Tina’s Sleepover Ch. 04 – Jen… and Me


Tina’s Sleepover – IV : Jen and … Me

© 2023 cv andrews

The thing is, when we – all four of us – started this long weekend, the atmosphere in the house was one of sexual expectation – eager for sexual excitement with new – and, lets face it – taboo partners.

But now, by the end of the second day, the atmosphere is like one of a family, with our own partners, but also doing things together, sharing meals and enjoying them together, and in general acting pretty normal.

And you can’t get more “normal” than ordering out for pizza. In this case, a medium cheese-and-sausage and a medium veggie pizza (none of us are vegetarians but Giannelli’s makes a really good one). A small antipasti, a large salad, a 2-liter Pepsi (and no garlic bread!), and we all enjoyed The Great American Meal.

And that’s how we finished Friday dinner, with Jen and her “partner” going off to a room that had become their room and Tina going off to her room with her partner – me — to spend the rest of the evening, together. And that evening might include sex or it might not, but the main thing is, we’ll be sharing it together.

When we got to the room – “our room” – we decided that we were both too full from that last slice of pizza that everyone treated themselves to. Tina’s got a TV in her room with a medium-large screen, certainly big enough that we could both enjoy watching it – from bed, of course.

Tina proposed that we watch a movie, but that I should pick. I went through the OnDemand choices and one caught my eye.

“You ever seen When Harry Met Sally?”

“No, what’s it about?”

“It’s about two long-time friends who in spite of how long they’ve known each other and how great they get along, they never got together …”

“Sounds like a downer.”

“No, it’s not a downer, it’s actually a real good rom-com.”

“Okay, if you think so – let’s watch it!”

I made the necessary button presses and after ninety minutes of laughing – and just a few sentimental tears – I clicked off the TV and Tina snuggled into her familiar position on my shoulder.

After a few minutes of this, just enjoying the experience of watching and laughing through the movie together, and of ending up like this, close to each other, Tina said – asked, “Doug?”

“Yes, Hon?” I thought that by now Tina has become “Hon.”

“Tomorrow night – I think that Dad and I want to spend some time together.”

No “if that’s alright with you.” My assent is not needed for her to want to be with her father. But still, I all of a sudden got this empty feeling inside, like I’m going to be losing something.

But, of course, I’m not. I should never have had even one minute with this incredible young woman, and every minute spent with her – wildly fucking or just holding hands and talking – has been a precious gift. Still, …

Now it’s up to me to be mature, to be grown-up about this.

“I know, Hon. I know how much you love your dad and I’m sure he misses you terribly.”

Despite the generosity of my words, I’m sure Tina sensed how I felt. In fact, much as she wants to be with her dad I think I’ve gotten to know her well enough to know that she’s going to miss being with me.

“But you know, Doug – there’s someone else who’s been wondering when she’s going to get to spend some ‘quality time’ with you.”


Yes, that the other half of this equation, the other part of this weekend’s agenda. Me and Jen.

Part of me was really apprehensive, knowing that tomorrow I’m going to be having incestuous sex with my own teenage daughter.

The other part of me couldn’t wait to get into my teenage daughter and make her scream – scream like Nick Alberts has been making her scream for the past 24 hours.

But right now I’m with Tina, and there’s no other place I want to be – except inside her, which is what I’m going to do now!

~ ~ ~

Breakfast Saturday morning was pretty minimalist: coffee, OJ, toasted English muffins (butter, jam, or lemon curd). Then back to our rooms. I think we were all aware that sometime today we’ll be exchanging partners and we want to enjoy all the time we can with our current ones.

“Jen said that her mom is off to a … sorority reunion? And that she’s going to be staying in a condo with her college roommate – and her family?”

And implicit in Tina’s words “her mom” were the words, “your wife.” I tried to make my response sound casual.

“Yeah, I guess it’s some kind of big deal, and also, she hasn’t gotten together with her old roommate Carol in a long time.”

But Tina and I have gotten close over … over the time we’ve spent together, and I’m pretty sure she sensed the uneasiness in my response. She paused for a moment, like she was trying to decide whether to say something or not. I guess she decided that she had to.

