Miss Andrea Pt. 02


Miss Andrea, part 2

A short story by J.K. Ermon (jokermon)

This is a piece of erotic fantasy fiction for the entertainment of adults only. It features explicit futanari (hermaphrodite) content. Do not read this if that’s not your thing or if your local laws prohibit it. The content is entirely the product of the author’s imagination and is not meant to represent any real-life people, events, or medical conditions. Do not repost without permission. This story is copyright©2003 the author.

Author’s note: This was second futa story I ever posted.



She saw him through the window just as she was finishing up her first day. He was sitting cross-legged at the company’s courtyard fountain with a laptop balanced on his knees. He was chewing his lip as his fingers flew on the keys, staring intently at the words appearing on the screen. It was incongruous with his navy janitor’s coveralls. Maura guessed his words-per-minute score must be better than half the women in the office. The office girl that had been training her caught her staring as she put down her Cosmo.

“Oh that one.” Samantha rolled her eyes. She did that a lot. “Gorgeous, and fantastic in bed, believe me. Judy’s got him now.”


“Judy. You know, our Miss Universe.” She nodded vengefully toward a beautiful blonde woman snarling at her computer. Judy’s big breasts, pressing through her crisp white top and faintly visible bra, shook with ire.

“Don’t worry. You’ll get your chance. Judy’ll get bored with him pretty soon. Michael’s way too educated. Unless you want to talk about philosophy and litter-a-choor for like, hours, forget about a third date. He thinks he’s some kind of writer.”

It was quitting time and Maura saw the office workers begin filtering out for the day, their moods brightening as soon as the afternoon sunshine hit them. The young man closed his laptop and disappeared through a door marked Maintenance Only. He was tall, Maura noticed, with very broad shoulders and slim hips.


The next day she was leaving early and before she knew it, she was standing behind him, watching his words unspool across the screen. His hands were very broad, with fine little hairs on his long fingers between each knuckle.

It’s unlike anything I’ve ever known. So many major discoveries, and lots of little odd ones, too. I’m having more sex and wilder sex than I’ve ever had in my life before. I find myself eagerly doing things like going down on Her or begging Her to fuck me, that I never thought I’d be doing. I love it all. I can’t believe how hot She makes me.

Maura felt her cheeks start to burn. Is this fiction? she wondered.

One of the other pleasant little discoveries is that I’m really clicking with Judy. She’s got a lot on the ball on top of being a total knockout. She never bothered with college after high school because she was too busy living. Like me, she’s 23, but she’s experienced twice as much. She’s actually been married, had and lost a child. She has so much depth. I have no idea how I missed it before. Actually, I know exactly how – I was too busy spouting off, trying to put my fancy-ass degree as a shield between me and all these other people just working their lives away without the hassle of a creative calling. Trying to convince myself that I wasn’t going to be working crappy jobs like this the rest of my life. That’s one of the things I was still carrying around from my parents that I wasn’t even aware of until She pointed it out — that shitty tendency to judge people by the number of initials after their names.

His fingers paused. Her mind raged with curiosity. She drew a silent breath, praying he wouldn’t stop or turn around. He didn’t.

Another odd thing is that what’s happening between Judy and I doesn’t affect how either of us relate to Her. She approves. That’s the biggest of these new discoveries, the fact that I have no idea what the rules are now. I’ve always been in control and now I’m not, but instead of feeling terrified, like everything’s spiraling out of control, I’ve never felt happier or more content. That’s what’s weird about the whole thing. I have no say as to where this is going, and, oddly, this gives me a sense of security. I guess I trust Her. It’s too early to talk about love yet, but I don’t rule that out, either

“It’s rude to screenwatch.” He was looking right at her suddenly. His eyes were very blue and lit with a restless intelligence. They were also very annoyed.

“Oh! I’m…sorry.” Maura was flustered. “You were just…there…”

His annoyance faded as he took her in. She knew what he was seeing–a pretty, elfin girl of 19 dressed in her office clothes with a French-braided mass of fine Irish auburn. Suddenly her snug, smart skirt felt a little too tight and the pumps that accentuated her swimmer’s legs too brazen. Men always found Maura attractive. To her dismay, she saw he was no different. He kağıthane escort was standing and extending his hand.

“I’m Michael.”

