Cobalt Blue Ch. 01


Chapter 1: Truth and Consequences

The tall, powerfully built, expensively dressed man sighed impatiently. Jackson, Jaze Kingston had been separated from his partner and he had been locked in a large, damp cellar. There were no windows and no other door and the assorted bits and pieces strewn around didn’t lend themselves to being of any use as potential weaponry. Jaze flicked at imaginary dust on his lapel as he tried not to think of what might be happening to his partner.

Stewart, Stewie Donovan was Jaze’s idea of a perfect partner and not just the type to work well alongside him. A few years younger than Jaze, smaller, slender, with shoulder length blond hair and beautiful blue eyes that often sparkled with mirth or mischief, but could look like chips of sapphire if the younger man was angry. It wasn’t that a relationship was forbidden. In fact their Chief was of the mind that relationships made the group stronger, less likely to take risks or go out on unnecessary limbs. What had stopped Jaze was his uncertainty as to how Stewie would react to a relationship with the man who was also his Team Leader; the Team Leader of Cobalt Blue. Nor was Jaze sure Stewie would even be interested in a relationship with a man. So the older man had kept a mental store of Stewie fantasies and had watched and waited for the past few months to gauge how Stewie might respond.

Now the bigger man feared that his caution may have been for nothing. They had walked into a trap. Stewie had been dragged away only partially conscious. Two big goons had beaten the smaller man to the ground as Jaze had been forced to watch. The Drug Baron asking questions of Jaze the bigger man literally couldn’t answer. It seemed they had stumbled into someone else’s territory. Jaze could only hope that the distress signal he’d activated in his watch had been received before it had been removed by one of the goons and that a rescue team were on their way. He stared worriedly at the cellar door. A lot of damage could be done in the meantime even if they were. He made a mental promise to discover whether he stood any chance with his young partner once they were out of danger.

The sound of raucous laughter snapped Jaze out of his reverie and the big man tensed, ready to attack if the opportunity arose. As the door opened and a small blond figure was thrust inside, all thoughts of escape fled Jaze’s mind. Stewie’s hands were tightly handcuffed behind his back. Stewie’s face and body displayed the evidence of a further beating. More worrying still was the fact that all Stewie now wore were skimpy baby blue bikini briefs. Jaze felt his heart in his throat as he caught the restrained young man before he could fall face down on unforgiving ground. Glancing into Stewie’s face, Jaze could see the dazed look that could herald either concussion or drugs. He drew the young man into his lap as he sat on the cold, damp ground, not wanting the more vulnerable man to have to sit on it. He cradled Stewie without embarrassment as he glared at the goons.

“Have fun, boys,” one of the two goons that had originally beaten Stewie called from the doorway. “We have to go out now, but when we finish we’ll be back to play with pretty-boy.”

The door slammed shut and Jaze could hear them laughing outside. Jaze’s arms tightened around the slender form, feeling sickened. He knew exactly what form that ‘play’ would take.

“Stewie,” Jaze spoke softly. “You with me, Stewie?” He looked worriedly into the bruised visage, the superficial damage not distracting from the blond’s beauty. That beauty intensified as a smile of genuine pleasure lit up the beloved face as Stewie recognised Jaze.

“You’re here,” Stewie said.

“Did they give you something, Stewie?” Jaze asked with concern. Stewie didn’t seem to realise his state or their predicament.

“Mmm,” came the less than eloquent reply.

“What, Stewie? What did they give you?”

Stewie blinked owlishly, his blue eyes wide as he gazed at Jaze. He smiled widely again and Jaze groaned inwardly. Under almost any other circumstances he would have loved to see that smile directed at him.

“Sodium pen’thol,” Stewie replied. “The big bad guys wanted to shoot me up with other stuff but the Boss said not yet. Wanted to make sure we weren’t lying. Just wanted me truthful. Didn’t answer him, though,” Stewie said, and then added. “I couldn’t, so they hurt me again.”

Jaze looked at the saddened face wishing he could ease the younger man’s hurts.

“I’m glad you’re here.” Stewie said smiling again.

“Are you?” Jaze asked with a smile of his own.

“I’m always glad when you’re around,” Stewie declared then looked shocked.

“You don’t always show it,” Jaze teased gently.

“That’s cos it’s a secret that I can’t tell you,” Stewie said, his face sad once more.

Jaze decided he really didn’t want to see that look on the helpless young man. Then he frowned at Stewie’s words.

