Off the Clock


© 2024 Smuttyandfun All Rights Reserved

This one is for the On The Job Challenge 2024, and I hope you enjoy it.

Tess sighed as she powered down her computer, glancing over at her friend, Beth. “Beth, have you ever just needed to get fucked? No dinner, no flowers, no romance, just straight up fucked.”

Beth snorted. “Holy smokes! You don’t mince words, do you?”

Before Beth could catch her breath, Raoul, who happened to be walking up the hallway, stopped and laughed. “You kiss your mother with that mouth, Tess?”

Tess was so feeling so frustrated, she didn’t really care if he’d heard what she’d said. “Well, I didn’t expect you to be walking by, eavesdropping. But I actually have given up on ever finding Mr. Right. Tonight, all I want to do is get laid, and get off. Is that too much to ask?”

He shrugged, giving her the once over. “If you wanna get fucked, I’ll fuck you. I’ll eat your pussy, too.” He took a glance at his watch, while Beth gasped, looking shocked. “Work’s over, and we’re off the clock, so we can do and say whatever we want now. So, I’m ready whenever you are.”

Suddenly, Beth was all eyes, looking back and forth between them. “Oh wow! I can’t believe you two.”

“Why? Haven’t you ever just needed it? And you don’t really care how you get it?” Tess asked her friend, with Raoul nodding in agreement as he waited to hear what she’d say.

Cute, curvy curly-haired Beth thought for a moment and started grinning. “Yeah, I guess there have been times.” Playfully batting her eyelashes, she flashed a naughty smirk. “Which is probably why I’ve got a nightstand full of toys. Good thing about them is they never argue, hog the remote, or want to borrow my credit card. As long as they’re charged up, I get whatever I need from ’em. When I’m done, I just clean ’em up, and put ’em away for next time. And the best part is, once they get me off, I don’t have to listen to them snoring.”

Raoul chuckled. “Yeah, but do they hold you while you shiver, when you come? Or, tell they love you? Or kiss you goodnight?”

Beth sighed and shook her head. “No.”

“Well, good to know us men haven’t been completely replaced, then.” Turning his attention back to Tess, Raoul pointed down the hallway. “You know, Tess, the breakroom has a pullout couch. And there’s a fridge in there with drinks, if you want to head down there with me.”

Her eyes glinting with amusement, Tess bit into her lip, wondering if she actually had the nerve to head to the breakroom with him, for the sole purpose of having sex.

She’d always thought he was cute. He had great body, was funny and pretty friendly, too. Though he was a little on the young side. But when she glanced down at what he was packing behind his fly, she looked back up at face, and started grinning. At least it wouldn’t be torture to spend an hour or so rolling around with him.

Her mind made up, she grabbed her purse and nodded. “Sure, let’s do this.” As they turned to leave, Tess waved goodnight to her wide-eyed friend. “Night, Beth. Have a good weekend.”

Watching them head toward the breakroom, Beth picked up her purse, snickering. “Goodnight, guys. Have fun.”

Letting his eyes slide over tall, pretty, sandy haired Tess, as they walked along side by side, Raoul smiled, and called back over his shoulder, “Believe me, we will.”

Once they got into the breakroom, Tess assumed he’d be peeling off his clothes the minute he’d locked the door behind them, hoping to get down to business. But he surprised her when he walked over to the fridge, took a look inside and chuckled. “Hey, we’re in luck, there’s a couple of bottles of wine and some beer in here. And there’s cheese and crackers, a veggie platter and some cake, too. I guess it’s for anyone working here on the weekend.”

“A glass of white wine might be nice.”

He smiled back at her. “Coming up right.”

Raoul put two glasses of wine in front of them, took a seat beside her at the long dining table, and looked into her big blue eyes. “Okay, before we get started, let’s set some ground rules.”

Tess raised an eyebrow. “Ground rules? I don’t remember anything about setting ground rules. I thought we were just gonna…”

“Fuck?” Raoul nodded. “Yeah, we’re gonna fuck. I’m gonna lick you till you scream, and make you come nice and hard. Then of course, you’ll realize that once is never going to be enough with a stud like me, and you’re gonna beg me to hook up with you again.”

Tess could see from the twinkle in sexy brown eyes, that he was fighting hard not to laugh, and was obviously trying to lighten the mood. “Beg you, huh? You sound pretty sure of yourself.”

He finally gave in and started chuckling. “Well, remember, this is supposed to be fun. So, why don’t we kick back and relax for a bit, and get to know each other.”

