own hook, he got a little more talkative. Said it’s kinda unusual for this place to only have a couple of people in it—it’s usually full when it’s being used, and that the people that stay here don’t go in for fishing.” He paused while Michelle brought the next course out, waiting until she had stepped back into the house before continuing on in a lowered voice. “He also said he’s heard they go in for some pretty wild parties here.”

“Wild parties? Like how?”

“He wouldn’t say exactly, I think he was worried that if he said too much somebody would find out and he’d get in trouble. He just said that they’re the kind of parties you have in private.”

“Oh.” Gwen had a guess as to the kind of parties they were, given what Michelle and Margaret had already hinted at. She felt a tingle run through her at the thought of the house full of people running around naked, doing…things…

“After a couple of beers he also asked if I had seen the basement yet.”

“The basement? I didn’t know this place had one. What’s so special about it?”

“He wouldn’t tell me that either, just that he has a buddy who does some work down there from time to time and that’s it a hell of a room.”

“Huh.” The conversation lapsed while they both considered the meaning of Vince’s cryptic questions.


The last rays of the sun had disappeared behind the grotto’s walls some time ago, Tim and Gwen basking in the guttering light of the scattered torches and the warm glow of excellent food and drink in their stomachs. They both had thoughts of another swim before bed, each willing to wait just a little longer before being the first to suggest it.

The chirping of crickets was punctuated with the sound of Michelle’s heels clicking across the marble floor. “Madame, I am sorry to interrupt you and Monsieur, but your groom is here to see you. Would you like me to show her in?”

Gwen rose, suddenly concerned. “Of course—please.”

The young woman disappeared and returned a short time later, Cricket following close behind. “Is everything alright?” Gwen asked while Michelle excused herself.

“Oh—yes, that’s what I was coming to tell you. I just wanted to let you know Dart looks great and should be ready for tomorrow.” gaziantep escort She held out her hands defensively as the older woman approached for a hug. “Sorry—I don’t smell so good right now—it was pretty hot today, but you knew that already, and I went for a ride with Hannah and some of the exercise riders after we got Dart back to his stall and settled in. I hope that’s okay…”

“Seriously? You’re worried that I might not like the smell of horse?” Gwen said with a smile as she wrapped her arms around her friend. “I’m glad you got a chance to get out and have a little fun. Did they give you somebody good to ride?”

“Do you really believe there’s a bad horse anywhere on this property? Once they started listing off his lines I was afraid I might break him or something. I was also afraid I might not be up to the other riders’ skill levels…”

And were you?”

“I held my own…”

“You did a lot better than that, I’ll bet. Did you eat yet?”

“Not yet. Like I said, I wanted to make sure Dart was all set before I went riding, and then we went out right after that. I’m going back now to finish up my chores, and then I guess they’ve got dinner waiting for me in my room. Just wanted to let you know he’s alright.”

“Thank you for doing that, I appreciate it…if not food, maybe you want to rinse off with a quick swim before you head back?”

“Oh, uhh, thanks, but I didn’t bring a suit…”

Gwen smiled and pulled the top of her robe open to reveal the bare skin beneath. “Neither did we.”

“Really? But what about, you know,” she looked about the room, “the others?”

“Michelle is the only one we’ve seen, and from what I can tell bathing suits are kind of an afterthought here which doesn’t bother her at all.” Cricket didn’t look convinced. “I was going in,” Gwen said, walking back on to the pool deck, “come with me.”

The young woman followed and gave Tim a shy wave. “Are you going in, too?”

“I will if you will,” he answered with a grin as he rose from his chair. “But let me hit the bathroom first.”

Cricket stood and watched as Gwen shed her robe, laying it on a nearby lounge chair before slicing through the pool’s surface with a neat little dive. Gwen. “Leave your underwear on, then,” she encouraged after breaking the surface and looking back at the young woman, “it’s like a bathing suit, right?”

Cricket cautiously began to strip, looking back into the house after each item of clothing had been removed and carefully laid aside for easy retrieval later, hesitating first at her jog bra and then her panties before removing both and hurrying into the water. She swam towards her friend, the cool water refreshing and her nudity thrilling as she gave another look over her shoulder.

“How did you get those clothes?” Gwen asked as the young woman drew close.

“Oh, Hannah thought it might save some time and trouble explaining why a guest was poking around the stables…I’m guessing it’s because what I was wearing made me look like somebody who was up to no good.”

Gwen laughed. “You don’t have the look of a troublemaker!”

“I can’t blame them, I mean if I had that kind of stable I would be very careful about who’s hanging around it…on the other hand, you looked incredible today! I’ve never really gotten a chance to watch you work without my own horse to worry about…I knew you were a good rider, but wow!”

“You’re too kind,” Gwen demurred. “Hopefully my riding was enough to distract from my transparent wardrobe!”

