Opening Our Home Ch. 02


The following morning Samantha woke up thinking about the previous day’s activities. She’d never felt so conflicted about her own sexual acts and desires. Was this her kink? Why in the world was she captivated by the idea of this younger woman in their home? Was this how Jude felt, she wondered. After laying there lost in thought, she noticed the faint smell of something delicious being cooked for breakfast.

When Samantha walked into the kitchen, to her surprise, Lauran had prepared a table full of breakfast foods. There were eggs, bagels, bacon, and even her favorite fresh-baked crescent from the bakery just up the road. Samantha stood shocked by the beautiful spread.

“I’m starving!” Samantha exclaimed, jaw hanging open. “Thank you so much for preparing this amazing spread this morning”

“Not a problem I figured after last night’s activities you might enjoy a little extra food for breakfast,” Lauren said with a wink at Samantha.

Samantha’s wasn’t prepared for Lauren’s comment and felt crimson fill her cheeks. At that moment she realized, Lauran clearly must have overheard the two of them going at it. She buried her face in her hands and peaked out between her fingers.

“I’m so sorry you had to hear that last night,” Samantha said, cringing not knowing exactly how Lauren would react.

“It’s completely understandable. I almost enjoyed it… er… that sounds terrible. I mean to say I’m grateful knowing that you two still enjoy sex with each other.” Samantha assured her. “I hadn’t realized how jaded I’d become recently. It gives me hope knowing that two people can enjoy sex with eachother even after 15 years of marriage and that being desired is still a thing.”

Samantha felt a bit relieved. She realized that last night she’d completely lost all awareness of how loud they were being.

“But you couldn’t really hear too much right?” she asked, not entirely sure how she felt about the idea she could hear them. She felt a little embarrassment not having considered how Lauren might have felt. Yet on the other hand Samantha began to realize there was something thrilling about discovering Lauren overheard them.

Lauren bit her bottom lip and averted eye contact. Lauren was blushing slightly now too. The smirk across on Lauren’s face clearly indicated that they hadn’t been quiet at all.

“I’m so sorry, you didn’t ask for that when you moved in.” A thought began to form in the back of her mind. “Since there’s no real hiding what happened last night,” Samantha said as the idea rapidly crystallized into a plan to tease Lauren and see if she’d open up at all about her activities. “The oddest thing happened last night. Mid-way through, you know… our thing…” Samantha paused for a moment, slightly nervous to take the next step. Samantha tried to read Lauren’s expression as she continued. “I pulled out a purple vibrator Jude bought me for our anniversary. While we used it, I was shocked because Jude seemed to turn into a wild animal. I’ve never seen him act that way before. I have to say it was pretty exciting. Sorry if I’m oversharing.” She looked up at Lauren to see how her comment would land.

Lauren slowly nodded, still not making eye contact. It was clear to Samantha that Lauren was unsure how to feel listening to Samantha’s intimate details. Samantha paused, waiting for the words to work their way into Lauren’s mind. Lauren stopped nodding her head and her eyes went wide. Lauren’s posture stiffened a little and she feigned a cough into her hand while continuing to stare down at her plate.

“I’m not sure what came over him,” Samantha continued as she loaded her plate and took a seat opposite Lauren. Samantha lowered her voice to a whisper and said, “you have to promise me not to say anything, but when I pulled the vibrator out, I er… decided to toy with Jude a little and pressed it to his lips. His eyes just went wide, and to my surprise, he slowly began sucking on it. I was just intending to tease him a little but clearly there was something special about it he loved. I had to wrestle it away from him to use it on myself.” Samantha watched as Lauren’s flushed cheeks grew a shade darker.

Samantha gave it a moment then slowly reached her leg across from under the table and tapped Laurens leg which startled her. Lauren finally looked back up and Samatha asked, “are you alright overthere? Was that a little much information for you? You look a little embarrassed.” She winked across the table at Lauren. Samantha was starting to enjoy watching Lauren’s embarrassment. She relished the power dynamic of the moment.

“Oh stop! You know it takes a lot to embarrass me!” Lauren tried to play it off as if it was nothing, returning the kick towards Samantha underneath the table. They both chuckled and proceeded to finish their breakfast.