“Maura.” She shook his hand numbly — his grip was strong, warm and dry — and he held onto her a fraction of a second too long. All of a sudden, she was back in the place she never wanted to be again. She could smell the metallic furnace room of that tacky club, hear the excited yells of drunken boys, feel her heart pound with her fear-sustained sprint, and shiver with her narrow escape into the December streets in her prom gown. She felt her eyes go wide as a lemur’s and she snatched her hand back.

“I’m sorry,” she blurted, “I’ve…got to go.” She turned and almost fled. She could feel him watching her. She bet he was staring at her ass. Her ass was firm and muscular and beautiful and right now she hated it.


Two weeks later, Andrea invited Maura to a party.

“You know most of the people who work here commute in from the ‘burbs, honey. Well, every now and then some of us city-dwellers get together to blow off a little steam, have a good yak and let our hair down a bit.”

Maura had changed in that time. First of all, she had decided she adored this odd, dumpy young woman with the dark coppery skin, scintillating green eyes and ancient horn-rims. Andrea had taken her under her wing on her first day and made Maura feel more relaxed and comfortable than she would have thought possible. She was a natural teacher and had Maura on her feet in the hectic office environment in no time.

She was also easily the brightest and most exciting conversationalist in the place. Maura noticed she also seemed to be particularly close to a few of the other office girls — Judy, Monique, and a stunning brunette from accounting Maura had never met — and she guessed she was being invited into their circle. They were some of the most attractive women in the company.

It was odd that Andrea was the center of their circle. As a late-blooming ugly duckling, Maura knew the good-looking girls as a rule didn’t consort with the less attractive ones. She guessed Andrea’s natural charisma could overcome most anything.

She decided she should feel flattered. It would be fun to pal around with Andrea outside work. After all, it was entirely because of her she was feeling so calm and settled into her new job and, by extension, her new life in this city.

“I’d love to come,” Maura said warmly, then added with a smirk, “Ms. Andrea.”

“That’s Miss Andrea, hussy,” she mock-scolded, smiling, “and don’t you forget it.” Andrea astounded her by giving her a playful swat on the tush. Maura yipped in surprise and delight. Coming from her it was funny. On the bus home, she was deep into her book when she realized that was the most physical anyone had gotten with her since she’d lost her virginity, and it had felt perfectly okay. It was a good thought.

Hey, at this rate, I’ll be able to hold hands by the time I’m thirty, she thought whimsically. I should be able to have sex with an actual human by menopause.

From the dozens of inconsequential pats and touches that seemed as much a part of her vocabulary as words, Maura got the impression Andrea was a very physical, contact-oriented person. The office atmosphere was somewhat restrained, but Maura sensed Andrea was the type to normally greet friends with hugs, and perhaps even kisses. She thought about being hugged by her; Andrea always smelled good and Maura imagined her embrace would be soft and comfy. It gave her a warm feeling.


She looked forward to the party with a great deal of anticipation, and on that night, without really thinking about it, put on a sexy little dress and her party heels for the first time in ages. She decided she would live it up for once.

Andrea lived in a funky old Victorian monstrosity that was every bit eclectic as its owner. She had strung up Christmas lights in every room so the place was lit up like an enchanted kingdom. Andrea was its undisputed Faerie Queen. Maura simply couldn’t believe her eyes when she saw her. For the first time Andrea wasn’t wearing some potato sack cardigan and ankle-skirt combo. The other women had, like Maura, all decided to dress up in daring, revealing outfits, and some considerably more outrageous, as she spotted Monique’s miniscule crop-top and miniskirt set. Andrea, however, outdid them all in an outrageous billowing Hawaiian grass skirt that ended just above her knees, a pair of glossy mauve platform stilettos and a fluorescent yellow bikini top. Her eccentric rhinestone glasses added the perfect touch of absurdity.

Her outfit was startling enough, but the body inside it took Maura’s breath away as she swayed up to greet her.

“You’re a knockout!” Maura blurted out and promptly blushed, feeling like a gauche idiot. Andrea just laughed heartily and welcomed her with a warm hug and a wet smack kaman escort of her generous lips against Maura’s cheek.

Minutes later Maura’s whole body was still tingling with the sensation of that kiss and those massive breasts pressing softly into her.

