Junior Year Abroad Pt. 01


Junior Year Abroad—Part 1

This is part of the Survivor Revival Challenge, organized by Tara Cox. This is the story of Jim & Marybeth, and eventually others, of course. You can expect daily installments.

Special Note to the 1* and 2* trolls who haunt Literotica: This is a short story, so it will be easy for you to just skip it altogether (why even bother to read it?) and go to the end and give it the one star or two stars you feel it ontologically deserves. Don’t read it, since you’ll risk ruining your troll jouissance with actual knowledge.

Jim and Marybeth spend junior year abroad in Paris, and sparks fly


Jim had been looking forward to spending his junior year abroad in France since approximately the ninth grade. He had collected postage stamps as a youth, and in his opinion the best stamps (from an aesthetic standpoint) were from The Soviet Union, Japan, and France. He became a big fan of all three countries.

The Soviet Union however had been communist, and once it became just Russia, the beauty of its stamps declined. The Japanese language seemed to be far outside his abilities (Japanese has characters, like Chinese, and then two other alphabets on top of that!), so he focused on the French. Once he had discovered French food, he was sold! Nothing attracts better than delicious food if you’re an adolescent boy.

Jim studied French with a zeal rarely found among high school students, and when he entered college he already knew he would be a French major. To please his father, however, he began in the pre-med program. “If I’m going to pay for your college education, Jim, then you’re going to study something useful. Become a doctor and help people, why don’t you?” his father had said. What Jim’s father said was the law in his family, and you do not break the law. You just don’t.

It was hard to arrange being pre-med and taking junior year abroad in France, especially because organic chemistry nearly killed him. Nevertheless, Jim did it. For an oversexed 20-year-old guy (or is that redundant?), to be on such a program, was a gift from heaven, because there were three boys and fifteen girls. Of course, all the girls wanted a fling with a romantic, handsome, French man, and the guys wanted nothing more bahis siteleri than to lay a drop dead gorgeous French woman, but neither task was as easy as getting it on with a fellow American junior year abroad student.

Jim was housed with a host family, and that family had a son a year younger than him. The daughter had already left home, choosing to live with her loser boyfriend, and Jim got her room. The son was also a jerk, and Jim’s dream of becoming friends with the son so that he would meet some French girls happy to go to bed with him, just didn’t materialize.

Instead, Jim found Marybeth, another junior year abroad student. She was a sweetheart, and the romance of being in Paris made it easy for the two of them to develop affection for each other. Marybeth was a bit of an innocent, having only had sex with one other boy, and only a few times at that. She never told Jim who the boy was, and never wanted to discuss her sex life prior to meeting Jim. Jim didn’t care, he was infatuated with Marybeth.

Marybeth looked exactly like Jim’s dream woman. She had a pretty face, healthy hair, almond shaped eyes, and a mouth you could never get enough of. She also had all the equipment a man would want in a woman: Nicely sized boobs, just the right size for Jim’s hands to envelop, child-bearing hips, a tiny waist, a flat tummy, skinny legs (she was 66 inches tall), and a pussy that got wet at the drop of a zipper.

Jim and Marybeth took long walks on the walkways alongside the Seine river, often stopping to kiss. One time, Jim talked Marybeth into going out with him without wearing a bra, and he was constantly hard, watching her boobs gently bounce around with what he called “independent suspension.” This also tickled Marybeth to see the effect she could have on Jim by just such a trivial sartorial modification.

One night, after sunset, as the two lovebirds walked along the Seine, Jim was totally aware that once again Marybeth was without a bra. He was charmed. He asked Marybeth if she would flash her breasts to one of the bateaux mouches, the boats filled with tourists that plied the Seine, and that use floodlights to light up the gorgeous buildings that line its banks. En passant, the floodlights of the boats also lit up the two canlı bahis siteleri college students strolling on the walkways lining the Seine.

