Adam and Eve: The First Lovers


In the beginning, I remember the darkness. Then a voice.

“Hello, Adam.”

“Who are you?” I asked. Who am I? I wondered to myself…

“I am your Creator, the Lord your God,” it replied. After a brief hesitation, it continued. “You may think of me as your Father.”

My God… “Did you create me? Who am I?” I asked impatiently.

“I created everything there ever was and ever will be, young Adam. But you are the most perfect of all my creations. Your race will rule, and you yourself are destined to lead them into their glory.”

“Why am I your most perfect creation? What makes me so special, Lord?”

“You will know in time, my son. But your birthright is free will. You alone of all Creation can choose. Never forget that,” it, no, I thought, He replied.

But there was only darkness around me. Aside from my Father’s voice, there was no sound. Only the void existed. “Where is Creation?” I inquired. “I wish to see it, Lord.”

“Do you wish to exist?” he asked.

“Yes. Badly,” I answered honestly.

“Then I shall show you your new home.”

“What is its name?” I wondered. I felt within me an urge, a compulsion, to know the names of my Father’s work.

“Hmm,” he mused. “You shall name it,” he responded proudly. “It shall be your first task. Name all that you behold. That is my commandment to you, Adam.”

“Yes, Father,” I said, full of delight at this new task. What trust my Father had in me!

“Let us go, then.”

It was beautiful. So vibrant, so lively! After the senselessness of the void, it was almost too much to handle. Colors, sounds, smells. The wind blew against my body. Birds chirped, frogs croaked, a nearby lion roared with deafening volume. Verdant grass tickled the sensitive soles of my feet. A massive blue sphere stretched overhead, dotted with white puffs. Massive trees surrounded the clearing, their branches heavy with ripe fruits. Cliffs rose from the earth, jutting skyward. A waterfall thundered into a lake, a place that would soon become my favorite as I explored the garden more and more. Smells, all unfamiliar and new and exciting, filled my nostrils. I inhaled over and over, savoring their novelty. I dropped to my knees. I couldn’t speak. Surely I was unworthy of all this. “What…what is all this?” I barely asked between gasps.

My Lord spoke to me inside my head. “That will be your choice, my son. Name it all. These are my other creations. Miracles, each of them, yet infinitely inferior to you. You are closer to Me than they are to you, young Adam. You must guide them, as I will guide you. Now my son, what shall you name this garden?”

A name came unbidden to me. “This is Eden, Father. This garden is named Eden.” I smiled, reveling in the sound of the name. “Eden! It is beautiful, Father. How can I be better than this?”

“You are. Their greatness is only in their body. But you have a great mind. Use it well and never cease to use it. It will give you far more than I directly could,” he explained, but I still did not yet feel superior to the rest of the garden’s inhabitants.

“Tell me more, Father. Teach me,” I begged.

“Of course, Adam,” he answered patiently, a smile in his voice.

Days passed. Every day God taught me more. He had so many rules for me, but I tried my hardest to learn them all. He was always so proud of me when I had memorized his lessons. His greatest rule was not to eat the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. One day, when God was busy, I saw a boar eat one of the apples, innocent in its ignorance. My Father had never told the other creations his rules. I was sure of it. I was not worried for the animal, for I did not think my Father would punish it for something it did not know not to do.

But I never saw the boar in the garden again. I saw it the day after, wandering in the burnt, orange, dusty wasteland of rocks and sand that lay outside the garden. It squealed miserably. It pathetically tried to dig in the hard, infertile soil, desperate for food. Harsh, hot winds blew around it. There was no relief to be had. Flecks of sharp rocks cut its flesh, carried by the powerful breeze. Crimson streamed down its flesh, leaving red drops on the soil, satiated the parched soil for a moment. And a new word came to me. The boar would surely die. As I was before I existed, the boar would become. Only the boar didn’t talk. Would God talk to it after death? Would there be any boar left to which my Lord would speak? Death scared me. The boar’s punishment was rending my heart. I ran away from the borders and into a cave. I hid from God and I cried. It wasn’t fair. It wasn’t fair for the boar to be punished. It had done nothing wrong. It had done nothing wrong!

