Femboy to Fembot Ch. 01


Note: This sci-fi cyberpunk forced feminization story is slightly dark and not for everyone. Enjoy!

~~~~~ ~~~~~

Transhumanism would eventually turn out well; everyone was sure of it. But for now, Casey, a freelance hacker, was stuck in the present, living in a crappy 70th story apartment next to the megatower’s cyber-brothel. At least the interior neon lights in this one were working, unlike the last place.

Rent was cheap; of course it was, the prostitutes were hard at work next door at all hours of the night, and every other week some drunk guy got the wrong address and knocked on Casey’s door instead.

In the middle of making breakfast, he got a message on his government-issued Citypad; he pulled the slender tablet out of his pocket and checked it.

You are being arrested; do not resist., it read.

He didn’t feel very arrested at the moment. Maybe it was a wrong number. Then he saw the balloon-shaped drone floating outside his window shining a laser on him, and his door opened upward as a bulky military cyborg stomped closer and closer.

One bonk on the head with the Unconsciousness Stick was all it took.

~~~~~ ~~~~~

He woke up, and the first thing he saw was the most gorgeous office he’d ever seen. It was a good thirty feet wide and just as long, and with no random access panels or neon lights; it looked like an eighteenth century marvel with its crystal chandelier, polished mahogany walls, bookshelves…

…And he himself was in an oversized stainless steel birdcage five feet in front of a towering desk, behind which sat an imposing woman with pink hair and an artificial eye that glowed with a menacing green ring.

“Oh good,” she said. She spoke with the voice of a businesswoman with the wealth and power of someone much older than herself. It was hard to tell how old she was. Twenty-five? Fifty? Either way, she was beautiful, and Casey was afraid.

“I swear,” he said, “Whatever this is, you got the wrong guy!”

“Do you remember when we met?” she asked.

“I’ve never seen you before in my life!”

“Quite the contrary,” she said as she stood up. She was tall, and wearing a fine red dress that outlined her lively figure. “I saw you visiting the cyber-brothel last week. And it was then that I knew I had to have you.”

“Who are you?” Casey asked.

“Miranda. The owner of the megatower you live in. And about five others. It’s not too often I take a stroll among the riff-raff, but the debauchery down below… It honestly excites me. I didn’t intend to build the city’s best brothels, but I’ll gladly take the honor.”

“Did I do something to you? If I did something to one of your systems, it was a complete accident,” he said as he silently prayed that one of his hacking gigs didn’t piss her off.

“Oh, nothing at all,” she said. “In fact, I should apologize; I’m the one about to do all manner of unspeakable things to you.”

“Why me?”

“In all honesty, because you’re cute. Look, I help move this country forward; my real estate and robotics empires pay for so much of the infrastructure and innovation we use every day. Am I not entitled to my own debauchery? Am I not entitled to something to keep me sane as I strain myself to improve so many lives through my work?”

Casey came to one conclusion; this hot rambling capitalist lady was insane, and he had to get out. He tried the door of the Cihangir travesti bird cage; it was completely locked. She at least had the sense to do that. The bars wouldn’t bend either. He knocked his body against the side, hoping he could knock it over and maybe break the latch or something, but the immensely heavy weighted bottom of the cage stopped him. How did she even get it in there to begin with if it was that heavy?

“Alright. You can stop,” she said with a little amusement. “I think I should tell you exactly what’s going to happen.”

“What will happen?”

“I’ll have fun as I modify you on a whim and use you for whatever I like. You’ll start to enjoy it after a while. Have you ever thought about becoming a sexbot? I think it would quite suit you. We have the drugs and parts for it.”

The horror crept in. He was going to get all sorts of implants and then she’d use him in all kinds of perverse ways. He flashed back to his most recent brothel visit, where he banged a robot girl with one of those not quite sentient AIs installed; he prayed he’d manage to escape before he turned into one of those. But at worst, he suspected he’d keep his free will. Nobody found a way to take that from people yet.

