A Mother’s Redemption


**This story is about a sexually frustrated girl in her late teens and her relationship with her dick loving mother**

Seren was lying in bed when she heard her mother return from the pub. She wasn’t returning alone, but that wasn’t unusual. Inaudible chatter drifted up the stairs, followed by tipsy footsteps. On the landing, her mother softly called out her name to see if she was asleep, but Seren never answered.

Her mother’s bedroom door closed, a few moments of murmuring, then it started. The grunts, the moans, and gasps interspersed with the occasional oh god, yes, fuck etc, etc until the inevitable shaky squeal. His victory grunt wouldn’t be far behind.

It was a weekend ritual that Seren had heard numerous times since her mother’s divorce. All that ever really changed was the timing, one Saturday it would last an hour the next a few minutes. Her mother, Nia was never happy the morning after those short sessions.

As for Seren herself, she was a virgin but not totally without experience of men. She had enjoyed a night of intercrural sex once before the divorce but that was over a year ago when things were different. She remembered that night fondly, being handed over to that man by her father, his gentle touch, embrace and oh that tingling labial sensation as his cock rubbed against her.

Oh, she wished he had slipped inside, but the code of “the daughter’s bed” tradition forbade it. Now the only thing that stroked her pussy was her own hand. Seren wasn’t the type of girl who turned heads, no guy beat the meat at night thinking of her. She wasn’t ugly, far from it, but she was no dick twitcher either. She had grown used to seeing guys make moves on her friends, at a buffet she was the bowl of breadsticks between the pizza and scotch eggs.

It was a typical Saturday, Seren returned from her rugby practice to an empty house, stuck a frozen pizza in the oven and scrolled through her phone with one eye as the other half-heartedly watched crap on TV. Mother was already out, it seemed wrong she had a better social life, but there it was.

Seren knew there was always a chance Nia wouldn’t be returning alone. After a late hot soak in a bubble bath, she retired to bed. She wasn’t tired, in truth she was never comfortable meeting these men. Alone in bed, she switched off the light near midnight and waited for her mother’s return.

A rattle of keys and a giggle broke the silence. A stumble in the hallway told her that her mother had a bit too much to drink. Seren wasn’t impressed, drunk sex seemed reckless. Nia clambered up the stairs, it sounded like he had to stop her from falling a few times. “It’s amazing what a guy will tolerate for pussy” thought Seren.

Slomped on the bed, her mother’s slurred speech turned to a snore within minutes. He let out a tut and a sigh, staring at what should have been a good night lying sprawled out in a crumpled dress on top of the bed. Given the late hour, he decided to stay and hope she was into morning sex, or at least cook a nice breakfast.

Seren on the other hand still wasn’t sleepy and began browsing the usual porn sites She was a flicker, fast-forwarding to the good bits before getting bored and jumping to the next video. In between it all, she’d caress her clit until the magic happened.

As she gently stimulated herself she heard him make his way to the bathroom. Porn-inspired thoughts filled her mind, could she do it, no it was stupid to even try, yet her pussy ached for cock. She had fantasised about borrowing one of these visitors many times but never had the guts. Seren plucked up the courage and quietly made her way onto the landing in her bra and panties.

“what am I doing?” she thought, ” it’s now or never, go on you can do it,” she told herself.

He emerged bathroom door and saw Seren standing there. He wasn’t great looking, probably late forties with the beginnings of a dad bod. She pretended to look shocked at seeing a semi-naked man before fixing her eyes on his bulge. She knew what she did next would change everything, she paused a second, smiled and gestured him into her room.

Cautiously he stepped into her room closing the door quietly behind him. He put his finger to his lips in the classic ssshhhhush pose. Seren wasn’t about to bust into song but she appreciated the gesture. He moved close, swept her long brown hair aside and went in for a kiss. He was no movie star but she responded in kind, tilting her head back and parting her lips.

His lips were rough with age and his breath wreaked of lager. He wasn’t drunk, more at that stage where guys lose their common sense and inhibitions. What must he be thinking of her? Like mother like daughter no doubt. He knew what he was doing, his silence, not to wake her mother proved that.

Firm hands on her buttcheeks pulled her close, and as tongues swirled, she felt him swelling against her. His hand slipped inside her panties, rough, cracked and calloused, it caressing her buttocks before pulling them akçaabat escort down to one side. Seren knew it was a sign he was eager to go further. She lowered the other side and with a wiggle, they fell to the floor.

