La Belle Ile en Mere Pt. 15


All characters in sexual situations are 18 or older. Thanks for reading!

“Mr. and Mrs. Zaal?” Océane said.

“Please don’t call us that.” Anna’s cheeks were already red from their quick descent down the stairway. They turned redder with embarrassment. “It makes it sound like we’re married.”

“George Zaal, Anna Zaal, and Oldest Guest.” Océane tried again.

It was Kapnos’s turn to blush. Gwendolyn Valentine’s skin was alabaster white, and with her blond hair pinned up, she was sure the others saw the crimson color spread from her cheeks to the back of her neck. “Please don’t call me that, Océane. My name is Mrs. Valentine.”

“Why would the computer call you that?” Anna looked over at their companion with her eyebrows raised in confusion.

“Please. George Zaal, Anna Zaal, and Mrs. Valentine. I have urgent news.” Océane didn’t like to cut in, but it really was urgent.

“What is it, Océane?” Anna put a hand on George’s shoulder and stopped him. She moved close to him, her body tensing. The computer wouldn’t interrupt them for good news.

“I have spotted two of the Newest Guest’s drones moving rapidly up the stairwell,” Océane said. “They just passed floor one-forty.”

“The shadow creatures? Why didn’t you give us more of a warning?” George pulled his pistol and dropped his pack to the ground. He straightened his tie and checked their current floor. They were on one hundred forty-four. He fished the spare pistol out of the bottom of the backpack and loaded it. He made eye contact with Kapnos, and she nodded. Of course she can shoot. She’s been around for a thousand years. He made sure the safety was on and tossed the gun to her.

“My visual detection is rudimentary in Version 3.2. They move in a way that is hard for me to detect.” Océane spoke in a matter-of-fact tone.

“What’s going on? Why did you give Mrs. Valentine a gun?” Anna looked back and forth between her companions.

“I’m trained with a pistol, Mrs. Zaal.” Kapnos hiked her skirts and bent on one knee. She aimed her pistol down the stairway at a point where the switchback went out of view.

“Get behind me, Mom.” George had learned how to shoot in a duel. They hadn’t taught him to drop to a knee. That wasn’t manly. He stood on a stair, his feet evenly spaced, arm extended. He pointed at the same spot as Kapnos.

“I really wish the elevators were working.” Anna climbed several stairs behind them and drew her sword. She was far enough away that she wouldn’t stab George or Gwendolyn by mistake but close enough that she might help if one of the creatures made it past their gunfire. Her heart thundered in her ears. She struggled to relax her muscles. “Whatever happens, I’m proud of you, sunshine.”

“Thanks, Mom.” George took slow, even breaths as he’d been taught. He was pleased to see that his hand wasn’t shaking. “We’re going to be fine. This will all…” The creatures came into view using their momentum to run high on the wall. They weren’t where he’d been aiming. They moved fast with their disjointed limbs. He felt like the one he’d seen before had been awkward, but these were swift and sure-footed. He tried to follow their path as they landed on the floor and bolted up the stairs toward them in a zigzag pattern. He exhaled and pulled the trigger. His pistol hissed.

“I think… they’re… learning.” Kapnos squeezed the trigger. The creatures zigzagged in a random pattern as they ascended. It made aiming difficult. “Mrs. Haversham didn’t say… they moved… like this… when Mr. Haversham shot one. Oh… gods… it’s going to get me. It’s going to…” Her arms shook as she fired again and again. The creatures steadily closed the distance.

“Unload your pistol. Spray bullets at them.” George did just that. Rather than trying to hit the creatures he sprayed a cloud of bullets in every possible direction the creature could go. It worked. The creature on the left sounded like a leaky airlock seal, before exploding in a splash of body parts and black, viscous goo.

Kapnos dropped her sidearm and fell backward in panic. The creature on the right leapt into the air. It sailed some twelve feet high in the vaulted space and crashed down on Kapnos.

George turned his pistol on the creature, but it didn’t hiss out any more bullets. He was out of ammunition. “Shit… shit…”

“Oh… gods!” Anna could see that Gwendolyn’s arms were pinned. She thought about what had happened to poor Edith. She leapt down the stairs and thrust her sword toward the top of the creature’s head. She could see a floating brain and eyes below the black, opaque surface. She aimed for the brain. She landed on her feet as the sword pierced the creature. With a cry of pain, her ankle gave way, and she tumbled down the stairs past Gwendolyn and the creature, leaving the sword behind.

