It has been said that desperate times call for desperate measures.
We’ve all had a problem along the line that appeared desperate, but Yankee ingenuity or sticking to a plan often found a way out of the dilemma.
I was thinking about this recently when my niece called and asked for a loan. The little twit ran up thousands of dollars of credit card bills just as a start. Over bought a new car, way beyond her means, and lived in an apartment too expensive for her pocketbook.
Faced with eviction, the repo man and maybe even bankruptcy. I wanted to help her, knew I should help her, but in the back of my mind I wondered why she wasn’t resourceful, didn’t get a second job, and hadn’t gone the extra mile to alleviate her debts.
Once I had been in desperate straits. My dad lost his job and wasn’t able to help with post-high school education. Student loans were available, and that’s the route I look. Once in school though my lack of discipline allowed spending to get in the way of student frugalness.
I got into credit cards way over my head – why do they seemingly give them away to people who might not be able to repay.
As part of my student loan I did have a job at school that was not too taxing, being an aide at the library. But that paycheck barely paid for bare necessities. When my car died I started bicycling to school but that’s no fun for a 20-year-old in a northeast winter. Relying on rides, I began missing classes and that was affecting prospective grades and on and on went the downward spiral.
Along the way I befriended a very nice girl, Taylor, who never seemed to have a problem with cash. She would pick up our check at the coffee house, telling me I could pay her back when things got better. She had an off campus job and was relatively quiet. Something in customer service, working with people.
One Saturday night when I was particularly down Taylor tried everything to cheer me up. “Look girl, you’re smart, your attractive, you have guys all over you and you are a rock solid friend. Cheer up, already. It will get better.
Just think of the end game, when we get out of school and get real jobs and make some real money!”
Of course she was right, but there was something about today’s pain I hated. Washing my hair with hand soap borrowed from a rest room at a local hotel, or eating salad after salad wasn’t my idea of having fun. Oh, there were dates, and that was fine. But those guys were also on a strict budget so burger joints were the thing. Videos or TV at their dorm was a big night out.
More than once I asked Taylor if her workplace was hiring. She emphatically said, Robyn, you wouldn’t like the job. It can be treacherous.”
The more she said no, the more I wanted to know more. It’s like a guy on a date, the more you tell him no the more his hands attempt to roam my body.
Don’t know if it was my constant questioning, or desperation on her employer’s part, but Taylor confided in me one Thursday afternoon something secret she’d held close to the vest for months from me.
“You can’t ever, ever repeat a word of this,” begged the girl. ‘Not a single word.”
Telling her she could count on me, that my lips were sealed, I asked if she was robbing banks or stealing wallets from drunken sailors or something untoward.
She didn’t smile but did tell me a story. If I were wearing socks, they would have been knocked off!
“I ran into a woman at the spa I was working at, and we struck up a friendship,” explained the pretty co-ed, batting her long blonde hair away from her picture perfect face.
“We were friends for weeks when she hit me with something that made me blush. She worked at a massage parlor on the other side of town, just outside the city limits. She said was on the up and up and didn’t require girls to do improper things that I guess I just thought happened at those kind of places.
Taylor wove a tale about the place well away from campus that catered to men who liked massages, and she worked there for a fee plus tips. She said the hours were great and most of the customers good too.
“Do you, uh, have, uh, sex with them?”
“Robyn! I’m not a whore! I just massage the guys.
I had to watch videos on how to do it, I mean there are schools that train you, but, well, Crystal wants to keep costs down and knows the guys love to have younger girl’s hands all over them and the younger the better. I rub them down, especially around shoulders and legs before turning them over and working shoulders again and around the towel they wear then their legs.
“It’s a half hour, of rubbing and talking and a little cooing and time for the next customer. Generally I massage three or four guys and then I’m home. Sometimes the guys jerk off while I am finishing up, sometimes they ask if they can see my boobs. But it’s harmless stuff. I surely don’t have sex with them. In fact, Crystal requires the girls to sign a document saying there will be no sex.”
