Pat’s Pounding Ch. 09


By the end of his mother’s whispered information dump, Julie and Pat could both see that the ass-pussy muscles of the mother’s youthful son had indeed started to slowly give out, as he started to gradually, slower than spilt treacle, spread around the flared dome of his mother’s bitch breaker. As soon as the slow penetration started, the legs of the trapped youth shot straight out, toes curling tightly while his hands reached for where he and his mother joined together, wrapping around her turgid shaft. Idly, Pat wondered, now that the son had experienced a taste of his mother’s plundering invader, was the son’s action of grabbing his mother’s veiny womanhood an attempt at stopping or encouraging her to go deeper?

Regardless of the male’s intentions, the mother did not stop her pillaging of his pussy. Using the aid of gravity and her considerable strength, she forced her son down while pushing her fleshy spear up and into him. After what could only have been a mere three or so inches of her throbbing shaft being hungrily swallowed by the sissy’s pussy pipe, the suspended sissy popped off. Literally. Throwing his head backwards onto his mother’s shoulder, the sissy surrendered himself to his pussy’s pleasure as his dangling clitty spat long, thin ropes of cum underneath him; as his sissygasm tapered off, those little dribbles of cum squeezed out of him by his mother’s encroaching shaft trickled down his swelling balls to the site of his defilement, adding further lubrication to aid his mother’s invasion.

Although left silent due to distance and the intervening glass window, Pat could see the mother’s mouth continuously moving. Obviously, he mused, the mothers shared more than just the strange addition of having a dick; so far, if he was correct in assuming the triumphant mother was pouring verbal lurid filth into her sissy’s ear, being obsessed by dirty talk seemed to be a common theme between the marauding matriarchs.

In what seemed like no time at all, she had already, somehow, buried nearly half her thick length into him. And it was there, as she neared that halfway point, where things, impossibly, became even more perversely erotic. It was Julie who alerted him to what was occurring, as Pat’s focus had, for the most part, alternated between the hypnotising sight of the mother’s fat phallus’s journey and the crazed expressions adorning the son’s face.

‘Look at his belly, baby,’ she whispered to him, dragging his attention away from the sight of sexily sinful sodomy to the quivering youth’s lower abdomen. He stared, watching for whatever his mother thought was worth his focus. Initially, Pat was confused about why his mother wanted him to look at something so mundane when there were so many more exciting things to watch happening just below. However, that confusion didn’t last for long.

‘She’s entering in his colon’,’ his mother remarked, tone blasè, as if she were merely discussing the weather and not the destruction of the sissy’s bulging ass-pussy, as they watched the skin just above the base of his dick grew taught, revealing the outline of the mother’s burrowing shaft. ‘For most of our blessed sisterhood, myself included, that’s the most enjoyable part of breaking in a sissy: touching places that no man ever expected to be touched and then continuing on, moulding them, transforming them from son to sissy, completely.’

As they watched, the bulge grew until it stopped just under the youth’s ribs. Eyes darting down, Pat goggled at how much was yet to go; with a shameful wince, timed perfectly with a thin strand of cum dripping from his caged clitty, he, once again, bore witness to how insignificant he was to women like his mother as that part of the incestuous invader still visible, despite being so deep in her son’s bowels, was still of greater size than his pathetic yahşihan escort dicklet. To think he once thought of his former penis as a weapon of domination. Seeing this sight of anal annihilation, he knew he had been, at best, delusional.

‘Here comes the colon bend,’ his mother commented, continuing her impromptu anatomy lesson. Outside, the mother, having met the temporary obstacle of the bend in her son’s colon, set about overcoming it.

‘Keep watching,’ Julie encouraged before she continued her perverted narration. ‘This next part takes some real skill. See, she’s going to trick him, letting him believe she’s in as far as she’s going to get. Then, when he least expects it, she’ll push forward.’

‘She’s going to try and get the rest into him? How? She’s already at his ribs!’ At this point, Pat was seriously wondering if he was about to witness a murder.

‘Dick finds a way,’ Julie responded, butchering a quote from one of the greatest films ever made.