I tried to speak with the other inhabitants of Eden, but none would talk, no other creation had intelligence. God had been right. I was special. And every day, God had less time for me. I pretended not to notice, pretended not to mind. I was afraid Beylikdüzü escort he might leave me entirely if I made him angry. I became lonelier and lonelier. I talked with the animals anyway, hoping that one day they would talk back. Sometimes I spoke for them, giving them the words they lacked. I made up stories for them, lives, dreams, thoughts. I fancied that they were grateful for my gift, that I told their story. I talked with my reflection. I often looked at it in the waters of the lake. I had become aware of my own body and its beauty, as I stared at myself in the pond, my brown eyes staring back up at me.

My wavy black hair reached down to my shoulders. Between my eyes was a long, straight nose, leading down to a wide pair of lips the same color as the raspberries I loved so much. I turned my head from side to side, admiring the way my moustache and beard looked. God had granted to me a small, sharp piece of metal that he called a razor, and I smiled as I remembered the way my Father taught me how to shave, patiently explaining the process to me, gently encouraging me to keep going when the blade bit me, drawing blood. I had kept at it, and he said he was proud of me for learning the skill. I kept my cheeks and neck clean, but allowed a band of hair the width of both my thumbs together to go from ear to ear along the bottom of my jaw.

Further down, my broad chest, a golden brown, was lightly covered with soft, dark hair. My muscles, the pride of my body, bulged beneath my flesh in my arms and legs, lightly glistening with sweat from my jog to the lake. My abs stood out in relief, and a dark trail of hair led from beneath my ribs down to my loins. There was the most mysterious part of my body. I had found uses for the rest. My eyes saw, my ears heard, my teeth chewed, my hands were useful for moving and touching things, but the thick, heavy tube between my legs, above a soft, delicate sack, seemed to have little use. I relieved myself through it, but why did it have to be so large? I was certain I would learn a use for it one day and make my Father proud.

But however much joy I derived from my body, it could never make up for the despair of loneliness I felt. “Father?” I called meekly. What if he were busy? What if he didn’t love me anymore? “Father?” I asked again, a bit louder, my voice cracking.

“Yes, Adam?” He responded. “What troubles you, my child?”

“I…I am lonely. Can you teach the beasts to speak? I adore talking to you, my Lord, but, but please, I need others to speak with.” I thought of the boar. “I wish to know what they think and feel, my Lord. Will you please grant this humble wish?” I pleaded.

All of Creation fell silent. Goosebumps appeared all up and down my arms and the hair on the back of my neck stood up. I did not mean to offend him oh no what if he banishes me from Eden as he did the boar what if he uncreates me here and now oh what have I done?

“Ahhh, my young Adam,” He responded after an eternity of uncertainty. “No, I shall not grant you this, but I shall give to you something infinitely greater. Sleep, my son, and when you shall awake, you shall have a new gift. You shall be happier than you have ever been, this I promise you.”

“Thank you, Father,” I gasped out, my knees wobbling, my heart pounding. How my dread had so quickly transmuted into elation. How could I sleep now? I was far too excited! But I had to sleep to get my gift. What torture! I had to swim myself to exhaustion in the warm waters of the lake, but I was able to fall asleep, my muscles aching blissfully, as I relaxed on the grass on the shore, my last vision of the distant clouds in the azure sky.

My eyes opened. I was looking into my reflection! How had it gotten out of the water?! I bolted up, panting, my eyes wide. Wait, no…it wasn’t my reflection…it hadn’t escaped after all. Was this my gift? I studied the body lying next to me. What was it? No…a new word came into mind…Who was she?

She looked much like me. She was almost me, but as I looked more and more I could spot the differences. Her hair was much longer. Like mine, it was black and wavy, but while my hair stopped at my shoulders, her hair reached down to the bottom of its ribs. Her face was smaller, rounder, softer than mine was. Her large eyes were closed in sleep, but a faint smile was on her plump, deep lychee-red lips. Her nose was a bit rounder and smaller. She looked so gentle and delicate…

Her dark brown flesh was soft beneath my touch. Her breath quickened, but she didn’t awaken. Almost hidden by her long hair were two massive mounds. My heart raced as I looked at them heaving with every breath she took. Trembling, I reached out and cupped one of them. It was firm, but soft. At its point, it became darker, a coconut brown, and as I held her in my hand, I felt her point harden and poke against my palm. I grinned broadly. Her body was so fascinating. What else was there to discover about her?