“Your outfits were pretty daring,” Cricket admitted, “but I thought they looked good on you. Hannah thought you looked really sexy in them and that you would have had a very large audience if the stable hands had been allowed to watch.” Gwen’s arousal flared at the reminder of her frequent dream material. “She also noticed how interested Marco was.”

“I have to guess it’s his job to pay attention.”

Cricket gave a curious smile, one that was a mixture of mischief and embarrassment. “Oh, he was working, but he’s still a guy…Hannah thought, well…she kept pointing out the bulge in his jeans, said that he was either naturally well-endowed or something was making him that way.”

“Oh—oh. Really?”

Cricket nodded and smiled. “She said if she were a guy she would have had one, too. I saw him, uhh, adjust himself once or twice when he thought no one was looking. At least, I think that’s what he was doing…”

“He’s a young man,” Gwen reasoned, “I think they’re all like that all the time, no matter what they’re looking at.”

“Maybe most of them…all I know is that even I was getting turned on watching you, and if I was, then he probably was, too. Sorry, probably not what you wanted to hear, but it’s true.” The young woman paddled backwards until she could stand and began moving her neck in circles, stretching.


“A little,” Cricket replied, “Sitting behind a desk makes my muscles forget what it’s like to do real work all escort gaziantep day.”

Gwen glided towards her. “Here, turn around, let me help.” She stood behind her young friend and reached for her shoulders, gently massaging, getting a satisfied sigh and groan in response.

The fingers gently probing Cricket’s muscles only paused for a moment when Tim reappeared from around the corner, tossing his robe aside as he moved towards the pool. The young woman took note of his flaccid member, never missing an opportunity to study the various states of his equipment now that she been given permission. His cock and balls bounced back and forth as he approached the edge of the pool, looking so harmless in that state, so different than when it awoke and turned into something much more serious.

“Cricket has a bit of a sore neck,” Gwen said after he had surfaced. “My hands are a little tired after riding all day, want to take over and work on her muscles a bit?”

Tim was about to suggest that perhaps Margaret was still around but held his tongue, unsure how much Gwen had shared of their pre-dinner activities. “Uh, sure,” he replied simply, stepping behind the naked young woman as his wife moved away. He began to work the way he had discovered Gwen liked to be touched after she had started letting him, Cricket’s shoulders near-perfect copies of his wife’s. The young woman leaned back with another contented groan, the small of her back brushing against his soft member and giving it an excuse to rise should it be needed. She felt it begin to stir but did not move away, a swell of pride running through her in having caused that. Tim stayed where he was as well, quickly noting the body in front of him did not recoil at his growing cock’s touch and if she was okay with it, then so was he.

None of them heard the click of Michelle’s high heels until she was on the pool deck. Tim froze in place, caught in the act, while Cricket turned crimson and crossed her arms over her chest. True to Gwen’s words, the young woman did not seem at all shocked. “Will your groom be attending to Madame and Monsieur this evening?”

Gwen looked up in confusion. “I’m sorry?”

“Your groom, Madam. Will she be attending to you this evening? There is a smaller room next to yours that I can prepare for her if you will be requiring her services until morning.”

They all seemed to understand the implication simultaneously, Tim backing away while Cricket hurried to climb out of the pool, suddenly wanting her clothes and to get back to the stable. “No, no, I have chores to do yet tonight, and dinner, and…” she replied a bit too loudly, grabbing a nearby towel and hurrying to dress.

Michelle looked expectantly at the woman still in the pool, as if asking for permission to allow the young woman to leave. “See you in the morning?” Gwen called out.

“Yes, in the morning—bright and early, right?” Cricket called back, stumbling a bit while stuffing her feet back into her boots, trying to regain her composure.

“Bright and early.”

“Okay, good night then! See you in the morning.” She didn’t wait to be shown the way out.

“It will be just Madam and Monsieur tonight, then?”

Gwen moved to the steps. “Yes, just us.” She allowed herself to be dried, not minding the attention paid to her breasts and sex at all. Tim received the same treatment, his flagging erection partially revived, and the couple sat poolside in their robes, sharing embarrassed smiles and enjoying one last drink before bed. They eventually rose to make their way to their room, Michelle magically appearing to escort them and turn down the bed before asking if there was anything more she might do for them that evening.

“No, thank you Michelle, I think we’ll be fine.” Gwen was moving towards her husband even before the door closed, dropping her robe and sinking to her knees in front of him as the latch clicked shut. His soft length was retrieved from beneath the folds of terrycloth and pulled out, lips gently kissing the crown and her tongue giving it a playful lick.

Tim laughed. “That’s a hell of a goodnight kiss.”

“I got an urge to do this when I was watching you get your massage,” Gwen murmured, kissing her way down the underside of his stiffening length towards his balls. “Something I can give you that you don’t get with a massage.” At least, maybe not, the Slut offered. Maybe there’s a massage style for that, too.