After breakfast Samantha went back to her bedroom and gathered up the sheets. She was planning on washing off the vibrator but decided to put it back into kaçak bahis the closet still covered in their mixed scents. As she placed it in she carefully lay a small piece of fabric across it so that she could detect whether Lauren messed with it. Clearly Lauren was curious and somewhat fascinated by her toy or something more. Her initial surprise and unease about Lauren using her toy was quickly growing into something else entirely. There was something electric and arousing about the idea her friend was getting enjoyment out of her toy and being in their bed. The secrecy, the novelty and youthfulness of the experience was growing on her. Though Samantha was extremely curious what was going through Lauren’s mind and hoped to eventually find out.

Samantha devised a plan to take the family along with her while running afternoon errands, leaving Lauren home alone. She intentionally wanted to test if Lauren’s curiosity would be peaked by their action last night. As she slowly closed the drawer she took one last glance at the vibrator with the subtle reminders of last night’s playful activities streaked across it.

“Watch where you’re going” Jude said, pulling Samantha away from walking headlong into a display at the store. They were a couple hours into their errands and she was admittedly far more distracted than she ever had been in her life. She was trying to stay focused on their shopping but her mind kept wandering back to the house. She wondered if Lauren had crept into their bedroom when they’d pulled out of the driveway. Had she gone in right away or fought against her secret urges? Did she go in at all or distract herself with her own weekend plans? Was she simply using the vibrator or imagining something more involving Jude or both of them? Maybe it was a one time fluke incident and not something Lauren would do ever again. She also found herself trying to understand why she was so preoccupied with figuring out what Lauren was up to. Samantha’s mind was processing it all while trying to focus on the errands.

She realized while walking around that ruminating through what Lauren might be up to back home was making her wet. Occasionally she glanced down when no one was looking to make sure nothing was visible. Luckily, her dress was flowy and didn’t press directly up against her or she would for sure have a noticeable wet spot. She was surprised and still processing how she felt about the entire situation and what it said about her. And how her actions might effect their friendship or her relationship with Jude. She felt a bit of shame around being so secretive, especially not letting Jude know what was going on in her mind. She also was beginning to admit to herself how much pleasure she found in controlling the situation and tensions. She’d always found Lauren attractive but was happily married to Jude. Even when she was younger, she never really questioned her sexuality or opened herself up to the possibility of anything with anyone else, especially not other women. Maybe these desires had been creeping up on her mind for years and she never gave herself permission or the space to explore them. She only ever dabbled in powerplay here and there with Jude which seemed plenty satisfying in the moments she hadn’t felt the need to explore more.

On the drive back home Jude placed his hand on her thigh and said “you seemed a bit distracted back there. Is everything alright?”

Samantha turned to him but wasn’t sure if she was ready to share where her mind had truly been. Knowing Jude, he’d likely accept her, and being the horn dog he was, probably would be excited by her thoughts. She playfully replied, “oh I was just thinking about the fun we had last night.” Her cheeks flushed with a pink hue. She felt a bit bad about the white lie but reassured herself that since thoughts of last night did cross her mind here and there, it wasn’t a total lie.

Jude smiled and he playfully wiggled his eyebrows. “Oh yah?” He replied, as he slowly slid his hand up her thigh.

Samantha froze as his hand slid gently between her legs. She felt his fingers press against her wet underwear. His eyes went wide in surprise as he discovered how wet she was. “Oh clearly you were thinking about it,” he said in surprise. He gently began to press his fingers firmly against her. He traced along her underwear line. It felt so amazing so she let him find his way. She took a deep breath and let out all the tension she was feeling from the day.

His fingers felt amazing. Samantha was feeling like a horny teenager again, sneaking away in their car to makeout and mess around with each other. She remembered how playful she had been with Jude when they first met. She recalled how eager she used to be jumping in the car in order to sneak off somewhere secluded and enjoy one another. He even used to enjoy bringing her to orgasm on roadtrips. He was masterful with his fingers and knew just the right pace to drive her wild. He continued bedava bahis to trace her labia, pressing the folds of her panties into her wet sex. She felt the warmth emanating from between her legs.