“Gorgeous, isn’t she?” Monique startled her, handing her a drink. Maura had been watching Andrea talking to a couple of the others, holding a tray of some delicious canapés.

“I had no idea…” Maura gulped her drink and felt a rush of some very potent rum concoction glow all the way down to her tummy.

“No one ever does. It’s a good thing she dresses down for the office. No one would ever get any work done.”

Every time her eyes wandered away from some feature of her host’s magnificent body, another part would draw her eyes right back. Andrea’s belly was taut and gently convex below her heavy breasts. The skimpy bikini top barely covered her nipples, which bulged through the fabric; the smooth bulk of her breasts swelled in every direction around it and the whole works seemed about to burst free any second. Her legs were curvy and muscled, thicker than Maura’s, but every bit as toned. The grass skirt was slung low on generous hips, which swooped up into a dainty waist. Maura doubted her host’s waist was any wider than her own. Her hair, freed from its usual authoritarian bun, was dark and thick and shot through with red-gold highlights.

She’s like some lush pin-up brought to life, Maura thought. Like in those sexy magazines my brother kept under his bed.

She eventually realized she was ogling her like some horny teenage boy and laughed a bit and shook her head. She tossed back her drink and decided she was going to have a great time.

There was plenty to drink and Andrea had prepared some spicy West Indian dishes. It was a fairly intimate party, less than a dozen women were there in all. No one had brought any boyfriends, so it looked like this was going to be a ladies-only affair. Maura relaxed and made merry. She got tipsy, and when they got the sound system set up, shook her booty with the other office girls on the impromptu dance floor on the tiny back patio. There was much bumping of hips and Maura was feeling free and exhilarated.

She squealed with happy embarrassment as the gorgeous brunette from accounting — Cora, that was her name — seized her hips from behind and began mock-humping her, clapping her silk-sheathed pelvis against Maura’s fine firm buns. For some reason the other girls thought this was particularly hilarious and the whole dance floor cracked up, Maura included. She felt high and alive.

Around ten o’clock Judy showed up with Michael in tow. She looked great in a barely-there red dress and he was casually handsome in a blazer and jeans. Maura took a deep breath and strode up to them to properly apologize and introduce herself. They spoke, and in two minutes, Maura had added both of them to her short list of people worth talking to at work. When she asked about his writing, he shyly mentioned he had just finished his first novel, was hard at work on a second one, and was waiting to hear back from some publishers so he could ‘rack up some rejection slips.’

“Oh listen to this one,” said Judy, slapping his shoulder and then brushing a lock of his chestnut hair out of his eyes. “It’s the best thing I’ve read in ages,” she said emphatically, saying this to Michael as much as Maura, “They’ll be breaking his door down, and he’s all like, ‘Oh, I just hope it gets printed before I’m fifty.’ He’s so damn silly.”

“And good looking,” Maura chipped in, surprising herself.

“Yes, that too,” Judy said, kissing him. He kissed her back and dropped a hand to her sumptuous rear for a squeeze. She slapped his hand away, but only after she’d let him get a good feel. To her wonder, Maura felt a tremor of envy and–yes–desire. It had been so long, she almost didn’t recognize the feeling.

“That’s enough,” Michael groaned, “I need a beer to cut all this progesterone.”

She could not get over the fact this young man was a janitor.

“It’s brainless work,” Judy explained while Michael was gone, “it keeps him occupied physically, provides a paycheck, and leaves his mind free to come up with stuff. He started teaching after college, but it was just too much. He’d come home after thinking on his feet all day and there’d be nothing left.”

Maura nodded, thinking about how she still had so much to figure out about her own life and where it was going. She also wondered if what Samantha said was true — that Judy and Michael wouldn’t be an item much longer. She doubted it, they were such a great couple, but selfishly she sort of wished it were true. She was feeling fearless and randy enough to finally think about having a boyfriend.

Maybe 2 or 3 boyfriends, she thought laughingly to herself, and a couple of girlfriends, too!

Maura kept on surprising herself kapaklı escort tonight. She seemed as full of surprises as Andrea.


The party moved on into the wee hours. Maura socialized, made friends, danced and drank herself into a great buzz. Gradually, others left, leaving Maura, Judy, Michael, Cora and of course Miss Andrea talking in a cozy circle.

