Kitty in the Middle Pt. 03


Kitty woke up on Sunday morning for her second week of family bonding unsure if the night before had been real or a sick dream.

After eating her mother out, it had been Becca’s turn. Then her mother’s turn again. In the end, the evening became a mad blur of sexual submission and taboo pleasure. By the time Laura ordered her daughter to bed with a lazy, satisfied smile on her curvy lips, Kitty was sore, sticky, and drained; both physically and mentally. She almost fell asleep in the shower, and when she did finally make it to her bed, she was asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow, falling into a tangle of dark, erotic dreams that she couldn’t clearly remember after she woke up.

Now Kitty lay staring at the ceiling, her mind working a thousand miles an hour, finally taking time to absorb exactly what had happened the night before. Unless she was wrong and it really had been a vivid dream, what had happened was that she begged her mother and sister to be her full-time doms.

But what did that mean exactly?

Becca had set one rule firmly: Kitty wasn’t allowed to orgasm without her specific permission. But other than that, what did it mean to be Becca’s submissive? And what about her mother? Was she supposed to be their humble servant at all times, or only in sexual situations? How often would there even be “sexual situations”?

Kitty had no idea. She asked to be their submissive last night, and the request had been granted, but exactly what that would look like was unclear.

There was just one way to find out.

Kitty threw off her covers and got ready for the day. She eyed her wardrobe and slowly reached for some of the clothes Becca had bought for her. They weren’t what she would ever normally choose for herself… But her mother had been very clear last night that, starting now, her first priority should be her doms’ pleasure.

With a twist of humiliation, Kitty chose a tiny camisole that she was pretty sure was designed for a preteen girl. It was light pink, with a butterfly design that stretched obscenely across her tightly-encased breasts. She matched it with a girlish denim skirt that barely came down past her panties.

Kitty went down to breakfast with her heart filled with nervous anticipation, ready for anything.

But her family once again found a way to surprise her. Becca laughed and clapped appreciatively at Kitty’s submissive decision to wear one of the outfits her younger sister had bought for her, but other than that it was a completely average family breakfast. Laura was in “Betty Crocker” mode again, preparing pancakes in decidedly unsexy flannel pajamas. She looked as perfect and beautiful as ever, but there was nothing remotely sexual about the situation.

Becca, despite her obvious delight over Kitty’s humiliating wardrobe, was back to her usual self as well, chattering away about her latest tennis tournament and what it meant for her standing in the club with a sunny smile. Kitty assumed that after they ate her mother and sister would be eager to lay down some ground rules, but instead, Laura chastely kissed Kitty’s forehead and said she had some work to get done in her office. Becca simply grabbed her duffel bag, heading to practice.

Leaving Kitty alone.

It was surreal. In twenty-four hours, Kitty had whiplashed back and forth between being guiltily attracted to her family members, to being their sexual submissive to… what? Back to a normal happy family? What this some sort of prank? Was Kitty going insane?

Kitty returned to her room and spent several hours scrolling listlessly through her phone.

Maybe it was better this way. When Kitty stopped to think about it, it sort of felt like she had been railroaded last night. Her mother and sister had taken advantage of her submissive tendencies and pushed her into agreeing to an indecent arrangement. Maybe they recognized how Kitty had been strongarmed, and had thought better of the scene they made last night.

But as time went on without any word from her two supposed new dominants, Kitty’s tension ratcheted higher and higher. She thought that her doms were supposed to be in charge of her sexuality; but as she lay in her bed, obsessing over the events of the night before, Kitty couldn’t help but feel like her sexuality was running wild and loose: out of control.

She looked slyly at her bedroom door, then got up and locked it. Becca had made a big deal over being the one to control her orgasms but then had left her all alone.

Maybe her dom should be a little more careful.

After a very satisfying masturbation session using some of her favorite BDSM clips, Kitty felt a little better. Maybe Laura and Becca just felt embarrassed and regretful. Well, if they wanted to pretend nothing happened and ignore her, then Kitty was perfectly happy to manage her own sexual needs, just like she had always done.

But Kitty’s sense of relief and calm faded as the day went on. Replaced once again by a building sense of sexual frustration. konya escort Laura stayed holed up in her office. Becca didn’t come home.