“Nossy! Mom!” George dove to stop his mother’s fall down the stairs. He caught her with his chest, and they landed with a thud several feet below Kapnos. George could hear hissing from the creature, and then karlıova escort a wet explosion. He looked up to see Kapnos, covered in goo, scrambling away from what was left of the creature.

“Are you okay… Mrs. Valentine?” Anna stood and winced when she put weight on her right ankle.

“I think… I think…” Kapnos looked down at the mess on her bodice. She quickly tore the clothes off her. She would make new clothes later. She would need to add some mass, but that was fine. She wasn’t ever again using the part of her that was soaked in the Newest Guest’s vile liquids. “I need to wash myself.”

Anna blinked. How had the woman ripped her own clothes like that? Maybe it was superstrength brought on from the situation. She’d heard about things like that. “Do you need me to wash you?” Anna limped toward their new friend.

“No… no… I’ll do it.” Kapnos needed to leave behind her skin, too. But she couldn’t very well do that in front of the humans. “Let’s find rooms on this floor. I need some time to clean and… rest.”

“Yes, of course.” Anna reached for George to support her. She winced again. “And I’ll need to give my ankle a little rest before continuing.” She watched Gwendolyn rush off in her bra and panties, discarding her blackened gloves as she left. When she turned to her son, she saw the hungry look in his eyes. “Avert your eyes, George. The poor woman almost died.”

“Sorry, Mom.” He met her gaze and smiled with relief. “You saved Mrs. Valentine. You’re a hero.”

“I guess it runs in the family.” She found that her hand was shaking when she patted his backside. They gathered their things and followed Gwendolyn. George supported her weight as she leaned on him for a time. Then he picked her up and carried her to the safety of a barricaded room. It wasn’t lost on Anna that when he carried her across the threshold, they were mimicking a newlywed couple.


“Do you think Mrs. Valentine is okay?” Anna sat on the edge of the bed and put her face in her hands. She was still trembling. “Maybe I should go over and help her.”

“I think she wants to deal with it on her own.” George guessed that Kapnos was going to need to change into her true form to clean up. And he knew she needed absolute privacy for that. He kneeled in front of his mother and carefully removed her shoes and socks. “How’s the ankle?” He held her calf gently and raised her ankle. He kissed it softly and reverently.

“It hurts. But that… helps.” Anna pulled up her skirts, showing him lots of leg. More bare skin than was proper. But what did it matter now?

“I can feel you trembling, Mom. Does it hurt that bad?” George gently kissed the inside of her calf, slowly moving his lips up the inside of her leg.

“It’s just shock… I think. I… ooohhh… Georgie. Should we… do this now?” She lost sight of him as he kissed his way up the inside of her thigh and disappeared under her skirts.

“I was scared, too.” George pulled her panties to the side. He could smell the fruity pungency of her excitement. “I thought I might lose you, Mom.”

“I… didn’t say… I was frightened. Just shocked and… ooooohhhhhhhhhhh.” Anna arched her spine and fell back onto the bed. She gripped the blanket in her gloved fingers. Her son’s finger was inside her again. And his lips were on her little button.

“Mmmmmppphhhhhh.” George said around her clit.

“Uuuugghhhhhh… I don’t want to ruin… my clothes.” Anna’s legs were in the air, her toes pointing. Her ankle throbbed. “Undress me… before… you make me… squirt all over.”

George removed himself from her pussy and stood. He loosened her skirts and removed them with an uneven mix of haste and caution for her ankle. While he worked, she removed her gloves and frantically unbuttoned her bodice. He pulled off her panties and spared a long glance at the neatly trimmed triangle of blond hair between her legs. “I’m going to get undressed, too.”

“You’re right. I was frightened, sunshine. I still am. I want to forget those creatures. What they almost did to us. To poor Mrs. Valentine.” Anna removed her bodice and went to work on her bra. “I need to be close to you.” She bit her bottom lip, struggling with a decision. She tossed the bra away and unpinned her hair. She flung her hat to the floor and scooted backward onto the center of the bed. She watched her son frantically undress. When his voracious-looking penis came into view, she made up her mind. “Georgie?”

“Yeah, Mom?” George was down to just his socks. He paused and looked over at her. His mind reeled at the beauty of her flowing blond hair, large pale breasts hanging to either side of her chest, and wonderfully curvaceous body.

“What we did in the shower this morning was almost like intercourse.” She paused, judging his expression. He seemed eager. Of course he was. She almost smiled, but she was scared. Not fear of the Newest Guest and its creatures now. She was worried about what she had become, and what she would kars escort become with this decision. When he didn’t say anything, she continued. “There are condoms hidden in the bottom of an outside pocket in our pack. Fetch them.”

