Milfdom Ch. 02


As always everyone is over 18 in these fictional stories, this one now leans towards incest with his Stepmother, so if that’s not your thing please read something else.

I woke up with the biggest smile on my face, I’d snuck back into my house last night coming straight to bed. I’d fallen asleep dreaming of her, being inside of her and the dreams that had provided were off the charts, I knew this was a fling for her and I made sure to keep myself in line.

Remembering last night had woken me up in no uncertain terms and I was slowly stroking my cock with a hazy smile on my face. I didn’t hear when the door opened but the gasp sure brought me back to earth with a bang, I looked over to find my stepmother standing there with her hand covering her mouth. Her eyes were glued to the tenting sheet still moving as my hand continued to stroke my cock lazily, shit!

“Mom what the hell!” I yelled, well the best defence is a strong offence, “you could at least knock!”

She looked mortified at the thought that this could be her fault, she spun around and marched her cute ass back into the hall slamming the bedroom door. Shit shit shit!

But then I thought, well she’s gone now so why waste it, as I grabbed my hard friend she knocked firmly on the damn door! For fucks sake she knew I was busy!

“What?” I yelled, but she burst back in any way,

Her face glowing a shocking shade of red, her eyes immediately returned to my tented glory, still standing proud although the slight damp patch on the sheet made me wince slightly and her eyes widen further.

“What are you doing young man?” she asked me sternly,

“Well, when a man’s blood goes to his penis he needs to…..” I said smiling as she rudely interrupted me

“What! What the hell Mat I know that!” she spluttered so flustered I couldn’t resist teasing her further.

“Then why did you ask me Mother dearest,” I replied smugly enjoying her squirm, she always had the upper hand in our relationship knowing her divine hotness made me more geek than normal.

“I meant why are you doing that here, now?” she asked, madder than she should be.

“Well I imagine you would be mad if I stroked myself at the breakfast table, but surely in my own, what should be private room, I am allowed to express myself,” I said smiling as her eyes were still glued to the tent in my sheets.

I stared at her then, she had tight black yoga pants on with a tight t-shirt, she was obviously on her way to a class, and my cock twitched violently in appreciation for her fantastic lithe body.

“Oh my,” she gasped softly and took a step back as if her purity was under attack, she was a very religious woman, my stepmother.

This was probably the only reason my father knew she could be left alone so often while he travelled with work, she was the purest non-virgin I’d ever met. Which was saying something, since she made me get up on a Sunday and go to her bloody church!

“Matthew, why is it doing that?” she asked gasping, as my cock was still bouncing in appreciation of her gorgeous body, apparently, it now thought we were Don Juan!

“Well you interrupted my morning routine Mommy,” I said softly, watching her eyes widen at the words, “so he is reacting to what’s in front of him,”

Her eyes flew so wide they almost left her head! She gasped aloud and walked away at an Olympic-standard pace, I heard the door slam and the car drive off as I broke down into real belly laughs. What the hell! When did I become able to talk to hot women, maybe that’s a side effect of the best loss of virginity recorded this side of the Atlantic, yes I was proud of myself.

Unfortunately, there was a note on the kitchen counter outlining my chores for the first day of summer. After breakfast I set about them without even complaining to myself and by mid-morning I was finishing up mowing the back garden, it was already hot and I had taken my shirt off. No longer as self-conscious about my skinny body, was sex this good a cure for everything?

I looked up to see my Stepmother Mary staring wide-eyed at me again, shit this was probably too short, she was very particular about the grass but she turned and went into the kitchen.

“Mrs Reynolds called me earlier,” she said quietly when I walked into the kitchen after putting the mower away,

“Oh yeah, her laptop may need some more work,” I said absentmindedly,

“Yes she says between that and some yard work she needs doing, she is going to be keeping you pretty busy,” my Stepmother said looking smug, she hated me staying inside working on my laptop.

“What really? You didn’t agree already did you?” I asked, adding my extra whiney voice to cheer her up and throw her off the scent.

“Yes sorry I did, idle hands are the devil’s work after all,” she said looking at my cock, she blushed when I coughed drawing her attention to my raised eyebrow.

“Maybe I should start locking my door,” I replied, smiling at her scowling reaction,

“You should stop doing that! That’s what you should do young man,” she kartal escort said standing tall,

Which was laughable being as she was 5 feet nothing, with dark dirty blonde bobbed hair, a petite lithe body with a small tight firm ass and small pert breasts which at thirty-four she had worked hard to get. I mean who was all the work for? I was sure Dad was sleeping elsewhere as she was frigid in that religious, we should only copulate to procreate kind of way.