“Doug … the way Jenna told me, it sounds like she thinks it’s going to be more than just sorority get-togethers.” She waited for me to react. I tried not to. “In fact,” taşova escort and her voice kind of dropped, like she didn’t want to say this, “… the way Jen told me, it sounded like she’s pretty sure that … sex … will be involved.” She paused, maybe to give me time to absorb what she said. “Jen’s pretty sure that your wife and this Carol were really close during college and that they probably did a lot of stuff – lesbian stuff – with each other when they were roommates.”

This time she saw my reaction, the tiniest flinch as she put it out there.

She went on. “Jen also said that Carol’s husband is some kind of hunk, and that he was dating Carol when you were dating Janet.”

“Yeah, Jen’s right, he was dating Carol then.” What Jen didn’t know was that Janet dated Hank before Carol did, and that he and Janet “got together” for a brief period when Janet and I were “taking a break” from each other. And she didn’t tell Tina that from the pictures Carol’s emailed, her son looks to be a real stud who’s going to be the spitting image of his dad.

Tina put her hand on mine.

“Are you okay with this, Doug? That your … attractive … wife is going to be spending a long weekend with some people … that she’s has a … sexual history with?”

I kind of broke down and leveled with Tina – sort of.

“Yeah, Tina. It is what it is.” What my resigned response didn’t say was my one real worry – that something might happen that would threaten our family. Kind of like what Tina’s mom was doing on all those “business trips” she’s been taking recently.

Tina squeezed my hand.

“Whatever is okay with you. But I love you, Doug, and I don’t want you or Jenna to get hurt.”

Yes, unsurprisingly, Tina had seen right to the heart of my concerns.

And, yes, she used the “L” word.

And it was alright. I knew that Tina loved me – I could tell it every time said my name or gave me one of those gentle touches, even the way she carefully folded my clothes. I knew that she and her dad were in love with each other, but that she still loved me for … for what she and I have.

So if Janet spends the whole weekend engaging in sex with Carol’s family, well, it’s like I said – it is what it is. But the thought – the possibility – of harming our family …



“Doug, cum inside me.”

She rolled over onto her back and pulled me on top of her, and when I became hard she guided me into her – into her warmth and her wetness – and put her arms around me, one hand stroking my hair, and she held me while I took comfort, in her body, and in her love.

~ ~ ~

Nick and Jen had already ordered out for lunch – Thai, this time – so by the timeTina and I came out the kitchen table already displayed the “Thai Triad” of Soup (tom kha), Salad (grilled beef), and Spring Rolls. Filling, but not heavy – perfect for four people who … who don’t want to be “weighted down.”

Right after lunch Tina dragged Jen off to her room, presumably to talk about IMPORTANT STUFF – which, among other things, probably included comparing notes on their two bed companions. I hoped I’d fare well in the discussion.

Nick and I took our wine and went out to the living room.

There’s some things I’ve been putting off … putting off ever since Tina showed me those photos of her mom, and … The question was, does Nick want to talk about these things?

“Nick, …,” and before I could say anything else he reacted, like he knew, maybe even was waiting for the chance to talk about it.

“Nick, yesterday Tina showed me some cell phone pictures … pictures of Fawn …,” and I didn’t know how much to say, especially if I’d misread the situation and was wrong about him wanting to talk.

“The pictures of Fawn, from her trip to Phoenix?”

“Yeah, those, I guess.”

“And what did you think, Doug?”

That’s a tough one to answer. What are my choices? “They’re filthy – disgusting?” “They’re insanely hot and I got hard just looking at them?” “Oh, Nick, I’m so sorry.” Or what I finally decided to ask.

“So, Nick, what’re you going to do?”

“I guess Tina told you that she and I talked about it?

“What was Tina’s reaction? To the pictures.”

“It surprised me, Doug. Because Tina didn’t seem to care. I got the impression that she’s pretty much written-off her mother, as a mother and as my wife. I guessed she picked up on the way things were between her mother and me a long time ago.”

“Tina said that you’d had some clues …” I didn’t want to say anything more. I wanted to protect Tina’s trust in confiding in me.

“Yeah, there were what I guess you could call ‘clues.'” He paused, deciding just how much he could reveal to me. Finally, I guess he just needed someone he could talk to about this, someone he could share with.

