My Son’s Laundry


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My phone chirruped, it was Leo.

“Mum,” he said, his voice always seemed full of laughter when he spoke to me.

“Yes baby,” I answered, fairly sure of the reason for the call.

“I am home today, I wondered if you could come and do my bed for me, only I still haven’t gotten around to getting a washing machine.”

“Okay Leo, be about an hour, I will see you then.”

“Bye mum, thank you.”

So, that was my day completely rearranged. I had been going into town to have a mooch around, that would now have to wait. Mica was still in bed and Mikhail was getting dressed. I would need to shower, get dressed, stop for fuel in the car, it would be an hour before I could get there.

“Come on Mica, if you want breakfast you will need to get up now, I have to go out,” I said through her bedroom door to the lump in her bed.

“S’okay mum, nothing.” Well, that was one less chore to do, she would have to sort herself out later when she eventually got up. I wasn’t sure if she had work today or not, but that was her problem, not mine.

Mikhail had finished in the shower and was dressing in the bedroom. Good that left the ensuite clear for me. I put my shower cap on, my hair didn’t need doing today, and got in the shower, gel on scrunchie and everywhere got a wash followed by a rinse from the shower head held in my hand.

I rinsed the shower walls down to get rid of any suds, turned everything to off and got out. After drying with my towel I went into the bedroom, Mikhail wasn’t there, presumably he had gone down for breakfast. Clean pants, bra, blouse and skirt and I was ready. I pulled the quilt over the bed, satisfied that the room looked tidy, I left.

In the kitchen Mikhail was drinking a coffee and had a spoon in a bowl of cereal.

“Gerai, mieloji,” he greeted me.

“taip, mažute,” I replied. “I am off to Leo’s,” I said, “his bed needs changing and he has no machine.”

“Well, that is true, but less than one hundred metres from his flat is a launderette.”

“Oh Mikhail, stop it, you know I like to help, he is our son.”

“Well yes, but he needs to be self sufficient if he wants to live away from home.”

“Well I disagree. I shall see you later.” I grabbed my purse and keys and left. I expected that if it had been Mica that had left, Mikhail would help her as much as she asked. Ah well.

I parked in Leo’s assigned parking spot, hit the entry bell and was on my way in.

“Morning mum,” he said, a crushing embrace as I walked through the door.

“Phew baby boy, let your mum breathe,” I gasped, all too aware of something I shouldn’t be aware of. He is such a big boy.

“Thanks mum, I really appreciate it.”

“Yes, anything to stop you walking to the Launderette just around the corner?”

“Well, if I went there I wouldn’t see you now would I?”

“You could always zoom me you know?”

He crushed me again in an all too inappropriate embrace, “Not the same mum, I like to feel you.”

‘I bet you do,’ I thought.

“Right, let’s get started.” I headed off to his bedroom, oh it was a mess. Dirty clothes everywhere. varto escort Where to start?

“Right Leo, you come in here and you gather up all your dirty clothes and put them in a bag so I can take them and wash them. I will deal with your bed.”

I started with the pillows and removed the cases, putting the pillows to one side for later, then I pulled the quilt back. Oh Leo! The CSI people would have a field day with his sheet and their purple light. Oh my. Shall I just say it was crusty.

“Leo baby, when you, you know, release yourself, couldn’t you know, do it in a sock? This sheets is terrible.”

“What do you mean mum?” Cheeky, he knows what I mean. I made the hand up and down sign.

“Oh mummy,” he laughed and rubbed his crotch.

“You are too naughty.” I peeled his sheet off his bed, almost wishing I had worn rubber gloves, and added it to the washing pile. Leo managed to rub against me everytime he passed to collect his fallen dirty clothes. He really is naughty.

“What is that, over there, in the corner?” I asked him.

“What that? Er, Laundry Basket I think.”

“You think Leo? You should know and you should use it. I am not coming back again if I have to deal with this. Seriously, I am not.”