“I’m afraid we will have to agree to disagree there, Mommy,” I loved her reaction to that word, “I mean, I’m eighteen years old, young dumb and full of….”

“Don’t you dare finish that sentence young man!” she screeched, Making me laugh out loud,

“Well you did ask, maybe we should ask Dad what he thinks of you banning me from stroking my hard throbbing Cock, even in the privacy of my own room,” I said delighting at her wince at the image, although, did she just lick her lips?

“Stop this now! We will no longer talk about it.” she said firmly and then out of nowhere added, “You need a haircut young man, I will be making an appointment with my friend,”

Wait, was that supposed to be punishment, her friend was also in my top five fapping targets, Selena was a bubbly blonde of questionable religion, she was a 5 ft 6 slice of heaven with a thirty-four-year-old yoga-built body. She was slightly thicker than my mom but not as voluptuous as Emilia, with 36c tits and an ass that featured in many a man’s dreams, just like mommys.

Wait, why was I continuing to call her Mommy? It was to wind her up not me ffs!

“Fair enough, but you’re paying her as it’s your idea,” I said loving her continued shocked reaction to my standing up for myself.

“We will see about that! Maybe a few hours in her garden will suffice,” she said snidely

“I’d love an hour in her garden Mommy,” I said in a husky voice and she gulped, blushed red and left the room, damn who knew this would be so much fun.

I was just finishing my sandwich when she came back in smiling, but not as sure of herself as she was earlier,

“Selena can do you in an hour, Matthew,” she said, cocking her head as I laughed out loud at that, no way I’d last an hour.

“What did you mean earlier, when you said you’d love to be in her garden, Matthew?” she asked me, looking concerned,

“Only that it was better than spending my money on a dumb haircut Mother,” I said sweetly, “why do you ask, you weren’t thinking sinful thoughts surely, I mean you were watching me stroke my hard…..”

“Matthew Johnson! We will no longer talk about that! Please get showered so we can go,” she said red-faced and outraged, “I’m dropping you off and then doing some shopping for dinner,”

“Ok Mommy, but could we please have your lasagne? I love it when I get to taste you,” I said playing innocent as her eyes climbed off the top of her head, ” I mean your cooking is soooo good,”

“I-I, I will think about it bab…, I-I mean Matthew,” she said so flustered I felt bad, but it was so much fun and she had hounded me for years, turnabout was fair play.

I slipped by her, kissing her cheek and loved the tiny squeak that brought me as I went for my shower, in my daydream she’d followed me in but unfortunately, real life didn’t play that way today.

I put on some jeans and a nice black T-shirt, it went well with my strawberry blonde locks, oh did forget to tell you I was in the ginger club. Luckily the freckle monster had mostly passed me by, I only had a dusting across my nose which I actually kinda liked.

“You look, nice son, is it because you like Selena,” she whispered, man she was hung up on that comment.

“Mom, you have some very hot friends, it’s because hot people stick together right?” I asked, secretly smiling when I saw her smile at my sly compliment.

We travelled in silence, but she asked me what I was getting done as we arrived out of the blue,

“What are you going to make her do Mat?” she whispered, damn I may have to dial this back, I don’t need my Dad kicking my ass along with the bullies.

“What do you think would look good Mommy?” I asked sweetly, enjoying her sigh at that word again, damn it, behave now!

“I think you’d look good whatever you choose,” she replied, softly blushing.

“Maybe we just let your friend choose what I should like then,” I said normally, trying to dial it back a bit,

“Ok,” she said and I sat down while she then went for a chat with Selena. The two came over to me, mom was smiling while Selena had a quizzical expression on her face, her blue eyes searching mine for answers.

“Matthew it’s lovely to see you again young man,” she said with a glimmer of condescension,

“The pleasure is mine as always Ma’am,” I replied smiling as she led me to a chair while my stepmother left, although her step stuttered when she heard my response.

“So Mattie what have you done to her?” She said eyeing me the second her question hit, but I just smiled confidently, kastamonu escort throwing her off her game.

“I don’t know what you mean,” I said, smiling sweetly at her now even more confused face,

“Fine keep your secrets, well I think an undercut, leaving the rest shaggy dropping over the top to your jawline will really make your green eyes pop young man,” she said huskily, staring at me Right game on Ms!

