One Day After Work


I had an opportunity last week for one of my pervy tricks. 😉

This works provided the mark is picked out properly. This was a Christian lady, unmarried, a little naive. We were all out together, after work. She doesn’t drink much, and I’m driving, so I’m not drinking much either, but I’ve still had a couple of drinks. Since she’s not really the drinking type, she is only out to be sociable and is not going to be staying all evening – I am in the same kind of situation, so I have promised her a lift home after talking her into coming out ‘just to be sociable’. As I have said, she’s not the drinking type, so her couple of glasses of dry white wine are comparatively a lot for her.

As agreed, after about an hour and a half, I leave and taker her home. She normally has a bit of a journey, since she does not drive, so this is actually nice and easy for her and the wine has relaxed her. We chat a bit as I drive her to her house and I mention that maybe I had a little more to drink than I should, so that when we arrive she, naturally, offers to make me a coffee and give me a chance to sober up a bit before I drive home.

So we’re sitting in her living room drinking coffee, eating cookies and chatting. I’m confiding in her and this is building up an intimate atmosphere between us. The alcohol, bursa escort which she is unaccustomed to has relaxed her and she is laughing as I joke with her. I tell her how nice it was to be able to get out after work with people, even for a short while and relax and how this is difficult for me sometimes, because the wife easily gets jealous.

She says that the wife must know that she has nothing to be jealous about, so I confide in her further and explain how bad it would be if Sally knew that we were sitting like this together – she would never understand that it was quite harmless. She repeats that Sally must know that she has nothing to worry about. I agree and confide in her more, building up the feeling of closeness between us.

Then I say that I ought to be going. She asks me to stay a bit longer – she’s enjoying our chat and she’s also concerned that I am ok to drive. I say that it is better that I go, all things considered, but she says that I ought to stay just a bit longer.

Now this is the tricky bit. I am feeling horny and my cock is stiffening thinking of what it is I am going to do, if I get the opportunity. She is saying that we are just friends and Sally has nothing to be worried about. I say that I’m not too sure of that and I’m feeling awkward. altıparmak escort She says that I shouldn’t feel awkward and if somethings worrying me then maybe she can help.

This is the sort of situation I have been trying to create – slightly ambiguous. I want what happens next to appear as just a misunderstanding. I say that perhaps she can help, but I don’t want any misunderstandings, so I’m reluctant to involve her. She says she would be happy to help out.

This is ideal, enough ambiguity that I can work with and the intimate atmosphere works. My cock is already stiff in my trousers – I am surprised she has not noticed, but she probably does not think of such things – which makes the next step a pure delight, when I unzip my trousers and get my thick cock out in front of her – it stiffens fully with the thrill and naughtiness of what I am doing and – boy! is she embarrassed!

So there I am standing up with my cock fully erect in front of her face. She is speechless and turning red.

‘Oh MY!’, she manages to say and, of course, I realize that I have made a terrible mistake. (he he he!)

I start apologizing, saying how awful I feel. My cock is still stiff and I do not put it away. I say that probably I had better go and bursa anal yapan escort again apologize for the misunderstanding. She says it’s alright, but that she thinks I had better go too. She has not stood up, but is still sitting – she could not stand up without touching my cock, so she is kind of trapped.

I tell her that I cannot go like this – it will be just too uncomfortable and I cannot drive in this condition. I say that I will have to take care of it and I hope she doesn’t mind. She says that I had better do whatever I need to and then just go. I apologize again and start masturbating in front of her. Of course, I could have excused myself and gone to the bathroom, but that was not what I wanted. In the heat of the moment, she seemed to forget that I could do that as well, but once I’d started masturbating, she did not stop to suggest this – she actually seemed rather interested in what I was doing.

Anyway, I speeded up the action – it felt good jerking off in front of her like that. The next stage was completely predictable, but she didn’t forsee it – I came, quite forcefully, splattering cum all over her. She was horrified, and I was even more embarrassed and apologetic and everything. (he he he)

It was terrible, I left feeling awful about everything I had done to her, apologizing continuously – what must she think of me?

Big bunch of flowers for her at work the following day, to say sorry and we agreed between us that we would say nothing to anyone about what happened – after all, she was just as embarrassed about it all as I was.

Fantastic Result!

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