“There were some times – lots of times, actually – where she let me know that she wanted me to pee on her, and I suppose, for her to pee on me. And then tavşanlı escort one time when we were … making love and I had to pee real bad and she finally coaxed me to pee in her – inside her. And there were other things, too, like sometimes when we were … fucking, she’d want me to slap her and twist her nipples real hard …”

… and I thought of Tina, and that time she was on top of me and slapped me and told me to “tear my tits off.”

“… but we never did it again, and finally the hints stopped coming.

“Do you think I should have done it, Doug? I mean, it certainly wouldn’t have killed me. If I’d gone ahead, gone along with her, could it have saved our marriage, to the woman I loved all these years? I’ve asked myself that a hundred times over since Tina showed me those pictures.” He paused for a moment. “But then, would even that have been enough? Because from those photos it looks like even if I’d gone along with her requests then that maybe her … desires … have taken such a hold on her that nothing I could have done …”

It was obvious that telling me these things was a real strain on him. I waited for him to come down a bit and then asked him, “So what do you think you’re going to do, you and Tina?”

“Well, Tina and I have talked about what we’d do if Fawn and I got a divorce … But I don’t want to get too far ahead of things, so for now we’re – Tina and I – we’re just going to let it go and see how things develop.”

There wasn’t much that I could say or do. On some impulse I reached over and put my hand on his knee in what I hoped would be a gesture of reassurance and said, “Whatever I can do … whatever Jen and I can do …,” and left it there like that, hoping he understood my concern for his – his and Tina’s – situation.

~ ~ ~

It’s Saturday dinner. Nick had a flank steak out thawing when Tina and I came out of the bedroom. He was giving Jen instructions on how to make some kind of sauce or topping for the flank steak – something with olive oil and chopped-up parsley and red wine vinegar and red pepper flakes. He said that Tina and I could fix the potatoes – “Tina knows how.”

My role, apparently, was to watch Tina as she got a big bag of wedge-cut fried potatoes from the freezer and spread them out on a sheet pan. She sprinkled them with olive oil, sea salt, and some rosemary from the spice drawer. And with just those few additional touches, “our” potatoes came out really classy.

Like the first night, we all had the red wine with a little San Pellegrino. A simple wedge salad, and all-in-all a fine dinner for four people who deserve some serious nourishment.

We refilled our wine glasses and went out to the living room and talked and watched a few minutes of State versus Rutgers on TV. I don’t think any of us were really interested in the game, though. I think all of us were trying to mentally prepare for the change of partners that we knew was going to happen soon.

Finally Tina took Nick’s hand and said, “C’mon, Dad. You two enjoy yourselves,” and walked off to now their bedroom – Nick’s – leaving Jen and me to turn off the TV and go to … to our bedroom.

~ ~ ~

We were still wearing our “dinner clothes,” which meant athletic shorts and Tina’s Hillcrest High T-shirt for me and one of Nick’s button-down Oxford dress shirts for Jen. Despite how “open” – and by “open” I mean shameless – all four of us have been these several days, I was still feeling this … uncertainty … about what’s coming tonight. I think Jen might be feeling the same way.

So instead of getting naked right off the bat I suggested that maybe we could just sit on the bed and talk. About stuff.

Surprisingly, it was Jen who seemed the more uncertain. Despite her normally exuberant personality – and her totally uninhibited behavior this weekend – it was like right now she preferred to defer to me – her dad – “the grownup.” Time for me to take the bull by the horns.

“So Jen, honey – when you … when did you start thinking …,” and I found myself struggling for the words to say it, to describe … describe what’s almost certainly going to happen in a few minutes. “When did you know that you wanted … this?”

I could almost see the sigh of relief. I’d broken the ice, and it was something Jen had obviously been thinking about and that she already knew what her answer would be.

“I guess it’s kind of like I told you in the car driving over here. When Tina told me how she felt about her dad, and how she – how they both – wanted to have sex so bad, well, naturally that got me thinking about a girl having sex with her dad. And then when she spent the weekend with you and then told me all about it and what you guys did – and how much she liked it, and how good you were to her – not just with the sex, but in the other ways, too – all that got me thinking about you in a whole ‘nother way, too.

“And then when she and her dad finally did it and she told me how tekirdağ escort wonderful it felt … being with her dad. And it seemed like she was dropping hints, like how incredibly wonderful it was having sex with her father, but also how good having sex with you was – it was kind of like she was hoping to get me to have sex with you – for you and me to hook up.”