“Tell me, how do you feel about becoming my plaything? It won’t be so bad.”

“Can you please pick someone else? Someone other than me? I have skills and a life and I can be useful–“

“–That’s what makes it so good. You’re quite the hacker. You’d be good on one of my security teams. But the joy I’ll get from locking you up and keeping you as a robotic toy outweighs that. And my continued sanity is what makes me such an effective ruler…”

The befuddlement was fading and slowly being replaced with pure contempt. He made one last bash against the side of his cage, hoping he could bust through the door and make a break for it.

“I don’t cheap out on the cages,” Miranda said. “This one even comes with knockout gas. Here, see?”

She flipped open a panel on her desk and tapped the bright display, and the cage started to hiss. Pink gas surged out from the top of the cage, blasting Casey right in the face. He tried to hold his breath, but he felt woozy anyway. His body went loose and limp, and as he tried to make one last pathetic push against the cage door, he blacked out.

~~~~~ ~~~~~

He woke up briefly with some immensely bright light in his face, and his head, mouth, and neck hurt so much… Then there was a sharp pain in his chest, and it all went black again.

~~~~~ ~~~~~

Casey woke up naked in a padded cell. The colorful, spacious room was full of enormous plushies, pillows, and even some cat toys. His neck ached, as did the top of his head. And something was around his neck. The only thing that wasn’t padded was a glass observation window seven feet up.

A panel of padding opened up, and Miranda stepped in, wearing a cozy pink dress and a long pair of thick, white socks. Before it closed, Casey caught a glimpse of a white, brightly-lit robotics lab.

“How are you liking your new ears?” she asked while waving the back side of a Victorian-era hand mirror around. He didn’t hear it in the usual place, and his hearing was sharper than usual. Instead, it entered somewhere above his head, and in panic, he groped around…

Cat ears. Titanium cat ears. She replaced his ears with cat ears. Cihangir travestileri His old ears were nowhere to be found. And most unnerving of all, this wasn’t a sloppy implant; there were artificial nerves in there, fully integrated with the rest of his body, so he felt his hands touching the warm metal of his ears.

She held up her Victorian hand mirror, with which he viewed himself in shock. Cute white cat ears with neon pink circuit lines on them.

Casey clumsily stood up and spoke, but the voice that came out wasn’t his own. The robotic voice of a mechanical catgirl said, “What… What’s happening?”

“Enjoying your new voice too?”

God dammit. He wasn’t going to get out of here unscathed.

“I just wanted to have a play session with you before I did anything else. After all, every good kitten needs her playtime, right?”

His attention went to the pink collar around his neck; he experimented with it. No clasps. It was just a ring of tight aluminum.

“It took me a few hours to do all the surgeries and make all the repairs, but I’m so, so delighted by the results. Look at yourself! What a cute kitty…”

He spoke, again in his new robot catgirl voice. “Can you please stop messing with me without my permission?”


“Okay, can you at least–“

“I do love your shock and anger. It really makes me tingle with that sensual naughtiness I love.”

“Is this what you want? Do you want to turn me into a robot?”

“Almost. Now, voice your objections all you like, but in today’s play session, your body is going to be nice and obedient, and you’ll do whatever I command. Otherwise the sedatives in your new synthetic voice box will knock you out and I’ll drag you to the torture room. Do we have an understanding?”

“I… yes.”

There was no clear way out. It was almost like she had a bomb planted inside him. He was modified, collared, trapped, and had knockout drugs inside him just waiting to be released.

He spoke again. “But I’m just letting you know, you’re one of the craziest corpoheads I’ve ever met!”

“Please let me know every complaint you have,” she said seductively as she crouched in front of him. “It’s simply more opportunities for me to hear that lovely voice of yours.”

She was getting off on his struggle!