“Okay. You go first.”

He shrugged. “What do you want to know?”

“Actually, I wouldn’t mind knowing how old you are,” Tess said, locking Sahabet eyes with him, as she took a sip of her wine.

Studying her for a minute, Raoul heaved a sigh and finally admitted, “Okay, I’m almost twenty-four.”

Tess’s eyes went wide and she started choking, when she realized just how young he really was.

Roaul jumped up to pat her back, but she waved him off. Struggling to catch her breath, she gasped. “Oh, my god, you’re only twenty-three? But you act so mature, and being the building manager, I just assumed you were older.”

“What can I say. I had to grow up fast.”

Tess winced as she gave it a little more thought. “Um… now I’m thinking maybe this isn’t such a great idea, after all.”

“Why? You think I’m too young for you?”

“Well, yeah. I mean, I’m no kid anymore. I’m going to be thirty-eight next month. Which makes me almost old enough to be your –“

Before she could finish, Raoul cut her off mid-sentence. “But that’s why I like about you, Tess. You’re a woman, you’re not a girl. I’m not interested in girls.”

That not only made her smile, but had her re-considering the idea of hooking up with him. “Okay. If we were to proceed, what kind of ground rules did you have in mind?”

“To start, I think we should agree that whatever happens in this room, stays in this room. So, there won’t be any gossip going around the building about what the two of us have gotten up to in here. The second thing is, I always wear a condom.”

She nodded. “Sounds reasonable, I’m good with that. Beth’s the only one who knows why we’re in here. And she like a vault, she’d never say anything if I ask her not to.”

“Okay. Last thing, are you seeing anyone right now? Because I don’t fool around with married women.”

“No,” she said, sounding shocked. “Of course not. If I had someone in my life right now, I wouldn’t be…”

He held up a hand. “Yeah, I get it. You wouldn’t be in here with me. Well, as long as we’re clear, I guess we can proceed.”

She smirked. “Okay. So, where do we start?”

“I’m thinking I should put on some music, while we have a bite to eat.”

When she went to say something, Raoul grinned. “I know. You said you didn’t want to be wined and dined. But I’ve got know someone before I can…”

“Sleep with them?”

He nodded. “Exactly.”

“Then why did you agree to do this, if you barely know me?”

With his eyes on hers, he smiled. “Because I think you’re the most beautiful, sexiest woman I’ve ever met. And you’ve been friendly from day one. You always say hello, and call me by my name. And you’re fun, too. So, I figured why not?”

Tess bit into her lip, studying him, surprised he was being so honest, especially since most guys she knew loved to play games.

“So, why did you agree to come in here with me, Tess.”

She thought for minute, smiling right back into his gorgeous, long-lashed brown eyes. “Well, you’re really good a looking guy. You’re pretty friendly, and I think you’re fun. And I love seeing those sexy dimples pop when you smile. So, I thought, why not?”

Raoul leaned in and gently touched his lips to hers. “Why not, indeed.”

Though she claimed she wasn’t interested in anything but getting busy with him, Tess thought it was sweet when Raoul began playing one of her favorite love songs on his phone. Then he flashed her the most devastating smile as the sultry lyrics from Peter Gabriel’s ‘In Your Eyes,’ filled the air, almost making her forget why they were there.

Watching him carrying everything over from the fridge, she asked, “Can I help?”

She laughed when he dropped a kiss on the end of her nose and shook his head, along with his nice tight booty while he laid out their little impromptu dinner.

Once he was done, he surprised her again when he reached for her hand and nodded at the open space by the couch and asked, “May I have this dance?”

She couldn’t stop herself from smiling when he wrapped her in his arms as they began to sway to the sultry love song.

“Hmm, Tess, you smell incredible,” he whispered, as he nuzzled her neck, kissing his way up to her ear.

Crazy as the whole thing was, she realized it was probably the most romantic date she’d ever had. Suddenly the difference in their age didn’t mean a thing, when he tipped up her chin and softly touched his lips to hers as he held her close, gently stroking her back.

She knew one thing; he really knew how to get a girl wet.

They danced for a few more songs, till Raoul finally nodded over at the table, wondering if she was hungry. “Why don’t we have to bite to eat first?”

As they dug into the little spread, he was so much fun, Tess almost forgot why they were there, as they talked and laughed, sharing little bites from all the different platters.

