A First Extramarital for Anna – 03


Title :- A First Extramarital for Anna – 03

(Authors Note —

Please note that this is Adult Erotic Fiction, so should only be read by those who qualify!

As usual, this will make more sense if read after episodes 1 & 2, but here’s a bit of background anyway.

An auburn haired, pretty young wife has suspicions about her husband and his new secretary. Anna is in her early thirties, with a trim figure and until now had been faithful to her husband of nine years Paul.

So, just when she’d been feeling distinctly annoyed about it all, she’d met an older, but extremely handsome contractor at work. Geoff had immediately taken a fancy to her and, devil that he was, had been intent on seducing her from first sight.

After some hot moments in the office, she’d had to deliver some work papers to his hotel and, well, one thing led to another!

This is part 3 of 3.

Constructive comments and scores are always welcome, but regardless, I sincerely hope that you enjoy……….


Part 3

———————— Washroom Interlude 1

I’d stared at my reflection in the hotel washroom and seen a mixture of feelings wash over my pretty face. Excitement and anticipation had been to the fore, but there’d also been a little guilt and wariness in the background!

I’d escaped to the women’s washroom outside the hotel coffee shop mainly because I’d been struggling to come to terms with all that had happened to me so far on this momentous day. After all it wasn’t every day that a happily married woman accused her husband of having an affair with his work secretary, and then proceeded to fall for the distinctly hypnotic charms of a visiting contractor at her own workplace!

How had I let it happen I’d wondered hazily for perhaps the hundredth time since arriving back at his hotel and casually enjoying time with him in the warm, cosy coffee shop. It really shouldn’t be happening to a previously faithful young wife in her early thirties, surely?!

I’d patted my shiny auburn hair into place though after releasing it from my ponytail and letting it cascade over my shoulders and down my back. My bright hazel eyes had stared back at me, checking out my figure in my rather plain white blouse and grey, pleated skirt. My work clothes wouldn’t have been my first choice for attracting some passing, handsome stud, but my curves were still in all the right places and my husband, Paul, had always told me that I had fantastic legs. Anyway, drab or not, it had seemed to do the trick today with my unexpected new lover, Geoff!

I’d still been coming to terms with the speed of things though.

It had amazed me that I’d only been introduced to him early this morning along with the rest of my team and by lunch I’d fallen completely under his spell like a young schoolgirl and had had all sorts of flirtatious and then increasingly sexy encounters with him in the office. And then I’d ended up in his plush hotel room and that had pretty much been it….. my first extramarital experience! Even thinking back about it now had made my breathing deepen, my legs feel weak and a familiar tingle spread out from between my legs! What a lover he’d proven to be!

I’d glanced guiltily around the brightly lit, chromed room as the memories flooded back, but there hadn’t been anyone else there to see me blush so hotly. Then another thought sprang into my mind and my eyes had widened. The last time I’d been in a washroom was at the restaurant a little earlier, and he’d joined me there and given me such a good fucking that I could hardly stand afterwards! I’d looked at the entrance to this public convenience even more warily. Surely he wouldn’t try it on in the hotel ladies room?

I couldn’t have been too sure though. He’d already proven to be breathtakingly unpredictable and daring so she’d hurriedly gathered up my purse and headed for the door, just in case he really had a repeat experience in mind. I’d sighed. I’d definitely not yet reached the state where being caught having sex in public was just a casual occurrence!!

Scanning the busy lobby area, I’d seen Geoff waiting for me by the Reception Desk, and chatting casually to the sexy blonde haired receptionist Sonia who’d already made it very clear that she was available to ‘help them’ in any way that she could! Typical I’d thought in exasperation. You couldn’t leave a handsome man alone for more than a few seconds before he’s busy chatting up the staff!

And boy had he looked handsome! And fit!!

Despite his slightly greying short hair, his tall frame looked powerful, with not an ounce of fat and a muscular upper body that seemed ready to burst out of his casual shirt. And lower down? Well. I’d already found out what devastation he could cause to a poor girl’s pussy!!

Sonia had been in top form too though. Her uniform blazer had been unfastened and she’d been thrusting her generous bust forward almost into his face as she seemed to hang onto his every word, looking porno 64 up with doe like eyes.