Around 1:00am, Andrea got up and smiling at everyone in turn, said, “Alright, my babies, the floorshow is about to begin.”

“Finally!” Cora said eagerly, sitting up.

“Floorshow?” asked Maura.

“We’ll need some incense. Judy, could you get the Damascus ambergris from the sideboard? About six sticks should do, I think.”

Judy dashed off and people were clearing chairs and dropping cushions on the floor. Andrea disappeared into a side room. Maura helped the others, her curiosity more than piqued.

“Miss Andrea is going to dance for us,” explained Michael when she asked. She noticed everyone was extremely enthused about this. “When she feels very comfortable and close to certain people, she dances for them. It’s just something she does. She’s a great dancer and she loves performing for people she likes.”

They all sat cross-legged on the floor. Judy was practically bouncing in place.

“Oh, this is gonna be good. She always gets really into it. She’s so hot.”

That last remark gave Maura a little pause.

The lights had been dimmed so the Christmas bulbs alone lit the living room with a multi-hued, mystic ambience. Somebody cranked the stereo and the room shook with the beat of tabla drums and thrummed with sitars. The incense curled into the air from several burning censers, flooding Maura’s senses with its exotic sensuality. Coupled with all the booze she’d consumed, her head felt like it was pleasantly filling with helium, like she’d just taken a long hit on some potent hashish.

Into this hazy atmosphere, Andrea emerged. Maura gasped out loud; the others whooped and cheered.

She had changed into a clinging silk robe that came down to mid-thigh, tightly hugging every curve. It was covered with a psychedelic blend of startlingly explicit prints from the Kama Sutra. It was layered, opaque across the hips, but nearly transparent in other places and the absence of any panty lines or bra straps showed she was clearly naked beneath it. The shadowy circles of her wide areolas were clearly visible. The whole effect was blatantly erotic, and more revealing than her grass skirt outfit. It bulged oddly across her loins and Maura guessed there was fabric she couldn’t see, perhaps a belt, bundled and knotted on the inside. Of course, she still had her glasses on. It just added to her sexy flair.

She moved into the room already dancing, and Maura’s jaw dropped as she drank it in. Her body was undulating, shaking and swaying in ways she didn’t think were possible. Andrea kept the beat effortlessly, dancing completely freeform, now blending elements of eastern belly dancing, now throwing in some pure stripper’s bump-and-grind. Her breasts shook wildly, and her ass jiggled as she turned and stuck it out at them, wiggling. Maura felt herself flushing, and gulped the last of her drink. She grinned and laughed helplessly. It was all so wonderful.

The others were laughing too, hooting and clapping, urging Andrea on. She danced closer and both Michael and the other women grabbed playfully for her, but she teased them by dancing away, just out of reach. Getting into the spirit of things, Maura grabbed for her too, and was laughingly evaded. Andrea blew them all kisses and with the utmost seductiveness, began tugging at the fastenings of her robe.

“Oh yeah!” yelled Cora, “Take it off!”

“Yeah!” laughed Maura, “Take it all off!”

Then a knot came loose and suddenly Andrea was bare to the waist. Her breasts were there, naked and unmistakable, beautiful in their smooth, blimp-like rondure. Her maroon nipples stood erect and fat, at least an inch long.

Maura sat bolt upright, astounded. The others were applauding wildly. Michael had his fingers in his mouth and was blaring a wolf whistle.

Andrea danced closer again and again, her audience eagerly reached out to touch her. Only — this time she didn’t tease. Right in front of Maura’s disbelieving eyes, Judy reached out and cupped a big handful of Andrea’s right breast. Still pumping and gyrating her hips, Andrea smiled broadly down at her as she fondled and caressed her. Cora filled her hand with Andrea’s left breast, then rose to her knees and sucked her big nipple into her mouth. Andrea laughed out loud, saying, “That’s my good baby,” as she cradled Cora’s head close.

It was only when Michael tried to pull down the rest of her robe, still bunched down about her hips that she disengaged with a laugh and danced away. She wriggled over to Maura who was completely flabbergasted when she brushed those large breasts across her face. Their warmth and softness ignited something deep inside her, and she knew her face was burning as red as her hair. She felt faint.

Maura could see the mystery bulge at Andrea’s hips was definitely bigger. She was grinding her hips at them, running her thumbs teasingly under the topmost edge of the robe.

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