When Raoul noticed she was eyeing his neatly-styled hair, that normally brushed his collar, he ran his hand through it and shrugged. “My twins sisters got married last Sahabet Giriş week. It was a double wedding, and they asked me to walk them down the aisle. So, I had to look presentable.”

“Oh, that’s sweet.”

“Yeah, we lost my dad when I was twelve, right after the twin’s tenth birthday. He worked on a loading dock. They’d just rolled open the back doors for a big transport truck that was backing up with a shipment. A young guy he worked with lost his balance and fell off the dock, just as the truck was backing up against the building. My dad jumped down to try and save him, and he got crushed. But thanks to my dad, the other guy managed to scramble out of the way; and he’s married now and he’s got a couple of kids.”

“Oh, how sad. No wonder you had to grow up so fast. I guess you had to become the man of the house, after you lost your father.”

“Yeah, and with five younger siblings, my mother needed the help.”

“I bet you’re close, though.”

He smiled thinking about his family. “Yeah, we’re super close.” Raoul nodded at Tess. “And how about you, you got any siblings.”

“I’ve only got one sister. She’s married with three kids. Which kind of takes the heat off me, since my parents already have more than enough grandkids to keep them happy.”

Raoul just nodded as he reached for his wine.

“Oh, I love this song,” Tess said, smiling as Joe Cocker’s “You are So Beautiful,” started playing.

When he turned it up for her, she quietly smiled, looking around the room, and said, “This is nice.”

Smiling back, Raoul gave her a flash of his dimples. “Yeah, I’m really enjoying getting to know you a little better, Tess.”

When he got to his feet, took her hand and pulled her into his arms again, Tess decided she really was glad they were spending this time together, even if nothing else happened.

Although, when he let hands slide down over her back, and started massaging her tooshie, as he sank his tongue between her lips and nearly kissed her senseless, she remembered exactly why they were there.

He had her nipples so hard they were throbbing, as she smiled into his eyes, teasingly rubbing them against his chest. They were dancing so close, she could feel every long, hard inch of him, pressing up against her belly.

Raoul groaned as he slid her dress up, when he realized she was only wearing a thong. “You’re soft as silk,” he whispered against her lips as he filled his palms with her cheeks, and began kneading her warm, soft flesh.

Soon, both of them were eyeing the couch, slyly grinning. When suddenly the music stopped, and his phoned started chiming.

“Dammit!” he muttered under his breath. “I should probably get that.”

Tess watched his expression change to a look of alarm as he listened to whatever the other person was saying. Quickly nodding his head, Raoul said, “No problem. I’ll make sure all the doors are locked. And I’ll keep my eyes on the news.”

After he tucked his phone in his pocket, when he noticed that Tess looked worried, he took a moment to explain, before he turned to leave. “I’ve got to go check all the doors. That was the boss, Jerry Connors. There’s a bank robbery going on across the street, and this whole area is in lockdown. So, sounds like we might be here for a while. You’d better lock the door behind me, just in case.”

Tess nodded, hoping they were safe and that no one would try and get in. But he made her smile, when he walked back, and tipped up her chin for quick kiss and winked before he left.

Tess put the news on her phone, and was pacing, while keeping an eye on the time. It was a pretty big building, full of medical supplies, so she knew he’d be a while. But all she just wanted was to see him walk back through the door, so she’d know he was safe.

It seemed like an eternity till finally came back. As soon as he unlocked the door and walked in, she put her phone down and practically flew into his arms.

Raoul chuckled as he lifted her off her feet and hugged her in arms. “Hey, it’s okay, you’re safe, and everything’s locked up.”

She looked into his eyes, trying not to cry. “I knew I was safe in here, with the door locked. But I was worried about you.”

Just knowing she cared, had him smiling. “Well, I guess all we can do now is wait it out.”

Tess cradled his face in her hands, slipped her tongue between his lips and really laid one on him. She was so happy that he was okay, and they were both safe.

Coyly smiling into her eyes, Raoul reached behind her and started to unzip her dress, while Tess couldn’t believe the way her fingers were shaking as she got busy working the buttons on his shirt.

As he watched her dress drop to the floor and pool around her feet, Raoul shook his head, eyeing her gorgeous body. “Wow. Sexy doesn’t even begin to describe you.”

Tess smirked, spreading his shirt open wide, as she ran her hands over his firmly-muscled chest, tangling her fingers through his chest Sahabet Güncel Giriş hair, as her curious little fingers trailed a path down to his jeans.