I’d glared at my new rival as I’d approached them.

“There you are Geoff, and look, there’s people waiting….” I’d said waving at a small queue that had been forming behind them, “…… really, you shouldn’t be distracting poor Sonia here when she’s got work to do.”

Sonia’s eyes had narrowed for a second, before her big ‘receptionist’ smile came back.

“Oh, I’ll soon sort these out….and maybe I’ll see you later,” she’d added before beckoning over a tired looking older businessman.

“Later?” I’d asked Geoff suspiciously as I’d guided my new lover away.

“Oh, nothing in particular Anna,” he’d grinned as he’d put an arm around me and bent down to briefly kiss me on the lips, “you know what a tease she likes to be!”

I certainly had known, but the brief, enjoyable and extremely public kiss had distracted me and I’d let him guide me to the bank of shiny lift doors set to one side of the modern reception area.

“You took your time in the bathroom,” he’d admonished, ” I was beginning to think that I would have to come in and rescue you… but I thought that you were keen to get back to the room?!”

My eyes had widened for a second. Maybe I’d been right to wonder if he’d have come into the washroom and ‘done’ me there!

“Oh I am!” I’d responded huskily, letting a hand slide down his back and squeeze his bum cheek. My God I’d thought suddenly, I really have become a bit of a slut!!

———————– Stairway to Heaven

The lift doors had opened just as he’d pressed the button and he’d quickly shepherded me in, no doubt thinking that he could snog me all the way up to his top floor suite. That’s what I’d been thinking too!

Unfortunately, just as the doors had started to close there’d been a bit of a commotion outside and a hand had shot out to stop them. Suddenly our little love nest was being invaded by a swarm of Asian businessmen, chattering away in their sing-song language, full of smiles and bonhomie. Geoff and I had had to retreat to the back of the enclosed space as they’d all pushed in!

One or two had looked at me apologetically before joining in the general hubbub around us.

I’d looked up at Geoff’s face and shrugged. Nothing we could do about that then and I’d watched as various hands had shot forward to the lift controls and it had been evident that we’d be stopping at most of the hotel floors on the way up!

Clearly there’d been something that he could do though, and I’d felt him stoop slightly and suddenly me eyes had gone wide as I’d felt him slip a hand under my skirt and start to caress its way up my inner thigh! Fortunately we’d been packed in so tight that no one else could have noticed.

I’d sucked in a sharp breath and looked at him hard as those devilish fingers had continued to massage me through my stockings, setting off a little bonfire between my legs again. He’d ignored me, looking ahead and smiling at the chattering group that had us pressed to the back of the lift as it began to rise steadily upwards, much like his hand!

By the time that we’d reached the second floor, his fingers had finished playing with my white stocking tops and I’d literally jumped as they’d started to trace little circles on the tingling bare skin above! Oh God but it had felt good despite my fears that someone, eventually, might see how he was tantalising me!

Not so.

After a few more floor stops, he’d reached the point, just under my crutch, where my body was responding uncontrollably! And suddenly, the fact that my panties were already snugly in his trouser pocket so my pussy had no protection had no longer felt like a problem. Now it had felt like an opportunity as I’d mentally willed those questing fingertips on!

I’d had a hard job keeping a straight face up to then, but as his fingers had started to slide up and down my juicy slit, I’d staggered slightly, holding onto his waist more tightly as I’d automatically widened my stance and let out an almost silent moan of pleasure!

Fortunately our ‘crowd’ had been far too busy chattering to notice my discomfort.

After a few more floor stops though the crowd was thinning. Not that it bothered Geoff as he’d got into a routine of sliding his fingers up and down my slit, each time spending a few delicious seconds massaging my pulsating clit and threatening my tingling pink hole. It had been driving me mad with desire and the effort in keeping a bland smile on my face was unimaginable!

Then my eyes had widened and I’d groaned out loud as he’d suddenly allowed two fingertips to push into my hot vagina!

One of the businessmen had heard me though and turned to look at me with a query on his lips. With my skirt only lifted at the back though, there’d been nothing to see, and I’d reassured him with a slightly strained smile that all was well. He’d smiled back and got back into conversation Türkçe altyazılı porno with his four remaining colleagues.