“You hid condoms?” George went over to the pack and placed it on the desk barricading the door.

“I picked some up along the way yesterday. When you weren’t looking. I… thought it best to be prepared. Just in case.” She watched his taut, lithe butt as he rummaged through the pack. “No, sunshine. The other pocket. You’ll find the condoms at the bottom.”

George found them. Two condoms were carefully tucked into a fold in the pocket. He pulled them out reverently, like they were worth a vast fortune. In reality, they were worth more than that to him. He turned back to his mother and held them up, triumphant. “Gods, you’re beautiful.”

“So are you.” Anna struggled to keep breathing. “Do you know how to put one on?”

George shook his head.

“You’ve slept with two women, and you don’t know how to put on a condom? I failed as a mother in this regard. Come here.” She beckoned him over, watching his rigid penis sway side to side as he leapt onto the bed and dropped to his knees next to her. His veiny thing hung cantilevered over her breasts. “Give me one.”

“Here.” George handed her a condom and tossed the other one onto the nightstand.

“Okay.” Anna tore the foil packet. Her fingers still trembled, but for entirely new reasons. She pulled the condom out and placed it at the tip of his penis. “Maybe I should have grabbed some bigger condoms.” How is this ever going to fit inside of me? She remembered how happy Delores had looked with his penis inside her. It would fit. Just as her son was learning about sex, she would have to relearn sex. “We have to roll it onto your penis like this.” She glanced at the sacred ring on her left hand and tried to banish the guilt that hit her. This is right. What we’re doing is getting us through this nightmare. It’s good for both of us. “Hmmmm… I’m having a hard time. The head of your thing is really wide. I haven’t tried to do this on a penis like yours before.”

George could plainly see that his mother was nervous. She had been through so much, and now she was plunging further into uncharted waters. “We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.”

“I want to, sunshine. It’s the condom that seems to have lost its nerve.” She continued to try and roll it without stretching it enough that it might break. “There we go. You roll it down the shaft just… like… that.” The condom was on. It looked like it wasn’t going to break. She exhaled. “Now get between my legs.”

George did, but not how she meant. He lowered his face to her pussy again and quickly inserted a finger.

“Oh… George… oooohhhhhhh… Georgie… I think I’m wet enough… we can start… ooohhhhhhhh.” She gripped the blanket and raised her face so she could look down at him greedily sucking on her clitoris. “You are sooooooooooo… giving… sunshine… you’ll make some woman… a very happy wife someday. Uuuuggghhhhhh… sooooooooooo… very happy… someday.” Her hips began rocking on their own. The pain in her ankle was completely forgotten as she crossed her legs behind his head.

“Mmmmmmmpppphhh.” George had learned some new tricks about his mother’s pussy that Kapnos hadn’t shown him. He could make her hips buck when he nibbled very gently on her clit. He hoped Kapnos was by now clean and listening to the wall as his mother’s wails grew louder and louder.

Propped up on her elbows, Anna watched her son work her vagina like a skilled maestro playing a beloved violin. Pride and awe swirled in her heart. A tempest of ecstasy churned in her mind. “Oooohhhhhh… Georgie… ooooohhhhhhhh… gods… it’s happening again… you’re going to… uuuuuugggghhhhhhhhhh.” She shook violently as her orgasm erupted, eyes rolling back and head dropping to the mattress. Her mind spun like a twisting cloud of dust in an ecstatic nebula. When she came back to herself, her son’s face hovered over hers, and his penis and heavy testicles rested on her gently curving belly. She could see her stuff dripping off his nose. She had made a mess of him again. “I… better… help you find… the right hole.” Her face twitched with the aftershocks of pleasure.

“Yeah, okay.” George lowered his hips and let the head of his dick rest against her pussy. There was no doubt in his mind that they would get off that hotel. They had to. The universe couldn’t extinguish a woman as perfect as his mother.

“I’m going to… put it in.” Anna reached down and grasped his penis. She brought it to the right place and held it there. “Now push forward… uuuggghhhhhhh… slowly! Slowly, slowly!” Fiery pain seized her vagina as he stretched her. She slammed her legs down on the bed, which brought more pain from her damaged ankle. Anna grimaced. When she saw the look of concern on his cum-covered face, she tried to give him karşıyaka escort a reassuring smile. “It’s okay. After everything that’s happened… in this hotel… I want to… be close to you. If this doesn’t work… uuugghhhhhh… at least we’ll know what it’s like to have you… inside me again. Now… push just a little more… uuuurrrrggghhhhhhhh… rrrrrrrggghhhhhhhhhhh.”