I undid the zip on his quilt cover and pulled the quilt out. The cover, almost as crusty as his sheet, joined the other bedding. That would need a hot wash when I got it home. I certainly wouldn’t be asking Mica to help with this wash.

I stretched a clean sheet over his mattress and then fed his quilt into a clean cover. Finally his pillows and his bed was done. I gathered the dirty bedding and put it next to his front door.

“That needs to go into a bag and then you can carry it to my car for me. It is probably half by weight of your emissions.”

“Oh mum, really, surely not half. I can’t help but think of you mum,” he said and enveloped me in another of his crushing hugs. He moved his hand up my side and it rested just under my breast. His eyes bored into mine and then he leant forward and kissed me, his mouth open, tongue searching. Oh Leo.

I tried not to respond but my body had other ideas. My mouth opened and accepted his tongue. As I did so his hand moved and slid up inside my top and cupped my breast, his erection pressing at my stomach.

“Leo,” I gasped, “I am your mother, not your lover, this is wrong.”

“It is not wrong, you should be both mother and lover,” he said and a hand pushed up my skirt and pressed at my sex. Oh.

The fingers on that hand eased their way past the hem of my panties and pressed against my valley. My body moved my legs apart to give him greater access. I felt a finger dip in between my lips, stroking through my wetness to seek the prize of my opening. Oh.

“No Leo,” I managed, “this is so wrong.” I tried to pull away but the finger found the prize and slipped easily, far too easily, inside me. Oh God. My hand took matters into its own and slipped down the front of his shorts and found his hard penis, oh God, it pulsed in my hand. I feared I was lost.

His hands let go and he stepped back, my hand releasing his penis. He took my hand and led me back to his bedroom. He turned me around, my back to the bed. He eased my top up and peeled it over my head, viranşehir escort my arms raising to let the sleeves go free. He put his arms around me and undid my bra, pulling it forward to release my breasts, and it too left me. He undid the button at the waist of my skirt and then lowered the zip, my skirt fell in a puddle at my feet. He knelt before me and slowly he lowered my panties, revealing my sex to him.

He leant forward and I could feel his breath on my sex, his lips pursed, he blew softly along my valley as he inhaled my aroma, my scent pungent with arousal and wanting. Further forward he leant, his tongue dabbing, his nose pressing against my clitoris, sliding away in the wetness. Oh my God, I was lost, lost in a sea of wanting, a sea of taboo.

I felt a finger ease its way around my entrance, I eased my knees a little further apart. My opening was tight, not resistant, just unprepared. I felt an intrusion, my entrance being expanded, fingers entering, my vagina stretched in readiness.

I closed my eyes and embraced the intrusion, feeling him enter my vagina, recognising knuckles, fingertips, finger nails as they scratched at my inner wrinkles and bumps. I knew I should not let this go further, I also knew I could not stop it.

Leo’s fingers slowly eased out from me, my opening tightening a little, my valley soaking, wetness seeping down to soak my entrance. I opened my eyes to see him standing up. Somehow, at some point, he had removed his shorts. I could see his penis. Hard, veins prominent, head peeking, almost vertical. Oh God. I was completely lost. He pushed me gently and I sat back onto his bed. He pushed again and I fell onto my back, my feet on the floor, Leo between my knees, and my vagina opening and ready.

I could feel his hard penis as it nudged at my opening, I knew that a line had been crossed and I didn’t care. I wanted him. I wanted him to penetrate me, and he did. Slowly he inched forward, the petals around my opening flared and welcomed his hardness inside me. My softness contrasting his unrelenting hardness as he went further and deeper inside me, my heart fluttering, breath holding, a moment stretched in time before he finally filled me, pressing against my valley with his pubis, his penis inside me, at my depth, I could take no more.

