Un-Conventional Fun


Warning: This work of FICTION contains scenes of people having sex together consensually, some without their spouses. If this offends you, do not read it! People who complain to the authors here about the content of their stories are, IMNSHO, just like people who move next to the airport and then complain about the noise… Constructive criticism is always welcome, but closed-minded rants have no place here.

Also… This work of FICTION ignores one of the major realities we face today. Always, always, always practice safe sex!

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It had been an exhausting week. Most people hear of a weeklong conference far from home and think “Party!” but I take my job as a teacher way too seriously for that. I live in a small town that’s pretty much “in the boonies” so the opportunity to spend a week talking to my big-city colleagues and finding out how they do things was a great opportunity for me.

There were several hundred teachers from surrounding states, and it was a little daunting at first. My school is very small, we have six classes for grades 1 though 8, and everyone knows everyone else. But as the conference went on, I began to recognize some faces and put names with them.

The last full evening of the conference, I was pretty beat but I had a great session in the afternoon. Several of the people wanted to continue the discussion, so we decided to head to the hotel bar and finish it over drinks.

I suppose I should introduce myself. My name is Shellie, I am 28 and have been married to a wonderful guy named Jim for almost nine years now. We have two great kids and a nice little house. And let’s just say I live somewhere in the Midwest and leave it at that… As far as looks go, I’m 5’6″ with long curly brown hair and big brown eyes. I’m just a few pounds heavier than “totally hot” but I think I look damn good for having two kids and a full time job and not having much free time to work out.

I teach sixth grade, and I love it. It’s a hard job, don’t let anyone kid you. Especially these days with shrinking budgets and so many parents being too busy to take an active role in their child’s education. It’s all worth it, though, when you see the look in a child’s eyes, and that broad smile, when they “get” something.

I’m also actively bisexual. I have been into both men and women since I was in high school. Jim knows all about it, and he supports me totally. As you might imagine, it’s tough to find women to “play with” living in a small town. But I have a few friends, and we get together when we can. We have to be very discreet, since it wouldn’t be good for the word to get out that one of the local teachers was bi.

Jim and I have a great sex life, we love to fuck anywhere and everywhere we can. We love the outdoors, in the car, teasing each other in public places… He loves to take pictures of me, and I love showing off for the camera. I love to masturbate for Jim and the camera, and he has taken lots of pictures and even a video of me getting myself off. We still watch it occasionally and I always get hot, seing myself perform like that. We’ve traded our pictures with other couples, and it’s very exciting to know that other people are turned on by what we do, as much as we are.

We have one couple (Ray and Susan) that we “play with” a little, but so far all we have ever done is fool around in the same room. Jim and I together, with the Ray and Susan watching us and playing with each other. We have never done a threesome (or “moresome”) but we have talked about it and I know Jim loves the idea. I especially love watching Susan masturbate, getting herself off as she watches Jim and I. She and I have masturbated together before, but we’ve never touched each other’s husband for some reason.

Anyway, back to the conference… There were about 10 of us, equally divided between men and women, sitting around two tables in a corner of the bar. Talking about the session, and sharing ideas about how to do “more with less.”

I was sitting next to Kate, who was a seventh grade teacher from St. Louis. I didn’t envy her job; mine in a small town is tough enough but hers has to be nearly impossible! She was a little older than I am, maybe 35, but very pretty. Tall, slender body, prominent cheekbones, shoulder length light brown hair, piercing green eyes. Whenever I looked at her, she would smile at me coyly, then look down at her glass of wine.

Next to her was David, who was from the same school as Kate and they were obviously good friends. He was a little younger than Kate, probably between her and I in age, handsome with wavy blonde hair and sparkly blue eyes. I wondered if they were a couple, since there seemed to be sparks between them. They each had rings on, but their rings were very different.

When our impromptu session broke up, I asked Kate if she had dinner plans. She said she didn’t, so I asked if she would like to dine together. She got a big smile on her face and said, bedava bahis “Sure, if David can join us! I want to freshen up, though, and call my husband.”

David said, “Sure, sounds great. I would love to have a nice dinner with two sexy ladies!”

