A Mother’s Job Love, Protect, Teach

Big Tits


By Saint Stephen 2008

Incest, Romance

Stephen has taken up a new hobby during his retirement of dabbling in writing erotica. This and all future stories are a combination of real-life factoids and Stephen’s dirty mind. Please keep in mind that this is erotica, not support for incest.

The story unfolds slowly, and ultimately includes some very hot scenes.

Note: All total this is a rather lengthy story (11,000 words). As such, I have divided it into sections, which allows for reading in chunks or the whole story at once.

Hope you enjoy.


Background/Introduction: Suzanne Brennan (nee Collazo) a Latina that married one, James Brennan, a 2nd generation fireman and of Irish decent. James known as Jim by his fellow firemen or Jimmy by the kids he grew up with, was tragically killed while fighting a fire on the job when a roof collapsed on him.

He had met Suzanne, 7 years his junior, while working at the Engine Company bordering the neighborhood affectionately known as Alphabet City. Suzanne, a high school senior then, when walking by the fire house one afternoon saw a very handsome buffed fireman standing outside the house. Suzanne, who was not shy, as well as many would say beautiful. asked Jimmy, “why he became a fireman?” A two-hour discussion ensued and it then became a ritual every time Jimmy was on duty, she would stop by on the way home from school and chat.

Suzanne’s parents were hard working immigrants trying to make ends meet, keep their daughter out of trouble and insisting she finish high school, much like Jimmy’s father’s parents had done with their son some years before.

Suzanne did graduate and she and Jimmy then started dating. It was not long when their dating became serious and ultimately, they got engaged a year later. Jimmy won over her parents by promising that he would pay for Suzanne’s tuition to the Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT). Suzanne was a very talented seamstress, like her mother, and had a real flair for designing her own clothes.

Shortly after completing her Associates Degree, Suzanne became pregnant and 9 months later gave birth to James Jr., called JJ by all, a spitting image of his father Jimmy. For the first three years of JJ’s. life Suzanne remained at home while working freelance as a seamstress and gained a strong reputation with some of the design houses in NYC for both the quantity and quality of her work.

Jimmy would spend all his free time with JJ and his beautiful wife. Suzanne being in her mid-20s and Jimmy in his early 30s, both had healthy sex drives and would make love/screw as much as they could, which was frequently.

Then things changed dramatically when the Chaplin, Fire Chief, her parents, and Jimmy’s father knocked on the door of their apartment. Suzanne immediately knew what they were there for and dropped to her knees crying hysterically. Jimmy’s father, recently retired from the FDNY, and putting aside his own grief for a moment went to the apartment of Suzanne’s parents and shared the tragic news with them. It was only moments later when they joined the Chaplin and Fire Chief and tried to console Jimmy’s widow and each other.


6 months had passed since this tragic day and Suzanne with the help of her parents and Jimmy’s father, started to slowly come out of her depression. She picked up some freelance jobs once again and started thinking about the future. The only reason she was able to survive was JJ. She totally threw herself into the role of motherhood. In fact, he became the core for the entire family during this dark period.

Jimmy’s father knew how to navigate the NYFD bureaucracy and was able to expedite the payout of his son’s life insurance policy including the on-the-job death benefit to Suzanne. He also called in some favors from his days on the job. He had saved the life of a local landlord’s son during a fire and was able to secure a two-bedroom and, almost unheard of at the time, 2-bathroom apartment in the West Village and a smaller one-bedroom apartment in the same building for her parents. This was prior to the gentrification of the lower east side and getting out of Alphabet City was a good thing. In addition, the West Village had not yet become affordable only to the very wealthy.

This arrangement allowed Suzanne to take jobs outside the home as her mother would watch JJ and Jimmy’s father would also baby sit frequently. Suzanne was quickly able to reestablish her reputation as a talented seamstress and her designs were being notice. Then one day the owner of one of the biggest design houses in New York saw Suzanne working on a design for a dress and immediately hired her to be a key member of the design team. From there Suzanne’s career exploded and she became one of the top young designers kocaeli escort in New York.