“That was awfully specific Ma’am,” I said and she screwed her pretty face up,

“It’s my job, Matthew, just doing my job.” She replied tightly,

“I’m sorry Ma’am, it felt specific to me and maybe I felt just a bit special for once,” I whispered her eyes softened, but then went wide staring at me,

“You got laid! You confident little shit!” She said a little too loud, as a few of the others looked over and she went red,

“I’m sorry but I think shouting that out to embarrass me is beneath a sophisticated woman such as yourself,” I said shortly, but still on the right side of polite,

“I am so sorry Matthew, that was not my intention at all,” she said looking as though she genuinely regretted it

“That’s ok Ma’am, I’m used to being teased and bullied after all,” I said sadly, where the fuck was this all coming from?

“Don’t say that Baby,” she said quickly without thinking, what the fuck! “Let me make it up to you ok,”

I sat there silent, keeping the smile inside as she looked torn, she gave me a very detailed haircut though and her nipples brushed my chin four or five times as she cut my hair. Damn if this were the norm I would pay for a haircut weekly, I caught her smiling at the growing bulge in my jeans and I knew she was doing it on purpose.

“It’s an amazing haircut Ma’am” I whispered as she brushed me yet again, this time she blushed as I stared into her eyes and smiled, resisting the trap of looking down her top,

“Down boy,” she growled, “Well someone’s brought your best self out hasn’t she, do I know this mystery woman?” her eager eyes searched me as she waited for an answer

“How do you know it’s not a girl from school?” I asked trying to act nonchalant

“No young girls are bitches, unless you are particularly well endowed,” she whispered looking at my bulge, “they will just make a nice boy like you feel bad,”

“Well, I can’t say anything, but she made my top five hot women that I know,” I told her, smiling as I winked, loving the little blush before she pushed herself forward brushing my cheek with her hard nipple again.

“You know one of these days you’ll time it wrong and someone will get a mouthful of heaven,” I whispered, delighted in the bright red shocked face that looked back at me.

“Don’t let that smart mouth of yours write checks your little body can’t cash young man,” she said bastardising a Top gun quote, which the geek in me fucking loved,

“Oh, I think you’ll find this little body could surprise even you, Ma’am,” I replied confidently

A cough from behind her brought us back to reality, only to notice my wide-eyed Stepmother staring at us in disbelief,

“Mary, hi I didn’t see you there, we were just finishing up,” Selena said recovering nicely, as I just smiled at everybody.

“Thank you so much Ma’am, it looks great,” I said meaning it, she had put some particular effort into this. “Are you sure I can’t do something for it,” I added to be polite, thinking she would let me off after upsetting me so badly,

“Actually Mattie, I do have some yard work for you,” Selena said with a glint in her eye, maybe she’d worked out she was being played.

“Oh, well we will have to work something out, as Mrs Reynolds from down the street has booked him for quite a bit of work,” my Stepmother said quietly, she looked as if she was trying to work out what was happening here.

“Has she now? Well, she will just have to learn to share, won’t she Mat,” Selena practically growled, maybe having worked out a bit too much, oh shit.

“Well not really, I mean how much would this have cost Ma’am, can’t be that many hours owed,” I said smiling at the determined look now on her face.

“Now now Matthew, being a close friend of your mothers should allow me priority access to her young son,” she said with a voice that made me twitch in my jeans and she looked, shit they both looked.

“Well we will sort this out later, we need to get home now Matthew if I’m going to have time to make your favourite lasagne,” my Stepmother said brightly, she was smiling more now, hmm.

“I do love the taste of my Mommy,” I said sweetly, only loud enough for the two of them to hear,

My Stepmother went bright red with embarrassment, while Selena looked on open-mouthed with one eyebrow raised in shock as we walked out. Nothing was said the entire way home and I worried I had made a rookie mistake and pushed it too far, I put the bags down in the kitchen and went to go to my room.

“Where are you going, Matthew?” she asked, damn it, she’d worked out I was worked up and off for an easy kayaşehir escort wank thinking of those damn nipples in my face.

“I’m just gonna get changed,” I said as I headed for the stairs,

“Well make sure you come straight back down, you can watch and learn for when I’m too old to keep you amused,” she said strangely, fuck it, a marathon wank tonight then.