Kitty went into her mother’s office around lunchtime, ready to ask in a meaningful voice if her mother needed anything, but as she entered the office, Laura was deep in a phone conversation and irritably waved her away when she noticed Kitty standing in the doorway.

Kitty masturbated again an hour later. But her orgasm felt weak and artificial this time, nothing like the hot, filthy intensity she experienced last night. As the hours wore on, Kiitty fell into a spiral of annoyance, arousal, and needy submissive desperation. She longed for her mother’s strict but nurturing control. For Becca’s bratty, smug teasing.

There had to be some way to take the edge off her burning need. And luckily, Kitty had just the thing.

It was time to call Rose.

Kitty had been so distracted this past week that she hadn’t really made enough time for her girlfriend. This was the perfect opportunity to fix that. Rose’s calm, loving presence was exactly what Kitty needed to bring her down from the emotional rollercoaster she was going through.

Even if this whole dom thing from her family wasn’t some sort of prank, there was no way her Mom or Becca would be upset about Kitty inviting Rose over. They had specifically said that they approved of the relationship.

Kitty had a faint smile on her face as she rang Rose’s phone. How could she have forgotten her loving girlfriend, even for a second? The smile slipped a little as the rings continued. This was unusual for Rose. She always had her phone with her. She always had it on. Why was now different?

Rose picked up on what must have been the last ring.

“K-Kitty! HI!” Rose’s voice was strained and manic for some reason, and her breaths were coming in rhythmic gasps. “I… I wasn’t expecting your call!”

Kitty’s eyebrows scrunched together in confusion. “Hi, Rose. Why not? I think it’s pretty normal for me to call my girlfriend.” Something was strange about Rose’s voice that Kitty couldn’t quite put her finger on. It was almost… sexual in a way. Kitty quickly put the thought out of her head. That was just her horniness talking.

“Oh, uh, haha, yeah…” said Rose awkwardly, clearly distracted by something. Her breaths were deep and heavy in the phone receiver. “It’s just… I didn’t hear from you much this past week, and mmmmm, I was just a little surprised to see you calling now.”

Kitty felt a stab of guilt at the true observation. She really hadn’t called much during last week. She had been too distracted by the mounting taboo sexual tension. But whatever guilt she felt was quickly drowned out by dark curiosity. Had that just been a moan? What was going on with her girlfriend? Had Kitty happened to call during a masturbation session? If so, why wasn’t Rose stopping? Kitty felt a bloom of lust spreading in her belly just from hearing the sweet whine creeping into her girlfriend’s voice…

“What are you doing right now?” Kitty asked suspiciously, laying back in her bed and gently touching herself between her legs, sending sweet flashes of pleasure tingling up her spine.

“I’m… just… ummmm, working out,” panted Rose.

“Working out…” said Kitty, her voice dripping with disbelief. “For the first time since I’ve known you?”

“Yeah,” said Rose with an awkward laugh. “It was… uhhhnnn, It was your sister’s suggestion actually.” Suddenly Rose giggled, as if what she had just said was incredibly funny. “Becca told me this would be goooood for me.”

Kitty frowned, even as her fingers rubbed harder between her thighs. “I don’t know, babe,” she said as she listened to Rose moaning through her workout. “Maybe you shouldn’t get too close to my little sister. I think that she might be a bad influence.

“I… I think… mmmmm, I think you’re right,” gasped Rose in a trembling voice. “Now I reeeeally have to go, babe! I l-love you!”

“I love you too,” said Kitty softly, but the line was already dead. She tossed her phone across the bed in frustration. She tried to continue touching herself while thinking about Rose in sweaty workout clothes, but the magic was gone.

It looked like it wouldn’t be that easy to relieve her sexual frustrations.

Rose pressed the red button to cut the call and dropped the phone from a shaking hand, finally free to concentrate completely on the matter at hand.

She spread her juicy, pale thighs wider and arched her ass up into the thick black strapon, giving her partner in this filthy tryst maximum access to her dripping pussy. As she looked over her shoulder, Becca looked down at her with a smug, triumphant grin which set Rose’s heart beating wildly with guilt and deep, taboo lust.

Rose wasn’t sure exactly how it had happened. She had intended for everything to be innocent: to act as a kind, mature older-sister-type who would answer Becca’s naive questions about konyaaltı escort sex. But somehow over the course of the past week, everything had become… twisted.