I smiled. One question answered already, or maybe two… “Yeah, that sounds fun to me too. But I need to call my hubby, too, he worries if I don’t call, me in the big city and all!”

Kate glanced at her watch. “How about if we all meet back here at 7:00? That gives us an hour to freshen up and call our spouses.”

We agreed, and I headed back to my room. I hopped through the shower, not sure of what to wear. I decided on the sexiest thing I had with me, a short tank top and a swingy little mini skirt. I had brought that outift in case I went dancing, but that hadn’t happened. A strapless bra and thong, both in red, completed the outfit. I would have loved to skip the bra, but after two kids I don’t think I am quite “perky” enough to go without one.

I talked to Jim, but only told him that I was going out to dinner with two people I had met at the conference. He asked if I had found a girl for the night. Jim knew that it had been a long time for me since I had been with a woman, and I missed a woman’s touch. I told him I wasn’t sure, but if anything happened I would tell him.

I went back down to the lobby and met Kate and David. She was dressed in this slinky dress that showed off her tall, slender body. David was dressed more casually, in a polo shirt and chinos, but he looked good. He was obviously in shape, but not overly muscular.

We went to the restaurant in the hotel, and found we would have to wait for a while, so we went into the bar and had more drinks. I’m not a big drinker, so between the earlier drinks and this one, I was feeling a nice buzz. And one thing that always happens is that the “buzz” moves between my legs, for some reason my clit gets ultra sensitive when I drink. Tonight was no different, I could feel little twitches as I sat there.

We had slid into a booth in a back corner of the bar, with Kate in the middle. The three of us talked, sharing more of our personal details. And as we talked, I continued to get this strong feeling that Kate and David were more than just colleagues. So, I decided to press my luck…

“Kate, David, I know this is really none of my business, but I sense this strong vibe between you two. I know you are both married, but not to each other. Are you lovers?”

Kate blushed, and David smiled. “It’s that obvious, is it?”

I nodded. “It’s okay, you two… I understand completely.”

Kate looked at me, then smiled. “Good… So many people are totally judgmental, they don’t understand that sometimes people need more than their spouses are willing or able to give…”

“Exactly… Do your spouses know?”

David said, “God, no, and we would probably lose our jobs if the school board found out.”

I was surprised. “Oh, really? That sounds like something that would happen in my town, not in a big city.”

“You might be surprised how ‘small town’ the big cities can be!”

They went on to tell about how they had met two years before, at the school where they both teach. That there had been an instant attraction between them. Kate’s husband had been in a major car accident and had been totally disabled for three years, and that David’s wife was, to use his words, “…a frigid bitch who hated sex.”

With their secret out, David moved around to the other side of the booth, so Kate was sitting between us. His hand moved under the table, and soon Kate got this dreamy look in her eyes.

I looked down, and saw that Kate’s dress was slid way up and David’s hand was underneath it, between her legs. Kate gave a little squeak and then opened her legs wider for David’s hand. This sight was very erotic to me, these two were getting me wet.

I leaned in to Kate and whispered in her ear. “Oooooh, Kate, so sexy… Is David going to get you off right here in the restaurant?”

Then I ran my tongue around the inside of her ear. Kate shivered, and her hand slid down to my bare thigh.

She turned to me and whispered, “This has been one of my fantasies for a LONG time… To have someone touch me, get me off, in a public place. And all the people here have no clue what is going on, they are just drinking their drinks, chatting away, while David is making me cum on his hand…”

I moved my mouth back to her ear and moaned softly into it. I whispered, “I’ve had that same fantasy, and my husband and I love to play in public. Can I help you get off?” and I moved my hand down to her thigh.

Kate moaned and moved her thigh so it was on top of mine, and her legs were spread wide apart. I moved my hand under her skirt and found David’s, and also discovered that Kate was not wearing any panties. David was sliding his finger in and out of Kate, and I could feel that she was soaking wet.

I slid casino siteleri my finger up and found Kate’s hard clit. I dipped a fingertip into her pussy alongside David’s, getting it wet, then brought it back to her little nubbin. She moaned softly, and was biting her lower lip. I took her earlobe in my mouth and sucked it, then ran my tongue around her ear again.