I came back down in baggy thin summer shorts and a T-shirt with the evolution of man from apes on, I knew she hated it being a god-fearing Christian and all.

“Why do you poke at me so much,” she sighed, looking sadly from the shirt to me.

“I haven’t even begun to poke you, Mommy,” I growled and she whimpered, yeah I needed to back off teasing her.

We spent the better part of an hour talking as she cooked her famous lasagne, it was Amazing but she rationed making it to Christmas and birthdays to keep it special. I had no idea why she had acquiesced to make it for me today, but I had a sneaking suspicion it was that word, Mommy.

She was on the phone after it went into the oven so I snuck off upstairs, laying on my bed listening to music for a few hours. A hand on my thigh woke me up,

“Dinners ready Matthew,” she said softly and I swear she was blushing because of her hand, high on my thigh, which hadn’t yet moved as my cock began to swell to greet her,

“Oh my Matthew, have you no control son?” she asked, but her hand stayed on my thigh with my now rapidly hardening cock.

I jumped up and headed downstairs with her following me down, I swear I heard a light giggle, Oh so we were playing games were we?

She had not only cooked her homemade Lasagne but she’d also made me garlic bread from scratch too and I knew I was in love. It was not hard to love food this good, it melted in my mouth and all the flavours were fantastic, I was moaning orgasmically and I noticed her squirm.

“I am so sorry Mom, this is just too good, it’s the best food on the planet,” I gushed as she blushed for a good reason.

“So I will be able to keep you around with my food then,” she whispered looking sad,

“You are amazing, so sexy so bright so good,” I sighed, “you’d have to beat me with your Bible and ban masturbation for good to keep me away from you,”

She gasped sweetly at that and I smiled from ear to ear,

“You won’t be saying that when we are still eating this two days from now,” she mumbled happily,

“I’d eat you forever Mommy,” it just slipped out, Shit that was a mistake and I looked at her worried,

“That’s so sweet Baby,” she gasped also smiling ear to ear, “Maybe if you keep being this nice I will make my strawberry shortcake you are so fond of,” damn they were heavenly,

“I’d do anything you asked me to, for those,” I whispered in excitement.

“Would you be a good boy and stop masturbating?” she asked me seriously,

“I would, but I couldn’t Mommy, sometimes it’s just too hard, it throbs and our teacher says it’s not good to get too backed up,” I said quietly so she knew I was being serious, “there’s some evidence that if you don’t clear your pipes it could lead to serious damage and pain,”

“Oh my poor Baby, I’m so sorry, Mommy would never hurt you, I love my boy so very much,” she said hoarsely as she looked at me.

“I know,” I whispered, this was getting way out of hand, god damn it!

I cleared away the dishes while she sat and supervised, smiling as I cleaned up without fuss or complaint, that food was worth anything.

“How about watching a movie with your old mother then, as payment for the shortcake,” she asked and I couldn’t find a reasonable excuse not to. She picked a rom-com movie and we settled in to watch it, she paused it after ten minutes and went into the kitchen coming back with two glasses of wine. She never let me drink, hell she rarely drank herself, she patted the couch and I went and sat with her sipping the sweet white wine.

It was a good movie and we ended up having a rare old time laughing along, when it finished it was still early,

“Watch another with me, like we used to,” she whispered, and she came back in with what was now our second glass of wine,

“Of course Mom, but you don’t normally let me drink,” I said watching for a response,

“Well, good boys get rewards young man and you’ve been a very good boy today,” she purred, damn I had never seen or heard her act like this, shit!

She got a blanket and said, “We’ll lie together Baby like we used to, why did you stop laying with me?” she asked me throatily, G’damn that was a sexy noise.

“Er, because I got embarrassed Mom,” I answered truthfully,

“Oh your old Mommy embarrasses you,” she replied sadly looking down,

“No, n-not at all, it’s just, well you are too sexy, so when I’m pressed tight against you I’m embarrassed about what you might feel pressing……..” I said honestly as she interrupted me,

“Oh my, me, Really you find me attractive Baby?” she asked, her eyes wide smiling brightly, ok not the calming time I was hoping for,

“Well that’s okay, now that you’ve told me we will just ignore it,” she said softly and gestured for us to lie down.

Fuck it why not, I’ve dreamt of this so many times and she’s leading us that way. So I lay down at the back of the couch and she lay in front, as the little spoon, she placed a blanket over us.

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