He was listening to the rate of her breathing and began pressing more firmly as his fingers slid up to her clit. She gripped the seat handle to steady herself and slid forward into his hand. She spread her legs a little more, giving him even better access to her swollen lips. She lay her head back and closed her eyes. The pleasure was really building now. “This feels amazing,” She said in a whisper. Jude felt her abdomen begin to tighten as she continued pressing lower lower into his fingertips. ‘Here it comes’ she thought, drawing in a deep breath. Just as she was about to orgasm, she felt his fingers slowly withdraw.

Her eyes flew open and she looked over at Jude not wanting him to stop. “Oh you tease!” She said, biting her lip.

“I’ll finish you off later,” he said in reply as he returned his focus entirely to driving.

When they returned, Lauren wasn’t home. Samantha was admittedly a little disappointed by her absence. She hadn’t realized how much she’d hoped that Lauren would have been there. Lauren however did leave a note saying she’d gone out for an afternoon run.

Samantha went up stairs to the bedroom to get changed into lounge clothes. Before getting changes she quickly glanced in the closet just in the off chance that Lauren’s curiosity had gotten the better of her. To her surprise the vibrator had been moved. The fabric wasn’t laying on top and it was facing the opposite direction. She reached down and to her surprise it was still warm. As her fingers slid underneath to pick it up she felt some moisture. It was completely dry when she placed it back before they left.

Samantha’s heart began to race in her chest. A thrilling excitement washed over her. She glanced out of the closet to ensure she was alone. So clearly Lauren had some kind of kink for other people’s toys or maybe it was just her toys. Jude could be heard down stairs busy tending to the kids. She quietly walked over to the door and locked it. On the off chance Jude came knocking she figured she could simply play it off that she was changing.

She pulled the sheets back on the bed but to her disappointment there wasn’t a wet spot this time. Apparently Lauren had learned her lesson from the other day and didn’t want to risk it. Samantha sat on the edge of the bed and cradled her vibrator. She carefully ran her finger along the slick side. She could smell Lauren’s scent in the air. With her free hand she slipped her wet panties down and began to massage her still swollen lips. She sat at the edge of the bed and let her fingers get lost in the slick folds of her skin. She slowly lifted the toy to take in a deeper breath. It was an inch from her face and before she had time to think through her actions she found she was pressing the vibrator into her own mouth. Lauren’s scent was too irresistible and overpowered her ability to think clearly. Her instincts took over.

Samantha closed her eyes as her arousal began running away with her. Her fingers moved furiously. She gagged a little as she pushed the toy deeper. She felt herself tighten around her fingers as she erupted into an orgasm. She imagined Lauren standing there in front of her forcefully pushing the toy deeper into her throat. She began to imagine Lauren’s young breasts swinging free in front of her. Maybe Lauren would straddle her thigh as she sat there. She imagined Lauren slowly gyrating back and forth pressing onto her. Her sex sliding back and forth across Samantha’s leg leaving a wet trail. The vision filled her mind and she rode the pleasure into a second climax.

She slowly withdrew the vibrator and caught her breath. She looked down between her feet and saw her wet panties laying on the floor. Curiocity began to bloom in her mind at the sight. She slowly rose and quietly unlocked the door. She listened for a moment before slipping out into the hall. Samantha cautiously approached Lauren’s bedroom door then paused for a moment before gently opening it. She listened for any sound and to make sure Jude was still preoccupied before she slipped into Lauren’s room.

Samantha stood in the entry of her room and looked around to make sure Lauren wasn’t there. She felt her heart beat pounding away in her chest as she crept across the room towards Lauran’s laundry. There balled up on the top was a pair of hot pink panties. Moving slowly so as to not make a peep, she crept over to the laundry pile. She gingerly unfurled the balled up panties. Samantha felt a pang of guilt for letting her curiosity get the better of her. It was an incredibly small thong with thin lace around the edges. As she unfurled them she quickly realized they were soaked. She could smell Lauren’s fresh sex in the air. Samantha wondered if Lauran had been wearing these just prior to kazandıran bahis siteleri or during her session with the vibrator.

