A Tease For The Landlord Ch. 02


I related in the last story how my wife Sharon deliberately flashed our landlord, Harold.

She was blatant as hell about it but somehow did it in such a way it seemed to be an “accident.” The only reason she did it was to try and make sure we got to stay in our little rented house. She had noticed where the old man’s interests were, and on her own decided to try and do something to keep us from being evicted.

The initial incident was so seemingly accidental that I didn’t even realize until we were back in the house, thinking Harold saw her panties. I let my hands run up over her fanny and there was nothing under there but Sharon!


But it was funny in a way, old Harold was harmless it seemed to me, and it was obvious that Sharon got a bit hot at the idea of flashing her bare beaver at the old fart. We ended up fucking each other senseless that night.

We got our way, Harold was no longer insisting that we move out. That would have created a real problem, the only place we had left to go was our car and we had already done that for 3 months.

The funny part was it didn’t upset me at all. Hell, Harold was a 60 year old coot and no threat to me. Even better, he actually smiled and waved at me as I left for work the next morning.

Well, I wasn’t sure about the “better” part, it was sure out of character for him. Made me uncomfortable somehow.

Still, inside and warm, not outside and cold, Fall was fast approaching and no way could I rent a leanto shack for what we were paying. So I could put up with some BS to hang on until I could get finances under control.

I do know I thought quite a bit about the idea of Harold staring at Sharon’s bare pussy for what I knew was a solid two minutes, well…I did get a flash of jealousy.

Yes, a little struggle, I didn’t really care but somehow I did? At least it was in my mind all the time, yet I wasn’t really mad about it.

I came home the next night, tired and dirty from climbing around people’s cars all damned day, opened the door and Sharon hollered out at me to take my shoes off.

“What the fuck for?” I thought, then I looked down.

New carpet! Hell, we couldn’t afford new carpet, I was trying to save money to get me another gas station.

“What the hell is this?” I demanded, preparing to be pissed off.

“Harold came over and put it in.”


“Yes, he showed up about 10 minutes after you left.”

“Harold?” I repeated, stupidly, just standing there.


“He said he wanted us to be comfortable.”

He wanted another peek at my wife, is what fucking Harold wanted.

I took off my shoes, trying to remember what Sharon had been wearing as I grabbed my thermos and headed off to work. It seemed to me it was that pink nightie and matching panties, but for the life of me I couldn’t remember.

Dinner was ready, so I sat down to eat. The usual beans, Potatos, a salad, and a big T-bone steak!

T-bone? No way could we afford steaks. I had to ask, already knowing.

“Where did the steaks come from?”

“Oh, Harold brought a couple over, said he had lots of extras.”


“Just how long was he here?” I asked.

“Pretty much all day, he was doing the carpet. I fixed him lunch, so he brought us steaks.”

All day? Harold?

I ate the steak, it was a good one, too. Then I went in and turned on the little black and white TV, watched the news.

Sharon came in and cuddled up with me on the couch, I looked around the room at the new carpet, full of rich brown and gold colors, I had to admit it looked good.

What the fuck, I decided to just go with the flow.

The next morning, I grabbed my thermos and headed out, glancing over at Harold’s house. No sign of anybody, so I quickly forgot him as I headed to the shop.

It was only about 3 hours later the phone rang, It was Sharon.

“Hi. Can we use the shop truck for a couple of hours?”

“I guess, who’s we?”

“Oh, Harold is getting us a new stove, it’s even got a microwave up top!” Her voice was all excited at the idea. The little kitchenette unit we used was a bit of a mess.

“I guess.” I replied, and went back to pulling the trouble codes off the Beamer I was working on.

They showed up in 10 minutes, my work was only a few miles away. I looked out as the white Mercedes pulled onto the lot. Sharon hopped out and came in, my jaw almost dropped.

I had never seen the top she had on before, it was one of those criss-cross red things that tie behind the neck. No way in hell could she keep her tits in that thing unless she tied it so tight it would almost strangle her. Even worse was the short pleated skirt, if she bent over her ass was going to be pointed at the world. She called that her “sizzler” outfit, they were intended to be worn with big matching underpants.

I didn’t see any matching underpants.

I didn’t say anything, got the keys to the shop truck. I gave her a hug and a kiss, taking the opportunity to run my hand up her butt to check on this shit. I touched some lace and that made kadikoykadin.com me feel a bit better, not much.