Kate’s hips were arching up, forcing David’s finger deeper inside her. I whispered, “Quiet, baby, you don’t want anyone to know, you just want to get off…”

I kept whispering naughty things into her ear, telling her what a nasty girl she was, how hot it was to be fucking her in public, how I loved hearing her little whimpers, knowing she wanted to moan out loud but couldn’t…

I thought she was getting close, then David gently pressed his fingertip against her ass. Her legs stiffened and she bit down hard on her lip. She was trying to maintain some decorum but it was obvious (to me, anyway!) that she was having a HUGE orgasm. Her body was shaking, her erect nipples were poking against her dress, and her breathing was erratic. I could feel David slamming his finger into her, hard, trying to prolong her pleasure.

Finally she slumped back into the booth, and David and I removed our hands. I brought mine to her mouth, and she licked one finger sensually. She then brought my hand to my mouth and said, “Now you taste…” I licked my fingers clean. David was doing the same, licking his hand clean of her juices.

After she caught her breath a little, Kate turned to me and said, “Thank you, Shellie! That has been a fantasy of mine for a long time, and to have a woman join in made it that much hotter…”

“Kate, since you shared your fantasy with me, I need to share with you. I am bi, and I would like nothing more than to take you back to my room right now and fuck you all night long…”

Kate shuddered, and turned to me. “Mmmmmm… Another of my fantasies… But what about David?”

We looked at him, and I smiled. “Would you like to watch us? I can’t promise anything , but if you’re a good boy maybe we will let you join in, too!”

He got this big smile on his face, then said, “Do we really want dinner now?”

I shook my head and said, “I loved the appetizer but I want to go straight to dessert! Come on, you two, let’s go…”

We slid out of the booth and told the hostess that we had changed our minds. The three of us walked to the elevators, then I smiled at them.

“Well, your place, or your place, or mine?”

We all laughed, then Kate said, “How about mine? David is actually next to me, with a connecting door…”

We entered the room, then Kate turned to David. “Okay, David, Shellie and I really want to do this, but I have never done anything like this before… We’ll need to set some ground rules.” She looked at me, and I nodded.

Kate continued, “First off, ‘No’ means ‘No’! If either of us gets uncomfortable with what’s happening, we will say ‘No’ or ‘Stop’ and we all stop, immediately, no questions asked… Second, if you get uncomfortable with her and I together, you need to leave, we’re not going to stop for you. And most important, to start with we just want you to watch us. I know it’s going to be tough, just sitting there watching, but you don’t get involved until we ask you to, okay?”

David nodded his head, “Yes. I don’t have a problem with that… I know just watching you two will be very hot all by itself!”

I smiled, “Yes, it will! And I have no idea how this will go, it could happen that Kate and I end up just wanting each other… If that happens, no whining, okay, David? You just sit there and enjoy the show…”

He nodded his head, again. His expression was priceless… He looked like he figured that he was definitely going to get left out, but I wasn’t going to tell him that I was very turned on at the idea of sharing him with Kate.

Kate spoke up, “Okay, let’s all retire to the bedroom. Remember, David, you only watch until we ask you to join us.”

Her saying “until” rather than “unless” perked David back up. I think Kate knew it as well as I did, that I hadn’t come this far to back away.

Kate brought a chair in with her, and set it next to the bed. It was close enough to see very well, but not close enough to touch. She pointed to it, and David sat down.

“Oh, no… If we’re going to be naked, YOU are going to be naked, too!” Kate said. David looked at us, and got this wicked grin on his face. I don’t think I have ever seen anyone get undressed faster, and he sat back down on the chair. I could see that his cock was semi-erect, laying across his thigh, and it was at least 6 inches long already!

Kate and I stripped and lay on the bed. I was on the side closer to David. I was on my side next to her, facing away from David. I know my bare ass was right in front of his face.

Kate and I started kissing. She is a great kisser, and I could have kissed her for hours. bahis siteleri Her hands were exploring my body, cupping my ass and pulling my body tight into hers. I had one arm around her neck and was exploring her small, firm breasts with the other. I took her erect nipple between my fingers and rolled it, loving the soft moan that she gave into my mouth.

