Mum wanted to stay in that night because, she said we’d been going through money like water over the last few days and although she was right, I insisted on taking her to the local pub just for a couple of drinks to celebrate her birthday.We ended up with a compromise by going early and staying just for about an hour, then it was back to the garden she’d fallen in love with and couldn’t wait to get back to!I called in at the shop on the way back to inquire as to how our vegetables had gone down at his son’s shop and was pleasantly surprised to hear that he’d almost sold out entirely and wanted a similar order for the next day.”That’s great Mr. Patel,” I said, “But you do realise don’t you that at this rate, I’ll have none left in about six weeks?””Not to be worrying young Tommy” he laughed, “You and your lovely mother can come and see me in the morning and I may have a suggestion to be putting to you both, how is she by the way?”ooOOoo”Wow, two bottles of vintage champagne!” she laughed, “I’m beginning to think you’re right, he does fancy me.””Well, I only mentioned that it was your birthday and he insisted on me taking them, for you, of course, I don’t think he wants me to have any of it at all!”She smiled and that naughty gleam appeared in her eye again.”How about we put the champagne in the fridge, do taksim escort the veggies, sit down here for a while and then have the first bottle in the bath and the second one in the bath?””Okay,” I grinned lecherously, “How’s the ring, does it need moving yet?””You pervert” she laughed, “I’ve just moved it, but feel free to do it whenever you like.”Short skirt and no panties was the order of the night again as we dug up all of the vegetables for the next morning and every so often she’d tease me by pulling her skirt up and moving the gleaming little ring slightly.”It’s a bit sore darling,” she said coyly, “I think it might need kissing better.”Well, what must a dutiful son do? I kissed it better of course!We drank both bottles of champagne in the bath and went to bed pleasantly drunk and horny. Our lovemaking was slow and tender and we pleased each other before drifting off into an untroubled sleep still wrapped tightly in each other’s arms.She heard again from Arnold the following day asking her if she wanted to drive up to the prison with him to collect Jill on Saturday.”Oh yes Arnold,” she said into the phone, “You’re being so kind to us both, thank you, thank you so much, yes, yes, I’ll see you tomorrow morning.”We went together to see Mr. Patel and although I was pleased with his offer of an allotment beşiktaş escort he rented, but no longer used, I really couldn’t muster up much enthusiasm.”What’s wrong Tommy?” mum asked me as we walked into the garden,”Nothing””Tommy, whatever it is, please tell me, you’ve been quiet all day and you’re practically ignoring me, I don’t deserve this treatment!””I was going to take you tomorrow,” I said simply.”Oh Tommy, why didn’t you say something?””Well from where I was standing, it looked as if you were pleased he offered””Of course I was pleased, I’m dying to see Jill again, you know that!””Yeah, whatever mum,” I said sarcastically and went upstairs to the flat, leaving her looking very downcast in the garden.The atmosphere could have been cut with a knife for the rest of the day, neither of us said more than a word or two to each other at any one time, so after an early dinner I went straight down to the pub, the first time I’d been anywhere without her, since I collected her from the prison.We were both hurting, but we obviously both felt we were in the right and so refused to make the first move, but what hurt me more and made me even more resentful was that she didn’t even ask where I was going to!One or two people asked me where my girlfriend was, but I just told them she was staying in to wash her hair and proceeded to get pissed.I certainly succeeded because I lost count after about eight pints of lager and eight large vodkas, it all gets a bit vague after that, but I remember staggering home, three steps forward, the two back!I’d never actually realised how steep the stairs were up to the flat, but from where I stood swaying somewhat unsteadily, they looked the north face of the bloody Eiger!She was asleep in the other bed, which really pissed me off, that bed hadn’t been slept in since she’d been sharing mine and I took it as yet another insult.As I began to take the tee shirt off, a funny thing happened, one that I feel sure some of you readers will have experienced at least once yourselves!I wasn’t moving, the floor was though, incredibly it was coming up to meet me and I remember thinking how unusual it was when the fucking thing hit me right in the face!”Tommy?— Tommy?”God the smell was putrid!”Tommy”And the taste in my mouth was disgusting too, I opened my eyes and grimaced as the sun hit them, sending a blinding flash of pain directly into my brain.My head ached abominably, my stomach was churning, my eyes hurt, even my bloody teeth hurt.”Oh Tommy,” she said tearfully, “Look at yourself, just take a look.”She held a hand mirror up to my face, but stupidly she’d pasted a picture on it of a bloke with a smashed up nose and blood all over his face,”Mumph,” I said intelligently as gradually I recognised myself and tried to stand up.