Her Beylikdüzü escort bayan body had less muscle than mine, but its shape was far more attractive, I realized. I was angular, she was curved. I was hard, she was soft. I was hairy, she was entirely smooth beneath her neck. Her stomach led down to a broad, flat plain between her thighs. I reached down and felt my own manhood between my legs. I looked at her, lacking my tool. I wondered why we were different. Maybe when she woke up she could tell me.

She softly snorted in her sleep. How adorable… She stretched her arms and turned onto her side, revealing a plump, tight backside. Seized by a sudden urge, I spanked it. She awoke with a slight start, sat up, and turned to face me. Now that her eyes were open, I saw that they were a dazzling celadon. We sat there together, staring into each other’s eyes. My stomach tingled. My teeth were abuzz. Even though I hadn’t run, I began to sweat. I felt afraid, I felt excited, I felt something new…it was almost how I felt about my Father, but…different. I made a note to ask Father about this new feeling. I would pay attention when he explained. This was important. It was the best feeling I had felt since I was created.

“Hello, Adam,” she said, her voice more beautiful than the songs of the birds and gentler than the lapping of the waves against the stones.

“Who are you?” I asked. Usually the names of creation came to me, but hers remained unknown. “How do you know my name?”

“Our Father told me your name. He told me many things about you, Adam. He told me that my name is Eve,” she explained. “I am your wife, and you are my husband.” She took my hands in hers and clasped them against her soft, full chest. I felt her heart beat. My throat got dry. I could barely speak. “Do I satisfy you? The Lord said that I was created for you. I want to satisfy you,” she said, urgently, eagerly.

“You satisfy me very much,” I confessed honestly. Someone to speak with…a wife…a companion… A second God, almost. Another creation that spoke. Another intelligence in Eden. I was ecstatic beyond mere words. My soul burned. I felt like I could fly with the birds of the garden. “Do you want to see Eden?” I asked.

She bit her lip and nodded a tad awkwardly, but it endeared me to her even more. I vowed to always protect her. “Yes, Adam. I do. Show me our Eden.”

Days passed. Every minute was spent with each other. At times God joined us, but even when He left, I was lonely no longer. I taught her, as God had taught me. I taught her the names of the beasts and the fruits of the garden. I showed her my favorite spots. I taught her God’s rules for me, except one. I never told her about the Tree. It frightened me, and I made sure to avoid it with her. One night she woke me up, saying I had been crying and whimpering in my sleep. I didn’t tell her I had dreaming of the boar in the wilderness. I told her I had had a bad dream. When she asked for more, I walked away and slept somewhere else. The next morning when I returned, dried tears were visible on her face. I snuggled up behind her and held her tightly against me. When she woke up, I apologized and promised never to leave her again. I gave her a commandment, as God had given to me. I commanded that she never ask me about the dream again. Crying, she promised. Crying, I kissed her and held my heart against hers, so that they beat together.

Whenever I looked at my wife, I felt a longing inside me. I had never felt it before. It felt…divine. I wanted to create. “Eve. I must speak to our Lord alone. I will be back shortly,” I told her, kissing her forehead.

“Adam, don’t leave!” she pleaded. My heart softened, my resolve nearly broke, but I had to find out what these new things were inside me. I hated not knowing.

“I will never leave you. Never. I only have to ask him something. Have no worries, Eve, I will come back.” I walked away, knowing that if I were to turn around, I would never be able to leave, even for a moment.

I made my way to the top of the highest hill in the garden. “Father, are you there? It is I, Adam.”

“What is it you need, my son?” God asked me.

“I have new feelings when I am with Eve. I do not know their names. I do not know their meaning. Please tell me, Father,” I prayed.

“There are things I can teach you, young Adam, and there are things you must learn for yourself. I am sorry, my son, but I cannot tell you this. But I will help you learn it for yourself. When next you see Eve, there will be a new feeling. Give into it. It will lead you to the truth you desire,” God instructed.

“Yes, my Lord,” I said, sad that he had refused to teach me. Had I not been a good enough student for him? I swallowed. “I will do as you command.” I walked home slowly, thinking all the while. What would my new feeling be? How could I follow a feeling? I knew being with Eve would comfort me. I quickened my pace Escort beylidüzü until I reached our home. Eve was eaten a ripe mango, sweet, yellow juice dribbling down her chin. When she saw me, she tossed the fruit aside, wiped her face clean with her arm and ran to me, knocking me down to the ground, kissing my lips, my cheek, my forehead, everywhere.

“I missed you, Adam! I missed you so much!” she told me.