Samantha guessed that they couldn’t have been sitting there very long. It was as if her hands had a mind of their own. Before she could properly think through her actions she spread the panties open and she gently slipped one foot then the other in and quickly pulled them up her legs. She felt them press coolly against her own sex. She pressed the fabric against her lips, slowly warming it up and mixing their scents together. Why was she so aroused by this other woman’s. Samantha realized she was getting a thrill from exploring something so intimate of hers. Control over the moment and power she felt in the situation.

She paused for a moment then quietly slipped back out of the room and returned to their bedroom. She grabbed her phone and sat on the edge of the bed, heart racing. She furiously typed a message to Jude inviting him to the bedroom with a wink and wave emoji. A moment later she received a reply that he was on his way. She put her phone down and waited eagerly for Jude.

A moment later Jude slipped into the room with a wide grin on his face.

“Lock the door”. She commanded in a quiet yet firm voice.

“Yes mam!” Jude replied eager to go along with whatever ride Samantha had in store for him.

“Good. Now come neal over here. I have something for you.” She said as she gestured to the floor in front of her.

Jude paused momentarily reading the situation but quickly decided to follow her lead obediently walk over and got down onto his knees. “Is this good?” he inquired as he placed his hands on her knees.

“That’s a good boy. I need you to finish what you started in the car.” She said as she gently began to lift the edges of her dress, first exposing her thighs. “I also have a little treat for you. Come a little closer.” She beckoned him with her finger.

He scooted forward now kneeling between her legs. His excitement and anticipation were written all over his face.

She proceeded to lift her dress all the way up to her stomach exposing Lauren’s bright pink thong. She reached behind him and gently cradled his head. Her fingers running through his hair.

“When did you get those!” Jude asked, clearly captivated by the unrecognized pair of sexy wet panties.

“Just now.” She replied in a whisper as she nodded towards Lauran’s room curiously watching his expression to read his reaction.

Jude’s eyes went wide. “Oh you slut!” He said playfully, condoning her decision.

“That’s no way to talk to your mistress. I’ll remind you who the slut is here”. She said with a firm and commanding tone. She began to guide his head to her lower thigh, prompting him to begin kissing. He gently pressed his lips against the inside of her leg. She felt the bristles of his facial hair tickle her inner thigh. She held his head in place adding resistance to him kissing his way up any further. He was pushing firmly into her grasp, clearly very eager to reach up and enjoy his sweet reward. Samantha however, wanted to make him earn this. Seeing him take his time and fighting against his strong desire made her even more wet. She could feel the moisture starting to form a small drip that trailed out of her.

He was slowly inching closer to her now. He was so close she could now feel the warmth of his breath graze her warm sex. She let him get so close she knew he could smell both her and Lauren’s scent. He drew in a deep breath and then let out a low soft moan of longing. When he opened his eyes they were staring at her ravenously. She saw his hard erection bulging in his jeans. Just before he reached her she stopped him and looked down into his eyes. “Oh no not yet. You’re work isn’t done yet. You have to earn this”.

She firmly directed his head to her other leg requiring him to start all over again at her left knee. He let out a frustrated grunt but obediently began kissing her again, realizing there was no shortcut to his desire. His kisses were clearly getting wetter now. He was salivating from the anticipation. “Good boy. You’re doing great!” she whispered reassuringly, continually running her hands through his hair.

She felt the warmth emanating from his rosy cheeks. With her right foot she gently pressed against his rock hard cock. “Let me see your cock,” she commanded, looking down between his legs.

“Yes mam” He said, obediently between kisses. His hand fumbled for his button and in a matter of seconds his rock hard erection pierced the air. She pressed her leg against him. Her shin felt each hard throb from his pulsing cock. She gently rubbed against it while his kisses continued to make their way up her thigh. In the cool air, she could feel him leaving cooling precum streaks along her shin.

His lips reached the seam of her panties. Samantha had soaked through the panties so much that he got his first taste of her. His grip tightened around her thighs. Samantha reached the point where she desperately wanted him to taste her. He’d done his job and earned his reward. She re-positioned his head so that it was centered with her hot wet sex. As she pulled him into her she whispered “Eat me until I cum in!”.

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