Do You Trust Me?


Our love life had been a bit stale as of late. Not too surprising–when you’ve known a girl for eight years and lived with her for four, you’re bound to hit a few dry spells now and then.

The night before, as I turned out the lamp on the nightstand and slipped into the sheets, Gretchen told me that she had something planned that would get us out of our doldrums. She refused to tell me what it was, saying only that I’d have to wait until the next evening.

Needless to say, I had a hard time concentrating throughout the next day. Gretchen can be one hell of a tease, and even after eight years she still manages to surprise me. I counted down the hours, waiting for my lover to come home.

After we had dinner, Gretchen told me to go take a shower and clean up while she cleaned up the kitchen. I went back into the bedroom and stripped out of my work clothes, then into the bathroom where I turned on the shower and got in. My body was nearly shaking with anticipation, wondering what Gretchen had planned for me.

When I finished and got out, Gretchen was there waiting for me. She toweled off my body, sensuously but not too slow. With a brush she combed through my hair, leaving it straight and still wet. Finally, she produced an emerald green satin robe and slipped it on me from the back. It was a robe I hadn’t seen before, and it was so short that it barely reached mid-thigh.

“Where’d this come from?” I asked.

“It’s a gift,” was all she said as she reached around my front to tie the sash around my waist. “Do you like it?”

I turned my neck around to look at her. “I love it. It feel so smooth on my skin.”

I moved my mouth towards hers for a kiss, but she pulled her head back, denying me the taste of her luscious lips. I arched my eyebrows questioningly. “Not yet,” was all the explanation that she offered. “Go into the bedroom and wait for me.”

Gretchen closed the bathroom door behind me as I exited. I heard the shower turn on, but with the door closed I could only imagine her getting cleaned up for me. With nothing to do but wait, I looked around. The bed had been stripped of nearly all the bedding, leaving just the bottom sheet and the two pillows. I also noticed that Gretchen had placed a candle and a pack of matches on the dresser. I picked the candle up and brought it close to my face, inhaling the fragrance: vanilla, one of my favorites. Striking a match, I lit the candle, watching the flame as it began to burn and fill the room with the warm, sweet odor. The window was open and a light breeze lofted through, causing the flame to dance with the wind.

I was so mesmerized by the tiny fire that I hadn’t noticed that Gretchen had finished. In the mirror over the dresser I saw her come out of the bathroom behind me, wearing a robe identical to the one she had given to me a few minutes before. I expected her to approach me, but instead she walked over to the window.

“I see you found the candle,” she said as she turned the rod on the blinds. She didn’t close them all the way, leaving enough of a gap to let the setting sunlight come partially through, causing the room to be bathed in a warm orangish-yellow glow.

Silently, bursa otele gelen escort Gretchen came over and took me by the hand, leading me over next to the bed. We were facing each other, standing so close that our breasts were nearly touching. She had a very serious look on her face and looked straight into my eyes, her deep blue eyes peering to the very bottom of my soul.

“Do you trust me?” she asked.

The question hung there for a minute. My first impulse was to blurt out: ‘of course I do!’, but I could tell that she wanted me to seriously consider her words. Did I trust her?

“Yes,” I replied, that one simple word saying volumes. I would trust my life, my very soul to this woman.

Gretchen nodded her head. “Good,” she replied. She reached into the pocket on the front of the robe and pulled out a black fabric blindfold. I wasn’t all that surprised, as just the evening before we had read a story involving a blindfold and Gretchen had had a wicked little grin on her face. So I was somewhat expecting this part. What I didn’t know was what she had planned after she put the blindfold on me.

She smiled slightly as she lifted the blindfold up over my eyes. I couldn’t see a thing; it was pitch black. I could only feel her forearms on the side of my head as she tied the blindfold in place.

Next I felt her hands run over the smooth silk of my robe down to the sash, which she slowly untied. She pulled the robe back off my shoulders and let it fall to the floor in a pile at my feet.

Completely naked, I now stood before my lover. Gently, she ran her fingers over my body, gently tracing circles around my breasts. “You are so beautiful,” she told me, speaking barely above a whisper. “You are so very special to me.” She kissed my lips, briefly and only once.

“Lay down on the bed,” Gretchen instructed me. With her arms she guided me down on my backside. The cool cotton of the sheet contrasted with the low heat that was beginning to build inside of me. “Lift your arms above your head,” Gretchen said, even as she was folding my arms above me herself.

I felt Gretchen get up and move away. “Stay just like that,” she said. “Don’t move.” I heard her walk over to the dresser and open a drawer, then she came back over to me. The next thing I knew I felt a silk scarf being wrapped around my wrists. That surprised me. On rare occasions we’d played around with restraints in the past, but never blindfolded. I started to say something, but then remembered Gretchen’s question, hearing it within my head: ‘Do you trust me?’

“I trust you,” I said aloud. “That’s good, my sweet,” Gretchen replied, tying the scarf. It wasn’t tight, and I could have easily broken free if I’d wanted to. I couldn’t see what Gretchen did next, but I soon figured out that she had tied the other end of the scarf to one of the bedposts. There was plenty of slack, but not enough to allow me to bring my arms back down from over my head.

With my hands now secure, Gretchen once again began to run her fingers over my body, as well as placing light kisses across my bare flesh. I was naked and exposed before bursa eve gelen eskort my lover. She would do with me what she pleased.