Chapter 1

Fifteen years later, Suzanne is heading home to her West Village apartment. The same one she moved into following Jimmy’s death. At this point she has the means to move to a much more affluent neighborhood but her parents are still in the building and Jimmy’s father still lives nearby.

Another thing that had not changed in during the past fifteen years is Suzanne’s, her parents and Jimmy’s father unconditional love for JJ. He has grown into a very handsome young man and Suzanne swears JJ is looking more like her husband each day. Suzanne is not shy about sharing stories of her husband with him. She hugs JJ ferociously every night when returning home from work and before she retires and, is constantly telling him that he is the sunshine of her life.

Like any eighteen-year-old JJ is embarrassed by his mother’s display of affection towards him particularly when his friends are present. Of course, JJ’s friends tell him that they would be very willing to receive one of Suzanne’s ferocious hugs. And JJ fully realizes his mother is a very attractive woman and considered a MILF by his friends. On occasion he fantasizes about his mother’s sexual life and wonders what she is like in bed.

Jimmy Jr. is scheduled to attend his senior prom in six weeks. He has been accepted to a very fine University in upstate New York, where he will study business. He is excited about heading off to college but at the same time knows he will miss his family and mother. That said, tonight his thoughts are not on his plans for his upcoming prom nor going off to college in the fall, he was obsessed thinking about what went wrong, just two hours earlier being dumped by his girlfriend of almost 9 months.


Upon entering the apartment, Suzanne is acutely aware something is not right. Rather than being greeted by JJ for his obligatory fierce hug, he remained in the living room sitting in the dark.

Approaching her son, Suzanne inquires very softly, “What’s wrong Honey?”

“I can’t talk about it,” JJ says, his voice cracking.

And then he begins to sob, his body shaking and tears streaming down his face. Suzanne throws her arms around her son, holding him as tightly as she can. This goes on for a few minutes until the sobbing stops. Even as JJ’s breathing starts to return to normal, Suzanne keeps the tight grip on her son’s head, which is resting on her breasts.

She has not noticed while he cried that his shaking head and body allowed the unlined black lace bra she is wearing to rub against her nipples and surprisingly they have become hard. It would be hard for JJ not to feel them against his cheek. Neither of them breaks the embrace and although not sure, it feels as though JJ is moving his head back and forth just a bit as he composes himself. Despite best efforts, her nipples remain erect.


Breaking from him, Suzanne says, “Ok JJ, we have been through too much together over the past almost eighteen years, tell me what happened. It is your girlfriend, Leslie, isn’t it?”

Truth be told, Suzanne is not a fan of Leslie, as she feels Leslie is a spoiled, little drama queen and that her son can do much better. Suzanne figures once he leaves for college, Leslie will be history. But to break up with her son just a month plus before his Senior Prom is almost unforgiveable.

JJ does not respond, rather handing a copy of the email he received from Leslie and printed out prior to Suzanne arriving home. She reads the copy he gives her.

” JJ.”

It has been 8+ months since we started dating last fall and it’s been fun but I need to break it off. Below are my reasons.

You know that I had dated Eric for over a year prior to him going away to college. It was right after Eric left that you and I started dating. You always treated me like a lady, in fact, too much like a lady. I suspect that it is from you holding women up on a pedestal like you do your mother.

Eric is less a gentleman than you. I know we agreed to have sex on Prom Night but Eric and I have been screwing before he went away to college and since his Christmas break. While you were skiing in Vermont with your mother, I was fucking in NYC with Eric.

In fact, we skype at least twice a week and have virtual sex. I dress up and Eric watches me use a vibrator and/or a dildo on myself while he jerks off and I have found that I like being “dirty,” although I do not think it is.

JJ, you are a virgin and I prefer an experience lover. I do not want to be your teacher.

The last part is, I cannot compete with your mother. She is successful and beautiful and she makes me feel inferior. I do not think she likes me and I don’t care for her either.

I will kocasinan escort not be going to the prom. Eric gets home for the summer the weekend before and we are going away to the Jersey Shore. I Know there are many girls that will kill for you to ask them to the prom and I wish you well.

Best of Luck, Leslie….