Seren looked down and in the broken light saw his cock yearning to be set free. She knew what she had to do. Slowly she squatted down, sliding her hands down his legs for support until she was in position. She lowered his boxers and it sprang out like an angry badger. Personal grooming wasn’t his thing, but despite the ample bush, she could see why mother liked him.

She took the base in her small hand sweeping the steel wool pubes back, it was a trick she had learnt to avoid getting hairs in her mouth and control unwanted thrusting. His fingers ran through her hair before pushing her head down towards his twitching cock. She stretched her lips around him and with a gentle suck sealed him within.

Seren had been giving head for a while, she’d learnt the craft on nights out with friends. Apart from the extra hair, this one tasted no different than the younger ones she’d experienced. But this time she knew it wouldn’t be exploding in her mouth.

The smooth head rubbed on her palate as he glided back and forth with every suck tracing a sweet-salty path. She didn’t want to apply too much pressure, just a light teasing, playful blow job to set the mood and relax her nerves. Much as she got a kick out of them she was no porn star, her small mouth only allowed 4 inches before she risked gagging.

He, like so many before, didn’t seem to mind. He sensed her limitations and avoided thrusting, instead savouring the delights of her warm tender mouth as it gently massaged him to an uncomfortable hardness. Only burying it deep within her pussy would bring relief.

It was only fair that he returned the favour, and so in time-honoured fashion, he laid her on the bed, parted her slender thighs and admired the smooth mound that put his unkempt bush to shame. A droplet at the base of her vulva said more than words ever could.

Its Chardonnay taste delighted his tongue as he ran the tip between her labia before swirling it around her clitoris. Seren gasped and raised her hips pushing herself onto his face. A few soft clitoral massages between his lips before a diving tongue tested her readiness. Strong and muscular it writhed within her, his hot breath seemed to fill her as he lapped and probed like a starving dog.

He stopped to explore her breasts, gently caressing them, one in each hand like a pair of oranges twiddling her nipples under his thumbs. Then taking his cock in hand guided it to her desperate pussy. This was it, no going back now. Her heart thumped so loud she feared it would wake mother. She’d explored herself before but this was the real deal, an organic live throbbing cock was about to enter. Her moment had come. She tried to focus so she’d always remember it.

He didn’t mess around, no teasing, head to the hole and with a single swift thrust, he buried it deep. It wasn’t the slow penetration she had rehearsed, but thankfully not painful. Yelling was the last thing she wanted but she couldn’t help but gasp. There was a slight ache but the significance of being penetrated meant more to her than the physical sensation. He paused for a second, turning to look at the partition wall, her mother’s drunken snoring faintly drifted through. He smiled and leaned forward supporting his weight on his forearm as so not to squash her too much.

Seren’s spread legs instinctively clambered, vying for grip like tendrils looking to lock around a tree. She began to explore the bulging hard mass inside her, contracting and shifting her pussy around the visitor. It seemed part of her yet alien. The pressure on the walls and the feeling of fullness weren’t that different to things she had masturbated with. Yet for all the practice this felt different, for all the pleasure they brought they were an inferior substitute.

Suddenly he started to move, propelling his cock back and forth in a smooth gliding motion. Seren had to admit it felt pretty good. With each push she felt herself yielding to him, expanding as his head pushed up then collapsing on its retreat in a cycle of swirly goey delight.

Seren looked him in the eyes smiling, she so wanted to say “so this what sex is like,” but she knew she couldn’t. Regardless, he could clearly see she was enjoying his performance. His body writhed on hers as his swaying hips rhythmically pumped his cock in effortless harmony. Her pussy seemed to flutter with each stroke, god it was good.

Deep down Seren knew he would probably fuck anything in a skirt, but she didn’t care. She was having sex, real sex, and that’s what mattered. It wasn’t with some amazingly hot guy but at least he hadn’t nutted in 30 seconds. Besides, you don’t drive a Porsche on your first attempt and it was dark.