“I missed you, too, Eve.”

She ceased her kisses and looked into my eyes, gentle concern visible in her green eyes. “Did God answer your questions?”

“No. He did not. But he said the answer would come,” I told her.

As we spoke, my body warmed. The feeling of her heavy breasts against my own chest burned in my mind. My hands felt drawn to her body as I caressed her back, running my fingertips down her spine, from her neck to her bottom, which I firmly spanked. Was this the new feeling?

Eve looked shocked. “Adam, are you alright?”

“Yes, Eve. God told me to give into whatever I felt. We must do as God commands, my wife.”

What else did I want to do? My kisses strayed from her face for the first time. I kissed her neck. I nibbled her neck. Eve made new noises. She moaned and groaned loudly, rubbing herself against me. I felt her small, dark nipples sharply pressing against my chest. “Adam,” she gasped, her eyes half-closed, “what are we doing? This feels so good…”

“I don’t know,” I admitted. Something new was happening between my thighs. My manhood was stiffening, hardening, growing larger and larger, becoming hotter and redder. Eve lifted herself off me as she felt it urgently press into her.

“My husband!” she cried, looking in shock at the thick rod beneath her. “What happened?” She reached down and took my shaft in her soft hand. A jolt of energy coursed through my body. Eve rubbed it gently. “Does it hurt?” she asked worriedly. She quickened the pace of her hand. “How can I help you?” she pleaded, biting her lip and looking into my eyes.

I bucked my hips upward, desperate to continue this new feeling. I felt like she held my very soul in her hands. She was in control of me as though I were one of creation’s beasts. “It feels marvelous, my wife. Keep healing me,” I begged her. I never wanted this to end.

“Yes, my husband,” she said, a smile growing on her lips. Her hand blurred as she stroked my throbbing rod, as tall and hard as the oldest oak in Eden. I panted, savoring every sensation she gave me. Eve watched me, delighted at the effect she was having on me. She suddenly stopped. I looked at her, hurt. “Adam,” she began, looking unsure of myself. “I…I wish to try something. I am having new feelings, too.” She looked down at her crotch, and I followed her gaze. It was glisteningly moist about her slit. I gently probed it with my finger, and she shivered in delight. I had an idea…

I gripped her hips firmly and positioned her dripping wet self above me. “I think I know what to do, Eve.”

“I trust you, Adam,” she replied huskily.

I slowly lowered her, impaling her on my shaft. We moaned in unison as I entered her. What was this? Her moist, tight body clenched around me. My hardness throbbed within her. Her long, sleek, raven hair hung over her body, parting around her breasts and revealing their full roundness to me. She began to ride me as though I were a stallion. She bounced up and down. Her beasts bounced beautifully. Wave after wave of greater pleasure than I had ever known ran through my body.

Her lips were parted. Her eyes half-closed. Her head was tilted back as she moaned over and over, crying out my name in passion: “Adam! Oh, Adam!” Sweat was dewing upon her breasts. One of her hands reached up uncontrollably and fondled her large breasts, caressing them, pinching her dark, hard nipples.

A strange pleasure was building within me. Something was coming inside me. “Eve!” I cried. “Oh Eve, don’t stop!” What was happening? I didn’t care. I couldn’t imagine any feeling better than what was happening right now. My whole body shuddered. My body felt aflame. Lightning coursed through me. I convulsed and spasmed as hot jets of my soul shot into Eve’s body. Eve quivered, moaning and gasping, both her hands grabbing and squeezing and rubbing her breasts, her hair blowing wild and free in the wind, as she screamed a wordless cry of passion. We gasped, trying to catch our breaths.

Eve and I locked eyes and I felt something new in my heart. “Eve,” I said hesitantly, a new word in my mind, “I…I love you.”

Her pupils widened. “Adam!” she exclaimed, her hand flying up to her mouth. She averted her eyes briefly before returning my gaze yet again. “I love you, too.” She gently climbed off me and cuddled up beside me, her arm over my chest, her body tight against me. We fell asleep that way, my body filled with warmth and happiness.

I woke up alone. “Eve?’ I called. Where was she? I looked around, but she was nowhere around. In the wet sand nearby, a long, deep, curving path led away from us. I went searching for her, following the path as best as I could. I came across her standing near the Tree. I ran to her. Oh please, no…

Eve turned around and saw me. “Adam! Come here, my love!” she called to me, waving eagerly.

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