“Now sit down against the wall…”

He reluctantly obeyed, but only because the potency of her threats outweighed his chances of overpowering her, breaking out of the cell, breaking out of the lab, and miraculously escaping without being knocked out by the drugs that were literally inside him.

As he obeyed, he remembered that he was naked; the implants and the terror distracted him so much that he forgot his dick was out, just hanging there for her to see. He tucked it between his legs and put a hand over it.

She grabbed one of the room’s many teddy bears. It was a pink, fuzzy one about two feet tall.

“Now hold this,” she said as she handed it to him. He hugged it; he didn’t have a choice. If this were any other situation, he would have been delighted to own a lovely teddy bear like this.

She backed up and pulled out a rose gold-colored tablet with a camera attached.

“I want you to clutch that teddy bear tight, okay? But show your collar and ears off to the camera. And do a better job hiding that cock of yours, my synthetic eye can Travesti cihangir still see it in that little gap between your legs.”

He obeyed. The teddy bear’s warm fabric pressed against his bare chest and stomach, and he adjusted it so that the stuffed critter’s big head was over to the side, letting her camera see the full extent of his collar and the cat ear implants. Then there was a click of the camera and a flash, and he felt vulnerable as his naked body was photographed.

“Oh, you’re so cute… I’m going to print this out and put it in my bedroom. What a cute kitty you are…”

She took a couple more photos from slightly different angles. The forced exhibitionism was starting to make his cock tingle.

“Now, go pick up a pillow and sit down again,” she said.

“If I obey, will you eventually let me go?”

“It’s too late for that. But some… alternative arrangements might be reached, if my whims desire it.”

“Like what?”

“I’ll discuss it if I feel like it. But I don’t right now. So pick up that pillow.”

He set down the teddy bear and picked up a small, pink pillow with a heart in the middle.

“Now, spread your legs. Put that pillow in front of that erection of yours, and pose teasingly with it.”

He obeyed, smiling for the camera as he flirtatiously held the pillow in front of his now-erect cock. Another flash, and more degradation.

“Now I want you to crawl towards me,” she said. “Put that pillow down and slowly, slowly crawl to me while I take a few pictures.”

He set the pillow down and got on his hands and knees. She crouched and took a photo. He moved closer to her, his erection waving and his rigid collar jiggling. She took a few more pictures, some higher up, and some lower down below his head where his erection was visible.

He eventually made it to her, and he couldn’t crawl forward any more, so he came to a stop.

“Good girl,” she said, and she rubbed his ears, making his head tingle with delight. It was better than having his normal ears rubbed… maybe there were more artificial nerves in there? Maybe the nerves were just better? He had no idea.

“Now I want you to lay on your back,” she commanded. Casey obeyed, and she leaned forward over his naked body.

“Don’t show those photos to anyone, please,” he said.

“No guarantees,” she said as she took another photo of him splayed out on the padded floor.

She reached forward and touched his erection, making him shiver with arousal.

“Ah… You know, you do have a nice cock.”

“Thanks?” he said, not knowing how to take the compliment.

“Shame you won’t have one in a few days.”

Panic went through Casey, and he was paralyzed with dread as she teased his shaft with her fingernails.

“You’re gonna be the cutest catgirl robot anyone’s ever seen,” she said. “And you can’t walk around with this thing if you’re a catgirl robot!”

She gripped his shaft and held it tight, not moving her hand. It was smooth yet powerful; Casey wondered if she had artificial muscles in there.

“Hmmm,” she said as she squeezed his shaft, relaxing her grip and clenching it again. “Do I really want to use this? Or just knock you out now and say goodbye to it…”

He waited in anticipation for her to decide as she held her tablet and took a picture of his face and his erection.

“Mmmm, I think I’ll just knock you out and feminize you. See you tomorrow.”

She tapped her tablet, and a warm sensation spread through his neck and up into his head. He fell unconscious in seconds…

~~~~~ ~~~~~

Thank you for reading! More parts are on the way soon. Check out my profile for more stories and other goodies.

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