Emily’s Backdoor Odyssey Pt. 02


(All characters are age eighteen or older)

“Em, I mean, I know they’re your friends and all, but I really don’t want to go. I’ll stick out like a sore thumb. I’m not part of their social strata. They must be considering excommunicating you from their Backdoor Betty club because of me.”

She’d told Chris about the New Year’s Eve party her friends were throwing, and even though he’d agreed to it earlier on without voicing protestations, now that it was the day of was trying to beg off, hoping he could persuade her otherwise.

“What do you mean? They’re not like that… well, not all of them, You know a few of them anyway, Jill, Sarah, Sadie. It’s not like they don’t know we’ve been seeing each other. They want us to come. It’ll be fun. Besides, I want to show you off.” She arched up on her tippy toes, kissing him as she mussed his shaggy brown hair with her hand.

“Yeah, I know who they are but I wouldn’t exactly say I actually know them. You think I haven’t seen them giving me looks when we’re together at school? They think you could do a lot better than me and you know it. I don’t much care for the idea of them sizing me up and cutting me down, talking behind my back the whole time we’re there. Doesn’t sound like much fun. Let’s just skip it and have Melissa and Matt come by earlier.”

It hadn’t occurred to her that he’d picked up on how conceited some of her friends could be. Whenever she and Chris went out it had always just been the two of them. Her world among the other Backdoor Betty’s at school had never overlapped into hers and his, and she was fine with that. It hadn’t been deliberate, and certainly not out of any sense of embarrassment over dating Chris. It’s just how it was.

She hated to admit it, but Chris was correct in his assumptions about one of them, Jill, who actually did tell her that she could do better. Although she’d never heard any of the others make a disparaging remark about him. In fact she knew a couple of them thought Chris was cute and that they made a good couple.

Out of her Backdoor Betty clique, she was closest with Sadie. She’d told her about what had happened between her and Adam, but had told her shortly after it had happened, that is, before she’d started feeling guilty for going behind Chris’ back, and had only done so to brag. That’s just how it went when you were part of their clique, and she knew word would get around among the others how she’d had been with a college guy, and a very hung black college guy at that.

Later, she’d also told Sadie about the threesome she’d had with Chris and Matt. By then she was already aware that the other Backdoor Betty’s were envious, and would be looking to outdo her somehow and raise the stakes. But her feelings of guilt coupled with her feelings for Chris ended up overshadowing her newfound sense of butt slut status among them.

“Okay, look. There is something more to it,” Chris said, leveling with her. “I’m guessing they all know about you and Adam, right. And so now I’d feel like a fool in front of them. Like, I’m the one you stepped out on for the bigger, better deal, and I’m what you’re stuck with after. And yes, I know it’s not really like that, and that there’s more to it, but being judged by your friends isn’t going to make it seem that way, you know? When I first asked you out I was sure you’d turn me down because I know I’m not cool, or one of the jocks… you have to admit, that’s who usually scores with the Backdoor Betty’s. And I know you’re not like them and everything, but Em, it’s just not my scene. Come on, Matt’s gonna bring some killer reefer, we can go bowling or just watch movies, and maybe, like you suggested, it could all lead to something else,” he said trying to convince her, giving her little rump a squeeze.

“Either way, I’ve made up my mind and I’m not going. But I know they’re your friends and appearances are important, so you go, then text me when you’re leaving, then Matt, Melissa and I will meet you back at your mom’s.”

“I guess I understand,” she conceded. I hadn’t thought about it from your perspective. You won’t be mad if I go?”

Matt shook his head no. She kissed him again, saying that he, Melissa, Matt could just hang out at her mom’s while she was gone, promising him she’d only stay a short while. She’d find some excuse to tell them why you hadn’t come along.

And so that’s how things went. Her mom would be out all night, she was attending a party with her business partner, William. So when she left around five in the evening, she texted Chris, who then texted Matt who then picked up he and Melissa, and the three of them arrived not long after. She’d told them she’d be back soon as Chris was accessing the video file of the threesome they’d had. Melissa wanted to see it.

“If you guys are gonna smoke go out in the garage and blow it out the back door.” She then turned to Melissa. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” she playfully remarked, then left.