It is now Suzanne’s turn to regain control after reading the letter as her Latin temper is on the verge of coming out in full force. Sitting next to her son in the darken room it is her son that breaks the silence.

“Pretty pathetic mom. Girlfriend breaks up with me right before our prom night when she has promised to go all the way. Been screwing her ex-boyfriend both in person and on skype the whole time we have been dating. And the cherry on the cake is she tells me I am too nice. Would have been better off treating her like a slut but I have learned my lesson for how to treat future girlfriends”

JJ looks up at his mom and then looks down. It is clear to Suzanne that her son is again crying; a silent cry but clearly, he is hurting. That said, she is not going to let some of his comments pass.

Taking JJ in her arms again and embracing him, she kisses and softly strokes his head. She makes no attempt to keep his head away from her breasts, causing the bra to rub her nipples and make them even harder than before.

“I am your mother and my jobs are to Love, Protect and Teach. I am not going to allow that bitch Leslie to ruin the last 2 months of your senior year. In fact, part of me wants to go full Alphabet City on her and kick her fucking ass all over the West Village.”

Her son cannot help himself hearing his mother, a sophisticated successful fashion designer speaking so “Street” and starts to laugh. Suzanne recognizing her son is laughing at her comments also starts to laugh. Within seconds they are laughing uncontrollably and it continues sporadically for about a minute. All the time Suzanne keeps her son’s head nestled between her breasts. The movement of his head also increases while laughing along with the rubbing of the lace with her breasts/nipples and her pussy is starting to tingle.

At another time Suzanne would physically provide some distance between herself and son but not tonight. She is going to give him all the Love necessary. She already has stated her willingness to Protect and has decided she is going to Teach.

“JJ, let me tell you something as a woman and I want you to listen carefully. Most women love romance and being treated like a Queen. We love our men to be attentive both in and out of the bedroom or in other words be a fun and a nice guy. And if you do pay attention and treat us like a Queen there is very little we will not do for our man.”

Suzanne goes silent for a few seconds, giving what she has just said the opportunity to sink in.

Continuing Suzanne says, “tonight or tomorrow morning I want you to make a list of three girls that you can ask to the Prom. Many of the young women will already have dates but you will make someone very happy when you ask them to be your date early next week.

And two weeks from now it is your birthday and you and I are going to go out to a special dinner. I will be your date for that evening and I want you to show me how you can treat a woman like a Queen. And you could do a lot worse than being seen with me at a fancy Manhattan restaurant.”

“I know mom, my friends all say you are hot, and while I am your son, they do have a point. You are very beautiful and I love you and thank you for being here for me tonight,” replies JJ.

Suzanne sits up from JJ, taking his head in her hands one last time, gives him a very soft kiss on the lips and says, “I love you so much. Now let’s have a quick dinner and then I am going to bed and you can work on your Prom list.”

Standing up and reaching over to turn on the light Suzanne noticing the top buttons of her blouse have become undone and most of lace black bra is visible and her erect nipples can be seen thru the lace. I wonder when that happened, she thinks. Turning her back, Suzanne quickly fastens one of the buttons and turns the light on.

Mother and son both stand and walk arm and arm into the kitchen to see what there is to eat.


Feasting on a meal of tomato soup and grilled cheese, Suzanne pours herself a glass of white wine and pours one for JJ. “You earned it, you’re old enough already to have sex legally, and able to vote or join the army, then you’re old enough to have a glass of wine with your mother.”

They sat in silence while finishing their dinner and sipping their wine. Suzanne refills her glass and pours JJ a half glass more and they clinked glasses. After finishing up, JJ. clears the paper plates from the table and tells his mom he will also wash the dishes, which consists of one frying pan.

JJ. receives a quick smack on his butt from kolej escort his mother and is reminded playfully she can still take him over of knee if need be.

Suzanne then tells her son; she is going to shower and get ready for bed but will stop by his room and to be prepared for one last ferocious hug. She tops off her wine glass with the remaining wine and walks into her room.