‘FLUSSSH’ The unmistakable sound of the toilet. They both froze and held akçakoca escort their breath. An eternity seemed to pass as Nia’s fuzzy mind slowly pondered where her man had gone. She headed back to her room, his clothes were still in draped on the bedside cabinet. She crept downstairs, missing a few on the way, perhaps he was getting a snack. An empty kitchen left her with only one conclusion. Seren wasn’t screaming for help, Nia knew her daughter must have consented. It didn’t dawn on her that it might have been her idea. Quietly she made her way back upstairs and back to bed.

Both were relieved that Nia never came busting in. He had his dick in willing young pussy and a mother who was turning a blind eye. There was no point stopping, raising his torso he swept Seren’s legs back and started to fuck her unrestricted by the constraints of silence. Seren held on tight to take her fucking no longer analysing each thrust. All she could do was surrender to the ride, cling on and enjoy.

He came with little warning, a grunt, a tremble and whoosh, a deep pulsating cock filled her with cum. Seren had heard mixed reports but she could definitely feel each spurt. Physically it was nothing special, sure all that twitching, shuddering explosive few seconds felt pretty good but not much more than the thrusting did. Yet it accentuated the fact she had just been fucked, she had finally went all the way.

Both lay awake for ages. Seren fell asleep first and when she woke he was gone. What time he left was a mystery but breakfast was awkward. Neither mother nor daughter mentioned it last night but it was clear it was on both their minds. Perhaps it was the hangover that kept Nia quiet, but Seren knew a ‘talk’ was only a matter of time.

Seren had stuff to do, the beach was calling and the ice cream at that little kiosk wasn’t going to eat itself. A quick check to see if her friends were still up for a dip and she was off. Seren felt relieved to get out of the house, a undocked hungover mother was never a great combo at the best of times.

A few paracetamol and 5 cups of coffee later Nia was feeling a bit better. Last night wasn’t a total blur, through the haze she remembered those extra shots that put her over her limit. And she definitely remembered Carl bringing her home and her wanting to rest her eyes for 5 minutes.

As for Seren, Nia always knew that one day she’d have sex. Every parent knows that one day a man will lay down their daughter and fuck her, it’s just what you’ve got to accept. But Nia expected better from Seren, she had a good head on her shoulders, wtf was she doing messing around with old drunks? How far did she actually go? Just a thigh-job? Oral? Deep down Nia knew the truth.

Seren hadn’t been bringing boyfriends home or even one-night stands like a normal girl. But the signs were there, the missing carrots and cucumber, those extra long showers. Girls need dick, it’s a fact of life. She wasn’t a bad-looking girl but had always lacked confidence, so this was well out of character.

It wasn’t like Seren was cock-clueless, Nia knew she gave blowjobs and had indulged in a thigh job. More notably she knew she enjoyed them. She could have easily brought a guy home umpteen times, so why didn’t she? Nia racked her brains, was she to blame? Did Seren feel uncomfortable because of her?

Nothing made sense, she’d always been open and approachable. Hell, she even motivated her in the past to do stuff. A mother knows when a daughter wants to and just needs a little permission to cross that line. It was Nia’s fault for not picking up the signals.

Nia poured her 6th coffee of the morning and opened a pack of biscuits. She recalled how she was encouraged to take the plunge and suck off that guy at cousin Emma’s hen night party. She could see in her eyes the desire to take part in the activities and how her shyness and nerves about being judged stood in the way.

Nia remembered how the girls would be saying “go on Seren,” when a guy came over and how she’d coyly shake her head. He’d leave with another girl and Seren would try and hide her disappointment. It wasn’t until she herself said it was it ok that Seren plucked up the courage.

On that night, Nia had approached a guy she knew. Twenty-five, decent-looking and more importantly not some knobhead. She spelt out her concerns about Seren and made him aware of her inexperience. When he made his move on Seren and led her away, Nia knew at least she was safe.

Nia thought back to the time she and her Ex gave Seren to Luke on that cold winter’s night he came to stay. How they had long calm discussions with her beforehand about it to gently persuade her. When her husband offered Seren to him that night they both knew she was in safe hands.

Even so, they had taken precautions in the form of a covert camera so they could monitor the situation. She recalled how the picture quality was grainy in the dark room but it was clear Seren was less timid akhisar escort in the privacy of her own room. When Luke’s cock tapping on her clitoris made her orgasm they knew they had made the right choice.

Kia realised she had neglected her motherly responsibilities towards her daughter. She had got lucky, Carl was a good guy but it could have gone so badly wrong with someone else. There was only one thing any decent mother could do now, she had to get her daughter some decent dick to rebuild their relationship.