Sharon giggled, kissed me on the cheek and went bouncing off toward Harold, skipping like a damn schoolgirl.

That night I got home tired again, took off my damned shoes at the door. The new stove did look good, I had to admit that. I sat down to eat, another nice steak.

“Harold again?” I asked, between mouthfuls.

“Yes, he gave us some more so we could try out the new stove.”

I looked around, the little dump was actually starting to look good.

“Probably going to jack up the fucking rent.”, popped into my head.

That night as we lay in bed, I twisted the conversation around to Harold, wanting to know if he was trying or doing anything.

“Oh, no, Harold just looks at me, that’s all.”

“Looks at what?”

“You know, he peeks. It’s kinda funny.”

“Peeks? How?” I probed for more information.

“Oh, I catch him looking down my front and stuff like that.”

“Well, he wouldn’t have had to look very fucking hard!” my tone went a bit angry.

“Oh, silly. It’s just peeking, besides, he is a nice harmless old man.”

Somehow I didn’t think Harold was quite so fucking harmless.

The next day was Sunday, thank God. I slept in a bit, Sun was shining in my window when I woke up. I reached over for Sharon, she wasn’t there.

I checked the house which didn’t take much in our little place, no Sharon. I went over to the window, looked out. I could see Harold sitting on his porch with a cup of something in his hand, leaning forward looking towards the back yard with that same expression on his face I had seen that night by the firepit.

I sneaked around the other side to check, Sharon was down on her knees digging away at something. I looked closer, she was wearing one of my white T-shirts. The way her boobs were hanging down and rolling back and forth I was pretty sure that was all she had on. The bottom of the T-shirt did reach her fanny but that was it, and her fanny was pointed right at Harold!

I was standing right there not 10 feet away and neither one of them even noticed me.

I walked up to Sharon.

“Morning! What the hell are you doing?”

“Oh. hi. Harold said we could plant some vegetables back here.” She didn’t even look up, just kept digging with the little three tined forked thing she was using.

I was standing almost right over her now, I looked at her behind and I could see the curve of her bare ass cheeks. Her knees were about a foot and a half apart.

“Do you have anything on under that?”

“No.” she giggled.

“Hey, this is a bit much.” I protested.

“Shhh, silly. It’s nothing, this is working.” she looked up at me, I could see her eyes were smokey looking. It hit me she was getting off on this stuff.

“Come on inside.”

She got up and followed me inside, I guess I was a little bit upset. Yep, we had an argument, something about me not liking her flashing her pussy all day every day at Harold, she was hollering that it was a hell of a lot better than having to go live in the fucking woods, on and on.

I was sulking in the living room, switching channels on the TV that it suddenly hit me was bigger that it was before and had colors. Sharon came out, she had put on some blue jeans, a button up top and bra. She sat tight up next to me on the couch, didn’t say anything.

Finally, I said, “New Tv, too?”

“Yes, Harold brought it over yesterday.”

Funny I hadn’t even noticed.

She leaned her head over on my shoulder.

“I’m sorry.”

“Look, hon, I know why you are doing this, but…”

“He’s just an old man, I let him peek and he gives us stuff.”

“Hell, he might end up raping you or something.”

“No, he is always nice, he just looks. Besides, he owns a jewelry store, he is rich.”

Jewelry store? Well, that explained the Mercedes and the big house.

“Well, I think it is best to cool it a little.”

“OK.” she snuggled up tight, I started rubbing her tits, the fight was over.

I got curious, so I snooped around a bit. Harold did own the largest jewelry store downtown, his son David had taken over day to day operations, so Harold was mostly retired.

I wandered down there later the next week to take a look. There was three young women working as clerks, all three were dressed to the hilt and sexy as hell. I wandered around pretending to shop as they waited on customers. Men customers, I noticed. The one that had to be David sat in the back at a huge desk, he was a younger spitting image of our landlord, maybe 35 or so.

Once in awhile one of the salesgirls would go back to confirm a sale, without fail they leaned over his desk. All three of them had at least one button too many undone, all three had short skirts. I didn’t see any panty lines on any of them, either, as much as I could tell without looking like a holdup man or something.

I think they were used to men wandering in to look, they paid me little attention, likely my work uniform didn’t make me appear to be a hig dollar customer.