In the gardens, the mother started the next phase of breaking in her bitch-boi. Slowly but steadily, she lifted and lowered her sissy no more than a couple of inches, angling her hips to make sure her shaft scraped his p-spot with each movement. In response to this targeted and deliberate stimulation, the sissy in her arms went limp with pleasure, his head rolling forward, the only sign of life being the constant leaking of thin, runny beads of cum dribbling from his purpling clit. Half a hundred times, the mother must have lifted and lowered him before she suddenly turned to the side (Pat couldn’t help but be grateful at her continued consideration of them as voyeurs, despite her being mid-coitus, as her new position preserved their ability to see everything occurring), bent at the waist, adopting a standing full-nelson position, and thundering her hips forward.

For the briefest moment, her fleshy spear seemed to meet firm resistance before, with little fanfare, she forcefully hilted herself, her large cum filled balls slamming with bruising force into the far smaller testes of her sissy son. At his point, although the impaled youth’s belly had never been more distended as it struggled to contain his mother’s gargantuan girl girth, the bulbous, flared head of the invading appendage was no longer visible to Pat’s hawk-like eyes.

‘How?’ Pat gasped as he witnessed the seemingly impossible occur before his eyes. ‘How did she make it fit? Where did it go?! Where’s her cockhead gone?!’

‘Someplace special,’ Julie chuffed with poorly concealed amusement. ‘Anyway,’ she continued, smiling as she nipped at the nape of his neck. ‘That slutty little sissy seems to be enjoying it, doesn’t he? So, who cares where it went?’

Pat couldn’t deny such a contention as he and his mother looked upon the copulating couple. It was obvious. The face of the mother’s son was screwed up in a rictus of pleasure, silently howling out his pleasure as his dangling clitty made its best attempts at creating a small pond around his mother’s high-heeled encased feet.

Suddenly, as if hit by Zues’ mighty lightning bolt, Pat came to the sudden and terrifying realisation that all it had taken for the sissy to cum more powerfully than Pat had likely ever cum in his life was her just. Fucking. Getting. Into. Her. Son’s. Ass. What the hell would it be like for the poor sissy, and later him, when their mothers really started fucking them? Would he die from pleasure? Pat dazedly wondered. Would he even be the same fucking person after experiencing something like that, or would his mind end up mush, just as moulded by her cock as his insides would inevitably be?

Pat didn’t get much more time to ponder his possible fate as the mother, apparently satisfied with her time spent savouring being balls yakacık escort deep in her son and the milking from his pulsating ass she had no doubt experienced as his somehow yet-to-be emptied balls splattered the ground beneath them, started to withdraw her shiny cock.

Pat’s expectations of how sex should work were shattered as he watched the mother withdraw from her son’s clutching insides. For Pat, no doubt a byproduct from his copious porn viewing, he had, when imagining how he would fuck girls, always pictured hammering straight in and out of them: from zero to one hundred instantly. Suffice it to say, the far more experienced mother went about things differently. At first, she slowly pulled out nought but an inch before slowly pushing back in. In her proceeding withdrawal, she added an inch to how much girlcock she pulled from his guts before sheathing herself in his massaging heat. Again and again, inch by inch, she repeated the process, slowly withdrawing each time, forcing him to feel every millimetre as she pulled more and more of her dick out of her each time.

By the time she had only her fat cockhead left in him, a long trail of drool had joined those pathetic emissions from between his legs in connecting him to the ground. Having pulled as much of her goliath girlcock out of him as she could without leaving him bereft of her gift, she quickly plunged back into him, pressing herself in as deeply as she could before withdrawing from him totally, her cock flopping out of him.

Despite what Pat initially thought was a mistake, her excitement causing her to overestimate just how much dick she had to pull out of him, he quickly saw her action had been entirely intentional as she rapidly plunged back and forth, half a dozen times, lubing up her cock with his continuous spend before ramming herself home, going balls deep in one quick stroke.

Again, when she withdrew herself, she didn’t rush. Taking her time, she played her game of inches, angling her hips this way and that until, once more, only her head remained within him. Here, she paused, shifting her feet and widening her stance while adjusting her grip on her pliant Pat pussy, until she had positioned herself in a braced position, ready to rumble.

‘And here… we… go!’ Julie whispered just before the mother threw her hips forward, rolling into motion, hips a blur, stopping for nothing, even as her sissy’s hands scrambled about in crazed desperation, clutching at the air in pure pleasure. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out.

‘Oh, my god,’ Pat whimpered as he watched the son flop around in his mother’s arms, boneless with pleasure. To call what was occurring in front of them boning or sex or even hooking up wouldn’t do the sheer intensity of the act justice. No, what they were witnessing was more than a simple fucking, it was a rutting. Indeed, for every second that passed, the mother lost more and more of the iron control necessary not to have initiated her son long ago as her movements became more bestial, losing that elegant motion for one of pure savagery.