“You liking me around is a secret?” he asked rhetorically. Then his eyes opened nilüfer escort wide. Could there actually be a possibility? “Do you like me, Stewie?” he asked quietly, trying to make the slender man look at him. Stewie’s eyes were still wide and the look of shock came back as Jaze took in the nod of Stewie’s head. “Really like me?” the older man pressed relentlessly. At the hesitant nod, Jaze took in a deep breath and prayed he wasn’t wrecking a good working partnership and an even better friendship. “Speak to me, Stewie,” he commanded softly. “Do you love me?”

“Yes.” The word was the barest whisper and yet the sweetest sound Jaze had ever heard. But he was concerned to see that now Stewie didn’t just look shocked, but frightened and pained.

“Does loving me hurt you, Stewie?” Jaze asked perplexed at Stewie’s demeanour.

“Yes,” came the whispered reply and Jaze could feel the younger man trembling in his arms.

“Why?” he asked, needing to know how to reassure his new lover.

“Because you don’t love me,” came the mournful reply and a large tear slid down Stewie’s bruised cheek.

“Oh, Stewie, love,” Jaze smiled. “There have been several women in my life and some men. It’s easy to have an open relationship with a woman but I had to be careful with the men I dated. I had to be even more careful not to make the wrong move when it came to you, you were too special.” He removed his handkerchief from the suit breast pocket and carefully wet it. Gently he cleansed the blood from the cut to Stewie’s lower lip and then covered Stewie’s lips with his own. His reward was a soft sweet sigh that went straight to the older man’s heart. He broke the kiss to gaze lovingly at the now panting young man in his arms.

“Jaze,” Stewie gasped, his eyes were now filled with a mix of shock and what Jaze hoped was love. “I don’t…you didn’t…”

Noises from behind the cellar door stopped the disorientated young man from continuing his confused ramblings and instead Jaze heard a small whimper of fear. “They said they would…they wanted. Jaze, I’ve never…” Stewie said brokenly.

“They’ll have to go through me first, love,” Jaze growled protectively. He swept Stewie up from the floor and into his arms. He carried the shaking, precious bundle to one of the far corners. Tucking Stewie under tarpaulin and some broken furniture, Jaze took off his jacket and went to stand by the cellar door. They would find Stewie easily enough if that was what they wanted. But Jaze was willing to fight to protect his younger lover – or even offer himself in Stewie’s stead.

Something about Stewie’s words kept swirling around Jaze’s mind. Making a conscious effort, the older man put the words from his mind and allowed the adrenaline to course through his veins.

Jaze then found himself sagging with relief as uniformed police entered the cellar.

“Kingston, Donovan?” the lead officer asked. “We had a call from your department.”

“Jaze, Stewie,” a dark skinned woman and an older blond man came racing in.

“Shiraz, Leo,” Jaze said relief colouring his voice. “Thanks for the cavalry. We need an ambulance for Stewie. He was beaten and drugged.”

“We’re on it.”

The uniformed policeman hesitated as the members of Jaze’s team ran to arrange medical assistance. “Do you need any help?” he asked as he scanned the area.

“No thanks, Officer,” Jaze smiled. “I can manage.”

He swept up his jacket. Moving to where he had hidden Stewie, Jaze found the younger man unconscious. He draped his jacket around the near naked body as he lifted Stewie into his arms. He strode past the policeman, wanting nothing more than to get Stewie checked out and home so they could continue their confessions of love.

Jaze’s stride was jaunty as he made his way to Stewie’s hospital room. The police statement and debriefing had taken longer than anticipated. He had, however, ensured a message was delivered to Stewie telling him to wait at the hospital as Jaze would come to take him home. Jaze had envisioned that would have been two hours earlier. He knocked and smiling stepped inside the room. His smile faded immediately. The room was empty and looked like it had been unoccupied for some time.

“Can I help you?” a female voice came from behind Jaze.

“I was told Mr Donovan was in this room. A blond young man.” Jaze added.

“Oh yes,” the nurse said smiling. “Such a nice young man. But he seemed very sad. I thought a call had come to say someone would come to collect him, but he insisted he would get a taxi. I didn’t think he should have gone home alone. I expect there was some mix-up?” she asked.

“Some mix-up indeed,” Jaze growled, then smiled reassuringly. “I’ll go and unmix things,” he said.

Outside Stewie’s apartment, Jaze banged hard on the door.

“I know you’re in there Stewie,” he shouted. “I don’t care whether it’s the door or my fist that breaks first, but I’m not leaving here till we’ve talked face to face.”

Jaze görükle escort stood listening and heard the noise that heralded the door being unlocked, but Stewie didn’t open it. Taking a steadying breath, Jaze stepped resolutely into the apartment. Jaze’s breath caught in his throat.