Becca just kept sending photos of her boyfriend… asking personal questions about Rose’s preferences in bed… and requesting specific, vivid instructions on how to please a man. Then the porn clips had started. Becca sent filthy videos, asking if they were accurate… If Rose had even done anything like that before…

Rose wasn’t made of stone. Becca was hot, and her boyfriend had a big cock, and she had excellent taste in pornography. Since Kitty had been “busy” all week, was it really any surprise that Rose had given into temptation and begun regularly masturbating to her text communications with her girlfriend’s little sister?

True, it had probably been a step too far when Rose began having long late-night phone calls with Becca about sex. And it was definitely crossing a line when she started masturbating during those calls as well. But by that point, Rose had given in completely. It just felt too good to surrender and fall under Becca’s spell.

So when Becca asked her today for a “hands-on demonstration of how to please a man with a big cock”, Rose wasn’t strong enough to resist. She had taken one wide-eyed, lip-biting look at the huge black strapon dangling from Becca’s hand, and at the heated, mocking smile on her cute, bratty face. And Rose had meekly nodded.

Rose moaned deeply and clutched at her sheets as Becca’s monstrous rubber cock stretched her open, pinning her down onto her bed with the thrusts of Becca’s toned, athletic hips. Even if her mind couldn’t accept the truth fully at this point, her trembling thighs and pulsating pussy knew: Becca had been lying. She wasn’t the innocent inexperienced little girl that she had been pretending to be. She was not only sexually experienced, she was Rose’s superior in the bedroom.

Becca reached down lazily with one hand, keeping a firm grip on Rose’s wide hips with the other. Her thumb firmly circled Rose’s twitching asshole, providing unfamiliar, erotic pressure which only intensified the submissive pleasure flaring up from Rose’s ravished cunt.

“You’re a natural babe,” purred Becca, maintaining her intense, jackhammering rhythm. “I feel like I am learning sooo much about how to please a man.”

Suddenly Becca withdrew and reached down with her strong arms to flip Rose onto her back. Rose looked up with a gaze that was both intimidated and adoring. Becca was a powerful tanned Goddess. Her big firm tits, symbols of her femininity, were tipped with sharp pink nipples, standing stiff and proud from her dominant arousal. The rest of her body was an alluring blend of toned muscle and soft curves. Between her legs, the massive black dildo curved upward aggressively from its harness, shining with Rose’s shameful juices.

After staring at her for a moment with hungry eyes and a crooked smirk, Becca descended on her prey, spreading Rose’s pale thighs with her firm hands and holding Rose’s gaze with blazing intensity.

“Now, honey,” said Becca in a mocking tone, positioning the strap-on directly at the sloppy entrance of Rose’s eager, cheating pussy. “You’re going to demonstrate how I should cum for my boyfriend.” Her face was just inches from Rose’s.

“Make sure that you make your demonstration really detailed,” she breathed. “I’m counting on you, teach.”

And with that, Becca’s wet, hungry lips locked with Rose’s, and the thick rubber phallus sunk in her aching pussy.

And Rose’s traitorous legs locked around Becca’s lithe hips, welcoming her cock and drawing her deeper. She was determined to be the perfect teacher; to give an accurate demonstration of how to cum while being dominantly fucked.

Kitty stood at the door of her mother’s home office, cursing her weakness, but unable to resist any longer.

She had tried to distract herself. Tried to find a video that would interest her and provide an outlet for the sexual need growing inside her. But it was no use.

After tasting the intoxicating control her mother could provide, nothing else could compare. She wasn’t sure why Laura and Becca had been ignoring her all day, but she had to find out. In preparation for whatever this encounter with her mother would bring, Kitty had put on her nicest lingerie, a white, lacy set that she usually saved for special occasions with Rose.

It was possible that Laura had, for some reason, decided not to continue their arrangement after all. And if that was the case, Kitty had decided that she needed to convince her to change her mind again.

When Kitty knocked softly on the office door, her Mother answered quickly, calling out “Come in” in her usual soft, musical voice. Kitty took a deep breath and entered her mother’s home office, her heart filled with a strange mix of longing, fear, and burning shame.

Laura’s gentle blue eyes looked up distractedly korfez escort from the paperwork she was reading, then did a slow double-take at her daughter’s slutty, submissive appearance. A smile tugged at the corners of her lips as she neatly closed the open folder in front of her and turned her full attention to Kitty.