She told me stories that night over a bottle of wine. She fulya escort had a little too much to drive me home, so it was time for a girl’s sleepover. The timing and the alcohol worked, because right before finding sleepy time she admitted to jacking guys off if they were nice and promised a good tip.
“You jerk guys off? Damn, girl, you are naughty.”
Taylor laughed as the wine continued to act as an incentive to say more.
I have to admit to you readers that my fingers spent time between my legs while she told of the naughty things she’d done with guys in the search for the perfect massage.
“Some of them are so needy, helpless really. One told me his wife never had sex with him, and he just needed some female release instead of his own hands whacking off. He came a bucket. Others are embarrassed, others demanding. But I’ve never had a problem, never had any cross the line.
“Oh, they will play with my ass or beg for a blow job, but I remind them of the rules and Rocky.”
Apparently the manager, Crystal, had a boyfriend, Rocky, who watched over the working girls. Nobody messed with Rocky, nobody.
Taylor caught me cumming on my fingers as she spoke and she laughed, telling me she expected a tip. As an alternative I complied with her request to tell her about a guy I’d dated that she liked. Ethan was a studly guy who all the girls dreamt about.
Ethan and I dated several weeks, and after being a picture perfect guy on our first date the next few were mostly me pushing away and saying no. On the third day I gave in an unzipped his pants – his dick was tiny! I mean, at first, but also after I’d been stroking him off. It couldn’t have been much larger than four inches at full staff.
It was amazing this big strapping 6 foot 3 guy had a dick that was the smallest I’d every touched. He was also very verbal and noisy when getting a hand job, telling me to stroke it, that I was a whore, that I desired and needed his cum. He’d shoot off in my hand and roar.
Taylor soaked it all in, laughing, groaning, and sometime along the way to sleepyland got off. It was quite hot knowing my talk had prompted her orgasm.
The next morning I had to talk more about Crystal’s Palace Massage Parlor. By noon we’d made our way over and I was interviewing with the boss. After we’d talked Taylor dressed – the outfit was a white dress with white pull up garter-like stockings. No snaps, the all in one kind. She looked adorable!
I maneuvered into a similar outfit and went into a room with Crystal, who explained some tricks of the trade and then had me work her over. I mean, I wasn’t really massaging her, as well I didn’t know how. She taught me the basics and had me watch a video. After a while we were back in her office and she offered me a part-time job.
She read the riot act. “This is not a sex house. Always asked the customers if they are police or associated with the government. Always say they don’t have to strip down, as you can massage over clothing. But when they strip – they all will – make sure they come out with a towel.”
Crystal spent 15 minutes explaining the ins and outs of things, saying time and again there should not be sex but that we were independent and working a share of the house fee and for tips.
There were a couple guys waiting and she asked if I wanted to start. She knew one of the guys well, and told him to join me and I heard her whisper that it was my first time.
He was great, and I rubbed all over his body on both sides. No, I didn’t touch his penis, but I worked every which way I could around it. He surprised me as I was starting to clean up at the end of our session by asking me to “watch this”.
Right there on the table he jerked off, sending white sticky cum all over the place.
I think my eyes were going to pop out watching the exhibitionism. I must have gasp. He dressed quickly and handed me a $20 bill and said thanks.
Cleaning up I thought I got $20 for just watching, and that was hot in itself. His dick had been so hard, so needy.
There wasn’t anyone in the parlor when I finished up, so Crystal and I spoke as Taylor was behind closed doors. I said it was such an exciting think to work my hands on guys. She asked if I got turned on and I admitted I did.
“You have to be careful not to let your womanly instincts kick in. I know sometimes you get lost in things, but it’s a massage, and a massage only.”
I told her how my first customer whacked off at the end and she admitted some guys will do that. “As long as you aren’t having sex, it’s fine to watch. But there is a line.”
Scooting close to me, she said she knew some girls might use their hands, or maybe even their mouths, to get a better tip. But it wasn’t a requirement, wasn’t desirable from her viewpoint,
and I should think long and hard about what went on behind closed doors. And that Rocky was always available to help with a quick yell!