I’d looked hard at Geoff again, but then stifled another groan as I’d felt those devilish digits push further up and begin to roam about in my hot cavern!!

The last couple of floors had seemed to fly by though after he’d finished exploring and got into a regular finger fucking rhythm that really was driving me mad with hot, electric pleasure waves radiating out from my excited pussy. And I couldn’t do anything but suffer in silence because two of our companions were going to the top floor as well!!

As the lift doors had finally opened on our floor, I’d groaned again as I’d felt his intrusive fingers finally slide out of my throbbing vagina. I supposed that it had had to happen but frankly, I could have gone up and down in that lift all evening while he’d fingered me so blissfully!

Fortunately, my final groan had gone unnoticed and the businessmen had set off down the corridor in the opposite direction to Geoff’s suite. He’d almost had to hold me up as we’d left the bright lights of the lift and started to, in my case, stagger in the opposite direction.

“That was fun!” he’d chuckled as we approached his door.

“I’m going to kill you!” I’d responded, still breathing heavily, my pussy desperate to be filled agai

———————– Renewing our ‘Connection’

Inside the plush room with its now familiar big bed, sofas and desk, he’d both surprised and frustrated me!

Up until then, as soon as we’d got together in his room, he’d lost no time in pulling me into him and embarking on hectic sex. This time though he’d held my hand, guided me past the wrecked bed from our earlier sessions and over to the big window by his desk. He’d spent a few minutes with his arm casually around my waist and asked me to point out the sights. I’d done my best, but my mind had definitely on other things!

I’d hardly been able to contain myself. Nice as it was to be treated so well, after the way that he’d stoked up my sexual fires in the lift my poor, throbbing pussy needed attention….urgently! And now he’d wanted to put the brakes on? Unbelievable!!

In the end I’d given in to my baser instincts and done the pulling in myself! I’d reached upwards with my lips, caressing the back of his head with my hand as we’d instinctively embarked on a lingering, increasingly hot kiss. It had been one of those long, slow burners where we’d traded tongue explorations and then let our hands wander around each other’s now familiar bodies. By the time we’d broken apart, we were both breathing hard and feeling gloriously aroused. I’d known this because my pussy had begun to throb excitedly again and a familiar hard bulge was pressing into it from his loins!

“Slow and gentle this time?” he’d whispered.

“Mmmmmmmm,” I’d responded warmly before adding with a mischievous smile, “…….. but go easy on the ‘gentle’ will you!”

He’d laughed and then scooped me up in his strong arms, taken me over to the bed and bounced me down on it,


“Not too gentle you said!”

Then he’d laid down beside me and we’d embraced, kissing again, making out like a couple of teenagers as we’d writhed together, exploring each other’s bodies yet again. At the same time we’d been slowly undressing each other and it had felt wonderful the way that he’d started kissing all my tingling, bare skin as it was revealed. I’d soon got the hang of it as well, and by the time that he was down to his boxer shorts and I was wriggling around in my white bra and matching holdup stockings we were both gasping for breath as our semi-naked bodies had seemed to be pulsating with pleasure!

So, when he’d finally pulled off my bra and fondled my pert breasts and hard, tingling dark pink nipples, knowing that my vulnerable engorged slit was already exposed and positively dripping with my juices, I’d been expecting him to go straight for it! Not all!!

He’d lifted my left leg and run his hands down my calves and thighs, sending little shivers down my spine until he’d reached my stocking tops and then he’d slowly rolled it up and off my leg too. I’d been really breathing hard in delicious anticipation as he’d then kissed his way down my bare leg until I could almost feel his hot breath on my throbbing pussy! But then the evil tormentor had stopped and taken hold of my right leg stocking and rolled that up my leg too, leaving me feeling high and dry….and as frustrated as hell. My pussy had desperately needed touching….. and caressing….. and, well, you can imagine what else!

But no!

I’d now had to endure the slow torture of his lips working their way up that leg too, tickling, licking and generally driving me mad with desire as he’d finally approached my pussy again.

But this time when he’d paused, just short of my pulsating slit, I’d given out a long, loud groan before reaching sex izle down, grasping his debonair head and stuffing it into my pussy, the firm contact making me sigh in appreciation as my clit exploded in excitement! God, but that had felt good!!