“You don’t need to give me anything,” Tim grumbled, gently cupping the side of her head while she worked, “but I’ll sure as hell take it.” He was hard enough now for her lips to part and take him in, slowly sliding up and down the length to encourage his last little bit of growth.

Gwen patiently worked him, getting appreciative grunts and sharp intakes of breath when she found a particularly sensitive spot, teasing him towards orgasm before slowing her efforts to let him back down a bit. “Enough,” he finally rumbled, “let me give you something you didn’t get with gaziantep escort bayan your massage, either.” She was lifted to her feet before being pushed back on to the bed, her ankles grabbed by callused hands and legs roughly spread wide. His hands found their way to her breasts even as his tongue made its first swipe from bottom to top, collecting her wetness. Tim did not show her the same subtlety he had received, instead bringing her to orgasm with insistent circling of his tongue and a mauling of her tits that had a delightfully masculine feel to it. He was mounting her even as the last tremors of her climax pulsed from her sex.

Tim slid into his prize in one long stroke. “That feels so damn good every single time,” he groaned from above her. “Gotta tell ya, all day long I was thinking about what you were doing and getting so horny I was worried I was gonna get a hard on in front of Vince.”

Gwen pushed back against his thrusts, filling herself with him, and the Slut’s pride in what she had done to the poor assistant came tumbling out before she could stop it. “Cricket told me she and the other groom thought Marco had an erection today,” she coo’d.

Tim’s hips came to a stop, his length buried to the hilt. “You mean Danilo’s little brother?”


He chuckled and resumed his motion, a little more urgent this time. “You musta put on a hell of a show. Betcha he started wearing it out as soon as he got a little privacy.”

“What do you mean?” Gwen felt obliged to ask, although she had idea exactly what he was talking about.

“I’ll bet he jacked off thinking about you, probably more than once,” Tim hissed in time to a particularly forceful thrust.

“Do you really think so?” Detailed images of the young man naked and hard, right down to a nest of jet-black pubic hair that matched the curls on his head, came to mind unbidden, and despite the Lady’s protests Gwen did nothing to chase them away.

“Maybe he’s one of those guys who’s into tribute pictures. He’s gotta have access to the materials, right?”

“What do you mean, tribute picture?”

“Well, I hear some guys like to take pictures of women and, uh, decorate ’em.”

“When you say decorate, do you mean…” she lowered her voice to a murmur, “come on them?”

Tim nodded and grinned, and, it was Gwen’s turn to laugh. “You men have some really strange ways of getting your kicks. Did you ever do that?”

“What, on a picture? Naw, never did. I like doin’ it on the real thing…”

The scene in her mind switched to one of Marco standing over one of her photos, stroking himself getting ready to decorate her…”If you want to do that—to me—tonight, I won’t mind,” she panted between his thrusts.

Tim stopped again and looked down at her, a smile on his face. “That’s a great idea…” He was quickly out of her, kneeling between her legs. “Any spot in particular?”

“Oh—wherever you want. Is there a spot men like when they’re doing this on pictures?”

“Depends on what the picture is of, and how good their aim is, I guess…you know, a full body shot or a close-up of some, uhh, part…”

“Like boobs, or…butt,” Gwen continued, finishing his thought.

“Yeah, like those. Or their face,” he added helpfully, feeling foolish for even thinking that information was necessary.

“Of course. That doesn’t surprise me at all.” At least any more, she thought. “Would you like to do that? You know, mark me?”

“You don’t mind? You sure?”

“I know you like to, so…”

“Don’t know why I do,” he said with a chuckle, hurrying to place himself astride her chest, “but there’s just something really kinky about it…my way of getting’ my kicks, I guess.”

“Mmm, I’ll bet…I like it when you’re kinky.” Gwen looked at the dark red helmet just beyond her chin, Tim’s fist already making it darker with the blood he was squeezing into it. “Just tell me when you’re ready, alright?”

“Will do.”

Gwen looked up at her husband, his face a mixture of concentration and intensity as he pleasured himself with one hand while gently groping her breast with the other. She remembered Michelle’s apparent disregard for the nicety of knocking before entering a room and wondered what her reaction would be if she did so now. Probably no different than when she had walked in on Tim’s massage, pausing after setting down the full wine glass to smile at the cock Margaret was expertly handling. No, Gwen mused, his choice of targets would probably not shock her at all—in fact, she might even offer to help clean up Madame after.

“Close your eyes,” Tim commanded, and for several seconds she heard the slickness his fist was stirring and his harsh breathing. Both suddenly stopped a half-second before the first hot jet struck her on the forehead. She recoiled a bit even as the second pulse landed on her nose and in her nostril, getting a snort and a soft yelp from her as the third pulse landed on her lips and open mouth. There was no Michelle to help with clean up, but the man who made the mess was happy to get her a washcloth.

Gwen lay awake for some time after, waiting for sleep to come, feeling more than a little guilt over the fact that the man she was currently thinking perverted thoughts about was not the one whose arms she was lying naked in.

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