My second customer was an older guy in his sixties bebek escort who was prim and proper, folding his clothing perfectly and quietly saying what he liked and didn’t like about my massage. I worked his flabby body thinking to myself he was older than my father…nearly my grandfather’s age for crying out loud.
When I informed him he had just a couple minutes left he offered me $10 to show him my tits. I mean, really, but it was so nice. I mean, it was only a quick show, and he was a nice guy, and it surely wasn’t sex. I did, and he got a nice view of Pride and Joy.
On the way back to the dorm Taylor and I talked about what had occurred. That I’d not done anything I normally didn’t do with guys on first dates. I mean, well, normally guys don’t jerk off on first dates in front of me be I have been known to allow feeling my breasts but on this afternoon all I did was basically flash a guy.
Hell, a month or so ago Kimberly and I did just that on a bridge over the interstate letting a couple truckers see our boobs.
I was comfortable, and, quite frankly, it was a nice payday for an afternoon’s work. I didn’t think more than that, other than at night when I played with my pussy while thinking of that first guy jerking off in front of me. I had a fitful sleep!
# # # #
Crystal called the following day and asked if I was okay with my actions the day before. I told her I was still nervous and shaking, but that yes, it was work but also fun.
She asked if I wanted to be a fill in girl when she had a busy day or someone was out sick, and I quickly agreed. It was easy money. And if I didn’t do anything that would make the newspapers I was okay with that. It was nice having a full tank of gas!
She mentioned Friday would be busy and asked if I could get over in the afternoon. My last class ended at 2 and I said I could do a few hours but that I did have a movie date that night. I’d cancel, but she insisted I keep the date.
The Parlor was busy when I arrived. Sneaking a look there were three younger guys, friends it seemed, off early from work and looking for some muscle relaxation. Crystal said they were semi-regulars, and said each was not demanding.
Another girl was already servicing someone in the far back room, and Crystal was going to take one of the guys, but I quickly changed into uniform to allow the first guy the option of picking the “new girl”.
The smallest guy, George, was first, and he picked me saying I was lovely! We went to the back and he went behind the screen to undress.
George asked if I was really new and when I replied yes he looked around the curtain and smiled. I love it, a virgin!
I must have given a look back at him, because he quickly apologized. “I didn’t mean anything, I know the rules,” said the man. “I just meant it’s kind of hot knowing you will be working on me as your first customer.”
I didn’t have the heart to tell him about the other day and went with the flow, telling him I was very, very nervous, and that I was a good girl. I remembered to remind him there would be no sex, he agreed, and he said he wasn’t associated with any kind of law enforcement or anything, and he came out with his towel and a hard on. Seriously!
He laid down on the table as I began working on his back. He asked that I, well, moan a little when I massaged him as if I really loved his body. I didn’t see any harm there, and moaned and mentioned how hot it was working on his muscles.
A couple minutes into the massage I could tell he was moving against the table, moving his midsection faster whenever I said anything the least bit naughty.
Along the way I couldn’t help telling him I thought he made women swoon, and that his ass was so very sexy. He moved faster down there, and out of nowhere he told me to spank his ass…quickly.
I did, and on the third swat he groaned and, well, had an orgasm right there. I massaged his ass as he finished his rubbing off against the table, and smiled at how easy that was. Damn, sometimes guys take forever to cum on dates, and here in just a few minutes of massaging and a couple swats and BINGO!
George came down from his orgasmic state and asked that I rub his shoulders for a few minutes. He said I was awesome, that he felt great, but he wanted to use the full 30 minutes so his buddies didn’t know he’d been a quick shooter as he said.
I asked if they – and he – always got off in the back rooms here and he admitted that Matt, the tall guy, always did but that Eric sometimes didn’t. “He’s more reserved.”
The guy spouted off that some of the girls would not play along with his wants, and that was okay, but that I was fabulous. Upon leaving there was $25 bucks on the table next to the curtain, so I guess he did like our get together.
The rest of the day was uneventful. Not too demanding, and I serviced, er, massaged two other men without doing anything more than massaging them from head to toe missing just their private cihangir escort parts.
One jerked off at the end behind the curtain – I’m betting he didn’t know I knew – and the other talked about how he was going to bang his wife as soon as she got home from work.