Without saying a word, Gretchen ceased her attentions to my body and I heard her walk out of the bedroom. I have no idea how much time passed while I was alone. I could only smell the warm scent of the candle burning, hear the wind rustle the blinds, and feel my naked body against the sheets.

After what seemed like forever, Gretchen returned, setting several things down on the nightstand. She sat down on the bed near my head. I wondered what she had brought in with her. It wasn’t long before I found out.

I shuddered involuntarily as I felt a cold ice cube touch against the top of my chest, one of those crescent shaped ice slivers that our ice maker in the freezer creates. Slowly, gently, Gretchen moved the shard of ice up one collarbone and then the other. I leaned my head back as she ran it up my neck, exposing my entire throat to her. She moved it up over my jaw to my lips, inviting me to suck on the frozen water.

After the first shard had melted away in my mouth, Gretchen produced another one. This time she began at my breasts, circling the ice around in a spiral ending at my hard nipple, one breast and then the other. Once that sliver had melted away she used a third, first rubbing it across my abdomen, then down between my legs to my slit. By this time my pussy was rather warm, and my body thrashed as the cool, smooth ice caressed my shaved lips.

“Relax, sweetie,” Gretchen said, using her free arms to press my thighs back down flat against the bed. She continued to rub the ice around my crotch, and I shivered hard when she pressed the tip against my clit.

After the ice had melted away, Gretchen brought something else up to my lips: a strawberry, dipped in cool whip. I bit into the sweet fruit held in her fingertips, savoring the sweet flavor in my mouth. The she brought another strawberry to my mouth, but this time dipped in chocolate syrup. She alternated between berries dipped in cool whip and in chocolate, sometimes letting the syrup drip onto my face, shoulders or breasts, which she then would lick clean. When she came down to the last berry, she climbed up on top of me, straddling my stomach. Then, holding the berry in her teeth, she leaned over me, offering the berry to my mouth. We both bit into it at the same time, then she kissed me, a sweet strawberry kiss from my lover.

For several minutes we kissed with Gretchen on top of me, only her smooth robe separating our bodies. Instinctively I tried to move my arms down to wrap around her, but the scarf stopped me from doing so. I was still at my lover’s mercy. I could not see her or touch her myself, I could only feel her body and her lips pressing against my own.

When finally she got up off of me, I wanted to reach my arms out, grab her and force her to stay, but of course I couldn’t. I struggled to hear what she might be up to next, but all I could tell was that she hadn’t left the room.

Finally Gretchen came back over to me, leaning her mouth down to whisper in my ear. I could tell bayan escort bursa from her nipples pressing into my arm that she had discarded her robe. “Are you ready for a surprise?” she asked me. I nodded my head ‘yes’, though I couldn’t imagine what she had in store next.

Gretchen moved down to the foot of the bed. She grabbed my legs by the knees and lifted them up and back, completely exposing my wet pussy. I expected her to lean down and lick me, but instead I felt something rub against my slit. For a brief second I though it was a dildo, but then I realized that couldn’t be, as she was still holding my legs back with both of her hands. As it began to press into me, I realized that my lover was wearing a strap-on, and she intended to fuck me with it!

In the eight years we’d been having sex, we’d never used a strap-on before. In fact we rarely used toys at all, only on those occasions when we were both in the proper mood. But here she was, thrusting slowly inside of me. “Oh Gaawwwdd!” I moaned as she began to slowly fuck me. She let go of my legs and I wrapped them around her hips. My thrusts matched hers as we banged our pelvises together.

Gretchen reached her hands to my face and moved the blindfold up from my eyes onto my forehead. “I want you to see how beautiful we look,” she told me. I gasped at the beauty of the sight, my golden-tressed lover thrusting her faux-cock between my thighs. She sat back up straight, her large breasts bouncing as she pounded inside of me.

“Do you like me fucking you?” she asked me in a husky voice. “Do you like me fucking your pussy?”

“Ohhhh Yes Baby Yes!” I cried out. My entire body tensed as I finally came, my legs squeezing around her and then going limp.

“Oh baby, you look so beautiful being fucked like that,” Gretchen told me as she pulled back out of me. She replaced the flesh-colored shaft with two of her fingers, pushing them up inside of me. “Oh, you’re sooo wet,” she said, removing her fingers and then licking my juices off.

Gretchen grabbed me around my thighs. “Roll over,” she told me, as her arms helped me to twist over on my belly. She pushed my knees up under my hips, causing my ass to rise up into the air. I tried to twist my head to look at her, but with my arms still above my head I couldn’t twist my shoulders enough. I could only feel as she once again guided the strap-on into me, this time taking me from behind. I cried and moaned with pleasure as she fucked me through two more orgasms.

I was totally exhausted, my body covered in sweat when Gretchen finally finished with me. She rolled me back over onto my back, and I watched as she took off the new toy that had given me so much pleasure. I noticed that the harness had an attachment that had been up inside her own pussy, meaning that she too had been pleasured while she had fucked me.

I opened my mouth to speak, but found that I couldn’t–I didn’t have the strength. Gretchen took a pair of scissors and cut through the length of scarf that had been attaching my hands to the bed. She then untied my hand and took me into her arms, cradling me, kissing me, and wiping away the hairs that were sticking to the sweat on my brow. I felt safe in her arms. ‘Do you trust me?’ she had asked. Yes, I would always trust her, my lover and my best friend. “Close your eyes, my sweet,” she told me, rocking me gently in her arms until I fell asleep.


The Fine Print: This story is copyright 1999 Kelly Adams.

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