Stewie wore old, figure hugging sweat pants and a button fronted brushed cotton shirt, open enough to reveal some of Stewie’s smooth chest. The sight of bruising there brought Jaze up short and made the older man frown remembering the beatings Stewie endured.

“What are you doing here, Jaze?” Stewie asked with a sigh.

“I said I’d come and get you.” Jaze replied stepping forward and closing the gap physically, although he recognised there was a huge psychological gap still between them. Stewie was acting as though they had never made any confessions of love.

“I waited a while and then sent a message to say I’d get a taxi,” Stewie said defensively.

Jaze’s frown deepened. If any messages had come for him, Shiraz would have taken them and she had assured the older man there were no messages. That woman was incredibly sharp, Jaze mused.

“Stewie, back in the cellar…” Jaze began, but Stewie interrupted.

“I was drugged and beaten, Jaze,” he said, his tone desperate. “Can’t we just forget it and carry on as before? I swear I won’t bother you.”

At the pleading look in Stewie’s eyes, Jaze had found himself moving forward again till he was inches away from Stewie. At this distance the look of desperation in Stewie’s eyes was unmistakable.

“Bothered, Stewie?” Jaze asked incredulously.

“I told you I loved you, Jaze,” the distressed young man said. “I know you don’t feel the same…”

“Who says I don’t feel the same?” Jaze demanded aggressively. He had just found this young man and he had no intention of letting him go. He was Jaze’s and he meant for Stewie to realise it. He stood even closer to his heart’s desire, allowing love, lust and desire to shine from his hazel eyes.

“You never said anything…” Stewie began, but the desolation in the blue eyes was too much for Jaze to bear. He realised Stewie was right, he hadn’t said anything of his feelings for the younger man. Believing actions would speak louder then words, he closed the last of the distance between them. His eyes never left Stewie’s as he wrapped a possessive arm around the slender waist. He pulled the unresisting body hard against him. He used his other hand to angle Stewie’s head and covered the lush lips with his own.

Jaze kissed gently, running his tongue over the seam of Stewie’s lips until the younger man opened to him with a moan of pleasure. He slid his tongue into the warm, wet cavern and began to explore every nook and cranny, tasting toothpaste and Stewie’s own unique flavour. He growled in pleasure at the essential taste of his mate and the evidence of Stewie’s arousal pressing into his thigh. He broke the kiss and stood holding the lithe form as they both panted softly.

“I’ve been attracted to you since you came to work for me, Stewie,” Jaze confessed. “It became something more so gradually even I didn’t realise it. But I didn’t want to jeopardise a good friendship and so I waited for an opportune moment. I thought you were beyond my reach, Stewie. But now I want you and I want an ‘us’. Before we go any further, I need to know what you want. I need to know it’s the same as me, cos I won’t settle for less than everything from you.”

“It’s been my dream that you would want me,” Stewie confessed. “The Chief knew of my preferences and said so long as I was discreet it would make no difference. I saw you and didn’t need discreet. I measured every possible partner against you and turned them down.”

Jaze reached out to touch the bruise visible on Stewie’s chest. He trailed the hand up to Stewie’s face and smiled as the younger man leant into the simple caress.

“Will you let me love you, Stewie?” Jaze asked his voice rough with desire.

“Yes, please,” Stewie begged softly.

Jaze’s smile was feral as he took Stewie’s hand. He knew this apartment as he knew his own and he led Stewie to the bedroom. Once inside, Jaze began to kiss Stewie with growing ardour. His hands unfastened Stewie’s shirt as his lips roamed over the beautiful face. He pushed the shirt away and gazed predatorily at the bared skin. Stewie’s skin was a warm honey tone and his nipples were peaked dark discs that begged silently to be kissed, nipped and suckled. He laved at one cinnamon nub as he pushed the sweatpants from Stewie’s slim hips. Pushing Stewie to lie flat, Jaze turned his attention to the neglected nipple, gently pinching and tugging its already sensitised twin till both were achingly hard and Stewie moaned and writhed beneath him.

Jaze slid his hand down between Stewie’s legs, the sweatpants having slid to Stewie’s knees and presenting no barrier to Jaze reaching his prize. Stewie’s shaft was slick with pre-come, smooth and slender and fitted bursa escort perfectly into Jaze’s large hand. Jaze revelled in the sweet mewls of pleasure spilling from Stewie’s lips. Jaze moved his oral assault from Stewie’s nipples, down the smooth chest and tight abdominals until his mouth hovered over Stewie’s hard hot flesh. With one swift move, Jaze engulfed the straining flesh to the root, inhaling Stewie’s musk from the small nest of blond curls. He cupped the sac, heavy with unspent seed and gave it a gentle squeeze as he hummed and swallowed. As he predicted, the triple combination proved too much for Stewie’s already tenuous control. With a scream that Jaze dimly recognised as his name, Stewie erupted into Jaze’s mouth. The older man leant back a little as he greedily drank all his young lover could produce. He licked and suckled tenderly till the organ was soft and spent before allowing it to slip from his voracious mouth.