Jill’s parents house was packed when she bayrampaşa escort got there. Upon entering the big house the club dance music was thumping loudly throughout. Lots of older college guy, she immediately noticed, figuring that by later on in the evening she knew of at least ten senior girls here who, being part of her clique, would be applying butt lube for one or more of them. She schmoozed with her friends and talked to a few people she hadn’t in a long time even though the music was so loud she could barely hear herself speak.

It was fun, yet she found herself keeping an eye on the time. Maybe Chris had more of a point than she’d been willing to admit. Not only wasn’t this scene for him, she realized it really wasn’t for her anymore, either. The overall tone and mood of the environment was geared towards hooking up and she was glad Chris hadn’t come along. Not that she had any intention of cheating, but that he’d been correct when he said he wouldn’t fit in among her crowd. Nevertheless, it was sort of fun watching everyone either hooking up with someone or hoping to. But she didn’t want that anymore, she had Chris. She was about to take her leave when she bumped into Sadie.

“Hey girl, you know those three hot college guys from U of M we were flirting with a little bit ago? Jill said after you left they told her they really wanted you to go into one of the bedrooms and do ATM shots with them. You should go for it! They’re cute.”

“What? ATM shots? I don’t drink. Shots of what?” Emily asked, her voice barely registering through the din of the loud club music.

Sadie put on a sexy expression. “Cum, baby! Ass to mouth cum shots. Jizz, splooge, sperm, baby batter! What else do you think they meant. I’m pretty sure Jill let them in on your not so secret secret that you really have a thing for it.”

“I wasn’t flirting with them,” she told her, silently thanking Jill for attempting to sabotage her relationship with Chris, yet realizing she herself was ultimately to blame for bragging to Sadie.

“Honey, this is a Backdoor Betty party, you’re currently numero uno on the hottie list after your recent sexcapades, and you were talking with them and laughing at their jokes, were you not?. Even if you say you weren’t flirting, they certainly thought you were. They’re around here somewhere, looking for you, I think.”

“Well, they’ll have to find another taker. I need to get going. Chris, Matt and my friend, Melissa, are waiting for me. Do you know where Jill’s at? I want to talk to her quick before I go.” She was somewhat annoyed that, unbeknownst to her, Jill had basically tried to set her up with those guys, and wanted to tell her that she was serious about Chris, and that going forward she’d rather she didn’t make it sound as though she were available.

Sadie’s eyes lit up. “Oh, no need to partake here since you’ve got your own private stock, eh? And they laughed as Sadie told her she was pretty sure she’d seen Jill go downstairs.

As she carefully maneuvered between all of the people standing in small clusters talking and dancing in the spacious, dimly lit living room, she felt her ass groped twice. She’d finally reached the stairs leading to the basement and made her way down among those scattered about sitting and talking. Still no sign of Jill.

The house was big, so she ventured around a corner at the bottom, then another, and then down a long hallway. Being familiar with the layout she remembered there were three rooms and a bathroom at the end. The door on the right had been left ajar and inside was her friend, Sarah, who was busy getting ready to start a round of cum shots with the three college guys, plus one, that Sadie had mentioned earlier.

She was kneeling with the back of her jeans slid down, bare-assed, as they stood around her. She had one cock in her mouth and one in each hand. The fourth was lubricating his large erection, preparing to be the first to sodomize her prior to serving her his cum shot. As Emily stood and watched them a moment before moving along there was no denying she felt a twinge of jealousy. Those are my ATM cum shots! …a greedy voice from her libido shouted at her. She suppressed a giggle as she shook it off and continued searching for Jill.

Out of the remaining two rooms, one was closed with the obvious sounds of sex emanating from within. Were Jill inside, she’d have to wait to talk to her some other time. The third room was empty.

She then tried the other direction of the hallway, and as she was getting close to passing a closed door, it suddenly opened, and another member of her clique, Wendy, started out as she was bringing her jeans back up, then paused, turning her attention back to some guy’s voice from inside the room saying something to her. Wendy was skinny and had a pert, well toned ass.

The overhead light in the hall caught and reflected off of the shiny, telltale smears of lubricant along the lower part of her butt crack. Inside Emily istanbul escort bayan could see two older college guys wiping their equipment with towels and pulling their jeans back up.