If my unilateral action had surprised him, he’d given no sign, other than a throaty chuckle as he’d pushed my legs wider apart and set to on my quivering sex. My labia were already swollen and my slit exposed, but he’d used his fingers to open me up even further and I’d soon been squirming in his grasp as his tongue began to work its way energetically back and forth between my tingling clit and juicy pink hole! In my new state of almost constant arousal I’d soon been gasping for breath as my sexual tension rocketed, and when I’d felt his fingertips tracing their way around my vagina opening I swear that I’d almost fainted. But I wasn’t going to miss that magical moment when first one, closely followed by a second devilish digit pressed harder to open up my defences and then slide inside my throbbing love canal. The magical way that my pussy responded had felt absolutely heavenly!

He’d taunted me a little after that, going all gentle on me again, rather like in the lift, as he’d slowly explored my insides while casually flicking his tongue at my swollen clit. It had been mind-bendingly frustrating because I’d needed much more. I’d almost screamed at him.

“Faster……Harder……MORE!!…..I neeeeeed to CUM!!”

He’d chuckled again, but suddenly my intruders really started to move, finger fucking me fast and hard, his tongue now lashing at my clit and sending a whole explosion of pleasure radiating out from between my legs, swamping my brain and triggering, finally, a long, deep climax!


A short while later, when I’d returned to Earth, but still breathing raggedly I’d levered myself up to look over my pert breasts and seen that he was still feasting between my legs, licking and slurping at my gaping sex. I’d moaned when I’d felt his lips teasing me again and it had made him look up, still licking his lips.

“Hey Anna, you do taste really good, and boy do you gush when you come!” he’d announced happily.

I’d sighed, not having had the pleasure of seeing my pussy close up during my orgasm before, I’d been happy to take his word for it!

Then, as my breathing had started to calm, he’d started to slowly kiss his way up my body, over my dark pussy thatch and then upwards over my taut abdomen.

Suddenly my body began to tense under him. In just a few short minutes, he’d reached my breasts, his head hovering over them as he’d decided which nipple to suck on first! I’d stopped breathing. Firstly because my tits were just aching to have his lips caress them, and secondly because I’d realised as he moved up between my splayed out legs that his big cock would be getting near to my throbbing pink hole. I couldn’t see it, but my imagination ran riot as I’d waited on tenterhooks for its bell end to make contact!

It took a while though because he’d decided to make a meal of my breasts first and soon had them throbbing with excitement as his lips and tongue worked incessantly on them before I’d gasped as he’d gently nibbled my hard, pink nipples and triggered a wave of electric excitement out of them.

It was hard to know what I’d wanted most. More of that delicious tit assault or to finally feel his hard cock push up against my gaping slit!!

I’d been running my hands through his hair as he’d worked his magic on my breasts. But I think that he’d known from the tension building inside my straining body what I’d really needed at that point.

He finally lifted his head and shuffled higher as he stared into my wide open, lust filled eyes.

“Ready?” he’d asked simply.

“Oh God YES!!!” I’d responded with a total lack of lady-like restraint.

Then, somehow, I’d groaned, gasped and sighed all at once as I’d felt his hardness press up against my quivering pink hole and, with barely a pause, he’d thrust himself deep inside me! I’d been overwhelmed by the gorgeous feeling of having my vagina full of his manly erection again and hadn’t seen him lean down to take my lips with his and give me a lingering kiss as well. The two hot sensations complemented to send me spinning into a whole new world of erotic pleasure.

And that was even before he’d started properly fucking me again!

But it hadn’t taken him long to get going, his hips instinctively starting to thrust his cock up and down my tingling love canal, slowly at first and then with more purpose as he’d driven my arousal levels to almost unbearable heights. Like a young harlot, I’d lifted my legs up to give him better access and was soon moaning incessantly as we’d broken off the kiss, my eyes tight shut as I concentrated all my attention on the inferno raging between my legs! Somehow, despite holding himself above me like a magnificent stallion, he’d managed to get a hand free as well which was soon mauling my taut breasts and hard nipples, gradually adding a new dimension to the intense pleasure washing around my brain!!

I’d needed to cum again, desperately.

But he’d been holding himself to that steady, gentle love-making that he’d promised earlier.

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