“Mom?” George stared at this mother. His whole eighteen years of existence, she had always been perfectly composed and proper. Now she was… snarling. His sweet, confident mother was naked under him, writhing with a definite snarl twisting her lips. He didn’t think this was pleasure, but continued the steady, slow pressure with his hips. He prayed she’d adjust. Kapnos hadn’t warned him that he wouldn’t fit. He tried to remember what she’d said when she thought he’d already slept with his mom. Kapnos had said something about how tight his mother was. This was expected. “Are you adjusting yet?”

“Rrrraaaaoooorrrrrrrrrrr.” Anna tossed her head and stared at her son like she was a caged animal. “Rrrrrrrrrgggghhhhhhhhhhh… you’re… going to break me… break me… break me. How did… Mrs. Salazar… do this?”

“It was like this for her at first, too.” George lied. It was a white lie for sure. He tried not to feel bad for stating mistruths at such a vulnerable moment for both of them. His mother was tight, she would adjust. “She said her husband was much smaller than me.”

“Like… your father… gods.” Anna found her breathing the way she’d been taught in her pregnancy classes. The last time she’d used that technique was over eighteen years ago, but she found herself falling right back into it. The pain started to dissipate as her muscles relaxed. “Put… all of it… in… and let’s see what we’re working with.” She continued her specialized breathing and nodded encouragement at him.

“Sure.” George delved deeper into his mother. When he bottomed out, her eyes rolled back, and she convulsed. That looked like pleasure. He smiled. She was adjusting. It was going to work.

“That spot… uuuggghhhhhh… you found… a spot… deep inside me… oooohhhhhhhhh… George… the head of your thing… is pressed against… pressed… pressed… eeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.” Ecstasy swirled through her, mixing with the pain and carrying it away.

“Wow… Mom…” George put his hands on her delicate shoulders and lifted himself up so he could take in the beauty of her orgasm. Her heavy breasts rippled and shook on either side of her chest. The muscles in her neck strained. Her face was twisted by what was now clearly pleasure. This was the first orgasm his cock would give her. He tried very hard to memorize all of it. Although, he was sure, it wouldn’t be the last. “Are you cumming, Mom?” He wanted to hear her say it.

“Nnnnnggggggggggg,” Anna said.

“Oh, well.” George sighed. He pulled out slowly and pressed back into her again and again. He gazed down at the way the pink of her pussy exposed itself with each backstroke. The seal she made around his dick was perfectly tight. She was stretched for the girth of his cock, but not a smidgeon more. “So beautiful.” Under his fingers, he could feel the muscles in her shoulders tense and relax with each thrust. The only thing tarnishing a perfect moment was the condom. He couldn’t feel much with it on. It didn’t matter, his mother was fast approaching her second orgasm. He would rather drive her crazy with pleasure than satisfy his dick.

“Oooohhhhhhhh… sunshine… sunshine… oooohhhhhhhh… you’re filling my vagina with sunshine… eeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiii.” Anna gripped her son’s strong arms, digging her nails into his flesh. There were no gloves between them. No clothes at all. No social conventions. The only barrier was the condom. “I feel… so good… I can’t believe… I can feel… this good… I’m going to… climax… again.”

“Tell me you’re… ugh… ugh… going to cum, Mom.” He sped up his hips a little. It seemed like her pain was in the past.

“No dirty talk… right now… I just… uuuuggghhhhhhhhh… want to be here… with you… my… perfect… Georgie.” Without thinking, Anna pulled him down so that their warm bellies pressed delightfully together. She lifted her head and touched her lips to his. “Kiss… me.”

George didn’t need to be asked twice. He planted his lips firmly on hers and explored her mouth with his tongue. It seemed the attack on the stairway had pushed her across several bright lines. And they weren’t ever going back. He was sure of that. Her tongue danced with his at first, but then an orgasm overtook her. Her moans and screams were muffled by his mouth as he greedily kissed her, continuing to steadily hump with long steady strokes.

“Mmmmppphhhhhhhh… mmmmmpppphhhhhhhhh.” Anna’s hips bucked into her son’s, pushing him to a faster tempo. As she came down from another soaring climax, she didn’t know if her vagina could take harder thrusting from the vigorous, teenage penis, but her body seemed to have plans of its own. His tongue was still in her mouth. She twirled and played with it, their tongues learning to dance together for the first time. Her feet bounced in the air with their increasing tempo. Her fingers pressed into his back, pulling his lean chest into her soft breasts.

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