When Wendy turned back around she gave Emily an embarrassed grin. A long streak of clumpy semen that had missed her mouth when one of them had fed her his cum shot clung to the side of her face from the corner of her mouth back to her ear. Emily had to resist the urge to scoop it off and suck it from her finger. She knew she had to get out of here and get back home. The mood of the party had made her horny, and she wanted to do something tonight she’d been fantasizing about ever since setting Melissa up with Matt.

She pulled into the garage and brought the overhead door down. When she stepped inside the basement her pulse quickened as she saw Melissa standing aside the couch arm with sweatpants pulled down, moaning in pleasure, her soft bare butt taking Matt’s huge cock as Chris held the camera overhead, capturing a top-down POV of the action. Again, now you see it, now you don’t. It were as though the scenario were heaven sent as it coincided perfectly with what she’d been eager to do.

She approached them, giving a little wave, then removed her glasses, and slowly knelt down on the carpet next to Matt and Melissa’s legs so that her face was parallel with and only inches away from Melissa’s well fucked ass, allowing her inadmissible lust for the disgustingly verboten thing she was about to do override any sensible reluctance.

She placed her left hand on Melissa’s right ass cheek and wrapped her right arm under Melissa’s bent waist, bringing her hand up so that it cupped her left ass cheek. Her small yet plump ass felt wonderful to hold. Chris immediately knew what Emily was going to do and quickly re-positioned the camera to capture it up close.

He must’ve been buttfucking her a good long time already, Emily surmised. Matt’s ridiculously big penis was completely covered in thick, glossy smears of Melissa’s yellow’ish white buttgasm slime. Not surprising, as she knew from her experience with him that it was impossible for a girl to not buttgasm from having such a large penis jammed up her backside by a guy who really knew how to use it. Emily brought her face in even closer so that she was face cheek to butt cheek with Melissa, with Matt’s big cock plunging deeply in and out directly in front of her eyes.

“Do you like that, Emily?” Matt asked her. She turned her eyes up to meet his gaze, nodding. “Yeah, it makes me horny, and hungry,” she added. From behind the camera Chris asked her if she’d like to taste Melissa’s butthole on Matt’s cock. Yes, please, she answered submissively, moving her mouth in, licking and sucking at the greasy thick shaft as it plunged in and out of Melissa’s butthole.

Matt stopped thrusting, leaving his greasy dong stuffed halfway into Melissa’s butt crack. He motioned down to Emily. “Go ahead, you can take it,” and Emily wrapped her little hand around the base, pulled it from Melissa’s pink gaping hole and brought the filthy head to her mouth, wrapping her lips around it, sucking the goobery froth from it and swallowing it before forcing as much of the glans into her small mouth as would fit, sucking deeply and making yummy sounds before returning the head to her butt crack for Matt to resume sodomizing her.

Melissa buttgasmed a second time. After, he then alternated between Melissa’s anus and Emily’s mouth, burying it fully into one before probing the throat of the other. Emily took his hand and placed it around the back of her head so he could better force more of it into her mouth, her small cheeks expanding out comically as he did.

Matt told Emily he had an extra surprise for her, and she looked up to him in anticipation. He’d saved up a week’s worth of semen for their get together tonight. He hadn’t come in a week. Her eyes lit up as she beamed, clapping her hands together in a perversely childlike manner.

She spread Melissa’s butt cheeks as he rammed in and out, building to his climax before pulling out and spurting what seemed like a full pint of hot, thick sperm into her mouth. She gulped the heaping mouthful down as Chris zoomed the aim of the camera to her neck as she did, capturing her throat muscles swallowing the large mass of semen, sending it down into her tummy. Emily rested her face on Melissa’s ass cheek, eyes closed, smiling.

They cleaned up, then ordered pizza. Melissa, Matt and Chris had the munchies, and ended up ordering more than they’d be capable of putting away. They watched movies as they ate, talking and joking around, all the while knowing the night still promised more backdoor naughtiness.

Melissa then shyly told them she wanted to perform the esoteric act with Emily and Chris that Emily had done with her and Matt. She had a suggestion, though. Instead of Chris pulling out and ejaculating directly into her mouth, why not fill Emily’s ass with it, and then escort merter she could fart it out into her mouth?