I had it pretty much figured out, Harold’s family used sex appeal to sell, seemed to work, too. The place was damn near as much fun as the local titty bar.

I went back to work, my head full of some of what had gone on the last few days. Damn we needed money, I wanted to buy another business and try again.

That night after dinner Sharon and I had a long talk. I told her to go ahead with the garden bit if she wanted, tease Harold all she liked. Might as well see where it led, he had already seen everything anyway.

Sharon hugged me, happy. It hit me she liked the flashing, it got her hot. Somehow it got to me too, but I just wanted to know about it or be around.

Silly, I know. Not a feeling I can really explain. It also popped in my head that it was probably a fucking mistake.

So Sunday morning I woke up, no Sharon in bed with me again. I got up and peeked out the window to find Harold sitting on his porch, the surprise was David was sitting there, too. They were both staring towards the back yard.

I grinned, wandered around to take a look. Sharon had a tray of what looked like Pepper plants, she was digging and setting them in place.

She had on her levi miniskirt and a very loose short top. I knew that when she leaned over her titties would hang down, the top would hang even farther. The miniskirt was short standing up, she was on her knees, leaning forwards, planting one plant, then moving the dirt around it. Then she would scoot forwards to the next one.

I watched her for maybe 5 minutes, then got an idea. I knew she would come in sweaty and dirty and hit the shower. Our shower (If one could call it that) faced Harold’s house, there were windows upstairs in his house that looked right in the fairly large window. We normally kept the shades drawn, I went in and opened them wide, left them that way. I even opened the lower window all the way to the top.

I knew Harold sometimes sat up there to watch our place, so I was curious. I peeked out at Sharon, she was just finishing up. Harold and David were nowhere in sight, they had to have seen me open the windows, though.

Then I hopped in my rig and drove a couple of blocks down the street. I parked and walked back, there were some hedges around the side that would hide me from Harold’s place yet give me a clear view of our bathroom windows.

I knew Sharon might just walk in and close the curtains, but I was thinking she might pick up on the idea. I wanted to watch, I wanted to see what they might see. Peeking around the corner at their upstairs windows, I saw motion, now I knew they were up there.

It wasn’t 5 minutes and the door to the bathroom opened. Sharon came in, hesitated, went to the window. She looked out, saw me. I smiled, she smiled. She turned and walked back to the center of the room. Reaching up, she turned on the lights over the mirrors, even though the room was already bright from daylight.

Then she reached down, pulled her top over her head. She posed before the mirror, lifted her breasts, turned this way and that. Then she tripped the belt on her miniskirt, slid it down her legs.

She was naked, as I had suspected. She lifted one leg, set it on the low edge of the shower entrance, reached down and inspected herself. From my vantage point, I could see her pussy lips open and close, and they began to swell up and stick out of her as I watched. I knew Harold and David had a spectacular view of her from their upstairs angle. Sharon put on a show for a solid 20 minutes, then stepped into the shower, washing herself thoroughly. She stepped out, spent another few minutes drying herself off. Then nude, she went into the main room.

I ran back down to my rig, drove back and parked. She was waiting, naked on the couch. I grabbed her, my erection was massive, out of control. Just insane, crazy stuff. I was inside her in seconds, she was sloppy wet with anticipation. I am fairly sure that Harold and David could see us through the open door to the bathroom but I didn’t even think of that.

More mistakes.

Things seemed to settle down for a few days, almost returned to normal. Then Friday I came home, Sharon met me at the door.

“Be careful, the paint is wet.”


I looked around, most of the kitchen and the living room sported fresh paint.

“David says he will come back tomorrow and finish the kitchen.”


“Oh. Where was Harold?”

“Oh, he was here for a little while, but he went down to the jewelry store, David did the painting.”

I looked Sharon up and down, she was dressed in that red crisscross thing and a pair of tight shorts.

“David offered me a job.”

“A job? Doing what?”

“At the store, a base wage plus commissions. He says the commissions can be good.”

“You don’t need to work.”

“But if I can make some good money, we can buy a Service Station like you want sooner.”

Well, that was true.

“You do know he wants his clerks to dress a little sexy?”

“Yes, I think that’s why he asked me.”

She grinned, I shrugged. What the hell.