Seren’s friend dropped her off in the evening. She hadn’t been looking forward to coming home but nothing was said. Nia had thought it best to keep quiet, she had so much she wanted to say but sometimes silence is what’s needed. The following days passed as if nothing had happened, yet it slipped from neither’s mind

It was Thursday night, the usual routine, an evening in front of the TV interspersed with light conversation.

“You at rugby tomorrow night?”

Seren couldn’t see the point of the question, she was there every Friday, ” yeah, as usual.”

“Fancy skipping it, coming out with me and a few of the girls?”

Seren was a little taken back, she had never invited her out on one of her pissups. Obviously, she was trying to reach out to her. Given the past events it seemed inappropriate to decline.

“Could we hold on until 7? I’ll be home by then.”

It was a quiet country pub, the type on a winding road between two insignificant villages. Inside had a medieval decor that mixed with Victorian in a weird yet comforting rural way. Waiting at a round wood corner table were Nia’s drinking buddies.

Beca was a fat bleach blonde, not the gargantuan gut gobby type, she was a fun-loving spherical bubbly blonde who looked like she should be hanging from a Christmas tree. If Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum ever had a sister it was Beca. Her ample breasts seemed to mirror her rounded frame as they heaved and bulged out of the top of her white blouse.

As for Catrin, she was what Seren dubbed a shadow slut. She didn’t look or act like she handed that pussy on a plate, yet those little subtle hints were there. While other women in the pub had half their tits hanging out, and skirts that screamed free entry, she gave off just enough sexual energy to allude to her true nature. She was the one every guy in the office wanted to bang but would never confess to, the one who said more with a tiny smile than the vulgar posturing of a coarse cumbucket ever could.

Nia, as usual, reeked of desperate divorced milf, that half-price steak near its sell-by date in the reduced items aisle, and among them all little out of place Seren a tweeting chick among clucking hens.

For the first hour, the table rang with gossip about various women that Seren hadn’t even heard of, how Gwen looked in ‘that dress’ and how Brenda had cheated on her vegan diet. Seren feigned interest as best she could as she slipped on a dry cider.

“oh look, look,” said Catrin, drawing their attention across the room, “Karen’s going for a KFC.”

Seren looked over but had no idea what she was supposed to be looking at.

Nia came to the rescue, “You see that guy in the purple plaid top? That’s KFC cos he’s got a knob like a chicken wing. Poor girls going to be so disappointed.”

She turned to Beca, that reminds me how did the night with Vincent go? Did he deliver?”

“First class, large parcel” she laughed.

Again Nia explained, “he’s the postman, he drives a red van, so it’s Vincent fan goch, get it?”

Seren groaned, dad jokes were bad, mum’s Welsh jokes were worse, “guess it explains why the post’s always late.”

“Oh Dewi and Dai are coming over,” said Catrin, ” ours not to wonder why ours is to Dewi and Dai.”

“Mind if we join you?” asked Dai, already pulling up a chair.

Both men looked early to mid-thirties, obviously brothers with Dai looking the elder and more dominant. The woman didn’t seem too bothered by then.

“I don’t think you’ve met Seren, Nia’s daughter,” said Catrin

“No, I don’t think we’ve had the pleasure.”

“Steady on, you haven’t even brought her a drink yet,” giggled Beca.

Seren’s gut instinct told her they had been more than drinking buddies with the girls in the past. Beca had already started pointing her breasts at them in the way women do to men but not to each other. Catrin’s change in body language was more refined, a lot of men wouldn’t have picked it up, holding a glance the fraction of a second too long, that sly little smile for no reason. Catrin’s subliminal messaging would make many a guy uncomfortable, yet firmly ensured a place in their wank bank.

As for her mother, Nia wasn’t giving off any signals other than platonic familiarity. Yet, by the way, Dewi was looking at her she deduced otherwise. The men reminded Seren of how her dogs would emit an air of diplomatic friendliness yet still had that “please can I have a bone” look about them.

Seren was right, the language, although not vulgar was growing more suggestive, even if most of it was coming from Beca’s mouth. Seren couldn’t help feeling a little aroused by the increasing sexual tension. She wasn’t the only one who wasn’t sitting comfortably, and it didn’t go unnoticed.

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