‘Goddess,’ Julie sternly corrected, as if Pat didn’t have more important things on his mind as he watched the simultaneous destruction of the sissy’s ass and mind at the hand of a cock not even close to his mother’s in size. I’m fucked, he thought with a demented giggle, seeing how a cock considerably smaller than the one nudging him between his shoulder blades did its best to dick a sissy dry.

Despite being deep enough in her sissy-slave to itch his tonsils, the mother clearly didn’t feel she was deep enough. Without pause, the mother dropped to her knees, positioning her sissy so his head and upper back were on the ground and his hips were in the air above his face with his caged, leaking clitty erzurum escort dangling over his slack-jawed face; from this new position, each hilting stroke of her pussy-pounder made his belly swell even more than before. Dementedly, Pat couldn’t help but compare the sight to the digitally sped-up process of pregnancy he had seen in biology class; each inch of that great cock, as it slid deeper, seemed to add a month to the youth’s stretched belly, leaving him looking as if he had been pregnant for nearly a year and a half.

It looks like he’s pregnant with a fucking elephant! Pat thought with a mad giggle.

And, if all that somehow wasn’t hot enough, the sight of the measly male clitty being knocked back and forth between belly and bitch-breaker, its juices, impossibly still flowing strong, falling onto his fuck-drunk face, had Pat drooling from both his mouth and meagre member.

‘Whew,’ Julie whistled from behind Pat. ‘See how she kept fucking him even as they moved?’ She asked with admiration. ‘Now, that? That’s difficult. Take it from someone with a dick.’

Before Julie could continue her thoughtless (was it?) humiliation of her son, the mother outside froze the frenzied fucking of her pliant puppet, looking nothing so much like a rabbit caught in headlights. For a moment, Pat nor Julie understood why the mother had stopped the firm, frantic pace of her plunging hips. However, the cause behind her sudden cessation of motion became apparent when two robed priestesses hurtled out of the darkness towards the rutting pair, body language screaming disapproval and danger. The mother, the only one of the two not fuck-drunk, was aware of the harsh fate awaiting them (especially her as the Woman of their relationship) if caught. With such a potentially bleak future of punishment as motivation, the mother withdrew fully from her son, her shaft flopping out, weighty and wet, before throwing her son over her shoulder and sprinting off into the darkness away from her pursuers.

For Pat, during those last moments of the mother and son’s desperate escape, what captured his attention the most wasn’t the cunt clenching sight of so many bobbing women’s dicks, or even, as they once would have, the sight of bouncing titties. No, what young Pat couldn’t tear his eyes away from was, even at such significant distance, the ruined hole of the near-comatose sissy slung over his mother’s shoulder; the hole, once nearly as tight as his own, was red, inflamed, loose and leaking a river of thick cum. I want that, Pat realised. I fucking NEED that! I want my mom to ruin my fucking boi-pussy so bad I’ll never even THINK of touching my pathetic male clitty AGAIN!

For a moment, both Pat and Julie were silent, digesting the sheer absurdity of those last final moments of such a sexy scene. However, the silence didn’t last long as Julie, more resilient from having witnessed and participated in such bizarre experiences before, turned Pat to face her in her arms, his legs supported in the crooks of her elbows.

‘After having watched all that, maybe the tip wouldn’t hurt,’ she murmured, less a question and more a statement, her voice low and thick with desire. So saying, she moved her gargantuan cock from where it lay on Pat’s stomach, nearly poking him on the chin, to his quivering entrance, kissing it with her blunt, bulbous head before slowly starting to apply pressure.

Thankfully? Annoyingly?

Thankfully or annoyingly (Pat couldn’t decide which after witnessing what he just had), they were interrupted before his mother could follow in the high-heels of her less disciplined sister from outside and bury her cock in him.

‘Alright, folks, sorry for the delay. We had a bit of an issue there…’

The priestess, who had opened the door and peered in, trailed off when she saw the positioning of Pat and Julie. For a moment, nobody moved. Then, looking behind herself as she entered, the scantily clad bedicked holy woman daintily slid into the room, closing the door softly behind her.

‘Well, well,’ she purred, prowling towards them, her slowly hardening cock leading the way. ‘What do we have here?

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