Kate’s hand was caressing my ass, and when she dipped her finger between my legs, I moaned, too. Her long fingers danced all over, sliding down my crack, teasing my asshole, then slipping down and inside my pussy. I know I was already wet, and her fingertip slipped inside me easily. I rolled on top of her, and pressed back with my hips against her hand. My hand was still teasing her breasts, pulling and twisting the nipples as we kissed.

I broke the kiss and leaned forward to whisper into her ear, “Mmmmmmm… God, baby, want you soooo bad!” Then I ran the tip of my tongue around her ear and sucked her earlobe.

Kate gasped, and her thigh arched up against my mound. Her hands were on my ass, and I was grinding myself into her leg. Kate’s long fingers began teasing my clit as we continued to kiss. I could feel that my pussy was sopping wet, and her thigh was getting slippery from my juices.

Kate pulled me forward so that my breasts were above her mouth, then sucked my nipple between her lips. Her other hand was still between my legs, stroking my clit and sliding into my wet pussy.

Kate raised her head and whispered into my ear, “God, do I want you, baby girl, turn around so we can taste each other…”

She arched her hips up and I turned around, so that we were in the classic 69 position. I lowered my head between her open legs and saw that Kate had her bush trimmed very short and mostly shaved alround her lips. I was delighted to find her pussy was already soaking wet, too.

I lowered my hips into her face, and was rewarded by her long tongue darting deep inside me. I rocked my hips back and forth against her face, as I spread her lips with my fingers and sucked her hard little clit into my mouth. I slid a fingertip along her slit, and Kate moaned and arched her hips forward. My finger slid easily into her wetness, and she spread her legs wider so I could fuck her with my fingers and mouth.

Her tongue was busy, flicking all over my clit then diving deep into my dripping pussy. She took a fingertip and gently worked it into my ass. As she slowly worked her finger into me, I could feel a huge orgasm building.

I had two fingers buried in her, sliding them in and out. With my other hand, I had her lips spread wide, and I was sucking on her clit. Holding it between my teeth, fluttering my tongue across it with light, fast licks. I could tell that she was getting ready to cum, too.

She reached between us with her free hand and took one of my nipples between two fingers. She pinched it, HARD, and pulled and twisted it. Her finger slammed deep into my ass, and her mouth was fastened on my clit. She was sucking and fucking me, and I surrendered myself to the feelings.

I was moaning and grinding my hips into her face, fucking myself against her mouth and hands. My body stiffened and I screamed, “Oh, God yesssss… Fuck me, Kate, just like that!” then my orgasm hit me, hard! I could feel my pussy and ass spasming around her tongue and fingers, and my juices were pouring out onto her face.

When I came back down to earth a little, Kate twisted around so that we were facing each other. I was kneeling at the edge of the bed. She scooted around on the bed so that my face was between her legs. Her lips were glistening with her juices. I dove between her open thighs, licking and sucking. I wanted to give this sexy woman the same pleasure she had given me, and more…

I had the fingers of one hand holding her lips wide apart as I sucked her clit, and was fucking her with two fingers of my other hand. Kate was thrusting up with her hips, fucking back against my hand and tongue.

Kate gasped, “You love this, don’t you baby? You love sucking my pussy, tasting my cum, don’t you?”

I looked up at her, and ran my tongue around my lips. “What do you think, baby? Of course I love it!”

“David loves it, too!”

I had gotten into loving Kate, and had totally forgotten that David was even there… I looked over to see him still sitting in the chair, his now erect cock sticking straight up from his lap. He had his hand wrapped around his shaft, gently squeezing it but not too hard, wanting the sensations to last.

I noticed a camera sitting on the table next to him. “Did you take pictures of us, you naughty boy?” I asked.

“Yes, I had to… That was SOOOO fucking hot, watching the two of you like that!”

One position I have fantasized about in a threesome, was me on my knees, licking the girl while the guy was fucking me hard and fast from behind. Kate asked, “Well, Shellie, you ready to get fucked by David’s big cock now?”

I moaned and spread my legs wider, showing David how wet and ready I was. I reached back with one hand and spread my pussy open and said, “Yessssss… Please, David, fuck me now! Fuck me with that big cock!” Then I lowered my face back to Kate’s pussy and went back to licking her.

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