And so they did. After pumping his cream into her cavity, Melissa, who was already kneeling, positioned herself directly behind Emily’s ass, crouching down a bit further so her waiting mouth was flush with her gaping anus. Emily told her that there would be plenty as Chris always delivered a good, thick load, then farted out large, oozing ropes and globs of his semen into Melissa’s mouth, filling it entirely before she gave it a home in her belly. The clock struck midnight shortly after.

Later in her bed, Chris went down on Emily, proper, for the first time, and she climaxed. Chris had started growing a beard that winter, and when he finished it looked like a glazed donut from her vaginal juices.

While she was still on her back recovering from her orgasm, he mounted her in the traditional missionary way. She guided him to her anus then spread her little cheeks and he slowly sank into her, his arms under her upper back and shoulder, cradling the sides of her blonde head with his hands as they looked into one another’s eyes the entire time.

“I love you, Emily,” he whispered to her for the first time. Her heart melted, and she told him she loved him too, then kissed him. They climaxed together, her arms and legs wrapped tightly around him as he thrust in and out of her bottom. They fell asleep cuddled up together.

The holidays were over, and as the whirlwind lust of their events were now fond memories, life settled back into its usual pacing and routine over the following month. Not long after, Matt suffered an accident. He’d started a new warehouse job, had tripped over a forklift and broken his ankle. Nothing major, but would be in a cast boot for a month.

He was very disappointed that he wouldn’t be flying out to Oregon with his parents to visit his older sister. The two were close, and he hadn’t seen her in almost a year. When Melissa, who had returned to her college dorm life, heard of his accident, she planned to drive the sixty odd miles back home that coming weekend to be with him, tending to his needs since his folks would be away. Emily told her to text her when she arrived that Friday night. She wanted her and Chris to come along to help cheer him up.

However, when Friday came, the annoying cold that Chris had suffered through the week now appeared to be the flu, and he didn’t feel well enough to do anything but sleep around the clock. Besides, he said, he didn’t want any of them to catch it. Bad enough that Matt was laid up with a bum wheel, he didn’t need an illness on top of it. Melissa had texted Emily, saying she’d be there to pick her up shortly. Emily called Chris one last time just to see if maybe there’d been any improvement.

“No, Em. I’m not going anywhere. The fever broke, so I feel better than I did yesterday, but still not the greatest. I’ll go visit the clumsy lunkhead next week after I’m over this and aren’t contagious anymore.”

He knew she was disappointed. Earlier she’d told him she was hoping the four of them could play together again. They hadn’t made it since last weekend and she was more than ready for action, hoping for another group session.

“You know, Em… I’m alright with you and Melissa, you know, being with Matt since I can’t be there. He’ll love it. Record some of it for me with your phone and send it to me. Then I’ll be there in spirit anyway,” and the two shared a laugh.

She wasn’t sure what to say. God knows her rump was so ready for it that “horny” didn’t even begin to cover it.

“Are you sure you’re okay with me having another play-date with my well endowed butt buddy?” she teasingly asked, although there was a thoughtful sincerity in it he picked up on. He knew the butt slut side of herself would love being sodomized by Matt again. Even being under the weather and groggy from sleep, coupled with over the counter flu aids, he could detect it registering in her voice.

It was the emotional side of her that was firmly connected with him alone that felt disinclination. Her heart wanted one thing, her butt, another. And he didn’t really mind since it was Matt. Her heart was true blue and he knew he’d marry her someday.

The poor girl was caught in a tug-of-war between wanting to be faithful to him, and wanting to give in to her powerful desire to be buttfucked by Matt’s big dick. And since he’d been the one to steer her to Matt to begin with, and since even if he weren’t sick with the flu and would be going along with them tonight she’d likely take him in her ass again anyway…

“You tell him to give it to that sweet little ass of yours with everything he’s got, Em. Your butt really wants it, needs his big dick, doesn’t it?”

There was a long pause before she confessed in an earnest, hushed tone. “Yes.” She fell silent again, feeling ashamed for admitting it to him before continuing.

“I just feel like… I don’t know, as much as I want that, we’re about at the time when it needs to come to an end, and it’ll just be us. I mean, I know there are plenty of couples who have open relationships, and if it turns out we’re better off because of it… I don’t know. I guess part of me doesn’t want that anymore.”

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