She paused, like she needed time to let her breath catch up with her words.

“And what did you think when she told you … all these things?”

“Well, they got me thinking, of course. And like I said, it got me looking at you in a whole different way. I mean, sexually. And then when she described how wonderful it was with her own father, and all the hints that … well, that maybe I should do it too … that I’d find out how … wonderful it felt … Well, like I said, I started thinking.”

I’ve heard the sounds from Jen’s room, and I – and her mother – are well aware of the kinds of “thinking” that Jen does in her bedroom.

“Just thinking …?”


She punched my arm. “That wasn’t a nice thing to say!” Then she got this little smile. “Well, maybe I did think about it some that way …”

And I had to do it.

“So, … when you were thinking about it – how was I?”


But then she thought about my question. “Yeah, I guess it musta been pretty good, cause now we’re here, aren’t we?”

“Well, Princess, do you think it might be time for us to go from thinking about it ‘that way’ to thinking about it … now?”

Despite my cocky words and affected sophistication I was nervous as hell. I could tell from her breathing that our little conversation got to Jen. Also, the top two buttons of Nick’s shirt that she was wearing were undone and I could see her chest rising and falling and the telltale blush of sexual arousal across her chest.

But in spite of her obvious arousal and despite her downright bawdy behavior these past two days with Nick, Jen was still … hesitant. It was going to be up to me.

I turned to her and kissed her forehead, and I said, “I love you, Princess” and started unbuttoning the remaining buttons on her shirt. When I got to the last button I stopped and looked at her, waiting for a final sign from her – to go on, or to stop. She looked at me and gave the slightest little nod, and I undid the last button and slid the open shirt back over her shoulders.

And there we were. In bed, Jen’s only garment fully open and pushed back, giving me my first full view of my lovely young daughter – soon to be my lover.

And now that the “gift” had been unwrapped, Jen seemed to know what she wanted to happen. She put her arms around my head and pulled me to her, pulled me so my mouth was right against one of her breasts.

And just like Tina’s, Jen’s breast might be the softest thing I ever felt. I marveled in its silkiness, and the contrast between the skin and the hard nipple poking against my lips, and I opened my mouth and took my daughter’s breast – took my daughter – into my mouth.

So now I’m fighting with two impulses – to love and savor and luxurious feel of the soft skin and tender flesh of her breasts and the rough nipple that crowned each one; and the impulse to go crazy on that sexy little body and lick and suck and bite and chew and make my daughter scream with the combination of pleasure and pain.

But Jen solved my dilemma.

“Now, Daddy – I want you now,” and she started making it happen by grabbing the hem of my shirt and by reflex I raise my arms and she pulls it over my head and off. I’m already on my knees in the bed so it’s no problem for her to grab the waistband of my athletic shorts and drag them down over my ass, and once they’re down I knee-step out of them …

And now I’m completely naked in front of my daughter. And I’m sure she’s seen me naked before, standing in the shower or sneaking looks when I’m getting dressed. But now, for the very first time, I am displaying myself to her – displaying myself sexually to my teenage daughter.

She looked pleased.

And I realize – I don’t know how to do this, how to … I don’t know how to fuck my daughter … for the first time.

Jen, on the other hand, seems to have no problem with this..

“Daddy, just lay down on your back.,” and I do what she says. “Yeah. Like that.”

She kneeled down next to my outstretched legs and went straight for my cock. No preliminaries, just leaned down and took cock — my whole cock – into her mouth all at once.

Jen’s warm, wet mouth surrounded me – surrounds her dad’s cock – but only ’til she backs off and starts stroking me, and her hands seem to do it better than I can to do it myself, and I’m wondering where my ’til-two-days-ago-virgin daughter got so good at sucking cock.

On the other hand, judging from the sounds coming down the hall from Nick Alberts’ room maybe I shouldn’t be so surprised.

But she doesn’t seem to be trying to make me cum. I guess she’s doing it to get me good and excited – as if that’s going to be a problem! – and from our positions I think her plan is to get on top of me and ride my cock. And I think, “That’s a good thing – that way she’ll be in control and I won’t run the risk of doing something wrong, or god forbid, hurting her – or even worse, failing her!”

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