Kitty walked forward silently on stockinged feet and sank to her knees in front of her mother’s desk, softly averting her eyes from Laura’s intense gaze.

“Please Mommy,” she said, using the humble words she had prepared over the past few hours in her room. “Have I done something wrong? I need you.” When Kitty looked up, chancing a look into her mother’s eyes, she saw to her relief that they were filled with compassion and sympathy.

“Oh, honey,” said Laura, leaning forward over her desk. “I’m sorry that I hurt your feelings a little. This was… I guess you could call it an important lesson.”

“A lesson?” asked Kitty numbly, forgetting her “humble servant” act and staring up at her mother with a frown.

“That’s right dear,” said Laura briskly, standing up from her chair and circling around her desk. “You see, some naughty little girls might try to tell themselves after a… sexually intense moment like last night that they had been pressured. That they didn’t really mean what they had said. Some girls might even lie to themselves and say that their Mommy had forced them to do things they didn’t actually want to do.” Laura now stood dominantly above her. She reached down and cupped Kitty’s face in a smooth, perfect hand. “Can you see why some submissives might try to tell that face-saving lie, darling?”

Kitty blushed hotly. Her thoughts had trended in those exact same directions multiple times throughout the day. It had been a sort of secret escape hatch, just like her Mother was describing. It was a way to avoid the truth: that she was a pathetic submissive who craved her family’s incestuous sexual control. Kitty simply nodded, averting her eyes in shame once again.

Laura chuckled. “So your sister and I decided to prove a point to you. We aren’t doing this because we want your submission: we’re doing this because you crave our dominance. Becca actually thought that it would take you three days to come begging. She doesn’t know you like I do, darling.” Laura’s hand slipped down Kitty’s face and gently but firmly gripped her chin, turning her daughter’s eyes upward to catch her gaze.

“I knew that I would be dominating you again tonight,” said Laura smugly. Her deep blue eyes overwhelmed Kitty, making her feel hot and wet and weak all the way down to her core. “In fact, I prepared a couple of fun mother-daughter activities for us to do together. Let me show you, Kathryn. Come with Mommy.”

As her powerful, confident Mommy strode out of her office and toward her bedroom, Kitty had already gotten into the submissive mindset. She didn’t even bother to rise to her feet.

She crawled after her Mommy like the good little sub she was.

“And leave the bra there, darling,” called her mother behind her as she walked toward her bedroom. “We won’t be needing it.”

Laura looked down at her horny, defeated daughter with possessive pride. A perfect submissive. And thanks to her careful plans, her perfect submissive.

Kitty lay, practically trembling with nerves and arousal, strapped spreadeagled to her mother’s bed, making an embarrassing wet spot in her pretty little white lace panties.

Laura ran a single slim finger up her daughter’s leg as she slowly walked up the bed, making Kitty’s slim, lovely body quake with lust. It reminded Laura of some half-remembered dream, although this situation was all too real; all too satisfyingly erotic.

Finally, she reached Kitty’s face. Her sweet daughter’s lips were parted, already gasping from the intense pleasure of her mother’s touch. Her eyes were tightly blindfolded, the better to focus her mind on the sensations of touch.

Laura felt like a cat who had finally caught the mouse.

And she planned to thoroughly enjoy playing with her conquest before feasting.

With a grin of lazy satisfaction, Laura laid her left pointer finger on her daughter’s plump, shining lips. “Suck,” she commanded sharply. Deep in a haze of submissive lust, Kitty didn’t even think of disobeying. She greedily accepted her mother’s digit into her hot, wet little mouth, submissively licking and swirling her tongue around it.

Laura couldn’t help but laugh, struck by the funny image. Her cute little daughter was a dyed-in-the-wool gold star lesbian down to her squishy core, but stick a phallic object in her mouth, and Kitty’s submissive tongue knew instinctively what to do: lapping and wriggling madly to please the dominantly invading object.

“This body is mine now,” said Laura in a low, smokey voice, trailing her right hand with a feather-light touch over her daughter’s lovely pale body, temptingly displayed in innocent, pure-white lingerie. “And today I’m going to explore every inch. To familiarize myself with my new property.

“And who knows?” said Laura, pressing her finger down into Kitty’s tongue to make her daughter feel her dominant control. “You might even get an orgasm or two out of the experience. If you can be a good girl, that is.”

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