Sharon started the next week, and she did just fair. I wasn’t exactly impressed with her first week’s pay but it would help.

“David said I needed some new outfits.”

“Well, I guess we can afford…”

“He wants to pick them out.”

“Like what?”

“Oh, a pushup type bra since I sag just a little, and some business type clothes.”

I had a pretty good idea of what David’s idea of “business” type clothes were.

“I am not so sure…”

“It’s what all the clerks wear.”

I just sighed.

“Keep an eye on that guy.” I told her.

Over the next few weeks I asked Sharon several times if either Harold or David ever did anything, she always denied it, and told me they just looked.

Then she told me they watched all of the clerks all of the time. I found that a little odd, told her so. After all, how much time can a man spend looking at women and still get any work done?

Sharon just shrugged, then told me that all the men customers looked, too.

I hadn’t even really thought about that. But her paycheck picked up, and we were gaining nicely. I was doing well at the garage, and had quite a following there.

I guess things got normal for a few weeks, if anything at all around our house was ever normal.

One morning Sharon told me we might need to be without our shower for one day.


“Harold is coming over to install a new one.”

Well, the metal box with a curtain was on the crude side. I just shrugged.

That night when I got home a half hour early, I opened the door to no one in the living room. I heard the shower running, so I figured it was fixed. I plopped down on the couch, clicked on the TV.

Harold walked out of the bathroom. He saw me, nodded.

“All done.”

He flashed me a sheepish grin and left. I just sat there, the shower was still running. Sharon walked out a couple of minutes later, a towel wrapped around herself and rubbing her long black hair.

She spotted me, started, then smiled.

“Hi! You are home early!”

“Yea, no shit.”

“What’s wrong?”

“Hell, Harold was in there with you while you were showering!.”

“What’s the big deal, he has already seen me.”

I got pissed, went out to my rig and left. I spent most of the night sucking down beer and pouting. Trying to think. I was not liking any of this shit.

I got home around midnight, Sharon was sitting on the couch waiting for me. Her eyes were red, she had been crying.

Great. Now I felt guilty and upset, too.

“So I have to know. What happened with the shower?”

“They got it done early, Harold asked me if I wanted to try it out.”


“Yes, he had to helpers with him, so it went fast.”

“Where did they go?”

“They left when they got done.”

“I suppose you showed them everything, too?”

“No, they looked but they were just working.”

“How did you end up in the shower with Harold there?”

“I told you, Harold wanted me to test it, so I did.”

“You mean you undressed..right in front of him?”

“Well, yes, he has already seen me naked. Besides, he is my Boss so it’s all right.”

“How does his being your Boss…?”

“That’s what he told me.”

I just looked at her in dismay, how could she really be this dumb?

I started for the refrigerator to get something to eat, Sharon hopped up and moved me aside, fixing a meal in short order.

“So all he has ever done is look?”

“Yes, he is nice. He never touches me…well, David…”

“David? What did David do?”

“Oh, just the clothes, he showed me how he wanted me to wear the bra and stuff.”

“Showed you?”

“Yes, he helped me put it on, and he…well, he stuffed my boobies into the top.”

“So you are letting David feel you up now, huh?”

“No, he just helped me. He IS my Boss!”

I just looked at her.

“Next he will want into your pants.”

“No, I won’t do that, you know I won’t.”

“Fucker better goddam make it worth your while!” I almost shouted, heading off to bed.

That was the wrong thing to say.

We had an uneventful week, Harold was running out of excuses to hang around. I came home Saturday afternoon, Sharon was sitting on the couch watching TV.

“How was your day?”

“Pretty good, how was yours.”

“I got a fat bonus.”

“Bonus, for what? How much?”

“David offered me $200 extra to..you know.”

No, I didn’t know.

“To what?”

“To play with his…you know.” She wasn’t looking at me.

“You mean he paid you to fuck him!”

“No, just with my hands, and…well, lick him a little.”

“You mean you gave him a blow job?”

“No, not really..I mean..Just a little bit.”

“Sharon. This shit has got to stop!”

“Well, you said if he made it worth my while…”

“That’s not what I meant, oh just hell.” I stomped off to the bedroom.

I was falling asleep when Sharon came in. I watched as she undressed quietly, slid into bed next to me. She started touching me, the familar movements designed to get me going. It worked, too.

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