I lay unmoving, my breasts exposed, my nipples pointing at the ceiling, my son on top of me, his penis embedded in my vagina, a place that he should never revisit having left my body via it. I felt a pulse inside me, I knew it was not me, it was a pulse in his penis, throbbing within me. He moved, his penis began to back out of me, my vagina closing again behind it as he left, and then he stopped, he pushed forwards again, his penis filling me, possessing me, my brain like mush, my vagina being opened and stretched once more.

I found my hands on his back, my fingernails embedded in his skin, I heard my voice saying “yes Leo, Yes,” I felt the squash of his pubis against mine, my mound flattening under his assault, an assault that was wanted, needed, cried out for. Faster he went, his penis pushing in so hard, reaching my depth, my vagina stretched so wide as he pumped into me, and then he stopped. He pulled back, his penis left my vagina. I felt empty, I had kırklareli escort a void inside me, I felt abandoned.

“Get properly onto the bed mum,” Leo’s voice commanded. I scrabbled back, thinking Leo can see my vagina, he can see my nakedness, momentarily forgetting that had just penetrated me, we had intercourse, the deed had been done.

“Mum, turn over and rise onto your knees.”

I did as I was told, my head down, as if in shame, my bottom high in the air. ‘Oh no, not my bottom,’ I thought and then I felt a finger running between the lips of my vulva, ‘Oh,’ I thought, I never thought of that. I felt the bed move as Leo came behind me, his penis still hard, pressing between the cheeks of my bottom, past my crinkle, down, and then, once more, he was at my opening, and he pushed.

I gasped as his penis opened me, pushed past my entrance, and slid along my vagina, stretching me once more. I gasped again, this time with pleasure as he reached my depth. I looked back, past my breasts hanging there like some pendulous chunks of meat, and between my legs I could see his testicles, hanging, full, ready, ready to unleash a torrent of his man stuff inside me.

His penis twitched, I gasped, he pulled out, my heart sank, was he leaving me, already? He pushed back in, hard, slamming against my depth, I inhaled, loudly, my gasp echoing around the room. Again I inhaled, my lungs full to bursting, yet I could not let the air out. Each time Leo pushed in, I took more air.

Slap, echoed around his bedroom as he drove deeply inside me, his pubis smacking against my buttocks, my grunts accompanying his slaps in the unmistakable sound of copulation, a copulation between mother and son, a copulation taboo in all civilised nations, yet a copulation that felt so right, so satisfying. Faster he moved, my vagina slick with arousal welcoming the intrusion, his penis hard as ebony, smacking against my depth, stretching me in every direction.

I could no longer discern his pulse, his movement was too fast. I could not tell if his foreskin was moving or was just pushed back behind his rim. All I could feel was the rapid movement, my pulse seemingly increasing, the gasps of my lungs filling and the heat coming from around my clitoris. I knew I was rocking on the bed with his pummelling, I knew I was rocking in my body with my arousal, I knew a climax was close.

My mouth was open, I could not close it. Electrics were tingling around my groin, my nipples hard and bullet like, my toes curling up from the mattress, my fingers scrunching, tightening, gripping. I screamed, screamed loud, my mouth unable to close. An explosion of pleasure shot from my crotch, connecting my nipples, my toes, my fingers, all to my clitoris and my vagina clamped hard, squeezing his penis, holding it in its grip.

As I came down from my high, I could feel the squirts from him as he ejaculated deep inside me, I could hear the gasps as my breathing began to return to normal, I could hear his panting as his post ejaculation breathing slowed.

“God mum, you are a bloody good shag.”


What else could I say? I have had sex with my son, we had both climaxed and there was no going back from this point, from this moment.

Leo’s penis slipped from me.

“Tissue” I said, taking the proffered wipe, rolling it and pushing it into my vagina to try and stem the flood of white that would inevitably pour from me onto his clean bedding. Ever the mum, thinking of the laundry.

“Could you come and do my laundry again next week mum?” He asked.

“Yes baby.” Yes, of course I would.

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