Marybeth, unsurprisingly, was too shy. Jim kept gently pushing her, however, and Marybeth figured it might be a good way to get Jim even more interested in her. After all, he had not yet tried to, well, you know, and quite frankly, she was horny. So, she did it. Jim stood behind her, holding her with his arms around her, and she lifted her blouse to show off her gorgeous boobs to the lucky tourists (many of them Chinese) on the boats, as the floodlights lit the two lovebirds up like little Christmas trees. She didn’t really “flash” the boats, since she held her blouse up, showing off her boobs, for the entire time the floodlights lit them up.

Marybeth was right. Jim’s affection for her doubled, at the least. After that, he tried to figure out how on earth he could find someplace to get her naked, and enjoy her body to the max. The problem was that they both lived with host families, and there was no way Marybeth could bring a lover to her bedroom with her observant Catholic host family. Maybe it might work with his host family, but it would be awkward; not a propitious first time with a girl as wonderful as Marybeth, he thought.

Jim had a bit of discretionary money from his parents to use “for an emergency.” He had a plan. He took Marybeth out for a French meal at a lovely little romantic restaurant he had found, plied her with good wine, and then after dinner they walked around the neighborhood until they were standing in front of one of the great hotels of Paris. He took her into it, taking her to the bar, and they both had nightcaps.

“Let’s stay here tonight,” Jim said to Marybeth, as nonchalantly as he could.

“In this hotel, you mean?” she asked. Marybeth was impressed: It was such an elegant hotel! Jim nodded. Marybeth thought for a minute. “Do you have rubbers?” she asked. Jim smiled from ear to ear. “Lots of them?” she asked, punctuating her question with a wicked smile. Jim nodded again. God, Jim loved this woman!

Marybeth had been constantly thinking about that time she had flashed the two tourist boats plying the Seine. When their floodlights lit up her boobs for güvenilir bahis all the people on the boat to see, while the guide droned on about the architecture they were supposed to be looking at, Marybeth set a new record for personal arousal. The boat with the Chinese tourists politely applauded, presumably for her breasts? The boat with the American tourists cheered loudly with whistles, catcalls, and words of — shall we say — encouragement, and gratitude? Marybeth loved appreciating the cultural differences.

Days later she was still turned on from the flashing, and she ‘blamed’ her near constant arousal on Jim. Now he was proposing to rent a hotel room just to have sex with her? Well, why not? She was hopelessly turned on, thanks to him, so why not let him fuck her to a climax? Being in Paris was like time-out-of-time anyway, and isn’t that what collegiate people do? They have sex. Lord knows all her friends were fucking their brains out back home in Indiana. Here she was in Paris, France! Of course, she said yes to Jim’s sleazy proposal, and more power to him for having the guts to make the proposal. She planned to empty his balls until he had nothing left for a week or more!

How to begin? Blowjob? Cunnilingus? Fingering and kissing? Or just go straight to the main event? She’d let Jim run the show. He’s the man, after all.

Jim was having parallel thoughts. He couldn’t believe his good luck that Marybeth agreed to the hotel room idea, just like that, and in a heartbeat. She wanted him. She actually wanted him! He had to protect himself: He was in danger of falling in love with her!

After all, not only was she a sweetheart, with a sparkling personality, pretty and sexy, but her kisses invariably got him hard, and she seemed to like that. She had gone braless for him, and then she had flashed the boat due to his pressure on her. She had even flashed a second boat! Jim had a rare bird on the line here, and he was determined not to blow it. He decided to let Marybeth set the pace. Too much, too fast, and he could lose her.

Jim checked them into the hotel (he had secretly made a reservation in advance, on a hope and a prayer), and they took the elevator to their room on the fourth floor, arm in arm, kissing romantically. Jim waited until they got to the room to begin undressing his prize, the lovely Marybeth, who was just as much up for this as Jim, but she would never let him know that. No, she had to play it cool, and just let Jim talk her into everything. Jim was good at that, anyway.

***** To Be Continued*****

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