“Taste how beautiful you are,” he commanded softly taking possession of Stewie’s lush lips. The low moan of passion sent jolt after jolt to Jaze’s aching shaft. He wanted to be buried deep inside this special young man. Sitting up from the satiated younger man to a soft mewl of protest, Jaze removed the sweatpants and gazed possessively at the naked, sated young man. He felt himself get impossibly harder at the erotic sight of the nubile young man unclothed below him as he stood, fully dressed looming over him. Jaze briefly hoped that when their relationship was more developed that Stewie would be amicable to role-play. This was a favourite fantasy.

“Do you ever intend to undress?” Stewie’s voice held a sated sound that changed its tone. Jaze decided he liked it and intended to hear it as often as possible. Locking eyes with the younger man, Jaze’s reply was a smile as he slowly stripped. He stood naked allowing Stewie’s eyes to take their fill.

“So big,” Stewie whispered innocently.

“Don’t worry, baby. ” Jaze assured. “With careful preparation it will fit. Do you like what you see, love?” he asked.

“Let me show you,” Stewie purred reaching his arms open to his older mate. Jaze lowered himself into the waiting embrace and both men gasped at their first skin to skin touch. Stewie’s hand traced through Jaze’s short dark hair to the goatee beard of his lover and down to the powerful chest, trailing his fingers through the dark hair.

“You’re beautiful,” Stewie moaned as he kissed Jaze’s lips.

“Not as beautiful as you, love” Jaze replied. He gazed down at his young lover and noticed a brief flicker of apprehension before Stewie could hide it. “What is it, love?” he asked.

“I want you to make love with me, Jaze,” Stewie said earnestly. “I really do.” He looked away, sighing. Jaze put his finger under the smooth chin and brought the beloved face back to lock gazes.

“Have you ever done this before?” he asked quietly. “Have you made love with a man?”

“Yes…no…I’ve never…”

//I’ve never// the words crashed to the forefront of Jaze’s memory. The cellar, Stewie’s fear. //I’ve never//.

“You’ve never gone all the way?” Jaze asked carefully.

“No,” Stewie said softly. “I knew I was more comfortable with men, so I never had a relationship with girls as it wouldn’t have been fair. I didn’t want ‘just sex’. I wanted more. I wanted love, so I was willing to wait. I love you, Jaze and I want you to make love with me.”

“Do you have any idea of the gift you’re giving me, love?” Jaze asked his voice hoarse. “I love you, Stewie and I want to love you; to show you how much pleasure two men can share. But I need to know you’re sure about this. Once we take this step I won’t ever let you go. You do understand that, Stewie. Once you give yourself to me you’ll be mine, exclusively, permanently.” Jaze’s voice was dark, passionate, aggressive.

“Please, Jaze,” Stewie’s voice was soft, seductive, submissive.

“No one else, Stewie. Ever.” Jaze emphasised.

“Yours, Jaze. I was yours the day we first met. I love you, please love me”

The submissive words spoken so assuredly were all Jaze needed to be certain this was Stewie’s choice. The beautiful boy wanted to be his; believed he was already his. His beautiful boy, his mate; the other half of his soul, of this Jaze was that certain.

“I do love you, sweetheart,” Jaze crooned, calming the agitated young man with soft caresses to the soft blond hair. “And I will love you and show you you’re mine. But I won’t rush this, Stewie. I can only ever take the gift of your innocence, your virginity once and I want it to be forever memorable for all the right reasons.”

“Yours, Jaze?” Stewie asked, looking for the reassurance his mate could give.

“Mine,” Jaze’s voice was a low growl. “Only my touch, Stewie. Only ever mine. No one else will know how you look, taste, sound or feel when you come. Only ever me. My privilege, my prerogative.”

Stewie shivered in arousal and anticipation. He had always thought of himself as independent, outgoing and somewhat of an extrovert. Whilst he didn’t think that would change in the world outside of the bedroom, he suddenly realised he wanted Jaze’s sexual dominance. He wanted to submit to the bigger man and Jaze showed every indication that he would give Stewie exactly what the younger man needed.

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