“You have me so hot, and she’s wearing just a skirt and top and I’m gonna bend her over the kitchen table and bang her when she gets in the house,” said the guy. “And I will be thinking of you!”
Damn, that’s naughty. But the customer is always right.
# # # #
A month into my new part-time job and I still was having a ball. It was so naughty, but I wasn’t pressed into doing anything untoward. I was a massage girl, and sometimes talked naughty, sometimes spanked a little ass, and on a couple occasions my hands just might make their way onto a guy’s dick but I’d never whacked one off. That was the guy’s responsibility.
Oh I was enticed by a couple girls making off with double my tips for, well jerking off a guy, but I had drawn the line. And I was making decent money – way more than at my other part time job – so much that I cut down time there and spent an extra afternoon at Crystal’s place. I was getting out of debt and actually saving a couple dollars.
My love life was enhanced too, as when nature took it’s could on several dates the sensations were, well, more pleasurable in that my mind might wander to a special guy I’d massaged during the week or other fantasy thoughts would occur.
Then came “that” Wednesday. Crystal was short-handed and asked me to stay a little extra. I had nothing to do but homework so I agreed. They money was good and help was on the way so it was just another guy or two.
I’d cleaned up after a bald guy had done his own thing on the table and quickly made myself presentable for a new customer. Being busy, Crystal was working in a room so I didn’t get a heads up on number of customers, but a quick glance let me know there was just one.
Opening the door I put on my best smile a tucked up my skirt a little and said hello to the guy in the waiting room. He turned and my smile froze. It was Professor Dawson, my English professor and Dean of the department.
I stuttered something and turned to leave the room, embarrassed to no end.
“Miss, I need a massage,” said the Dean.
My mind was jumbled, I was beet red for sure and I knew I was busted. But it was my job, and I wasn’t doing anything wrong. I was a good girl. Turning, I replied, “This way sir.”
We went into the massage room and I went through my normal questions. He answered appropriately and went behind the curtain to undress. I took a few deep breaths and mentioned to the man that I could explain and went on to say about the money problems and such. He came out with his towel on and asked that I keep his visit a secret between us.
That sort of broke the ice. I was doing an embarrassing job and he was visiting an establishment that was a little off color. We were even.
I gave the Dean the best massage I’d ever given, working the muscles as best I could, paying attention to his shoulders and neck which he loved and worked down to his toes. When he flipped over, like many guy, there was a little tent in his midsection, but he didn’t have a raging hard on or anything. He was merely enjoying a girl’s hands on his body.
Working the front side as I had the back, I knew he was enjoying the massage. I thought I’d really improved my technique over the last month and was actually a near masseuse. Not training properly, but good enough to get the job done.
While the first half of the massage was merely quite time, when working on his front he’d stare at me working on his body. Along the way he asked why I was doing this and I said again it was good, honest work and the pay and tips were good.
“So, Robyn, how’d you like to make a $100 tip? Right now, for just a couple minutes of your time?”
Replying I didn’t normally get those kind of tips for a massage, he explained.
“Play with your bare tits for me and lift that skirt and show me your pussy. Play with it a little in the chair over there. You don’t have to touch me, just perform.”
We stared at each other and I made sure nothing more. He agreed.
I tucked up my skirt and lowered my panties, then took off my blouse and removed my bra. Sitting in the chair, I closed my eyes and began massaging my breasts and pussy in a way I’d never done before in front of another human being. I can’t believe I was doing it, but I was. Looking up, I saw Dean Dawson staring at me while jerking his dick.
There we were, in a little massage room, two individuals who knew each other from a school site satisfying sexual urges by watching each other get off on their own. The Dean mentioned several times how beautiful I was, and I couldn’t help focusing on his cock. It was huge.
We worked our bodies in unison before he revealed he was going to cum. That sent electrical surges through my body and I went into an orgasmic state as he was shooting his seed out onto the floor.
Damn, that was good.
We were both somewhat embarrassed after, but I thought quickly and went over to grab a towel and ran it under some hot water. Striding over to the curtain I looked behind as he was putting on his shirt.