Raoul sucked in a breath and rolled his eyes when she started to unzip him, then pushed his jeans and boxers down his legs to the floor.

Tess was so shocked at how hard he was, she actually laughed at the way his cock popped out of his boxers almost smacking her in the face. “Wow! Looks like somebody’s happy to see me.”

Her eyes sparkling with mischief, Tess slid her tongue between his lips, as she took him in her hand and began stroking him up and down in her fist.

Raoul groaned, getting off on the feeling of exploring her smokin’ hot body, while she was making him crazy, sucking on his tongue, while trying to get him off.

Sure that he’d never seen anything as beautiful, Raoul thought her breasts were a perfect handful, as he cupped them in his hands, teasing her nipples with his thumbs, through her white lace bra.

Watching her shiver as he unclipped her bra and tossed it aside, his eyes popped as he watched her perky girls bounce free.

“God, you really are beautiful,” he whispered, as they lost themselves in a sultry kiss, while sliding their hands over each other’s bodies.

Tess softly moaned, smoothing the precum over his swollen crown, while Raoul slipped a hand into her panties, groaning as he slid his fingers over her hot little pussy. As he imagined how incredible it was going to feel once it was wrapped tightly around his cock.

Tess was so lost into what they were sharing, she yelped when he lifted into his arms and carried her over to the couch, telling her, “I need to taste you.”

His eyes were dark as coal as he hooked his thumbs into her panties and slid them down over her legs, exposing an adorable thatch of blonde curls sitting over her slit.

Kneeling on the floor, chest heaving, his eyes raking over her naked body, he took hold of her legs and rested them on his shoulders, spreading her open wide.

“Ooh, yesss!” she hissed when he got his head between her legs and slowly dragged his tongue from her tight little back pucker up to her swollen clit, over and over again, till she could barely breathe. The way he kept licking her up and down, making her see stars, she had a feeling he was right, and she would be begging him to hook up again, even just to feel the wonder of his tongue sliding inside her and making her crazy like this, all over again.

“You’re so sweet,” Raoul murmured as he feasted on her, sliding his tongue around her clit, and sinking two fingers inside her, giving her a little finger bang that already had her shivering.

He had her so close, Tess was hanging onto his hair for dear life as he worked into an orgasm to end all orgasms. Raoul smiled as he slid his tongue inside her, giving her an erotic little tongue-fucking, till he had her squealing and nearly ripping out his hair.

Every inch of her quaking, Tess cried out, “Ooh, I’m coming so freaking hard!”

Raoul smiling up at the look of elation washing over her face, pressed soft little kisses to her thighs, holding her steady as she came, so she wouldn’t slide off the leather couch.

Her breasts were heaving, every inch of her trembling as little after-shocks raced through her, while she noticed Raoul reaching for his jeans on the floor.

When he held out the condom, Tess snatched it out of his fingers, eager to roll it down over every long hard inch of him.

“Ooh, you’re really thick. Now I’m wondering if you’re gonna fit,” she murmured, as she fought to roll it over his big, fat swollen cockhead.

Raoul chuckled, watching her struggle. “No worries, we’ll make it work.”

Once she had him suited-up right down to his balls, Tess, smiling up into his eyes, slowly slid her tongue along his shaft, then took him between her lips and gave him a little suction.

His chest already heaving hard, Raoul shook his head. “Tess, don’t tease me, not now,” he warned her, since he was right on the edge, just aching to get inside her.

His heart pounding in his ears, he slid her onto her back, got in between her legs, took hold of himself, and with his eyes on hers, he began to gently nudge at her glistening open. When he saw the way she was smiling up into his eyes, once he managed to pop the head inside, he carefully began to ease his way in, before he pulled back and pushed in a little deeper, before he gradually began to thrust, pumping into her nice and steady.

Jaw clenched, he groaned. “You fit me like a glove, Tess.”

Contentedly smiling, she ruffled his hair. “I never thought you’d fit, and though it feels pretty snug, you feel so good, it’s like you were made just for me.”

“I’m thinking the same thing. Because you feel like heaven,” he said, pulling back and sinking into nice and deep. Swiveling his hips, so he’d hit her right where she needed him

When he felt them both beginning to tremble he arched his back, and licked at her nipples to help her get off, suckling at each one in turn.

“Oh, I’m coming!” Tess cried out, clenching her inner muscles around him as tight as she could, while Roaul groaned, gritting his teeth as he felt his balls growing tight.

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