Chapter 2:

After tossing the paper plates out, JJ jumps into his shower and gets ready for bed by slipping into his night time uniform of gym shorts sans underwear and a tee shirt. After finishing the wine, Suzanne, also does her end of day bed time prep. She showers, albeit longer than usual to relax from the intense evening with her son, dries off and puts on her own bed time uniform of a silk robe which ends mid-thigh over sheer boy panties and a tee shirt sans bra.

Suzanne walks down the hall, knocks on JJ’s door and walks into his darken bedroom. Knowing he still is awake, in a very positive tone to her son says, “Ok Mister, I’m here to give you one last ferocious hug and then I’m off to bed.”

What Suzanne is unaware of is that JJ has concluded his mother, due to her lengthy shower, is not coming in to give him a good night hug. Lying back in his bed, he is going through the day’s events. Yes, he is embarrassed and pissed that his cheating girlfriend is not going to the prom and that he is not going to have full sex for the first time but his mother is correct, Leslie is a bitch and he will do better. In fact, he has already decided upon who he will ask to the prom tomorrow.

In the darken room he starts to think about Gina, a very attractive, fun young woman that JJ has known since grade school and wanted to ask out many times before but did not because she was going out with someone else. Gina is a fox and she just recently broke up with her boyfriend She told JJ just last week that she was not going to the prom.

As JJ thinks about Gina his cock starts to grow and then his mind goes to his mother and earlier this evening; recalling his head against his mother’s breasts and seeing her sheer black bra and her nipples down her open blouse, feeling the erect nipples against his cheek. His hand is just starting to stroke himself when Suzanne walks into the room.

Quickly JJ removes his hand from his cock but the erection remains and is standing at full attention. Thank God the lights are out he thinks.

“Ok, JJ get out of bed and give me once last hug for the night,” Suzanne orders him.

“Mom, it’s been a long day, just give me a kiss and I’ll say goodnight,” responds her son.

“No way, No How! Get out of bed and give your mother a huge hug.”

Getting out of bed, JJ tries to hide his erection and is hoping the lack of lights provide enough cover. Bending over at the waist JJ kisses his mother on the cheek and tries to get back under the covers.

Suzanne throws her arms around her son’s neck and pulls him tightly into her body. JJ can feel his mother’s braless breasts through her robe and Suzanne can feel his hard cock pressing against her stomach. Whether it is the wine, the emotion of the day or seeing how much her son resembles his father, her mind goes back many years and she is feeling her departed husband’s cock. Without thinking she pushes her hips into the harden cock and JJ responds like her husband did so many years ago.

Coming to her senses immediately and taking a step back before embarrassing herself and her son further, Suzanne says, “We will talk more tomorrow. I love you so much and remember you have a hot date for a special birthday dinner in a couple of weeks. With that she gives him one last kiss on the lips and says goodnight.


Retreating to her room, Suzanne removes her robe, climbs into bed and whispers to herself, “fuck, I just pushed my pussy mound up against my son’s very hard cock.” At the same moment, JJ is in his room and whispers to himself, “fuck, I just pushed my very hard cock up against my mother’s pussy mound.”

Mother and son in the privacy of their own darken rooms, are staring up at the ceiling. JJ having already started stroking himself prior to his mother entering his room immediately grabs his cock and starts moving it up and down. While he wants to fantasize about Gina, he quickly goes to his mother and the feel of her tits, the feel of her mound against his dick and it only takes a few moments before 4 blasts of his cum are all over his stomach and chest and sheets.

Suzanne, lying in her bed, is thinking of her husband Jimmy and how they loved to dirty dance and how much she loved the feel of his hard cock against her pussy mound. While embarrassed about grinding against her son, it felt so good.

Recalling Jimmy Sr., she moves her hand under her tee shirt and rubs her already hard nipples. Thinking of the feel of his cock when they would dance together, frequently in the nude, Suzanne’s lifts her hips, removes her panties and rubs her already very wet pussy lips. Her left hand finds her clitoris and slowly manipulates it.

Room dark, hands feeling her own pussy, Suzanne’s thoughts go back in time and thinks of her late husband; however, as her tempo increases the image morphs from her husband to her son.

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